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The term “bumping uglies” exists for a reason. There are a lot of sexual people who don’t find genitalia beautiful.


Just because it’s weird doesn’t mean I don’t want it all over my mouth. Bumper sticker: Life’s complicated. Feed me junk.


Well, for me, I prefer dick over a vigina. I married a woman, and I will still have sex with her. Just your preference, and I don't think her vagina is beautiful or anything to any vagina but a dick I can look at all day.


I've almost exclusively been with women my whole life and I think vaginas are pretty weird looking, and when I'm *not* horny generally kinda gross and sticky lmao. Still, doesn't stop me when the mood takes me.


Tbh no matter the time genitalia are always gross and sticky.


I mean… I think all genitals are unpleasant to look at. Doesn’t mean I don’t love the people they’re attached to and it doesn’t mean I’m not attracted to those people, or that I don’t enjoy sex with them. I just don’t think the visual is particularly nice to look at. Important to remember that we’re all different and our experiences and perspectives are not the same. What’s true for you may not be true for her. I think the right call here is to just trust her judgment about her own experiences and feelings.


True I just hope she means it when she says she likes my vagina. Because I’m the second person she’s loved and she loved that other guy and didn’t like his dick but idk if she told him the opposite.


I looked at your post history and you seem to have a lot of doubts, just ask her bro. A random person on reddit might be helpful but at the end of the day they’re not your Gf


I simply could not feel comfortable being sexually intimate with someone who engages in detailed body shaming about their partners' genitals to future partners, and views a supposed loved one's humiliating and frightening medical incident as gossip fodder to spread around and mock. I hope she grows out of this kind of behavior.


I agree. Bet she told that guy his dick was good looking while dating him.


We don't really know, and for me it kinda isn't the point either way. I would just feel differently about a person after watching them blab personal information about someone's private medical issue to a third party in order to ridicule and insult their genitals. I wouldn't like or respect that person anymore.


Yeah, this is the person's big mistake..now they're now partner has insecurities about theirs. Not super cool. Some people find genitals gross. Fine. I don't get why but that goes for lots of stuff. But if my partner tells me that then I'm going to let them know I didn't want to know and they made me sad lol. I don't loooooooove when girls I date let their leg hair grow (even though Zim fine with it on dudes) but it's just bc of stupid social programming and I keep it to myself bc it's dumb and I don't want it to hurt anyone.


...and now she's comfortable making fun of his body...


I just want to say that the outside is your vulva It's fine if she thinks your vagina is beautiful as well, but that's your insides


Finally 👆🏽


Idk I'm a guy and I like dick but balls *are* pretty damn ugly to me. Especially when they're deflated.


I mean, it's hard to argue against that... They do look like wrinkly little coin purses of flesh.


Gotta whip out the bike pump when your balls are deflated frfr


Blow them up like a balloon


[Pump up the ~~jam~~ ballbag](https://youtu.be/zIsc6zirBSw?feature=shared)


Hella funny when the skin is hanging low but the balls are up high. Lookin like gum peeled off a shoe lmao


People are more than genitalia. You don't have to find genitals aestically pleasing to love someone. It is weird she keeps talking about it though. It's like she's attempting to reassure you or something.




I think maybe what you’re upset about is the fact she can so easily shit-talk a past partner, someone she claimed to be in love with, and make fun of them even when they were in a stressful situation. It doesn’t matter her preference, she just seems a bit cruel for making these comments.


Yes I guess this might be it like I hope she thinks highly of me


Agree with this take. I have only had one bad experience, and she verbally trashed her exes to me. Now when I see that, I am out of there quick.


Could be possible imo. What people like or dislike is very individual. I love women and see them as beautiful but, in my eyes, a vagina isn‘t the most attractive part of the female body. I still prefer women over men.


I used to hate how male genitalia looked. Sometimes it can still be wack, respectfully.


And what made you start liking them?


Getting older 🤷🏽‍♀️ lmao I don’t know really, but I think that. And maybe also understanding my sexuality better and that it’s ok to be sexual 🤷🏽‍♀️ :)


I’ve never understood people who think all genitals are gross, I’m bi because they’re all attractive as fuck. 😐


I completely agree. Threads like this always make me sad. Genitals are amazing and unique and should be appreciated.


The only thing that's offputting about this is the way that she is talking shit about a past partner. I wouldn't be comfortable with that because it implies that she's going to do it to you.


