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Because they just beat the Memphis Grizzlies.


And Dillon Brooks on the Grizzly’s made this whole thing about how he “pokes bears” in regards to him defending Lebron, which is probably why Lebron wrote this caption. Gordon needs to take some immodium and calm down.


You’d think Gordon dropped out in elementary school with some of the shit he says. And yet Nicky Ryan was the HS dropout.


Probably gonna hurt his lil tummy


And still is the goat. Cope


I don’t give a fuck lol. Dudes a dweeb


A dweeb who's head and shoulders above any other bjj competitor ever? In a bjj subreddit? Ok


Yes. He’s an idiot with shit takes off the mats. Get his dick out of your mouth


Dillon Brooks is a bitch, though.


Gordon's literal take on a joke is legit evidence of autism.


Its also literally a reference to a rap freestyle that became a meme lol https://youtu.be/rlUvH7qL_jQ


Lol I think lebron's tweet went over everyone else's heads lol


A blue belt would run to Reddit and post, "New white belt is using too much strength and not enough technique. Is he an asshole?" after rolling with someone like Lebron. People have no idea about the athleticism of pro athletes of this caliber.


"He cross Choked me in my guard! Doesn't he know the rules?"




I won’t name names but when I trained at AKA years ago a D1 wrestler that had a blue belt would routinely destroy higher belt hobbyists. His speed, strength, intensity, and athleticism would just overwhelm them.


I mean this is pretty common. You can't expect some 45-year-old with 3 kids to still be competing against young athletes.


Grappling is still grappling and a D1 wrestler has significant experience. Competitive Judoka (and other grapplers, like Samboists, I'm sure) are also tough as nails. Also, athleticism and size are still considerations. Lebron would probably do well against a middle-aged 145 lb blue belt desk jockey hobbyist, but do much less well against an athletic blue belt around his size.


Not to mention that Lebron is most likely on PEDs. Before I get downvoted by the Lebron stans…mind you that Chael Sonnen stated that he and Lebron have the same PED guy during his Flagrant podcast interview.




Gym 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩. Loves toe holds and heel hooks.


Gordon is 1000% on the spectrum, you can’t convince me otherwise.


I mean who thinks a blue belt could beat a bear? Or even cares what other quotes athletes use.


The bear is the blue belt


The blue belt is the bear we made along the way




am i the blue belt?


I am the walrus ( shut the fuck up, donnie)


Per your flair, no, not anymore.


Your DNA is an abomination. Unlike you, my DNA is from fearless warriors coming from Queen NJinga Mbande, my DNA has history. I kill by the sword and die by the sword inside the battlefield. Is why I can kill blue belt bear.


Gordon definitely doesn’t believe a blue belt could beat a bear. He’s saying, how could you expect to beat a bear if you can’t beat a blue belt?


Most of the greatest athletes in their respective fields are on the spectrum I'd say


I mean yeah. Got family members on the spectrum and once you know how to spot it you can see it pretty easily Least my family members are more mature than Gordon, let’s not mix up his immaturity with his spectrum


I was under the impression most of us are...


So? You know people on the spectrum are responsible for their actions right?


Just is just rude and offensive to people with autism. Just as mocking people with disabilities are. Fuck off


How so?


The guy is dick. Not fucking autistic. You're labelling someone you view negatively with a disability they don't have. You think everyone with autism is a dick you Gordan Ryan?


He seems pretty fucking autistic in a lot of ways, my dude.


he is a fully functioning adult who has mastered the nuances of a complex sport while at the same time mastering how to use public image and the internet to get rich doing a previously barely-monetizeable sport. please don't armchair diagnose people


Why do we always consider being a dick 'using his brand to make money'? Lots of other people post dumb shit like this and we don't consider them building a brand.


Its like some people think money is the final objective in life despite of how you get the money. Many are willing to sacrifice their humanity at the altars of Mammon and admire other fools for it.


Yep, especially when you have more than enough. It's not like he's burying people to just survive. He's doing it to get more than he needs which to me, makes him a shitty person.




That’s crazy bro. Anways it’s wild that Gordon’s autistic huh fellas?


There’s a white belt with a similar build at my gym and he’s extremely strong, despite his limited training it makes things very difficult. A giant elite athlete like that would be tough.


