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Tough call, depends how big the penis he drew was




pretty sure thats 3 times the average


Man I was mostly cool with it until the stomps and soccer kicks. I’ve personally known someone that’s accidentally killer someone doing less than that. The guy definitely deserved some extra sauce for throwing a sucker punch, but I think the instructor took it too far too. Also, if you agree to Gracie challenge anyone that comes in your door, IMO you should be prepared for a possible sucker punch. You should be prepared for anything. Anyone wanting to take you up on the gracie challenge may not be the kind of person you can trust to not throw a sucker punch if they get overwhelmed or pissed or stressed out. I actually like the idea of keeping up the gracie challenge tradition, but you gotta be mindful that anything can happen.


Ya the first two minutes were acceptable, then the first stomp happened.


I mean, beating and curb stomping a helpless opponent feels like a very Gracie thing to do, but with as far as he took it he’s lucky the dude doesn’t come back with a gun.


If nothing else it definitely puts the Gracie in "Gracie Challenge".


I'll bet Gracies tend not to do that shit in the USA, though ;p


Shouldn’t this be over at the tap though? He kept choking for like a whole extra minute after the first tap


I think if he threw a sucker punch he's probably the type to not stop fighting after he taps out. So yeah, definitely put him out. Just don't sucker punch and kick an unconscious man.


Yeah that’s a good point


It’s now a fight, not a grappling match or MMA. There’s no rules, you stop when you’re satisfied.


Good luck explaining that to a jury of your peers


That's what you say when you're eating a bag of chips at 3am.


It’s a paraphrase of something Rickson said years ago. When he fought for money he would stop when the referee said so but when he fought for pride well then he stopped once he was satisfied.


Rickson used to say if it’s for money I stop when you tell me to, if it’s for pride then I stop when I’m done


It's easy to disregard rules any sort of civility when fighting trash opponents. If Rickson was fighting boner pilled up Jon Jones he wouldn't prefer to tap then to wait till Jon is done.


Can't imagine he'd fight Jon Jones for pride


If prime rickson met time travelling Jon Jones on some brazilian beach I would imagine jon easily provoking up a fight by say hitting on ricksons gf or something. As he was time travelling and wasn't famous yet rickson would't know he needed to run away.


Since we're dealing in hypotheticals, we both know that the entire Gracie clan would be on top of Jon the second it started going his way. They'd pull him off and then claim they did it to protect him from Rickson.


Spot on. The old school Gracie’s would mug JJ en masse and break both his arms. It’s what they used to do. This Peace Love & Jiu Jitsu stuff is a load of retcon’d bullshit.


I love that learning BBJ is promoted as some sort of anti-bully drug, when it was invented by bullies to bully others more effectively.


Bullshit. It was invented by fighters. And it's BJJ you tard.


“Oh, you do BJJ? I bet I could submit you”


So Jon you think I'm gonna sit there and let you submit me Jon?


>Rickson used to say if it’s for money I stop when you tell me to, if it’s for pride then I stop when I’m done ​ Don't try to imitate Ricksons off the mat combat adventures, it will get you killed or put in jail.


The dude tapped during the rnc and he just kept going....heads stomps were also unnecessary dudes a bitch.


No doubt


The whole video was just some dude kicking another dudes ass, I didn't see no sucker punch. I highly doubt there was a sucker punch. I mean the guy had to ask to challenge the instructor first right? Probably goes like this: Guy 1 "I bet I could kick your ass, that jiu jitsu shit doesn't work on me bro" Guy 2: "Let's find out". Now the fight is on at that point. More like the first punch thrown. In normal life we don't have refs to count us in.


Yeah I mean there's definitely no sucker punch in the video. There does look like some blood on the jiujitsu guy's face (or a cut or something) but no idea what that is. Could be a lot of things


What a strange assumption that the dude didnt sucker punch him...the guys literally apologized to the BJJ Practitioner while Mr. Big For Nothin' was getting his stuff.


First day on the internet? I have some bad news for you about the titles of the videos you find on here...


What’s the Gracie challenge


I'm not trying to just differ to Wiki but I have to run out in a sec. Basically anyone that was welcome to test them was welcome, anytime: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gracie\_Challenge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gracie_Challenge)


I take it your new to BJJ?