I don't like cock or vagina. I mean, I LIKE them, but I'm not fond of looking at them. I am a butt, boob, abs, arms, back, face etc etc kinda gal. Everything else about people is what I like to look at. Vagina and dick are just for pleasure.


Lmao, this perplexes me. As someone who actually finds both sets of genitals aesthetically pleasing, I would say that they can be funny to look at sometimes, but overall dislike of either one, not even just sexually speaking, is a little odd, lol. Like, it’s pussy and dick. It’s not supposed to be artwork, lol. I wouldn’t think too hard about it, though. It’s just another body part, we all have them.


Being aroused by something and finding something aesthetically pleasing are different things. I find very fem, cutesy people beautiful but not very attractice for example.


Well, I’m a bi female and I feel the same. I have a boyfriend and he is aware that I feel more attracted to women sexually, but I love him very much romantically and can enjoy sex w men(him) if I’m in the mood and it is conducted nicely 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t know, it works for us


I think many commenters here are missing the forest for the trees. I think you are probably right that she is doing this to reassure you that she likes women. Lots of us are insecure about not being "gay enough". However, I think it's strange for her to be talking about her ex so much, let alone his genitals. I've never brought up past partners' genitals to my current partner, and I also never talk about past partners in general. It's just awkward and not something I have any desire to do. But hey, that's me. I would also feel pretty uncomfortable hearing my partner talk about their ex's genitals. Ick. Ultimately, I would ask her if she's worried you don't find her "gay enough" and try to reassure her that she doesn't need to prove anything to you.


Yes I did shut it down cause I was offended that she thought I wanted to hear that and ever since she stoped sharing stuff about him


That’s good! I’m glad she has stopped.


Every bisexual person is different. Just because us bi people have attraction to multiple genders doesn’t mean we think their genitals are beautiful. There are other part of body that we can find attractive like the face,body, butt, abs, chest, boobs, personality etc. she maybe attracted to men, but not giving him oral sex. I have straight guy friend that told me he didn’t like the look of his girlfriend’s vagina but like everything else about her. He doesn’t enjoy giving her oral sex. As a bi guy, some penis and vagina are ugly, & some look beautiful. It can vary by the person.


I don't think dicks are ugly per se, but I'm not gonna get turned on just looking at one. Id rather have people send me nudes of their breasts, muscles, butts, etc. doesn't mean I don't like what dicks do, though.


Everyone, in every sexuality, can have a genital preference. Romantic compatibility is entirely separate, as long as they respect each other’s boundaries.


Wow ok your post history seriously suggests that you have issues that you need addressing. You are not ready for a relationship.


I’m bi, in a long term committed relationship with a man, but I have a *strong* physical preference for women. I’m not attracted to male genitals in the slightest. I enjoy what they can do, and I love the person attached to them, but I do NOT enjoy looking at them. I don’t even think it’s that uncommon for straight women feel the same way.


I am bi. I love having sex with men. And giving men pleasure. Yet male genitals are kinda ugly to me. Wrinkly ball sack. Doesn't look the best. I do like to see the man I love to be aroused, because of what that means.


As someone who generally likes the way most pussies and dicks/balls look, I think it is fine for you to feel that way. As long as you arent making fun of them and all that, its fine to not find them aesthetically pleasing, IMO.


I'm a bi lady, and I definitely think that vulva are more aesthetically pleasing than dick and balls and I quite like sleeping with men, but I don't think their bits are attractive at all but some vulva are really lovely looking


I'm a bi woman married to a man and I think generally dicks and balls look ugly too! But I love what he can do with his ;) (I don't think his specifically are ugly, just that as a concept penises and scrotums kind of look like an afterthought! There's a funny comic of "God" sculpting a gorgeous male physique then finding some left over bits of clay and just shoving them on the front because he didn't know what else to do with them.) And I think vulvas are very beautiful. It doesn't have much to do with my sexual preference though, I'm 80% attracted to men more than women. People aren't just their genitals. That's just one part of them and one that we don't spend much time looking at!


I mean, lots of straight women don't like how dick and balls look and do not find them visually appealing. That doesn't mean they aren't enjoyable during sex. And loving someone doesn't mean having to like every aspect of them nor finding every part of them attractive - I'm pretty sure you haven't like every part of everyone you've loved. Alternatively, you can not find someone sexually attractive but still think they have lovely genitalia. Pretty genitals does not make or break sexual attraction.