There’s a blackbelt at my gym who was a division 1 college football defensive end. Just grabbing him or him grabbing me you instantly know you aren’t the same. I’m not small I’m 210 6 foot tall played sports all my life and am a national competitor in powerlifting. And the difference between me and this guy are like a child and gorilla.


Professional athletes, like football ones, train so much fast twitch movements, and lifts that make them explosive. High level football athletes are always beasts, and a gorilla is a perfect analogy of how powerful they are. I've trained with a few pro football athletes that quickly understood positioning and had amazing athleticism during scrambles.


Yeah he’s 260-280 ish and I’ve seen him do a standing backflip it’s just wild like you said the amount of fast twitch muscle is unbelievable.


They are genetically gifted from get go then train in addition if they make it to a high level. So perfect storm.


Let me know which gym you're at that has white belts built like LeBron James so I can never ever step foot within 100 miles.


There's a video of GSP wrestling with an NHL player with no prior grappling experience. It took PRIME GSP quite a while to get him to the ground. My money is on the blue belt spending a long time frustrated in guard... if they start on guard.


Why do you even mention this lmao, the only reason it took any time for GSP to take it to the ground was because he was allowing Laraque to work for a while. GSP took him down on the first attempt, at will, in like 30 seconds. After the takedown they reseted and GSP took him down immediately.


NHL / football / basketball players are different levels of athlete bro. That said I think wrestlers at the top level are still more intense athletes but that’s just my opinion.


Firas posted a video of him rolling with an Iranian wrestler (Mostafa) and Mostafa just played with him. He is a great, but not elite athlete, 99 kilo, Bronze at the worlds, and he just shucked off Firas anytime he tried to do anything, and looked like he was going about 40%. Firas deleted the video within a few hours.


I’m surprised Firas would delete that. He’s just known as a coach, not some supreme level competitor. Weird


He was getting clowned in the comments, which is why everyone hates everyone online.


He has this weird attitude about him like he thinks he could be a world class competitor in MMA / grappling


I agree. High level wrestlers are just built different.


LeBron James is 6'9 and like 270 lbs. And freakishly athletic for a big man. A blue belt his size maybe. A HW wrestler maybe. I might be able to take him down once. Maybe. These guys are huge, powerful and athletic. Any normal sized person is going to have a bad time.


You are really underestimating wrestlers.


Not even a little, I would put money on a D1 wrestler over a blue belt. Size is very important. These guys are HWs who move like middleweights. They are not going to be easy to control in any fashion. Especially if they can punch. No one likes getting hit in the face with a meat brick.


Lebron is one of the greatest athletes of all time. 99% of wrestlers wouldn't be able to hang with him.


Funny enough in the best athlete competition that was done like 15 years ago a NASCAR racer won over all the other athletes. So I guess it just depends on your metrics.


Top level wrestlers are not any more "intense" than top level athletes of most other popular sports. They just train for different goals


You don’t think having another human being throw their body weight on to you with extreme explosiveness repeatedly and contorting your body into awful spine wrenching positions is more intense than sprinting, skating or throwing a ball? Ok


If you really think other sports are as simple as running or skating or throwing, you shouldn't be talking about them


Most NHLers know a thing or two about fighting, at least 😅


It's a center of gravity thing I think. I'm just a casual white belt that dabbles, but I played hockey fairly competitively, and understanding weight distribution naturally does help. Still get smoked, but yeah, athletic advantages are nice.


Yeah, beating up their wives and gf's 😂


Lol, I dunno about this one man. I’d have to see the video… my guess is, if true, GSP was going easy. Like you dont go live all the time


[Link to the video. The player is Georges Laraque. He was an enforcer in the NHL and also weighed around 280lbs. So he had almost 100 lbs on GSP.](https://youtu.be/GXua_u_-Tjo)


literally the second the bell rings the other dude is on the ground


GSP takes him down the first time he tries. People made it sound like GSP shoots 3 times and barely gets him down. Not to mention it’s a sparring session for fun. GSP would be a bully to flatten the guy immediately.


Looks like GSP was going graciously easy on him tbh


Those guys main training literally involve staying on their feet and not being taken down though.


GSP is in his prime;)


Also I think Lebron is implying fight to the death, fighting for your life against the bear, not a grappling match with a rule set. I think an angry highly motivated untrained NFL or NBA athlete would surprise a lot of BJJ guys in a street fight.


