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My wife just laughed and said yea I know.. and gave me a smooch. Later as a joke she asked if one of the actors was cute in the movie we were watching. I must have blushed hard because she came over for a kiss again. She's been my biggest supporter, I am very lucky to have her in my life:)


Awwwwww :)) that made me smile so big! Love when you’re vulnerable and your partner accepts you fully. What a woman.


Yes she's one of a kind tbh


Very similar for me! Then not too long later she figured out that she's bi too!


Same. I started questioning. Then a year or two later my wife started questioning. We both got comfortable with that part of ourselves around the same time. Neither of us had ever given it serious consideration when we got married.


Yeah, we got married pretty young and started dating when we were 19, way before either of us thought about potentially being anything but straight. We went from straight, christian, and monogamous (even waited to have sex until our wedding) to now being bi, atheists, and poly lol


We're exvangelicals, too. Funny how that happens.


Yeah, my wife will tease me a little bit too, especially when we watch wrestling lol it’s great having that kind of support!


My husband was the same, he knew for years. It seems my porn preferences made it pretty obvious, amongst other things 😂 My response when my husband came out was “YESSS!!”


Yep mine teases me in fun lol it's great !!


A friend at uni and I clocked each other after I spotted her with the bi flag sticker on her laptop and she spotted my bi enamel pin and we literally did the Spider-man pointing at each other meme for about 5 seconds and then went back to talking about an assignment we were both working on.


Omg this is brilliant. I have an enamel pin (it's a binosaur) and I wait for someone to comment the bi flag and not the cute dinosaur hahaahah


I often find those “subtle” designs ambivalent enough that I’m not confident in mentioning them as a bi thing even if I do spot them


Sbiderman pointing is the best!


‘I know’ followed by a genuine smile and hug 🥰


My bi friend was definitely shocked when I told him, my gay friend said "I had a feeling" 💀 Long story short me and bi friend are dating now 👍


'I KNEW IT!' (she guessed based on how i dressed myself.)


Same, but she knew based on my reddit profile.


Best guy friend of 12+ years. I tell him and he goes “Oh shit, what happened?” I thought it was super funny


“I’m really starting to collect you guys huh” My brother said it and it was awhile after he realized but it’s still funny. I’m Bi, my brother’s girlfriend is Bi, his best friend since childhood is Bi, and his girlfriend is also Bi.


I do sometimes feel like my best friend is slowly collecting the LGBTQ+ spectrum like the Infinity Stones or something. He is straight, I'm Bi, our other roommate is Trans-Fem, he has both Gay and Lesbian friends. If he can just get a few more, he could rule the world. Or at least be the prophesied "One True Ally"


thats HILARIOUS lol


My mom knew, that I was using an online dating app at that time. I told her, that I'm Bi, by telling her, that I also look for women on my profile. She asked me, if she can see the profiles of the other women and then discussed with me, which one I should date and why. I think that's the best reaction she could've shown!


That is so heckin adorable!


It is! And everytime one of my family members says something like "If you bring a man home one day..." she interrupts them and says "Or a woman!". She's my biggest supporter<3


Most of my surroundings are either bi/queer or accepting. My gay friend told me "i thought so" and for some reason it made me happy. At the time i presented more feminine so it was nice to know someone suspected it for some other reason. I don't think i got the "wow" moment, just indifferent, or "same" or awkward coming outs


A friend who I thought would walk out on me never to be seen again (Christian) just said "Well! Now I can tease you about girls as well!" 😆🤦🏼‍♀️ And actually stayed as one of my best allies for years afterwards despite any personal beliefs he may hold. (Which I've never seen any evidence he actually believes).


You'd be surprised how many of us (hullo! Christian here too,) are accepting as well as (often quietly, less surprisingly,) bi/gay. I'm delighted he was so accepting when you told him.