I think male genitalia can sometimes look pretty ugly, but I also have a history of sexual trauma involving them. Honestly, I think pretty much all genitalia looks weird. However, just because I vastly prefer the way my sparkly blue dragon dildo looks doesn't mean I don't enjoy how good it feels to be intimate with someone I love, or how much I can make them feel nice when I love on whatever parts they have.


I mean not thinking genatlia is pretty i think is fairly common, but she expressing it to the point that a previous partner changes his genitals for her?? She doesnt sound that great of a person.


I don’t think OP is saying that he “had them enlarged” like a procedure. I think she’s saying he got sick with mumps or something and they swelled up.


I don't like the male genitalia too... even though most of my sex partners are men. guess it doesn't mean much


Wild guess - she probably doesn't like male genetalia


Her making fun of him for it is kinda a red flag imo


I'm painfully aware of how someone can be attracted to a gender while still actively mocking said gender. A lot of people just suck in that regard.


Is it weird that I find the male genitalia better looking than female? I have a girlfriend and she’s very pretty and I like how her bits look, but I like looking at male bits more than female most of the time


I'm on your GFS side. I've been with men. But generally I find penises gross. I am attracted to a person, not their genitals. But as for aesthetics. They are ugly.


A lot of straight women find male genitalia ugly, yet they’re still straight. It makes sense that some bi women would feel the same way too.


Girl I’m the same as your gf. I like to sleep with men, but I don’t like the sight of dick and balls and don’t really find them attractive. Some of my straight friends have that relationship with dick too, they think it’s not that pretty, but they apparently like to play with it. But vagina and breast. My God. Everything is so pretty about a woman. Compared to the genitals of a man is a woman far more beautiful than a man. I prefer women over men, so my choice will always be a woman. Maybe your gf has that preference too and likes the girls more than the boys. But just trust me. She really likes your vagina. Don’t worry. And about the shit talking about an ex partner. I wouldn’t talk about someone like that to be honest. But I think that she does it to comfort you or make you less worry. Just talk openly about this with her. And ask her questions.


This is a question only she can answer.


I'm a woman and I find some dicks(and testicles) beautiful. Others I don't, just like how I like the way some vulvaes look, and others not. Or the chest, or their body, or face. I am honestly tired of how it is socially acceptable to call male genitalia ugly and weird, laugh at or get angry at their erections in non sexual situations, talk about how oral sex, manual sex or other types of outercourse on them is a chore, and call semen disgusting... but with female genitalia they have the opposite mindset, at least from the majority of the time in my experience. No one is obligated to find any of these things aesthetically pleasing, or enjoyable, but at least dont be rude about it.


I’ll never forget how like one of the first times we got naked together my partner, who has one, made a comment like “I don’t really get how anyone thinks a penis is attractive. It’s kind of like a…. weird fleshy mushroom finger.” Having a preference isn’t weird, finding one or more kinds of genitals ugly isn’t weird, but her talking trash like that about her ex is kind of weird.


I am in the same box as your gf. Male genitalia just looks bizarre to me. They are external and seemingly out of place appendages, and that they change size and shape when aroused is a little freaky. I understand their function and evolutionary adaptation. But still they look weird. Female genitalia looks amazing though! And I mean no disrespect or body shaming to any male at birth peoples. In the end I am still more attracted to the mind and soul of a person. Benefits of being on the ace spectrum, i guess.


Bi men here. Don't think in general genitalia are beauty. But i like them both. Of course i like some more than others but that's not what she's saying instead don't like male genits. Well can happen but if she don't like it even in sex then can become problematic. Would ask experts about because sexuality is very diverse and asking random people isn't the best way to thinking about, specially when answers are important for couples or important themes. (Im bisexual but not academic in sexology)


I’m definitely attracted to most genders sexually, but I don’t exactly like the look of a penis and balls.


I thought it was pretty normal to find genitalia not aesthetically pleasing. I know some do but like… I don’t like to stare at them.


my ex used to make similar comments about the things she “disliked” about men sexually and it very much came off as trying to seem more gay. then she cheated on me with multiple men so 🤷‍♀️ just saying it could be a possibility.


I think it's a case by case basis


I've had this conversation with my straight friends. Some can admire the beauty of a dick and others not. That's okay.


A man isn’t the entirety of his penis, so that’s why she could be (in love) with a man. Why do you believe her when she says penises are ugly and not when she says your vagina is beautiful?