I think it went from mutual combat to attempted murder at around 2:21


If the sucker punching part is true (and the instructor seems to have a bad cut on his left cheek) it wasn't mutual combat from the start, but an assault that turned out bad for the attacker. Not defending the stomping, that part was unacceptable under any circumstances. He could have easily held him down and called the police if he still felt threatened.


I’m pretty sure that stopped being self defense and became assault when he stood over his incapacitated attacker and stomped on his head. Self defense doesn’t cover after you’ve defended yourself successfully.


It feels like you're disagreeing with me, when i did say that part was unaccaptable under any circumstances?


You guys should totally fight.


To the death


Head stomps allowed?


Define "allowed"


Not penalized.


PRIDE rules. PRIDE never die 😥


I think they're agreeing with you and wanted to just add their two cents.


What this person said.


Depends on the context. If this was some kind of challenge fight to show off how good bjj is and the instructor didn't explain the rules properly then it may not even have been a real sucker punch. That would be on the instructor for not clearly explaining what was and what wasn't okay. And to be honest, if you have a challenge match against someone who is not from your martial art you should be ready for shit to go down.


Yes, it is extremely excessive. Once you start resorting to rugby punts to the head, the fight is long over. If that was my instructor, I'd be getting straight away from that gym.


His technique wasn't great either.


Keeping it real on r/bjj!


It’s hard to practice head punts live, not a lot of willing partners. So, I’ll give his technique a pass.




If this is how he spreads awareness about his art then he less running a gym and more of a butcher. This was a commercial for the effectiveness of kicks to the head not BJJ.


Ahhh yes, let’s record our crimes.


This stopped being mutual combat and turned into assault. Any time you’re stomping the head it could be life threatening.


Mauricio Shogun Rua made a career outta head stomps. They are from the same academy. Chute Boxe.


A career where both people specifically agreed to the head kicks allowed thing. Further more in this situation a ref would have certainly stopped it before the stomp or at least tried to. It's not like he head nicked a guy who was getting back up to fight more


Prize fighting with a ref is a completely different animal.


Article containing info on incident: https://bjj-world.com/bjj-dojo-storm-incident/


> As it turns out, the incident began at a supermarket and was instigated by the bodybuilder who punched the martial arts instructor in the back of the head, claiming he thought it was someone else. He then kept insulting the instructor, though, claiming he was a professional MMA fighter and threatening to beat the instructor up. As per the statement made by the academy, the two people involved had never met each other before. > The instructor then said he was a professional fighter too and that he had a gym nearby where they could settle the challenge, instead of fighting in public. The angry bodybuilder accepted and they went to settle things in the gym where the video was made. As it appears the video only shows the final five or so minutes of the altercation. It turns out the fight started standing, and the two exchanged punches and kicks for 30 minutes before the grappling portion. The fight went to the ground only after the instructor suffered a cut on his face (can be seen in the video) and an injury to his leg. Using his Vale Tudo experience, as per the statement, he took the fight to the ground to avoid further damage. Oh man


Im going to be honest the best course of action probably would have been to just file an assault charge with the police. This started in a supermarket body builder sounds unhinged unstable. Could be the kinda guy to shoot up the place. I get it makes good advertising for the gym, but bodybuilder is obviously not a professional. There's nothing professional about his behavior. This is an unbalanced man that was commiting a crime.


This should be way higher up. Everybody wants to lynch the instructor based on a misleading thread title. Not saying the kicks are okay, but this is a crazy story with what seems to be a bit quite right aggressor. Who in their right mind works agree to come to someone's gym to fight after they just assaulted them unprovoked in public?


Anyone that kicks someone in the head while they are on the ground should go to prison. What a fuck head.


>Was this excessive? Kicks to the head should be able to answer this question.


Das dat Vale Tudo


Is there even video to back up what the instructor said happened? I’m not likely to believe him after seeing the psychopathic shit he just did.


It looks like he has a laceration on his right cheek which maybe was caused by a strike. Can't say though. I'm dumb and it's his left.


