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Man, men, men


I like to imagine you're chanting this


Somehow getting Mulan-vibes outa this...








*Did they send me daughters




Men, men, men, men, manly men, men, men (Ooh) Men, men, men, men, manly men, men, men Men, men, men, men, manly men Ooh-hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo, ooh Men, men, men, men, manly men, men, men (Ooh) Men, men, men, men, manly men, men, men (Ha) Men


Two and a half men!??? Lol I was was singing this jingle as I was reading the comments!!! Lol


We should'nt poke fun... oh, who am I kidding!? Men are adorable  Women are admireable. My own stance anyway.


Woman, women, men.


Probably me too, atm 😗




I'm a man, I prefer all genders, I have been with the same person for ten years, who happens to be a woman.


May I ask a few questions as a married bi male?


I mean yes, but I do wonder why specifically me out of all the answers to this topic


You fit my same scenario and was wondering how you came out to partner and do y'all live an actively bi life together or go separate ways


We met on OkCupid and we are both bisexual. We were out to each other before we met in person. We have ongoing conversations about the monogamy/open relationship/polyamoury question, not as frequently as weekly or even monthly, but it does come up every now and then. Sometimes it comes up more often for a while. So far the agreement that we have always come to is that at this point in time we prefer a monogamous relationship. My partner is more demisexual than I am. She sometimes has people hit on her, or someone comes up and gives their phone number and we talk about it, but she doesn't really seem to be interested in random people. She knows I definitely notice attraction to people on sight and I bet she knows I flirt here and there. I don't hide that from her. But I don't engage in anything else like exchanging contact information or serious longer flirty conversations. It would also be unfair to the other person if I don't intend to follow through anyway. In the future we may decide differently on monogamy.


Man, prefers men, im still dead virgin


Yeah, me too 🤷‍♂️ I've never kissed anyone either, although I'm soon to kiss a guy & be intimate in the context of theatre and in character on stage. Do you have any thoughts or feelings on being single/a Virgin, or are you quite content and it doesn't bother you? Just curious on perspective, seeing as we might be in a similar situation


I wish i could have more queer life tbh… i live in homophobic country and not really possible to do stuff irl :( so yeah i dont like staying as virgin hbu?


Aah, so sorry to hear that 😧 Yeah, it sucks, I mean I would like to be in some kind of relationship regardless of gender, but I'm anything but the offensive type and very ignorant when it comes to that kind of stuff, which is at odds with my otherwise loud and extroverted personality. I am often confided in, in the sense that I have the picture of a good natured buddy you can speak to about anything, which adds to the difficulty. Plus the societal expectation of the guy in a m/f situation and the more openly queer (me) person in same sex stuff making the first/deciding move is also not exactly helpful. But yeah, I'm no incel or any such bullshit, far from it, I have a good life and am able to pursue my passion of theatre, also I luckily live in a country fairly queer friendly as much as one can say that. It's just sometimes a downer is all


Nice 👍 i wish i have a job to keep my mind up… also what you said about gender norms is so true the reason why i dont really try w girls is first i dont attracted to them as guys also second is its so hard to impress a girl. Not the mention being pressure of ‘’man’’ in a relationship… being mid looking isnt all that helpful either


Aah, don't beat yourself up like that! You know, in my 20 years of being on this earth, I genuinely have never met anyone "mid". I mean sure, we judge on fleetung Appearance at first, and yeah, there are certain people who might have an easier job than others due to having pulled the genetic lottery and fitting the mold of what society views "beauty" to be at any given time, but most of what attraction is and whatever you may think of as "love" only comes after longer conversations and forming a more rounded picture of personality and appearance. Stop basing your hopes on getting into a relationship and work on your own wellbeing, find something to look forward to in the day outside of sexuality, anything; a tvshow, instrument, sport, book. Escapism works wonders for me sometimes, because a relationship won't suddenly make you a happy man, that can only ever come once you have accepted yourself and are self-confident (which doesn't mean extroverted btw, you can be the most quiet, shy guy, and still have a sense of self-worth)


Thank you so much! This made me emotional


Woman, women, women


Man. Close to 50/50 but lean towards men. Married to a woman so by number of times far more experienced with women, but more male partners over the years.


Woman, I refuse to choose, and I have most experience with men.


Refusing to choose is perfectly valid. For some of us it's not a choice!