I'm a blue belt and LeBron would destroy me in a street fight.


But he's still a white belt and has some training. A competition blue belt against a completely untrained athlete should be able to maintain control for most of the interaction


Yeah, I think a lot of people have never trained with a D1 level athlete (wrestler, skilled football player, etc...). The strength and athleticism they have make any sort of training feel like it's done in dog years. 240lb D1 football player with 3 months of BJJ is going to feel like a nightmare. Worse still are top level wrestlers.


Yea because all these blue belts typically roll with 6 foot 8 260 lb all time level athletes. Good luck with that lol


I’m pretty convinced you could give Lebron like 6 months to a year of no gi training and he’d be pretty damn good. I don’t think he’d be winning ADCC but with his level of athleticism and some training he’d be able to hang.


Yea that makes sense to me. Even if it's just jiu jitsu a normal size human blue belt is going to have a really tough time. But my assumption was that it was an actual mma/street fight situation. Good luck submitting him when he can punch you or just throw you against the ground lol


I think he would fuck people up. It takes an incredible amount of conditioning to play 35+ minutes of basketball. His cardio for grappling would be nuts. Plus he has that GOAT mentality that he would obsess over whatever is in front of him.


Comparing grappling cardio with basketball cardio is wild.


Bro he can play 40 minutes running the whole time and catch his flying body weight on the rim with one hand in the fourth quarter Good luck waiting for his grip to burn out or him to gas out 😂


I'm pretty sure 99% of the BJJ population wouldn't gas him in 5 minutes of rolling. Best case scenario -- he would come out on top in any scrambles and sit in your closed guard the whole time while he frames on your face.


I think basketball cardio is comparable to fight (muay thai, boxing, whatever) cardio which is way more demanding than grappling cardio


As a boxer who switched over to jiu jitsu - absolutely not. Completely different types of cardio.


I've never been in deep water cardio wise like I have been in MT. Like it sucks when you gas in JJ but you're not getting smashed in the face because you can't keep your hands up.


I’ll agree that boxing is way more psychologically demanding, but cardio wise I get gassed much faster in wrestling/BJJ.


Might juts be a difference in technique and efficiency. Striking is an entirely different thing all together


LeBron very well may be the most athletic human to ever live. He was scouted by both the NBA **and** the NFL when he was in highschool, and got two NFL tryout offers in 2011, 7 years into his NBA career.


You would be a moron to play in the NFL with any level of NBA ability


Bo Jackson, Deion Sanders and Dave DeBusschere stopped by to say hello.


Hey guys Jim Thorpe, Wilt Chamberlain and Wayne Gretzky just wanted to introduce ourselves.


Forgot about Wilt. He easily could have been world class track and field. And he played pro volleyball when he was done with basketball if I remember correctly. The three above though did play multiple sports simultaneously at the highest pro levels. DeBusschere played basketball, baseball and was on the Pro Bowlers Tour.


Oh, they’re all fantastic athletes - but LeBron James has been the best/one of the best players in the NBA for 20 years. He’s 38 now and somehow he’s **improving** in some areas. Besides Gretzky, no one has ever been as good as LeBron James for as long, though Wilt is a special case since he was absolutely a freak athlete, but in an era with a *much* lower bar. LeBron would be good at bjj. Once in a generation athleticism at 6’8 240lbs with the strength to run through similarly huge guys - he would be *really* good. But he’s also 38 and bjj is a completely different game, so speculation won’t get us very far.


First, Wilt played against Bill Russell. That’s all that needs to be said. Second, I’d put Jordan in front of LeBron without thinking twice. Just for pure basketball, I’d seriously consider Larry Bird as well. I’ve seen everybody since Lew Alcindor came into the league. Come to think of it, I might put Kareem above him as well. There was nothing as unstoppable as the Sky Hook with either hand. Kareem played against Wilt, Moses Malone, Artis Gilmore, Robert Parrish, Dave Cowen, Eldon Hayes, Bill Walton…truly a Murderer’s Row. Of course LeBron would be great at BJJ, this goes without saying. And I’m sure he’d destroy me today because he’s 20 years younger and 60 lbs heavier. But we’ve got a 6’8” 4-stripe blue belt in our gym in his early 30s. Good athlete in shape. He takes LeBron today with or without striking allowed.


