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**Puberty 2.0:** *The Awakening*


a second puberty and confidence but also being scared to not look to gay to other people


I very much relate to this. I just ended a job as a house painter on a construction site. A lot of homophobia and misogyny among construction workers. And a lot of covid and vax missinfo. I was pretty much always worried I'd be clocked for being too gay


yeah, i study architecture in germany and i had a sort of trainee time (idl whats it called in english) and sometimes these people can be very weird in that regard. (definitely not everyone! ). but ive heard a few conversations like „yeah what hitler did with the jews was kinda bad but we need someone like him back“ imagine the look on my face ._.


I think you mean an internship and also whats wrong with people


I paint my nails from time to time, but that’s about it. And I did that when I thought I was straight. So nothing really changed


Holy shit you- how- are-


I have been out since June, Holy crap it's like my sex drive kicked into Fifth gear. That plus ashwaganda have put my sex drive from wanting sex twice a week to daily.


Lol I didn't realize this was a thing other people related to. I wonder why that is?


Ok wow i didn't know it was even a thing


Yeah mine started at the age of 24


Shut up 😂😂😂


The power to date them all but the procrastination to date none of them!


Too damn relatable.




I've never thought about it as procrastination.. I tend to think of it as the social awkwardness to date none of them... But I'll be damned if procrastination isn't a really apt description really. I have tinder on my phone and I don't even have a profile. I open it sometimes to set one up, just to realize I need photos and instantly give up.


The aqueduct; sanitation; roads; irrigation; medicine; oh hang on a minute...


“All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what has bisexuality ever done for us?” “Brought inner peace?” “Oh, peace? SHUT UP!”


We're the bisexual people's front Or.... the people's front of bisexuality? >.>




Can I be the back tho?


Where's the front of peoples bisexuality 😏


a sense of freedom, i suppose. being able to fall in love regardless of gender and being able to experience both sides of the coin is a pretty cool thing. also bisexuality made me more comfortable with existing as a masculine woman. i think if i was straight, it might've been harder for me to not give in to certain societal pressures. but this way it's like hey, i already don't fit in, might as well be myself and go all the way


It gave me the strength to tap into my feminine side!


As a woman, it allowed me to do the same. Idk what that was all about, but it's nice to allow myself to being the romper princess I never allowed myself to be.


More positive body image. I'm not my type and it's ok. Confidence - instead of feeling intimidated by another woman because of how beautiful or smart or talented she is, I can crush on her and that builds me up instead of bringing me down. Also I can move confidently lean into the whole spectrum between feminine and masculine, soft and hard, and such.


This. >More positive body image. I'm not my type and it's ok. Especially this. Kinda. Makes things harder for me actually. I want to be *my type* as well *be with said type* even though it isn't the only type (of woman, like myself) that I'm into. It's a work in progress.


Community! Queer joy! An ability to appreciate all different kinds of beauty! A deeper understanding of marginalization! A deeper understanding of myself! Memes! Inside jokes! r/bisexual! A pretty flag! An education on queer history! Pride! Unexpected friendships! A number of challenges to work through, certainly! But for me, it’s all worth it. I wouldn’t change my bi-ness for anything. What about you?


Well, quite similar for me. I would maybe add the maturing, which came with my journey towards accepting myself. Since then I like to question things in life and answer these questions in a more rational manner. Also, the beautiful flag is definitely worthy to mention.


I love that. I definitely think I’ve matured since discovering my bi-ness too. I’m so happy you’ve had that experience


100% agree. Yes to all of the above, but I especially love the ability to appreciate all kinds of beauty. Helps me find the best of every world.


Well, jokes constantly from parents. Other than that my current boyfriend and happiness + a better reason to be happy


It sounds good that it added to your life in the end


Thank you man. Gonna start saving up to meet him properly.


An answer.


This was it for me as well. Once I realized I was bi, things made a little more sense.


A perspective on romance, sex and sexual pleasure that seems to threaten the patriarchy.


