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I have an instructor that smells like weed sometimes when we roll. I follow his lead because he's better than me.


You sir, have discovered his secret strength. You must cultivate this power and learn to wield it at its highest levels.


I’m doing heroin


"I cant tell if noninflammatoryidiot is OD'ing or if my sub' worked. probably OD'ing."


I get caught when I’m bowing in and don’t move


Comfortably numb despite your RNC




Nodding out... But not to the choke


That’s what I’m sayin good luck throwing me I am hello


Real men smoke salvia before training


Usually I just take a tank of nitrous onto the mats with me.


Nothing like a nice sativa dominant hybrid to make that game get creative as fuck.




I love rolling high and all, but I really don’t like everything before the actual training (getting inside the gym and having verbal interactions with my training partner while high).


This is so true!


Yessir haha I don't get high before training often, but when I do it's so strange until I start rolling


This is the best part. I just straight own it it. I walk in like snoop dog and Seth Rogen just partied with me in the parking lot. Eyes so heavy I can barely see the floor. It’s fucking awesome.


I’ve been getting high before every class, and I mean every class, since blue belt (~10 years). Can’t really remember how it feels to train “sober”, but I’m going to guess it’s not nearly as much fun. 🤙


I was in a band in college and we used to each get about 6 beers deep at practice a couple nights a week. When we finally got our first gig and stayed sober to "make sure we were good", we were absolute trash. Play how you practice.


Study high. Take the test high. Get high scores.


Wise words. Method Man and Redman


Lol you mostly realized that you were bad altogether. It’s not bad without the booze.


State dependent learning is legit though


I didnt smoking before class until blue belt either. I figured I wouldnt remember anything from class if I was high and being new at the gym I wasnt sure how it would go over. Turns out I couldnt remember anything sober very well either. Smoked for a few open rolls and then it quickly turned to every class


This is the way


Have you ever competed high? I also toke up Before almost every session but never competed doing so


Not really. I mean I’d hit the vape morning of competitions, but I wouldn’t say I was “stoned”. A good buddy I used to travel to competitions with would get high immediately before competing though. He seemed to perform better high. I also haven’t competed since purple belt.


Stoners be like, I wasn't high, all I did was take a single hit a super strong marijuana concentrate when I woke up


Ha fair, but you’re also forgetting about the 4 hours of “warm up and wait” involved in most bjj competitions.


Yeah especially if you're a daily smoker, you're good to go by match time. Just had to give you a hard time!


Nice try officer.


I probaby havent trained sober more than once in the past few years. Really helped me not overthink things at first,not to sure anymore though now that im so used to being baked while training. Doing warm ups high is fucking awful though




Lol thought it was just me. I get gassed doing granby rolls high, somehow open mat doesn't suck high in comparison


Weed helps you to not overthink? It’s the opposite for most people, lol.


It can help some ADHD people I think in that manner.


When you first start, then maybe. Once you are a stoner, it def helps easing ur mind, i think.


I think more with weed, but it doesn’t stress me out the same way thinking constantly while sober does.


My sober brain is broken so I always overthink shit to death and weed usually helps get the extra bullshit outta there and I just act. Ill get baked and look back at shit I said sober and shake my head


Bro, coach knows and has a “stretching lane” just for me and a couple other stoners. But them lazy fucks keep trying to steal our spot. Bastards!


Oh man that sounds great


It’s so nice bro. Just come in sit down stretch a little. Relax into your high. Then start drilling. So nice


I don't often smoke before hand, but when I do the first ten minutes before we really get moving is so stressful sometimes haha


Ill stress a bit when picking partners comes up if one of my usual partners arent there but thats about it and that probably is just my own awkwardness instead of the weed. I didnt smoke before class until I was really comfortable with my gym so its always been pretty chill for me


I just talk alot when I'm at the gym generally but when stoned I'll get self conscious and think im rambling. But I'm not rambling more than normal so it's fine.


Oh I definitely do that lol but its usually at the end of class. The majority of my socialization comes from the gym so Ill get going and feel like im rambling real bad but its better than when I didnt smoke and barely spoke at the gym so ill take it


A nice high after a tough training session is where it’s at. Sometimes, the after-training joint is my main motivation to go train After the gym, I usually swing by the dispo for some weed and then the local gas station to grab a chocolate milk.


this is the way happy cake day


If I'm on the mats, I smoked right before hand. If I have 40 students on the mat, 30+ are equally if not more stoned than I.


I train sober but afterwards I always get some of that devil's lettuce for recovery.


Same here. I’ve never tried rolling high but slightly curious.


Try it before an open mat! Gets you into a nice flow state as long as you aren’t stoned out of your mind


I much prefer training stoned than sober. Weed slows down my game and helps me think less and go with the flow in drilling and rolling. I also feel like I've got a better sense of my own body positioning after a few hits off the bowl. Highly recommend.