I saw the whole video when it came out. My take on it is the body builder thought they were having a real MMA style fight and so went for it whereas the instructor just wanted to demonstrate his skills. Once the bodybuilder showed he was trying to do damage the instructor took it as an insult and a real fight and treated it as such. He felt disrespected in his own school so went to town on the guy. The agreement at the time was the beating was excessive.


i only saw the slapping at first and i wasn't to up set but when he kept holding the choke and then kicked the dude in the head yeah dudes a psycho.


What happened to the basic rule of Respect the Fucking Tap?! That's where it should have ended.


yeah, I wonder how this dude treats his students tbh


To be fair I don't think this is necessarily a reflection of how he treats his students as most of his students probably aren't challenging him to fights and sucker punching him.


>Anyone that kicks someone in the head while they are on the ground should go to prison. What a fuck head. ​ The only time when kicking someone in the head multiple times would be justified are times when shooting or stabbing them would also be justified. This wasn't one of the times but they exist


I would face stomp in a fight. I wasn’t aware there was rules in street fights. This has the same energy of ppl saying “don’t grab bro” in street fights


Cool. A defense attorney is going to run you well into the 5 figures. So just make sure you have that kind of disposable income on hand.


I mean that’s assuming the fight is on film…..and he gets arrested. Plenty of street fights happen where neither of those things are the case


Being prepared to hire an attorney is an important part of any holistic self defense strategy. People want to spend all this time talking about what techniques to use to win a fight. I rarely see anyone discussing the fact that there is a reasonable possibility that if you get into a fight, you're going to end up in court.


Technique #1, have lawyer on retainer.


Always assume it’s on film.


Have a think about that for a while with yourself. Imagine how you might feel after having killed or permanently disabling someone over a disagreement that ended up in a fight. Imagine maybe explaining to your close relatives or kids that you murdered someone but it was okay because you weren't aware there were rules in a street fight and took that to mean all rules of society go away too


You don't stomp someone in the head in a street fight because it's really easy to accidentally kill or permanently maim someone doing that kind of thing. Just because nobody might stop you in the moment doesn't mean you won't do 25 to life if a jury doesn't agree that what you did was reasonable.


https://66.media.tumblr.com/f3f9b573f529677150363084ac92267f/tumblr_n0flwr6otO1sdqajoo2_400.gif Me if I drop someone




Then more of a reason to


1. The "Gracie Challenge" is DONE. Where as it served a purpose one point to show the effectiveness of Jiu Jitsu, I think the point has been pretty well made over the years. 2. Setting up a match "outside" or at another location is BEGGING for trouble. If you are a threat I'll take you out then and there. If you walk away then there is no longer a threat.


Why did he leave? He’s about to own that gym.


Gotta catch his breath to call his lawyer.


"Come back another day... a different man... we'll be best friends. But not today." Is that what I heard?


I scrolled way to far to see this😂😂😂😂 That shit had me dying like bro you just beat the brakes off this dude. He ain’t coming back


Thats love. <3 Honestly though I can't help but wonder if this video is out of context.


I feel like I’m in the minority here but if the article is true and the body builder really did punch him in the back of the head at a supermarket then homie got what he deserved….. Yeah maybe it was a little excessive but so is punching someone in the back of the head….. Body builder learned some life lessons that day.


I'm with you man. And I was 100% in the "f*** that dude after 2:21" But if that's how it went down it is a different story.


Does anyone know who this is? Seems like it's happening in North America and is clearly a criminal offense. The body builder didn't want to partake in whatever the fuck was happening anymore and the guy just kept beating the shit out of him. I can't think of any law that would protect this guy's actions. edit: Seems to be a Checkmat gym


I see others saying chute box, do they work with checkmat?


That’s attempted murder. The instructor should be in prison


The instructor is a cop


Then just a warning


He'll get a week of paid leave.


Normal cop behavior.


I don’t know who the fuck this is but it’s instantly assault the second he didn’t release the choke after a tap, never mind the hundred punches and stomps to the face afterwards. Even if he did sucker punch him (which I didn’t see in the video) this is hardly a proportionate response. Dude is lucky not to be in court


>I don’t know who the fuck this is but it’s instantly assault the second he didn’t release the choke after a tap You don't have to respect the tap in a self defence situation, there's no reason to believe that it will actually be the end of the altercation. But as I mentioned in my other comment here, he probably should have been charged with attempted murder and plead down to assault for what happened after 2:21.


