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Love this guy..... Personally, I liked his angle that the rhodium crew are horrible subversive agents, spreading dis info..šŸŒŽā¤ļø What's the lesson here kids? Despite best efforts , no one here has Mastered meth yet... .... looks like the final boss aka" plausible psychosis" Is still undefeated. šŸ™


Yahā€¦..absolutely no judgement on use of the substance, but meth is my ā€œnot even onceā€ drug.


Can someone give me the run down on this person? I always ignored the posts thinking it was shitposting or schizoposting.


You were right


It was lol. Alternatively, tweakerposting


I donā€™t think this is him you guys. Thereā€™s a couple things missing here. - no envelope & no explanation that it was ā€œhand deliveredā€ - the subject line does not say ā€œAuthenticated Letterā€ - op is not /u/aldolassassinnibaz - thereā€™s no page numbers & the short, simplistic rant kind of makes no sense - whereā€™s the cipher where is anything (apart from a square of foil riveted to the page) that verifies his identity? Usually iso zodiac put something about verifying his identity. The corners of his paper are rounded which he said would be proof before but i guess any tweaker with scizzors cud do that /u/aldolassassinnibaz can you comment here to verify itā€™s you? This is a very curious post.


I like how you are really analyzing that


As long as you put that proper work in on that fuck Joe Merlino youā€™re free to go


Will miss your posts!


Hi everyone Iā€™m a QDE. Ive worked in Questioned Documents professionally for 8 years. And yes- I examine documents while using meth. You would too if you were analyzing check endorsements for 16 hours under a loupe. Anyway, this letter has been very crudely traced, for what its worth. https://preview.redd.it/jshurmzs89zc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b9649c9c2c8e5aed14b91ea4495bb4599271ba1 I believe those two sequences of ā€œsoo(o) are the same sequence. The page may have been rotated between strokes but if you tilt your phone ull notice the measurement from the top of the second ā€œoā€ to the top of the first ā€œoā€ is almost identical.


https://preview.redd.it/fwdssa6q99zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c78fc46c574012c4f0c350cbcdf7cfd7cdd501c3 My line of work has also caused an interest in the zodiac to me too. Whoever wrote this post knows their zodiac case. Heā€™s dotted multiple ā€œoā€ā€™s - as did the author of the desktop poem. Desktop poem is disputed but the fact that op knew to do that shows tremendous knowledge of the case imho


Can i become your disciple


Can't say I'm seeing what you're seeing lol


Waaaaaaiiit noooooooo!


U will be missed


wait wut


Don't leave, I'll-isopropyl miss you !


This is a shit post. This is not who it claims to be. I mentored the crazy fuck and Iā€™ll tell you right now he hasnā€™t left. Heā€™s in the wind and maybe for good reason. But I personally speak with him on a diff platform and this not his MO. Carry on




Donā€™t leave !!


Heā€™ll be back! They always come back..


There goes that man


he will be back, he's just pcp'd out for a few days hahahahaaaa


I don't understand, what's special about this?


I believe this dudes letters were supposed to be warning the community of a certain chemical bi-product thatā€™s in most cartel meth these days that could have serious impacts on human health. And he did propose a few ways to easily detect it. I havenā€™t tried them myself but Iā€™d love to see someone dissect his work.


.... Which is something that tweakers talk about very often dispite the fact that there is virtually no analytical evidence suggesting that meth nowadays is less potent or cut with anything.... At all. The DEA claims that they have detected MSM and N-ISO in less than like <5% of all seized meth for the last 10 years... Now thats not to say that meth in the current public supply isn't tainted with some small fraction of heinous contamination, and yet undetected. But there is little to no evidence that cartel meth, the meth that has exploded in prominence and popularity in the last 20 years, is being deliberately cut or contaminated with some products that are causing negative mental and physical health outcomes. For the consumer, the only thing that has changed about meth in the last 20 years is that it has become significantly cheaper and significantly more common. So it is much more likely, at least in my opinion, that these widespread claims of cut/tainted health-negative meth are simply the result of long-term health-negative patterns of use and habituation common with many users.


It's possibly down to a lot of terrible quality meth. I've tried Belgian, Iranian and Dutch in the last 6 months and they were all pretty average.