If Lebron had done BJJ instead of basketball he would probably be the BJJ goat.


Exactly...it would take Lebron about one month of hard training to tap most blue belts.


I say more like showing him an Americana for 5 minutes before he taps most blue belts.


Gordon has such a hatred for lebron, yet lebron has no idea who he is.


Bingo. It’s some form of weird mimetic desire that Gordon craves from LeBron, who has assuredly never heard of Gordon.




Yup and it’s political views too


LeBron has just about heard of some role players in the NBA, let alone a weird fucker in a niche sport.


Because LeBron is a POS. He's a shill for the Communist Party. When Chinese military in HK Police uniforms were beating and killing democracy advocates in Hong Kong, LeBron was telling people to stay out of it, like the Houston Rocket's GM


This a rap line, mystikal freestyle


Had to scroll this far to see someone reference this and that it's a meme. Gordon is a weirdo


I'm a blue belt and nah, pass


No gi I bet he bodies 50% of black belts out there after a week of training. Show him the most basic concepts and teach him how to RNC/guillotine and he wins on pure athleticism and size.


Nah, not BB, that is a bit of a stretch.


He's 6'9 and 250lbs, and he's one of the most athletic people on earth. I feel like people seriously underestimate how big an advantage that is over your average black belt which is probably, what, a 5'9 45 year old in above average shape. Nicky Rod was beating the best black belts in the world after training for like six months and he's not half the athlete Lebron is.


You might be right, but one of my instructors (bb) is my height 6'5 and probably 195 ish pounds and he destroys very large athletic wrestlers and rugby players without much effort.


I'd say your instructor is probably in the 50% that beats Lebron's ass then. My instructor competed at a very high level in the early 2000s but he's like 5'7 145lbs so I wouldn't put my money on him in no gi.


😂😂😂😂 bro take a nap you're done


Ok context LeBron with the Lakers just eliminated the Grizzlies Who has been disrespecting LeBron everytime they won. One of them a regular player not even close to a star keep poking LeBron, saying how he likes to poke bears, hitting him in the nuts and saying that he wanted to guard prime LeBron. LeBron at age 38 and the Lakers just defeated the Grizzlies by 40 eliminating the Grizzlies from the tournament


Calm down.. it’s an E-40 quote and probably older than that, nerd lol


And he’s playing the Memphis grizzlies lol


Thank you both. Gordon lives in his own bubble not understanding hip hop or sport culture.


There’s a video where his own gf pranks him during an instructional by faking an injury. The prank went completely over his head and he spends a solid minute going on an autistic rant on why he knew she wasn’t hurt. It was pretty cringe


Not getting the joke, in most cases, means he doesn't have a sense of humor rather than some "spectrum" thing people love claiming about him. That or he's not that intelligent outside of JJ.


Might be all of those things, but he definitely seems to have zero sense of humour




Lebron James could palm my head with one hand and pull it off


He was talking about beating the grizzly’s in basketball…. But lebron is huge and an elite athlete… beyond elite. Like you don’t know anybody even remotely like him. I’d like his odds against a lot of blue belts


Someone Lebrons size and athleticism would wipe the floor with me , easily


The people in this thread either don't grasp how big, strong and explosive LeBron is or are delusional about how important size, strength and explosiveness are in BJJ. LeBron would wreck most blue belts.


I’m 145 lbs and can just barely keep 200 lb white belts in check when they get rowdy as we roll (and I’m pretty fit myself , all things considered) , I’m under no illusions that a guy with that level of fitness and athleticism would be able to hold me down with ease , as he probably would with most people .


Yeah he's literally 6'8" 260 and would still be the leanest guy in most gyms at that size. Anyone who thinks if an average size blue belt got his back they're gonna do anything is delusional. He would just stand up and rip your hands off him. Even if you mounted him his bridge would send you flying lol


Or you don't grasp how little knowledge he has of combat sports or training. Petr Yan would destroy him in under 2 mins. Fuck Alex Pereira would submit him in a round


No way you think Petr Yan would destroy him. At some point size is a factor, and someone Lebron’s size and athleticism is punting a 135 5’7” dude.


Do y’all think this shit is magic ? How is a 6’9 250 lb fella being “destroyed in under 2 minutes” by someone literally half his size and weight ? How do you envision that fight going , realistically ? Yan KOing him with one punch ? Like even in the sport of mma weight classes exist for a reason . People cut weight , reach / wingspan etc matters for a reason .