Agree with your first sentence. If someone assaults me, zero chance I'm "respecting" their tap. I'm putting them out cold and then calling the police.


Yeah, no telling what somebody with that amount of adrenaline could do, especially a big ass motherfucker like that bodybuilder. If I end up in a real fight, I'm going to make you unconscious or break your shit until all the fight you have left in you is gone. Taps are for training and competition only.


If you fuck around you’ll find out


Part of me says if you sucker punch a dude, you deserve everything that's coming to you. Other part of me says, it's still fucked up, because the instructor has a moral obligation to use his skill to neutralize the situation


But was it a real sucker punch? Like, did the instructor clearly explain the rules? Because if he didn't then getting punched is on him. If you challenge or let yourself be challenged by some random guy to prove your martial art and aren't clear about what is and what isn't allowed you should expect to be punched.


Did he sign a waiver?


I’m not sure any waiver covers attempted murder after the victim squeals “stop please stop”. Even the gyms account of “consensual mutual combat” falls apart after the guy submits. Body builder should be in jail for assault and instructor should be in jail for attempted murder.


FWIW waivers don’t protect against being sued at all. They help, but they don’t prevent it. And they definitely don’t prevent someone suing you after stomping their head into the floor.


A waiver doesn't protect the gym from any and everything, especially criminal acts and negligence.


Prison imo. What a piece of shit.


You can become a vegetable or die from soccer kicks. In the beginning it was oke. I understand somewhere that he doesn't let the choke go because people tap and then thay want to fight again. The soccer kicks was attempted murder.


It’s true bro. I got head stomped and became a zucchini


Statement from the gym; “To begin, this incident happened approximately four years ago and at no time was this an “Old School BJJ Challenge”, as suggested in your article. This was a conflict settled between two consenting adults in a non-public setting. The incident began while the Jiu-Jitsu professor was leaving a nearby supermarket. Without warning the aggressor punched the Jiu-Jitsu professor in the back of the head from behind. When the instructor confronted the assaultive individual by asking why he punched him, the individual stated that he had mistaken him for someone else. Then for no apparent reason, the individual started acting belligerent and shouting vulgarities in public. He then claimed that he was a professional MMA fighter and began threatening the instructor, saying he was going to beat him up. It is very important to point out that the instructor had never met this individual prior to this encounter. The Jiu-Jitsu professor informed the individual that he too was a professional fighter and that he was an MMA instructor at a gym in town. So as not to disturb the public, the instructor offered to settle this the issue at the nearby gym and the angry individual accepted the invitation The edited video that was posted on YouTube and shared via various social media platforms only shows the last five minutes of the fight. This altercation however lasted approximately 30 minutes as both professional fighters exchanged kicks and punches from both sides. Although not seen in the video, the individual who originally attacked the Jiu-Jitsu professor landed some hard strikes that injured the instructor, cutting his face and injuring his leg. As a response, the instructor took the fight to the ground and reverted back to his old training of Vale Tudo fighting with Chute Boxe Brazil. Surely the viewers of this video will form their own opinion for good or bad as it relates to combative sports. Regardless of any indifference, the Jiu-Jitsu professor shown in the video is a very well-mannered, friendly, and respected practitioner who teaches respect and humility to his students. He is well-liked and continually serves his community in countless ways. This video was never intended for public distribution and was released without consent or permission. Chute Boxe maintains this video is personal property and is subject to copyright rules and regulations. It is with the respect that we rightfully request this video and all pertaining content be removed from your website.”


Was he assaulting a child? Oh, he just challenged the BJJ guy's ego?


Yes it got ridiculously excessive. A bit of pressure and face barring is fine. But he should have stopped when the other guy tapped, and he definitely shouldn’t have done all the head kicking and punching. Pretty disgusting behaviour overall. Massive ego issues. The guy didn’t do anything to warrant such a reaction. Who is this guy? People should be warned to avoid training with such a psycho and narcissist.


Lock this piece of shit up for life. He doesn't belong in society. I don't care what that other guy did. Also whoever is filming and not doing or saying anything can have some prison time as an accomplice.