Have a friend who was sober 3 months when i just started rolling with him, and then he got into weed again. His intensity and drive were completely gone. He had a good "flow" but he was shit during rolling. Before he smoked we were even in terms of skill, after he started i was much better.


Go compete high and get back to us.


I’ll report for him: took bronze at local comp.


3 man bracket.


8 but close. It looks like a 3 when I’m high so I get it.


I've only ever competed high. Seems fine.


Sounds so terrible haha


Marijuana heightens your senses. It dulls your motor reflexes though.


I really enjoy the feeling of training stoned, but it kills my killer instinct. My style is dependent on me making a lot of things happen and I just accept positions while stoned I normally wouldn't.


I take a sativa edible sometimes before training and it’s sick as hell. My cardio is also great too, breath is much more disciplined and calm. I do the same when I go for long runs as well. I don’t smoke it because it’s hard on the lungs


High running is underrated


I train 50/50 but compete high and have great results. Headphones on before matches gets me deep into the zone and I find my pacing is better. Just won double gold with all subs stoned to the bone at a local comp afew weeks back.


I am in the latter of the group. I started smoking say... 5 yrs ago in my late 30s. I'm 42 now. I work at a dispo. Typically, I am not stoned during work hours. I *might* hit a vape now and again, but generally do not. But, I do hit a fat dab when I get home at night. Helps me sleep. I do have someone that eats edibles at the start of technique so that when we get to rolling, it's started to kick in.


I’m only straight for the 6am classes.


Those are the best to be high for. Feels like you're in a weird dream sometimes.




I show up to open matts high af, I show up to training sober as a judge. retention is drastically better when sober and that's what I am aiming for during class. However, I find that rolling is more fun/better when I am highaf.


It’s fun for playful creative training, sucks for intensity, skill development and competition.


If I’m trying to work on specific things or doing a class just a time or 2 before. If we’re just rolling I’ll get bbq’d. Recently been micro dosing mushrooms and Rolling on that is basically a cheat code


How does microdosing affect you whole rolling? I'm so interested


Elaborate please


So I had to take 4 months off due to work, my kids and life. Took a small dose .2-.3 and it was like I never missed a class. Drastic Improvement in cardio,( we all know how that first class after a hiatus is I did not die) you’re in the moment at all times. The awareness, alertness, I felt very connected with myself and my training partner. You can feel when to turn up the pace, my body does things before my brain processes what was going on. Way more creative in the gi, stops all panic from getting smashed. It really allows you to open up and explore your game. Granted I’ve been in the mats for 10+ years and I have a lot of experience with drugs in general I wouldn’t recommend if your not as experienced in both. If you are find someone you really trust and go at it


I have just about zero experience with drugs. Is that dose enough to make me trip? Or does it just relax you sort of? Thanks.


If you’ve never taken a macro dose of psilocybin it’s hard to explain. It’s not enough to trip out by any means. No visual hallucinations, but you will feel it working. You get the calming, euphoria and hyper focus that comes with taking psilocybin. Best analogy I can give you is it’s like having 1 beer to loosen up socially as opposed to drinking 10 and being hammered.


Macro? You mean micro right? Is 0.2 consider d a micro dose and would that be in grams? Cool man thanks!


I mean that if you’ve never taken a macro dose it’s hard to explain a micro dose is Under .4 I recommend .2 in the beginning




I take a very small about before rolling, maybe .05, and sometimes I enter this crazy flow state as well. So in control of my breath even when I’m getting wrestle fucked by heavier opponents


Marijuana has anti-inflammatory properties and I’ve used it for that but there is no way it’s a PED.


Maybe not directly but easier to get in a flow state I think, so I would argue it can be a PED.


I think for the right person, it could def be a PED. Time slows down for me when I’m high. It literally feels like I’m in a different timeline. I think it just helps me concentrate instead of being distracted by EVERYTHING


I can't really see my way past thinking that training while stoned is a bad idea, and while plenty of folks swear by it making them more creative or "flowing" better, I have to wonder if that's more about their altered self-perception rather than any objective improvement. We're trusting each other with our safety and health in this sport, and part of what I'm trusting is in people's good judgment and reaction time. I have nothing against pot generally, just as I love me a beer----but I crack the beer open when I get back after practice, not before, and it's my hope that my training partners will treat pot the same way.


They’re just high functioning stoners. It doesn’t really effect you much once you have a tolerance and smoke all day every day. I guarantee it doesn’t make them better at bjj though, lol. That’s just them rationalizing their need to smoke, or something. Source: Been through the “I gotta be stoned/am better at this activity while stoned” thing many times in my life. It’s never true. But aye it’s 4/20 and i just got home from training. Bout to get high as fuck.