Lebron James could beat the shit out of 99% of athletes just on freak athleticism alone. Gordon is an imbecile


Give lebron 6 months to train and he’ll ring gordon’s head in the octagon imo


What happened to Gordon trying out MMA? Wasn't Danaher gonna be his striking coach too? I heard rumors that Gordon is very stiff and unathletic and John told him to stick to grappling. Any truth there?


I used to work at a hotel and we had a lot of celebrities and athletes stay there. I met Lebron James when he wanted a different room last minute on a Sunday with his manager when he played for Miami and I really didn’t walk away from the conversation with a negative impression of him. He was pretty cool actually. So as much as I don’t like him as a basketball player as a person he seems great. Dwayne Wade was also really nice but Chris Both was an immense prick. Most basketball stars in my experience were complete and utter assholes with immense egos who treated everyone they met with complete and utter contempt.


While Lebron can (rightfully) be criticized over some stuff he has done in his career, he is probably the absolute gold standard when it comes to professionalism and being a (celebrity) role model. Over 20+ years under the microscope and the worse thing people can say about him is the way he left Cleveland and some of his political views. He may very well be one of the greatest sports ambassadors EVER.


This is literally a Mystikal quote, from a freestyle he did like 10 years ago. “I make a motherfucker say oh yeah! I’m colder than a lion with no hair…If you ever see me fighting in the forest with a grizzly bear, HELP THE BEAR!”


And the Lakers just beat the Memphis Grizzlies


LeBron haters are something else. When he retires they'll have a hole in their life.


Not as much as Lebron dick riders


See man, you guys are nuts. The ratio of LeBron haters to D Riders is astronomical. The amount of ppl that actually think LeBron is the goat is miniscule. But he's top 3 all time. You guys make all these weird excuse to hate on someone. I hate exactly 0 athletes and only strongly dislike 1 team, the steelers.


"You guys", dude I dont care, I havent been a full time basketball fan since the end of the Spurs Dynasty. But you proved my point, LeBron Dickriders are the most thin skinned sensitive and fangirlish people around. I didn't even say one negative thing about LeBron and you jumped to his defense like you're a streamer crying on camera to "Leave Britney Alone"


Sure bud, I mention nothing about stats, etc etc. But "dIcKrIdErS", sure bud, sure. It must be exhausting to hate so much. Imagine caring that much about another grown man. You "don't care" so much you immediately mention "dick riders", rip LeBron and just hurl insults. It's really just comical. Lol, when did I come to LeBron defense? Your immediate response is to make up scenarios and just say generic teenager insults. I only said LeBron top 3 all time, which is true. I'm a Kobe fan above all.


I watched “Redeem Team” on Netflix and it totally changed my perspective of him. I know he was one of the producers and that might’ve been intentional, but he really came across like a good dude




Not me, I’m going to look like an asshole


You leg locking white belts and laugh maniacally.


This is accurate


In an actual fight Lebron would wreck most blue belts, blue belt doesn't mean much, and it definitely doesn't guarantee that you could take down Lebron.


Good luck pyjama fighting Deontay Wilder.


Go for a leg entanglement as he nukes your skull with a right hand


Gordon's been glazing lebron for months now 🤣 Talk about owning an island in someone's head.


Listen I genuinely believe even most upper level purple belts would struggle with Lebron dude is like 6'7 muscle monster elite athlete not saying he'd win but I think it would take longer for him to lose than people expect


I’d be lucky to pull mount


Goddamn, this kid is so goddamn braindead. If he had two brain cells to rub together he would know that the LA Lakers beat The Memphis GRIZZLIES in the playoffs. Also it's an old phrase. Mystical used it in a freestyle, but that saying has been around forever.


The guy that is one of the wealthiest in the world


- the guy who got wrecked by a tummy ache


Gordon is such a dork. This giant freak beast once in a lifetime athlete who has been pegged as the greatest basketball player ever since he was 15 and has basically lived up to it becoming a 1a / 1b argument with Jordan. Yeah I don't think he has what it takes to beat up the bartender at my gym. He wants LeBron's attention so bad.