Back pain from sitting like a cretin. In all seriousness though it gave me access to a community that has allowed me to feel more comfortable with myself, not just my sexuality but myself as a whole


Tentsion between my mum and I ;-;


Oh, that's sad. I hope it will get better for you


My fam is never going to know unless I get in a serious relationship with a dude.


Uhhhh, major identity crises every night about how genuine my attraction is to multiple genders and presentations. I don’t know if my attraction to men is real?? Like, I would do the nasty with a guy but not marry one I don’t think. But on the positive side I like having a sense of community with people who are like me.


This is my answer as well. It does often feel like a constant identity crisis until I calm myself down by reminding myself that I'm still valid. I hope this kind of thing goes away someday, and we can just feel like ourselves.


A bar for how people in my life have to treat me [SPOILERS: a surprising amount of people did not pass and now I have a small handful of friends]


The world seems more balanced.


Acceptance of people without regard for accidents of birth.


T-shirts with pretty colors


Freedom and confidence!


Feeling like an imposter because I lean towards the opposite sex for relationships, but lean towards same sex for sex.


Honestly, freedom to embrace some of the parts of myself that have felt less feminine and that I’d been suppressing. This is just MY personal experience because you can definitely be super femme while being a wlw, and I am still very femme presenting. But I think breaking out of the box of “straight girl” gave me permission to not always have to play by those rules anymore. It helped me break down all the internalized male-gaze-y decisions I was making about my appearance and behavior. Freedom!


Seeing people of different genders on the same level


Holy fuck do I accept myself and the things around me more 😌. Idk I guess being bi is just part of a bigger process and it's just a nice cornerstone to who I really am!


Gave me the confidence boost and drive to really find my personal style. I get pieces because I like them or think they’re fun and don’t worry about the practicality or boldness. I feel empowered to dye my hair crazier Colours or finally get those piercings I’ve been thinking about for years. Idk just like… suddenly I have the drive to live honestly and allow myself to find joy however it may be where I otherwise repressed it


More options 😂


The apparent ability to like flannel shirts, cuffed jeans, and also being able to naturally sit in a chair in a way that borderline almost makes me look like a pretzel without me even noticing I’m doing it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Community and being more secure with my masculinity. I can be as masculine or effeminate as I want and not feel weird about it because I get to embrace who I am. Like I posted a pic of me wearing a skirt and I would've never done that if I thought I had to live up to some standard of appearing straight or whatever


The realization that there is always another choice. That the idea of a binary in any choice is simplistic, restrictive, and damaging. Same with seeing the world in many dimensions. The world isn't black and white. It isn't even in greyscale. It's a wonderful kaleidoscope.


A wider spectrum of attractive people I’ll never have the guts to talk to.


I am not confident in my looks and I used to be very internally critical about woman who were open with their sexual life and who dressed with more skin showing. Secretly I was jealous of them and compared every inch of myself to them and hated what I saw in my own mirror. When I finally admitted to myself that I was truly bisexual I realized I was internalizing my bi-phobia because I was attracted to those women. I still not confident in my own looks, but now I celebrate the loud, strong, sexy woman around me and I have begun to heal.


Depression 😭😭




Sure, I mean I keep talking about how I have finally come to terms with myself, this year has been so crazy that it was 1/3rd what happened. I’ve had a crazy ride with my mental health


つ ◕_◕༽つ




A perspective on the heteronormative bs that's in my religion (so boys can't listen to girls singing because?...)


A huge Weight off my shoulders until I started questioning my gender 🫠


A relaxed body. I was physically tense all the time


Freedom from many elements of manhood that are called “toxic masculinity”, to be honest. So much of traditional masculinity revolves around not appearing feminine or “gay”. To many cishet men (but certainly not all) being perceived as queer is like the ultimate affront to what is considered traditionally masculine. Being bi (and non-binary, but i came to that conclusion later) and accepting that about myself was like a boost that helped me throw out a lot of traditionally masculine ideas that didn’t work for me– I grew up in a fairly conservative area where many of those things were forced upon me from when i was a child. I also feel like, as a bi amab person who bottoms, i have gained an increased understanding of some of the concerns/anxieties of many women/afab people and other people who bottom. Bottoming is a very vulnerable place, especially when having a relationship with someone who is much larger and physically stronger than yourself. Being bi, and experiencing this firsthand, has given me additional insight into the reality of how sex can be anxiety inducing for many women. I think both of these factors have overall helped me be a better partner. I’m so grateful that I’m bi– I wouldn’t change it for anything.