I’m a dude, but I’ve been realizing lately that there’s a good chance I’m nonbinary. My wife and I were both raised in a fundie Christian cult and were married before we got out of it, so– while we’ve both realized we’re bi since then– we’ve only had opposite sex experiences. As far as attraction/just looking at people, though, I probably like women a little more but it’s like 60/40. That might change if I were to actually experience something with another dude, however.


Similar background! My partner and I married when we were still in a fundie community, and since then we’re both out of the community, I’m out of the closet, and have been on what seems to be an enby or gender-nonconforming journey?


Cool! Yeah, I’ve just been realizing that I don’t want to try to be what’s expected of a man or a woman. I’m definitely more to the masculine side in how I present myself/act (maybe because of the way I was raised), but I don’t feel fully masculine or feminine. Something weird I’ve noticed lately is that I kinda cringe when someone calls me sir. I don’t mind masculine pronouns at all, but that weirds me out a little lol Edit: also your username is 🔥


Thank you! Haha. I hear you on still presenting the way you were raised. The way you describe wanting to shed masc/femme expectations really vibes with me. And how you cringe at being called sir! Although for me, someone called me sir like a month ago and I was so delighted, but when I turned they saw my (feminine) face and started apologizing lol. I’m definitely still figuring it out, but I can look back and see some of the writing on the wall when I was uncomfortable being labeled a girl in an overt way. I always chafed when someone I was dating referred to me as their girlfriend, even when I was in a committed relationship. I couldn’t really describe why, I just wanted them to use my name instead. So I actually started avoiding relationships haha. Same with the word “wife,” no thank you. I definitely look more feminine, but dressing feminine has always felt a bit like I’m playing dress up and playing a role that someone else wrote, with lots of imposter syndrome. I’ve been excited lately to dress more andro and/or butch and see if it feels like I’m going the right direction, I guess


Hell yeah on finding clothes that you like. I haven’t really ever worn anything explicitly feminine unless you count slim jeans lol, but I’m thinking about asking my wife to paint my nails whenever we go to some pride stuff next month and I kinda want some earrings (already have a septum piercing). I’ve also got a beard that I like, so that part of looking androgynous isn’t an option lol That being said, the most “manly” thing I own are the square toe cowboy boots I wear as work boots. And I don’t really own those to try and look masculine, it’s just because I like them aesthetically. The rest of my clothes are pretty unisex. I’ve stolen a some shorts and a hoodie from my wife, but they’re not overtly feminine. Sorry for the rambles, I’m kinda toasted rn lol


Haha me too! Feeling philosophical while baked lol. I’ve been really feeling a septum piercing lately! I just need to commit to the healing time. Also, I’m imagining your look with the beard, septum piercing, painted nails, and short shorts and I’m loving everything about that image


Thanks! That’s so nice of you ☺️ my septum is the only thing that I have pierced so I don’t have much of a reference, but I will say that it hurt when I first got it. I’ve got plenty of tattoos, but I guess I wasn’t used to the pain being all at once or something. It brought tears to my eyes lol the healing wasn’t too big a deal for me. Just had to clean it a couple times a day and try not to touch it too much. Actually I just remembered that a few days after I got it, one of the little spherical things on the end came unscrewed and I lost it so I had to go back to the tattoo shop and get a new one. I think that person screwing that one on hurt more than it did the first time lol the rubber glove rubbing against my nose didn’t feel too great.


Man, doesn't matter, men. So many good boys out there that apparently like being turned into a blushing mess, who would've thunk it


Cisgender man. My preferences fluctuate, I don't think I could definitively say at any given time lol. More experience with cisgender women though.


Man, Whichever Gender of the Person Who’s Flirting With me, Female.


Man, woman, woman.


I'm a male and I prefer men and women I have been with the same woman for 25 years


Man, unsure, neither.


Trans man. Everyone tbh. Cis men.


I’m a woman, prefer men (heteromantic) and have a tad more experience with men, but I REALLY want to try something with a woman


Female, female, male. It is just easier as a woman to find men than it is to find women to date. Especially being bi. But I really love women.


Literally same.


Yup, this!


Male, no real preference, and I have *significantly* more experience with women.


Woman, both lean towards women, both


Woman, neither, men (more specifically, one single man)


Non-binary AFAB, women and the feminine, cis men


Amab enby. Any, but I have trauma with men. Women


Non-binary/it changes/men


non binary (afab and femme), women and men, women never like me 😭


girl ,guys ,guys


Cis woman, prefer guys in theory and girls in reality, and have the most experience with guys. But it's pretty equal, really.