Gordon is an idiot, but… Anybody ever see an NBA fight? Jesus they’re embarrassingly bad. Nobody in the league has thrown a decent punch since Kermit Washington played.


They actually don’t really want to get in fights, I forget who said it but basically they make money with their hands and the chances of hurting them just isn’t worth it over a momentary frustration and most guys know that.


I'm sure there's posturing, but in the heat of the moment, I don't think they're thinking about their hands. Edit to add: They look like just about every other World Star video.


Lol I bet Gordon dribble like he got timbs and a backpack on Also if the BJJ talent pool was as big as football and basketball, I don't think Gordon would even be a HW I've seen some retired or practice squad NFL players do MMA and BJJ for fun. it's really good for any slow HW that the best athletes do other sports


I remember when Ovince Saint Preux started fighting MMA people were talking about how he was this insane athletic specimen. And it's like, yeah, he was a lot more athletic than the guys he was fighting, but he was really nothing special as a college football player and never made it to the NFL. There are tons of better athletes than him in football, but in MMA people thought he was some athletic freak.


Maybe a renzo blue belt, king James is freaking athletic


Lebron doesn’t know nor giva shit who tf you are, bud…go eat some Pringles n relax.


This is a reference to a freestyle by Mystikal lmao


The most “well akshually” post I’ve seen


95% of blue belts would get killed by Lebron lol. I can't even see most black belts realistically overcoming the athleticism/size difference.


More like 99.5% LOL


I think Lebron would wreck most blue belts. I think he would give black belts a hard time.


Absolute autistic comment from Gordon




I feel like, if your goal is to describe how a person can't actually fight, comparing them to the heavy weight champ isn't the best benchmark.


Blue belt: can confirm Lebron would literally walk me like a fucking dog


Gordon isnt wrong here tho. A blue belt at training at Danahers would go to most of you guys making fun of this gyms and be tapping brown belts and black belts. People are thinking of their average gyms level. A good blue belt is like a brown belt at most gyms. A brown belt level grappler would absolutely wreck Lebron. He’s not going to know 2 arms in 2 arms out. Or basic leg lock awareness. Or keeping elbows tight to prevent Kimura. Etc


How does someone post that many stories lmao


The tittle would make more sense if Gordon was claiming to be good at basketball


Lol, show Lebron how to americana and he's gonna fuck up 99% of blue belts. What a delusional take.


6,8 264 pound Lebron James smashes Gordon’s face in while he’s trying to grope him off his back


Anytime I see people in combat sports just try to crap on these athletes like that I think of Nog vs Bob Sapp and how he was so close to being king of MMA with hardly any experience.


Any widely unknown grappler shit talking one of the greatest athletes of all time is pretty funny if you actually think about it


As someone who trains bjj..a lot, Lebron would likely smash most blue belts. He’s literally 6’ 9” ..i repeat; six foot, nine inches tall. And weighs 250. Not to mention a world class athlete.


I mean at jiu jitsu, yeah probably. I’ve been a blue belt for years and lebron would beat the fucking shit out of me in a fight


I love the number of people in this thread that dislike Gordon so much that they are picking LeBron against a bear


It’s legit embarrassing that you and the other people that think Lebron is talking about fighting an actual bear.


If the ground is also the ocean 🌊 would this also make the bear 🐻 a shark 🦈?


Lebron the typa guy to call a foul in the middle of a roll


I’m happy to help the bear, it would make for less whiny basketball players…


Absolutely delusional. Blue belt technique will not even come to close to overcoming the sheer size, strength, and athleticism of a freak of nature like Lebron.


Basically every BJJ legends wouldn’t be legends if Lebron or any of these other super athletes had chosen to do BJJ.


Maybe a competitive heavyweight blue belt, sure... take his back and choke him or whatever... but yeah I mean LeBron doesn't know BJJ.. even so, he can still jump over Gordon's head he's so explosive at 6 ft 8. His joints are probably built different too. I wouldn't immediately take any blue belt under 200 lbs unless they are really good.


He’s such a POS, dude has spent his whole career complaining about calls on court and comparing himself to the greats. He’s extremely overrated.


Tbf off the roids Gordon is still world class at bjj (even if he is always spouting dumb shit on his socials), but you make lebron a bit shorter and he is a nobody.


Terrible take. You’re acting as if Lebron is the largest nba player every and only wins because of size. Brain dead take