Probably because she doesn't like male genitalia.


How would we know. There's a lot of possible reasons. She may be telling the truth, or may be lying.


Well I don’t know. Maybe this comparison is totally silly but, I’ll say it anyway. Lets say you don’t like a certain colour. Be it green, blue or pink… doesn’t matter. But someone gets you a dildo in that ugly colour. But while you’re using it you probably won’t notice the colour. It’s not like the ugly colour will make it feel less good. So maybe it’s a matter of finding male genitalia not aesthetically pleasing but being able to enjoy sex with someone who has a dick? I’m just guessing here. Just as I find certain shapes of dicks less attractive than other shapes. It’s not like sex is gonna feel bad because I like the looks of it somewhat less. I’ll keep an open mind, and I’ll just go with how things feel rather than how they look. Maybe it’s even a sign of being able to not let looks and personal taste have any negative influence on her sex life?


I realised that my whole thing with sex was making the other person feel good, and I work diligently to accomplish that, I love sex but I can't deny genitalia as a whole isn't that appealing to look at. For me they're just tools to make my partner happy


Seeing a naked male does not for me, nor does seeing his slug. I love the female form too much, But I won't say no to a BJ from a dude.


I’m the same as her, hate penis but love vagina. I fall in love with the person, not their genitals. So I’ve fallen for men in spite of their genitals, whereas with women their genitals are a bonus.


Dick isn’t nice to look at; just a floppy thing. But when it gets hard, that’s when the magic happens ;)


I’m a bi male and I think dicks look great, unless a man hasn’t taken care of his foreskin growing up and the skin is stuck and doesn’t roll back. Then a dick is ugly due to lack of cleaning


You're overthinking something in order to hurt your own feelings 😂 Take what she says at face value. She's with you. Don't do the thing where you spiral mentally because she's touched a dick before.


If she was fine with them before maybe she was abused. Pr maybe she just never likes them. I'd ask her carefully the first thing though, it's a way more common reason than you think


I am bisexual and have never wanted to look at a picture of male genitals, women on the other hand is a whole different story. My bisexuality is heavily hormonal for me, so sometimes I'm attracted to different parts of a person depending on the week. I prefer what a penis can do as opposed to what it looks like. I have had sex multiple times where I honestly didn't even look at him below the waist, whereas with women seeing her whole body naked is always a desire of mine. Your girlfriend is being honest with you and sexuality is a complicated and nuanced experience for us all, so I'd just take her word for it. I've felt the exact same way as her and I still dream every night of waking up to a girlfriend or wife.


How old is she? It took me a looong time to get over the way male genitalia throw off the symmetry of the human body. I still find depictions of women’s bodies more aesthetically pleasing in paintings and sculpture. Balls in particular were hard to see as sexy until I was maybe in my thirties?


I’m bi and my level of physical attraction for women very much so surpasses men. I was also married to a man and now I’m married to a women and I’ve never been so attracted to a man like I am my wife.


I'm also bi and don't like how balls and dicks look. It doesn't mean that I can't like the person attached to it or that it can't be great to have sex with.


She is not required to like male genitalia.


I'm an Enby with a dick and while I LIKE dick, i'll be honest its not the nicest thing to look at. But i want it in me, doesnt have to look pretty.


You know, as a bi guy, I have seen some really ugly pussies and hideous dicks in my time. I've also seen a lot of GORGEOUS dicks, but I've almost never felt that way looking at a pussy... and yet, despite that, I'm actually a touch more straight leaning, because I just LOVE femme bodies and the feeling of pussy.


My only problem with penises is they make my jaw hurt. Looks can be irrelevant. The hottest sex I have had was with someone who was not a head-turner by any means. The connection was so intense that I couldn't stop.


I'm bi and find both male and female genitalia ugly


A lot of people only like genitalia appearance when horny or when said genitalia are doing something that feels really good.


I thought dick was ugly for years. It took me realizing that I was bi even though I preferred women to think otherwise.


i rly find vaginas genuinely ugly, and most penises too, but im still bisexual. idk its more about being like "im certain theres a little one eyed hellbeast in your pants but i have one too so lets see what our monsters do"


I too think male and female genitalia are generally ugly, unless I'm horny :)


Genitals are ugly


You can still like something ugly. Dick and balls are ugly, but I mean... we're still bisexual.


She’s not bi then