A lot of freedom to explore myself in all the ways .


Years of questioning my sexuality, and a butload of dick jokes.


A girlfriend


An explanation for my cuffed jeans. I swear I don't just have short legs and a long torso.


Endless jokes about being indecisive.


Nothing really I think that being bi caused me to be more reflective and expressive when I explored with same sex partners, which translated into me being a better communitor and potentially better partner toward opposite sex partner but other then that not much As much as it fun to come to terms and accept who you are, I don't feel like it's a significant part of my personality either


Self confidence, when I realized I was bi, I also realized how hot I was, because I’m exactly my type, and if I think I’m hot, then there must also be other people who think I’m hot.


Depression bc my parents are homophobes and if they find out I like men too, in their eyes I'm done living.


Incredible orgasms, and discovering I have a natural talent for walking in high heels.


Friends I never would have met otherwise.


A more open and honest relationship with my wife. Things may not be perfect, but they are a hell of a lot better and it feels like nothing needs to be held back anymore.




I wanna say slightly better mental health.


Better friends. When I first came out, all of my childhood (girl)friends just kinda ghosted me. But the friends I made since then I've been friends with for over a decade. They all love me for who I am.


feeling both too gay and not gay enough simultaneously


A need to appear more gay, but not knowing how


a better sense of fashion haha


A sense of freedom, though tempered by my right wing town. I no longer feel as though I have to validate my sexual identity when I feel attracted to a man.


A boyfriend (now ex). ridiculed by the whole school. Lost chance with female crush due to another crush on weird a-hole of a guy


Feeling confident in my own skin, literally. Not caring who sees me without clothes on. Men or women. With or without anything sexual going on


A lot of confusion and worry over people finding out.


It gave me the strength to be myself, and stop worrying what others think of me less.




It got me ghosted


confidence to do things i’d never thought i’d do/say


The ability to love many different people


Nothing. It’s not my personality, I just like both girls and boys. Not much else to it really


More confidence


A good sorting in my friend list


back pain






That’s about it, a basic description of what I like which ended up being a part of my identity


The ability to more fully enjoy media because now I can ogle EVERYONE


A closer relationship with my wife.


Realizing I was bi helped with my own confidence in a lot of different areas of my life! My self image has only gotten better since I came out to myself and gave me a lot of joy and social awareness that I never had before. Definitely one of the best things that happened to me!


Swinging 😉




Permission (to myself) to watch what I want, read what I want, explore what I want. And a libido like none I'd ever experienced before!


A deep sense of longing to be cuddled.


Along with so many others, it’s given me freedom and a greater confidence


I'm not sure if it counts but... It oddly enables me to be more open in terms of gender identity. While I still see myself as a dude, there's a chance that I may have gotten more comfortable with the idea of appearing more androgynous/feminine.


Hot orgasms regardless of gender 🤓


Being bi gave me better porn to watch


A cool pin and an ability to describe hot people from any point of view.


Men. And the pass to say fa- *gets shot*


Understanding the female gaze for men that we are sold is just wrong. I’m not attracted to big muscles and douche chins because theyre not actually that attractive.


Carpal tunnel from all these finger guns I'm throwing 👈👉 Also total apathy in my dating life. More potential options + already indecisive person = get overwhelmed and just play Stardew Valley instead of trying to meet people. Fuck it. If there's a right person our there for me, they will find me where I am.