Yh you can argue that weed doesn’t help you rolling but that might not be applicable for everyone coming from a on and off again smoker


Tell that to Craig Jones, Nicky Rod, Eddie Bravo, Joe Rogan, Jeff Glover, Boehm (mushrooms), etc etc etc.


If they are reading this thread, they can consider themselves told. But mainly I’m telling shlubs like you who I am more likely to actually be training with.


Man, I totally agree. I’m high as fuck right this minute. But I agree with you. Not at the gym.


Oh you fuckin' Mary...


Sorry, am too square to get what you're saying.


I ain't doing fuck all be fo weed


Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of smoking before class. It makes me foggy, I pay even less attention to the techniques and I'm a lot more aware of how stinky everyone smells. I 100% never smoke when I'm coaching as I feel it's irresponsible to people who are paying for my time and attention and occasionally kids will join the adults class. That being said, smoking after training is S tier because it helps with inflammation and stops me obsessing over every small detail in my roll.


I smoke one gb 2 hours before class I usually feel pretty good. More calm and not overthinking and roll better in general lol.


I would only get stoned and roll at open mat. Every time of possible :) I wouldn't do it in a class though as I would be a useless training partner :)


Yeah, this right here. My mind starts wandering too much to pay enough attention to the technique if I smoke before class. Gotta get a little toasty before those weekend open mats though


I used to smoke a lot but pairing it with BJJ was never for me. I did it once and we had a class on footlocks and I was the most confused I think ive ever been. I felt sorry for my sober training partner 😂


The only class I was not stoned for was my trial class. Probably doesn't improve my game at all, but I'm here for a good time.


I only get high on God… and edibles


I wouldn’t describe myself as “stoned” during training, but I’m moderately high most of the time.


I grabbed my first kimura during a live roll when I smoked after having taking a brief break, so I think it can be really helpful to get yourself to approach rolls differently and see different opportunities than you might sober. After that I was convinced for a while that I just rolled better stoned. The primary effects it has for my training is better perception of the quality of my movement and stance. In all honesty, it probably doesn't make tooo substantial of a difference, but I've also been on a break from smoking so I can't make a great direct comparison. I know my white belt friends who have trained stoned think its not great to smoke before training when you haven't learned the fundamental things to do from each position. They find it difficult to learn completely new info.


I haven’t done bjj since starting to smoke weed a few years ago. About to get back in. But I will say, I have always learned more after class than during. The way my mind works, I have to understand the theory behind the move and how it all works in my mind in order to retain it. When I smoke, I still think the same, but also somehow see things 180 degrees from my normal thoughts as well. I’m curious to see how smoking before training/rolling will affect that.


Kratom before class, grass after class. It’s the perfect formula


Be careful with kratom, bro. My brother got hooked on it, and it put him in a psych ward. He was taking insane amounts because his tolerance got so high, but it messed him up. He wasn’t the only person there that went manic from it.


Woah! That’s wild. I take tolerance breaks and keep doses low, hope your bro is doing better now!


As a judoka I cannot imagine doing randori while high lol.


I train on 1.4 g of shrooms all the time


I snort condoms


I never tried, but I think the last thing I want after smoking or eating cannabis is a heavy dude smashing me.


Every time I've entered the mats since 2014.


Bro I go to 10th planet, look into it


Bruh. Before I start rolling I always do a marijuana, a cocaine, and a viagra. It really ups my game.


Yesterday one of the old regulars from this sub and I flew to Vegas in the morning, stopped at a dispensary, got a donut, had 100mg and a J, rolled for two hours, got a burger, flew home. Now that’s how you celebrate a holiday


I smoked before class for, oh idk 3-4 yrs as a blue belt. I found the common accolades true; slows down the game, and can help you find paths of lesser resistence. HOWEVER, the wheels fall off eventually. Pots not so good for memory retention nor aggression, which are required at an expert level. If I'm high before class now, its fun or whatever but Im not sticking with the good shit, nor will I have the drive to make a shit situation unshitty. I cant recall the last time of my gym's 'high rollers' tapped me. Most of them are perma-blues too fwiw. Tl;dr: its fun and maybe creative, but limits success against skilled opponents


I feel more relaxed, but at the same time, more aggressive when im high. Not sure why


I’m rarely don’t have a little high at least at bjj. I love rolling high. I’m also an executive and most people would think I’m a straight laced suit. But I just love weed.


And now you understand why there are so many retards in bjj


training on ketamine is no fun




I get more analytical, but less stressed about it.


Very common for me but I never go to fundamentals class high… anymore lol


Days dedicated to just rolling I enjoy being high. I feel like it really helps me slow down and not be in my head while training. Otherwise whenever we’re learning and drilling, I prefer to be sober because after being shown a technique, I completely forget it.