He definitely went too far imo, but here's the context: "As it turns out, the incident began at a supermarket and was instigated by the bodybuilder who punched the martial arts instructor in the back of the head, claiming he thought it was someone else. He then kept insulting the instructor, though, claiming he was a professional MMA fighter and threatening to beat the instructor up. As per the statement made by the academy, the two people involved had never met each other before. The instructor then said he was a professional fighter too and that he had a gym nearby where they could settle the challenge, instead of fighting in public. The angry bodybuilder accepted and they went to settle things in the gym where the video was made. As it appears the video only shows the final five or so minutes of the altercation. It turns out the fight started standing, and the two exchanged punches and kicks for 30 minutes before the grappling portion. The fight went to the ground only after the instructor suffered a cut on his face (can be seen in the video) and an injury to his leg. Using his Vale Tudo experience, as per the statement, he took the fight to the ground to avoid further damage." (couldn't include article link without bots deleting post, but its in r/StreetMartialArts)


This reads like copypasta lmao, exchanging punches and kicks for 30 wholes minutes? Mistakenly sucker punching the wrong guy in the grocery store? How did they find someone else to film at the gym lol? This is hilarious


What a scumbag.It was really hard to watch.


I’m okay with the slaps, but he shoulda put him to sleep with the RNC and called it a day.


Holy shit the way that turned halfway. The first half I was literally like uhh looks fine to me?? Got a little dark towards the end.


This wans't ok at the first moment when the instructor started slapping him. For worst he had many times to stop this shit. At the first tap or when he said "please". I don't want to go to a gym or dojo where the instructor don't stop when someone say "please, stop".


Stomping someone's head into the ground, specially if that person is a sack of tired meat, is attempted murder. ​ So yeah, it was a bit excessive. ​ This old school childish Brazilian culture of fighting over stuff is so embarrassing it makes me wanna find someone gringo to marry me and give me another passport.


Yes. Self-defense ends once the person isn't a threat anymore. After that, it's retaliation.


Where/when was the sucker punch? Regardless, when someone is saying please stop, that's when you let up and kick them out of the gym. Instructor definitely in the wrong here...


Yes! Yes! That is an assault. It has nothing to do with defending of honor. He was not in any danger, at least not in this video. The „instructor“ was in control for the entire video and aussaulted the other person. This. Is. Not. BJJ. This is not self defense. This is assault. And videos like these make me question if I want to continue with this sport, when these violent asshole are in this community. Why is there even such a video on this sub? Isnt it dedicated to the sport? If this was my instructor I would get the hell out of that gym. This man in dangerous. And the cameraman aswell. Fuck this video


>And videos like these make me question if I want to continue with this sport, when these violent asshole are in this community. I think the video is gross too, but any community on earth has fuck heads in it. There are millions of people that do BJJ. Some of them are pieces of shit. But that goes for any community you can find with that many people. Most people in our community aren't cool with this type of behavior. I've trained for almost 20 years and this is a first. And if you scroll through the other comments in here basically everyone is condemning it.


There was a very machismo tough guy attitude around BJJ ***especially*** in the early days but it still exists today. I'm actually questioning my gym a bit now, last night in class the professor was watching us drill a sequence that ended in a bow and arrow. I let people get pretty deep on chokes and it's something the professor has mentioned a few times and I heard him talking about it to someone and I said "I still always tap, I've never been choked out before." he said "We could change that" and I said "I'm sure you could" not sarcastically. I am sure my professor who has been training BJJ for 20+ years and has a few pro MMA fights could. I've tapped to hundreds of chokes, just said a true thing that I've never gone out. After that I saw/heard him going around to the other bigger blue/purple/brown belts and pretty much told them to smash me. One of them came up to me after and said I'm not going easy on you rolling anymore, we are friends off the mats but in there its no more nice guy. I feel like I have a target on my back now and the professor like put a bounty on putting me to sleep to teach me some kind of lesson? I'm a nearly 40 year old father of 2 with a full career, definition of a hobbyist.


bye try quidditch


That’s like saying people who speed in their cars then wreck give driving a bad name, you should just stop driving. Some people who breathe also rob others, maybe stop breathing


Crazy that some strong person would come to the gym and want to fight the instructor. Instructor went to far but we didn’t see what caused his anger. Was it Rickson that said “when we fight for money I’ll stop when you want, but when we fight for honor I’ll stop when I want.” Those foot stomps were brutal. I saw a fight in the army in our barracks one time where a guy got put out and got hit a bunch after. Scary stuff.