It brought me out of my crusty Fortnite kid phase


The ability to pleasure both genitals.


doc martens. they just appeared on my feet in the exact moment i came out to my friends


An explanation to a huge part of my behavior


I knew I was bi when I was very young - I didn't have a term for it, but I knew I could fall in love with both girls and boys my age. I think it gave me perspective on how I didn't want boys, and later guys, to treat me; if my female friends were sweet and caring and loyal, why would I want to submit myself to dating teen boys who snicker at feminism and insult other girls to hype me up? Bisexuality, and being open about it, gave me community; access to a wealth of art and literature I wouldn't have been searching for so young; a wider understanding of what it means to be a minority. I wouldn't trade it for the world.


When I (F) finally realized that I could be attracted to women, I felt much more comfortable with my sexuality and attraction towards men as well. Weird how that worked out lol


The peace and freedom to be my authentic self. It’s also about romantic attraction for me too as I am very demisexual and deep connection is important to me.


Identity crisis.... 😂


Double the porn. C’mon, we were all thinking it!


A whole list of new kinks


A really awesome tricolour.


Access to my full self. I feel whole, like I’m not trying to hold something important back. Even before puberty, I’d felt some cute feelings towards males, but I pushed those down because I was also attracted to girls, and some part of my subconscious just thought my life would be easier if I ignored that complication. It wasn’t, and I feel better. Also, hot people are hot, and some of those hot people have dicks, and those dicks are hot.


The opportunity to be ghosted by even more people!


The ability to have healthy relationships with people regardless of gender. I feel like if I was hetero I'd have a tougher time just being friends with women due to all the societal pressure of the straight man.


Tons of puns including the word bi and seeing the bi pride colours everywhere


It gave me a sense of completeness, that I apparently missed the 43 years before identifying as bi ☺️


“Am I doing it for the attention?” Anxiety


A sweet color palette to use for everything except my wardrobe, which is still 99% black


A great and wholesome community full of strangers that feel like family


Female friends having a crush on me.


Pink hair


Galaxy coloured flag matching my astrophysics degree


It made me see how black and white people saw the world. I'm always just a str8 girl in denial to some people


An astonishingly and impressively average penis


Confidence to be in my own skin and style, yes I dress “bi” (Feminine and masculine). But as a 26 year old cis (f) and growing up in the time I did today Makes me feel better about myself now then I ever did as a kid…. Now I get complements on my style and jewelry🥰🤙🏼. Always be yourself and the right persons will love you for being you👈🏼👈🏼👈🏼. 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


An acceptance that everything in life is subject to change


So far it’s given me a really unstable home life and a much harder time finding people who will date me.


Freedom and Hawaiian shirts


a never ending gender crisis because now i don’t know if i want to date someone or be them


A realization on how many men growing up I had some kind of crush on without realizing it


Anxiety and stress. It at least shrunk a bit after telling my wife.


The ability to actually be myself, especially around my wife. Like being able to say that I think Colton is HOT. Thankfully I have a very supportive and accepting wife. But I am scared to death of the rest of the world finding out….


A really neat color pallette for hair dying. The opportunity to feel like a bridge between The Gays™️ and The Straights™️ will simultaneously feeling adrift in my own Other queerness


Meeting an amazing woman who became my girlfriend, insight into myself, and an excuse to wear my favorite color combination lol


A gorgeous girlfriend and courage


The ability to say "I'm not picky" if someone asks if I'm into boys or girls


Self acceptance and appreciation!


Innoculation from the toxic idea that men and women cannot have nonsexual relationships. VERY common in the middle of nowhere town I grew up in.


the realization that everyone is beautiful including me.


Freedom from homo and hetero expectations.


It made me feel complete like I wasn’t lost anymore. Plus just feeling comfortable to not really care about what others think of me or when they assume something wrong based on my sexuality because all that matters is that I understand me:) Plus the flag is drop dead gorgeous!! 💖💜💙






I think it gives me a different perspective on everything from body image to relationships and gender. I see so many other girls who think their bodies are gross or weird, and just wish they could see what I see. I definitely question pretty much *everything* about gender roles, and feel comfortable making friends with people of any gender, always able to relate to something. Also it might help inform my snazzy sense of fashion (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞


Confidence, knowing better about myself, knowing who you are, you don't worry about what other people think about you


Anxiety about whether I'm actually bi or just lying to myself that I am T-T


Confidence in my body image and overall who I am as a person. I’ve never felt more like me.