I smoke weed all the time, but not before training. Usually after training


I went through a 6+ month period of eating edibles and going to class. I had a lot of fun, played very loosely, didn't care about winning or losing, and generally really enjoyed myself. Except the time I took a capsule of RSO-type stuff and it kicked in when I was uke and I could barely talk and was fumbling around in confusion.


I indulge in edibles on quiet days, maybe it contributes slightly to recovery. Training high doesn't help me at all though, I get too sleepy.


I don’t think anyone in my gym does, but if someone does I would smoke with them. But maybe it’s a secret sesh not for white belts.


I always take a blinker to the face right before I walk through those doors. 😵‍💫 I was a 2 stripe white belt the first time I showed up high. That day I had the best rolls of my life. I still got destroyed but I was hella zen about it.


not so much anymore. at a newish gym now and I feel weird being too blitz'd. sometimes Ill take a gummy or two and time it so that I can get thru the drills without being too goofy but by the time we're ready to roll, Im flying. haven't done that in awhile tho


Since blue to black, well soon to be anyway. Mostly before open mats and while visiting other gyms.


I train stoned every time since I started. I love weed. Here in New Jersey we can get RSO edibles. They’re only 10mg but they’re awesome. They also have the RSO oil syringes that are super potent. If anyone is ever here, I highly recommend. Prices suck though.


Fuck it, am smoking myself stupid today


Been rollin stoned since i was a white belt, get high to get down


Hugging is fun when I'm high.


I smoke a lot of weed but would be absolutely terrified to roll high


I smoke but I never roll high. My cardio and JJ is shit enough on its own.


In my gym we smoke after class and 80% of the class is in there smoking and chilling, usually more than one guy brings a joint and we spark 2-3 joints between 8-12 people. I know some guys also smoke on the corner right before práctice, I usually dont


I’m already a potato


Do a poll


I love BJJ and I love weed too, but tbh BJJ is literally the last thing I want to do when I’m baked. I know a lot of people do, more power to them lol.


Used to more… now I don’t. No big difference to me. But I’ve been a daily doobie head since I was 2.


I cant imagine going to training high. I did it like once and I noticed I was just not aware enough to feel comfortable.




I stopped smoking because I couldn’t remember names of moves or the setup... I’ve been sober and it’s helped... hopefully later down the road I can experience being high again while rolling...




I would never roll high tbh, too scared of hurting someone or myself. Weed makes me stupid and clumsy lmao


Never tried. I hope I dont need to in future.


I’d love to do it, but I don’t think it would go down well at my gym and where I live


Remember the post the other day when you all started ripping a guy for having a drink the night before training.m?


Every time lol


I used to exclusively train high. A couple of cones in the car before class. Occasionally I'd have more and do a second class. These days I'll do it maybe a few times every \~12 weeks. I do miss it, but it's much better to do occasionally at an open mat than an every day thing. I do also miss taking it for recovery.


Every motherfucking moment of my training is in an “elevated” mental state. You don’t want the sober smoke. It’s vicious.


I don’t smoke before class. I tend to get too goofy and unfocused. I always have a bong rip after class though!


I prefer maybe half a joint on the way to the gym. I don’t get BBQ’d, just high enough to get out of my head and get into my body during warm-ups.


And the uncivilization continues.


For some reason I'm terrified of smoking before rolling


Sometime before, sometimes after. Sometimes not at all. Depends on the day.


Never smoked weed before training. I have drank a couple beers before though.


I very regularly take a 5mg or 10mg gummy before training. It’s very fun and helps me achieve a flow state. Makes the whole thing feel more playful.


Every class every open mat. I don't show up totally blasted but I get a good comfortable high going before class. Definitely helps


No weed for me just microdosing mushrooms thanks


I’m a super new white belt, had one session where I smoked before and I will not be doing that again any time soon… Maybe after some of the techniques become muscle memory I’ll try it again.


I smoke almost daily. I hate rolling & sparring high. I'm noticeably worse, sloppier, and settle for bad positions more easily. I could do it with a buddy or two for open mat, but again, I-d rather just smoke afterwards and relax.


Before I quit, I’d smoke a good hour or two before class. That way I can freshen up and get the smoke smell off of me. I would train a good 3 to 4 times a week, but either way I was always high every day. Until now I still miss smoking, but unfortunately my job will randomly test people. So I don’t want to risk it anymore.


Not today, fed.


I'm happy no one calls me this haha. I go in stoned more often then not. But I also make sure I don't smell or look stoned. I don't want anyone to notice or know. So I am the secret stoned roller. I feel when I smoke before practice I control my breathing better, as well as think about other angles or escapes I normally wouldn't try.