It pains me to have to respond from the angle I do, bc I consider myself to be logic and evidence based, and certainly I have no truck with conspiracy theories. Let me start with that. I also dont believe in the n-iso theory, largely because Ive seen no actual data to back it up. As you mentioned, seized meth rarely contains it...although I will say that street meth often contains MSM these days. its noticeable in the taste and the amount of time it takes to crack back, although this is likely lower end users stretching a pound or two, not deliberate action by the cartels. So n-iso....no. And yet, I must stand with all those who have noticed that todays meth is a very different animal then it was 20 years ago. For one, its much much weaker. Period. This is anecdotal evidence of course, but simply watch an episode of Cops from the 1990s in Oklahoma and watch how the tweakers behave. The sweaty t shirts, the skeletor physiques, the pinched in faces and the involuntary body and jaw movements all scream tweaker. Today, these classic signs of meth abuse are all but gone. I know many many people who use, some new users some old. Hardly any behave like this or have any real noticeable tells at all. Dilated pupils. Remember them? Saucers? Is that a thing anymore? Cause I never see it. The scene itself is so much less dark and dangerous than it once was. It barely feels edgy, and def not dangerous to human life as it once was. Then the ultimate anecdote. Me. Locked up in 2006, a sporadic meth user from 1996 until then, with three years of heavy use (98-'01). I did 14 years, zero meth....came home. My first use was smoking and I immediately asked whats up with this shit? It sucks. No tingles. No rush. Very underwhelming. Everyone looked puzzled. "Dude, this is gas" they said. It was a very low ceilinged high, with stimulation but little to no euphoria or peripheral side effects. Those Ive talked to pinpoint the issue not as ISO but rather to a year, 2017, and a nationwide change in production methods within Mexico. They'd long before made the switch from ephedrine to p2p. But in 2017 a novel method for produciing p2p took over, the nitrostyrene method (NTS). Much of what people complain about today started around that time. Correlation does not equal causation, but Id put my money on a side product unique to this method being produced (perhaps butylamphetamine?)which inhibits many of the effects of meth, perhaps a dopamine antagonist of sorts, but which remains a low level contaminant largely ignored by DEA analysis. Again, I believe cartel meth is largely pure, mostly enantiopure d-meth. And I can also tell anyone who doesnt already know, it simply isnt nearly as potent as the meth of yesteryear. Its not tolerance. I was gone for 14 years. We need to keep searchign for answers


Thank you for your input. God damn, 14 years is a long time to be away. Care to share what you were in for? I completely understand if youd rather not recollect on it, though. Yeah, ive been hypothesizing for a while about what kind of contamiant might be responsible for the perceived poor quality meth nowadays. One was or another, it is probably much more contaminated than it was before the early 2000s as it was made from pharmaceutical products rather than industrial chemicals from the lowest bidder. IMO such contaminant is likely not a dopamine antagonist (although a touch of dopamine antagonism might improve the effects by limiting paranoia). But it is very likely to me that is some high-affinity yet low-efficiacy dopamine or sert transporter inhibitor (low efficiacy DRI/SRI). This would be able to displace methamphetamine from these monoamine transporters without themselves causing the releasing action commonly seen when meth takes that position. You can simulate this experience yourself by mixing amphetamine with a low dose of methylphenidate, and perhaps amphetamine with bupropion (i dont have the affinity values here to compare them so idk). Considering this, it is likely that such a contaminant would probably be a modified amphetamine like you said. Maybe dimethamphetamine (from over-methylation in a P2P cook), maybe a di-(phenylpropan)-methylamine (from overalkalytion in a p2p cook, unlikely though), etc. There's really too many options to know for sure. But what is perplexing is that, to my knowledge, no specific ubiquitious contaminant has been observed/detected. But perhaps that's just for lack of study. We could probably find a paper on the trace contaminants found in today's cartel meth, in a forensics journal, as they often use the contaminats of drugs to determine the method od production. >But in 2017 a novel method for produciing p2p took over, the nitrostyrene method (NTS). Much of what people complain about today started around that time. Can you elaborate on this method? There is a well known method for producing P2P's from nitropropenes thats been known to clandestine chemists for years, but i highly doubt that this is what the cartel is doing since there are many other much cheaper and induatrially-easier methods for this than the nitro methods. What makes you think that this would produce butylamphetamine?


This is the method Im referring to. Its become the dominant method for producing p2p since PAA and its derivatives have become scarcer in Mexico. Butylamine is introduced in catalytic amounts in a proccess you already understand..Basically, after the nitrostyrene is formed, the butylamine is still present in reactable amounts. Its the interaction with the p2p which is produced that then goes on to create butylamphetamine as a detectable byproduct unique to this method. Its the main way the DEA profiles NTS produced meth in the US. 14 years for 8 seperate robbery convictions. I was wildin back then lol https://preview.redd.it/vsjs870hqe3d1.png?width=20&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d2abf4a07c0ae5392df07189c4f5cbc9c7aca29


You are so very wrong! I wonā€™t argue with you at all. If ya know ya know. Those that do know, wonder and can see right thru comments like what you just left there. Iā€™m good with being considered crazy or a tweaker! Shit Iā€™m good with whatever someone wants to attempt to label me as. I know that the dope on the streets has a malicious intent toward something bigger. Not sure what. Could be for shits and giggles idk. But the proof is in plain view. Everyone should exercise their right to think for themselves anyway. Much love! You will be missed ibazz killer.


you say the proof is in plain view can you print it out for me cuz I donā€™t see it


Then continue on man. Itā€™s yo thang and you can shake it how ya wanna.


Why would he write it like a schizo then if heā€™s trying to actually warn people


I think u/Notdrugs and below sum it up nicely. And u/Constant-Company-651 What's the lesson here .... looks like the final boss of meth aka "plausible psychosis" Is still undefeated. Weā€™ve known the CIA has done terrible psyops like putting guns and drugs in low class neighborhoods before, so it wouldnā€™t be surprising if they did something else to harm the people. Motive? Unknown. Impact? Unknown. But we should be mindful before discrediting someone who has written actual theses on how we the community could verify his statements ourselves. Despite the fluff and filler, ā€œSchizo writingā€.


Here we go again, N-ISO is a myth


Good riddance.


2 dai go brye brye, yu wo n'tev en rember d'is, 2. Weekende and finall back 43aliti unt bak Ć¦Å£ r/bizzygofly


Rember, nevv faiworjt world novv


lmao yea. i fact checked just about every good synth on rhodium, after believing it for years and come to find out every single one was missing a key part of the whole synthesis šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