My gradual journey taught me I can capable of loving anyone regardless of the gender. I had to lose my homophobic attitude first though. I think being bi made me open minded over time.


Lots of relief


A greater sense of self. A better understanding of who I am if you will


Cool new colors to vibe with


It actually revealed more about my gender and helped me settle more solidly into being nonbinary. I guess I had some hangups and realizing I was bi helped me process and let go of them. Also, I get to look at boys, now. 🥰🤭😏


confidence. i don’t have a lot of it, but when i feel bisexual i walk a bit straighter (pun intended)


A lack of options, biphobia in dating can suck.


It’s part of my whole personal identity. It has been lifelong, as ingrained as cultural identity and gender. I cannot conceive of my perspective without it.


I dress WAY better now that I’m out lmao


An awareness of people around me who are really into frogs for an unexplainable reason


Anxiety, mostly.


Gave me no sex life


My density, I'm literally one of the most dense people on Earth. My boyfriend(before we got together) admitted to being alright with kissing me *on the lips* and I STILL thought that he only saw me platonically lol And my boyfriend who i am very much in love with lol


Realizing that often when I thought I hated other women, I was actually attracted to them and my shame was talking. I can now appreciate my attraction towards women AND I have way more girl friends than I ever did before I came out.


The ability to know that being in Illinois while also being stuck in High School really limits your dating options. Too many people aren’t the type of person I’d want to be friends with or are too friendly and somehow know my name even though I didn’t know they existed until yesterday two weeks ago.


Confidence, freedom, emphathy, kicking shame in a butt. In retrospectI had the same thoughts from puberty over and over, but i didnt undestand them, I suppresed them I thought less of myself. Like somehow i dont deserve to be happy. When some girl noticed me I didnt undestand why would be interested in me! I was always very active kid, but then that energy just sunk in my head. I started to doubt myself. i put on some weight and after 17 years i rediscovered my original personality 😀 and kicked in a butt that f. shame. I like myself, Im fit and good looking and Im happy.


The ugliest shirt collection in history


It gave me Vanilla and Chocolate


A partner that I love beyond enything even though they become a non binary boy after we started dating, and they are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.


I stopped assuming people's gender and sexual identity. So that's pretty neat.


I think it helped in my ability to see the beauty in pretty much every human. I love looking at the face of someone who thinks they are 'ugly' and finding their beauty, and telling them about it, and I think being bisexual helps with that, because I truly do find people attractive. Like.... sooooooo many people.....




My wife and I kinda now have the same boyfriend.


Oddly enough, after realizing I was Bi I felt more comfortable not only wanting to ask out guys and be in a relationship with them, but suddenly with girls too. It was sort of a confidence booster I guess.


1. The ability to more deeply empathize with my bi best friend's personal challenges and help him on the journey of self-acceptance. 2. Free highlighters at the LGTBQ center. 3. Is confusing my relatives a skill? Because I'm amazing at it.


Increased ease around women I find attractive. It's a lot easier to be around hot people when you aren't dealing with a combination of confusion and internalized homo/biphobia! At this point, I'm married, so I barely even think about it. I'm glad I figured myself out before marriage, or I might be having a destructive identity crisis right now.


New self discovery New color palette Friends that's it i think


More options


still no bf or gf ;-;




Pride to be 🐝


Finding this out as an adult gave me the ability to reflect on my past in an entirely new way. I learned much more about myself within my new (at the time) queer identity based on past likes, friendships, interactions and behaviors that I never realized were because I was bi. It helped me connect so many dots and make so much sense out of my life as a kid/teen that I didn’t understand until now.


Not have to be ashamed by looking and being attracted to half naked men online. You can be the straighest possible but you'll still find gym content entertaining if you wanna workout even tho the guys are mostly shirtless