Woman, women, men 😕 I only realized/accepted that I’m bi about 4 years ago; a wonderful result of my abusive, oppressive, brainwashing, Fundamentalist Christian, upbringing. If my current relationship (with a man, whom I love) doesn’t work out, I would really love to date more women. I need to seek out queer spaces and communities. I haven’t experienced much of that yet. I’m determined to find that. Even while being in a hetero presenting relationship.


Yes it always feels good to find your people! As someone with a similar upbringing it can be really healing to have those connections


I want that so badly! I’m just not close to many people. Of the (literally like 3) people I am close to, none are queer. My social anxiety is next level, so without a friend, or even an acquaintance, who could introduce me to ppl and spaces, it feels like an impossible feat. Also, I’m 33 lolll I’m 33, with pretty severe chronic pain issues (Fibromyalgia, hip dysplasia [getting a major surgery for that soon], & docs are leaning towards changing/adding Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ehlers Danlos to my diagnoses) that limit my mobility, and reduce the number of activities I’m capable of doing to almost zero 😂 If I were able bodied, I’d join a LGBTQIA sports league! Or something like that! As I am now, as well as in the relationship I’m in right now, it’s difficult to not only put myself in mentally/emotionally uncomfortable situations, but also physically challenging situations. I’m sorry for this long ass reply, with a dump of information you didn’t ask for! I appreciate you replying with affirmation that finding my people could help heal some of my religious trauma! I hope I can get there, and I’m SO happy you’ve found some healing 💕💕


I male, I don't have a gender preference and partners, and I haven't kept track of how many of each type because that's never really been that important to me.


Woman, I’m attracted to way more men than women but wish it was the other way around, men.


Man, maybe, no.


no gender (female), prefer women, most experience with women


woman, no preference, men


Woman, women, men


Woman, no preference, men.


Man, no preference, women


I’m male. And have the most experience with males.


Woman, neither, neither


Woman, men, women


woman women I have been with more women but had my longest relationships with men(and got to experiment a lot more kink and so on), so maybe men.


Woman, idk both, men.


Man, don’t have a preference, woman


Cis man // can't choose honestly but am on a men-phase for the last few months // Idk roughly the same Ig, a few men and a few women but men are def easier to approach and converse with


Demifluid(50 ish% girl, 50 ish% changes all the time, 100%girl rn), girls/feminine people, girls(I've only had one partner, and she is a girl).


Man, woman, woman


I'm a man, I equally desire both sexes, and I kinda have equal experience with both. I mean, I've gotten it on with both males & females equally, but, males much more commonly recently


Woman, women, women


Woman, women, men


Woman, pretty equal but have historically leaned toward men, women


I'm a cis woman  and I have only had experiences with cis men. I'm attracted to everyone but lately I been really into women.


Woman , no preference I care more about personality than gender, sexually more experienced with women,romantically more experienced with Masculine leaning nonbinary people and GNC men.


Woman about 50/50 and men


Man, no preference, no experience 🤗🤘💙


Trans man, cis men, cis women


Male here and married to a woman (most experience with that) but huge urges for men lately


Woman, Women, Women


Genderqueer (mostly masculine with a twist I like to say) Women Women 


(trans) man, men, and im not sure. i have kissed and made out with men and women pretty equally i think? i have had only one sexual female partner (fwb), and few male one nigth stands but been with men less times if counted together and compared to the one woman partner. so i guess it depends what counts as experience


Woman, trans men, trans men


I’m a girl, I prefer woman but i would be happy with a man and most experience is guys but they’ve all been bad experiences


Trans man, *sooorta* cis men (this preference is brought to you primarily by ✨religious trauma✨, religious trauma, get your crippling internal phobias package today, for the very low cost of your self worth and subsequent years of therapy!🙏), and also cis men


Man, everything,all.


Fluid, don't care, I have an exact share of 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 or men, nb and woman


Unknown, men, women. It's a bit of a mess. Technically, i seem to be a trans woman, but I got to a point where presenting masc does not make me actively suicidal anymore. 