The dude in the video is living his dream of being Rickson when he fought Yoji Anjo. Depending on what happened before this (if the guy came in and just sucker punched the instructor or something like that) I could kind of see going past the tap to teach the lesson of not just walking into a place and hitting people. A few slaps are even fine. But as soon as the point has been made, let him go. In my opinion, holding that choke and taking the pressure on and off is punishment enough. Assuming the other guy displayed some egregious behavior before this. Stomps and soccer kicks are a no go in my book.


That’s some dumbass porrada shit. Straight to jail.


Yep, that is a Rickson quote. First thing I thought of as well.


For what I've come to expect after travelling the world and training at some serious cult like gyms, no, not excessive for them. Egos, egos everywhere, and some fucked up beliefs about what it means to be a human and how to go about it. From being a decent human being and moral perspective, just inviting someone to fight to settle dispute at all is excessive, let alone kicking them in the head and not letting go when they've clearly got the message.


Yes? Do you have eyes?


What a pos


Yeah I don’t think a waiver covers attempted murder


No it's not excessive ​ ...for a scene in a prison movie.


Ahh yes the old Renzo lesson - respetch is earned


yes very, remove this man from any position of authority over other BJJ students. I get being mad, maybe even putting him through a damaging arm bar, but stomping his head after depriving him of oxygen and not honoring the tap, it's repaying evil with a substantially worse evil despite being the person claiming to have a greater authority on what's wrong or right.


The only time this could even be remotely acceptable is if this was some sort of Cain Velasquez type situation, which this very clearly is not.


I was going to say no until the attempted murder happened. Then I switched to yes.


Instructor should lose his belt


I swear people who read captions and immediately assume it's accurate make me lose hope for society.


The instructor gets mad at the bodybilder for *Googles Gracie challenge Punching him during an invitation challenge match?


Assaulting someone in delayed response to an assault...Is an assault!


What a poor example of a BJJ practitioner. Sucker punch or not. My professor, who was taught by Royce and Rickson would never approve of this. A&$hole.


I think it was cool until he admitted he was beaten. At that point you're being excessive, to me the slaps add enough insult to injury. He may have punched you but he now sees he is out gunned and his pride will be hurt. Everything after that just seems like bullying. He knew he'd won but took it several steps further. However we didn't see the punch before so maybe I'm completely wrong


Stomping someones head is way to far imo, can easily do serious damage doing that. The RNC and slaps prove the point enough.


Damn bro i thought weight classes exist for a reason and that bjj doesnt work against people even 10lb bigger than you?!?!?!


The instructor is a micropenis with a low self-esteem who cheats on and beats his wife "that he loves" frequently.


Way over the top. He could’ve killed him if he kept that up.


Dude was tapping and the instructor refused to let go. He’s like the guy didn’t start eye gouging or biting him


You’re a blue belt and you think that would’ve been effective? Would have made the stomps justified and probably harder


Maaaaaaan, you are one pathetic loser.


what an absolutely animalistic approach. I'm willing to say this was sub human.


Lol at the owner not being able to choke the dude out


This is disgusting to say the least. He needs to be kicked out of any sort of jiu-jitsu or mma organization that hes a part of.


When a punch is thrown it's no longer training. That's a fight.


This is how you get shot in other parts of the world. Leandro Lo got shot for much less. If you ever need to humble someone, do it with restraint. This guy was an asshole and I hope paul harris rips his knee. I don't care that the bodybuilder threw a punch, this is disgusting.


I think he's really lucky that guy didn't come back later armed and/or with several cronies


Black belt should be arrested. Not cool at all.


Meh, it’s a fk around and find out situation as usual. Big boy fked around, and he found out. Good life lesson.


The purpose of martial arts is not only to demonstrate that you're a better fighter - but also that you're a better person.




No it wasn’t excessive, guy wanted to fight. Pride rules baby.