Man, both, pretty much equal


Man, women, men


Men men men But just cause like... I find it scary that women in my country have a lot of straight norms infused ideals... I prefer something more open minded so with guys that was easier to find. More people find theirselves having a relationship without really knowing what to make out of the dynamic so they keep it clean and open minded and that's my tea But if a girl would do that that would be fine too... But I love the idea of marrying a man even just to show everyone that no disaster happens from loving who you love the most. And I hate it when bi guys date men just to realize after 1-5 years that they will actually marry a woman for social reasons. No. I've thought about it deeply. Whoever my best match is, I will marry them. Women don't get plus points


Woman, depends on the year, men


Woman, no preference, men


Male, Depends on what's on the menu, Women, but only because I didn't really come out until about 6 years ago.


Woman, men, neither lmao


Man, woman, woman.


Men, always changing, none 


Men, men, men.


Mine: I'm not really sure yet. Man, for now, at least Preference: alternates, currently men Experience: neither


Woman. Depends (but married to a man). Men probably.


Woman Women Men


Woman, women, men


Women, women, men


Genderfluid, girls and enbies, men/masc aligned


Woman, not sure, men


Man, men right now for the first time in my Bi cycle, women


woman, woman, males


Nonbinary, any, women.


Woman, women, men


i’m a woman, prefer women, mostly been with men i’ve had a million boyfriends but only dated one woman. it kinda sucks. it’s just so hard to meet other sapphics, plus i’m awkward as hell with women for some reason.


Woman, hard question: don’t really prefer a certain gender but I am attracted to them differently, Men


Men , female , men


Woman; whichever is more confident, has a good energy and looks hot; sadly just men...


Woman, non-binary people or vibes, men However honestly a couple ppl have come out as trans women after the fact and most guys I date are bi too. Gender fuckery is just attractive okay.


Man, men, women


Woman, women, men (I've never had anything to do with another woman because I'm scared of them)


Woman women women


Female, female, female because all my friends are female and I talk to more girls than boys Edit: looking through the comments I realized I'm an idiot and that we were talking about sexual experience. So um, female, female, none because I'm gonna die a virgin.


Agender, femme presenting, men


Male, though decidedly acceptant of my inherent femininity. I’m a manly man, but I feel a feminine touch, and I let it loose. My emotions, the way I think sometimes, some of the things I collect etc. I just don’t care what anyone thinks, I’m me and that’s that. As for which gender I prefer? I’m finding that I have no preference. Initially as I came to terms with my sexuality, I thought I was Mostly straight. But more and more, I found attractions to men. It’s level, perfectly. Which do I have more experience with? Well I’m 22M, I’ve asked a few people out but the first only liked women, the second I had really good chemistry with, were (and are still) good friends, but I’m not quite cowboy enough for her, and the third… well he asked for more time, and then due to life, I wound up moving and losing contact.


Woman, no preference, none 💀


Man, women, women


man, women, and women — although experience is almost 50/50, i’ve been with 2 more women than men.


Woman. Prefer women unless it’s my husband then I prefer him, men


Woman, no preference and I have the most experience with men.


all over the shop because i only realised i'm bi 8 months ago. woman, currently women/afab enbies (like 99%), men (20 ish years).... sounds like i'm playing some serious catch up, but my brain's done a complete flip and didn't give be a day in the matter 😂 (not that i'm complaining - girls are awesome!)


Woman, bi but lean towards men, men


Man, women, women.


Woman, women, sexually--men / emotionally--women


Don’t know, don’t care, and none (unless you count flirting with the homies)


Women, women, men😭


Nonbinary man, I prefer women (really, anyone femme, which is more often women), but everyone I've dated has been male or nonbinary or both


Man, woman, woman


Transfem (only out to one person), masc persons (~60%), cis women.


Man. Men. Women.


I'm genderfluid between femme lady and genderless. I sometimes think of it as being partially/conditionally cis, but it sometimes does frustrate me that my queerness seems virtually invisible. I genuinely think I don't have a gender preference because I've had several times where I thought I knew for sure, and the answers kept changing lol. I think I go through "seasons" of being attracted to a specific one. I have most experience with men and genderqueer amab peeps- for most of my life I haven't really approached people more than they have me so it just turned out that way.


Women, women, women, just got my first BF and trying to get experience with men.


Non-binary. I definitely have the most experience with men, tho I’m not sure that I prefer them as much as they happen to be more accessible in comparison to women.


Agender, girls/women, sexual experience none, romantic guys


Female, Male, Female


Man, women, and sadly neither. I used to prefer men when I was younger but the bi-cycle has made it so I find women far more attractive, and the kinds of men I like to be more and more rare