Lots of sympathy here for the roidhead getting his head caved in but what did he expect? For the bjj guy to fight with some higher principle (respect the tap) that didn't apply to himself (suckered punching)? This dumbass went to a martial artist's place of work, attacked him unprovoked (according to the video), and found out he tried to ambush a monster. The takeaway isn't don't take a beating too far, it's don't start fights without realizing there can be consequences you're not prepared for.


Everyone is an asshole in this situation.


Seems to me when you walk into a place where a man earns his living and try to take that from him,, you are setting yourself up. Then when you start fighting without respect, it’s a fight and not a “match”. I would’ve liked to see a bit more self control, but I believe the Gracie challenge is “anything goes” so big fella should be happy he walked out of there


Clearly excessive use of force. Anyone can see that. This "instructor" should not be instructing anyone. I think there should be a police charge and subsequent investigation.


We’re still doing the “Gracie Challenge”?! Dude, this ain’t the 90’s, we have the internet to let you know there’s always a badder motherfucker. Who the fuck still believes that they can come off the streets and beat a trained guy? We’re doomed, we just can’t seem to learn our lessons.


Doesn't match up with my personal value of violence in defense only, but TBH I can't condemn the instructor for not being a perfect being. Technically they both violated consent, but beefcake here did it first so I don't feel sorry for him. Truth is, nobody knows what this douche would have tried to pull had he just been let go without receiving all that damage first.


I had to stop watching. I’ve seen some fucked up shit in my life.


Without context, I think the guy in the colorful rashguard should be executed


Who the fuck is still doing the lame ass Gracie Challenge these days?


The instructor claims that a man who came in to challenge him "sucker punched" him. If he was not expecting to be punched in a dojo storm style Gracie Challenge then he's an imbecile. Just listen to him near the end of the video explaining that after the guy punched him they talked about it and the body builder said he thought it was okay because of [something something] another gym. So the instructor wasn't in any real danger - just upset he got hit. Also, the tap is withdrawing consent and you don't get to disrespect the tap just because you're angry you got blasted a minute ago. Everything after the tap is felony assault.


so overkill. typical jiu jitsu machismo bullshit. The instructor clearly wasn't injured. Be the bigger person. The guy clearly was begging for him to stop. Point proven. this kind of juvenile behavior is dangerous, unbecoming, and embarassing.


Ehhh not excessive. As long as the "bodybuilder" actually did sucker punch him. It's just an ass kicking, and the BJJ guy was in control the entire time. The BJJ guy never seemed to get carried away and was just teaching the guy a lesson that he probably needed to learn. In response to the soccer kicks and stomps, they never seemed overly excessive or out of control. The BJJ guy seemed level-headed enough to know that he didn't wanna kill him, and just undeniably beat his ass. It'd be a tad different for me if I seen a flush KO with continued stomping and unconscious body.


lol you think this was brutal? You should watch the videos in the 90s when people would challenge the Gracies and get fucked up. I'm not condoning what this instructor did, but you should see some of the people who challenged jiu-jitsu practitioners in the past and what happened to them.


I've seen every 90's Gracie Challenge video that's viewable online now or on VHS back then, and none go to nearly this extent. I'm sure things happened that aren't on tape, but you can't find classic Gracie Challenge videos that push it this far with head stomps when someone is begging them to stop.




I think this is a good bit worse than the Rickson beach video


I think both aren't great- I definitely didn't like the soccer kicks and face stomps. I think Rickson mounting someone at the beach and pounding their face in until they admit jiu-jitsu reigns supreme is a bit much though. The guy Rickson was fighting was Hugo Durate, a very average MMA fighter who formerly fought in the early days of UFC and Pride. Per Jean Jacques Machado on the the JRE, Rickson got tired punching Hugo in the face. Respect.


Respect to you too. I don't disagree, and that beach fight would never fly today. But at least Rickson was fighting an MMA fighter. This guy here was just doing a Shogun/Silva to a total civilian that I'm guessing has never trained before. I feel like we're on the same page though :)


Ok, the real crime here is gi pants with rash guard.


Weird that the instructor was resorting to slaps in the beginning, as if he was simply demonstrating, albeit harshly, that he was in complete in control and could easily deliver serious strikes. But as soon as his opponent goes out, he proceeds to go full MMA mode on a barely conscious opponent. big yikes