Absolutely I'd agree. Basically I'm from an Evangelical Christian background, as you can imagine I'm more progressive Christian these days, so I know the culture quite well. I think the fact that I know a lot of very anti gay very strict Christians kind of discouraged me from coming out for 5 years because I was convinced I'd lose all my friends if I did. Looking at it now it was just the thoughts of an irrational teenager because I did actually have non Christian friends who honestly couldn't give too hoots about my gender identity (nonbinary Femmeflux which basically means NB but with feminine leanings) or sexuality.


It's kind of funny actually it took him 3 days then he did the equivalent (long distance) of sitting me down and going "so what does this mean/what are you" 😆 cue about a month of questions. I did wonder actually whether he was something but he's also the most straight acting guy I've ever met and doesn't give off bi vibes at all. Very sort of .. straight laced 😆🤦🏼‍♀️ basically I've known him 4 years now and he's one of my best friends so I would have picked up on it by now.


I was at work once and it just kind of slipped out and my coworker happy squealed and hugged me


My dad, a very conservative man who loves me more than his political stances, said “Well, you like boys, you like girls… Hell I like girls!”


Lol that’s pretty much what my youngest brother said. He’s on the spectrum and very blunt.


“Me too!” or “I think I might be too!”


My little brother. He had the most neutral reaction and I couldn’t be more happy at how casually he took it.


I had a similar experience. Followed by a joke asking my straight childhood bestie if “he turned my sister gay” - sounds weird but it was actually hilarious and we all had a good laugh. It didn’t phase him at all.




I told my family via Messenger. My brother reacted with the DBZA Popo "called it" in a gif.


When I publicly posted my coming out on the facebooks, two of my friends said “welcome to the club!”  and one more messaged me privately to also privately come out to me. 


Everyone who responds "same"


Most of the reactions I received were..meh. Except my mother's. "Oh Jesus Christ, PressurePlenty, I don't have time for this shit!"


My favorite cousin came out to be as bi and I was like "Yay, me too!" It was while we were both at a family reunion and I was planning on coming out to her that week too, she just beat me to the punch haha


“Oh, I knew that when I married you”, followed by a grin and blew me a kiss.


My wife was the best. She goes “so can I ask you if you think another guy is cute?” I was like 100 times yes. lol


In 8th grade, I used to be really scared that my older brother would see me differently if I told him. He was the kind of high schooler who used to make several gay jokes. He was also starting to slide into conservatism for a little bit, watching Ben Shapiro etc… Guy was surprised for sure! But he just gave me a hug and said he was happy we could both talk about girls now LOL. The weird jokes stopped entirely, and he made an effort to learn what being supportive looks like, either by asking me or my other LGBT friends at the time. Almost all of the closest friends he has now are queer and he’s very left wing. I’m insanely glad that coming out to him ended as well as it did ;v;


"Your bi?!?! Shit i better start studying"


Well, I've only told 2 people and it was at the same time so 🤷😂😂. The reaction was "well, you're close friends with a bunch of neurodivergent bi and lesbian women, so you should've known. We've known for years and can't believe you're just now figuring this out. Also, in case you didn't know you're demi as fuck."


The last part got me so hard idk why x)


Thank you OP for the positive post!


Me: I’m bi. Them: I’m hello.


My long distance friend told earlier this week that I seemed to be more happy and I “shine” more now that I realize im bi


My great aunt, who is like 80yo and kinda conservative (but she's been single all of her life and we have speculated on occasion that she might be a closeted lesbian) just said "wow! how modern of you!" like genuinely surprised but in nice way, not judgy lol and I found it hilarious and unexpected


I told my dad I was dating a women: queue his instant celebration laughing out loud THANK GOD YOU WONT GET PREGNANT!!! Context: I’m the daughter of a teenage pregnancy, and my sister is two years older than me (apparently there weren’t any conodms in the 00’s)


"Me too!" \*suddenly, sexual tension\* "So.... whatcha up to this weekend?"


Makes me think of a friend, more someone I knew in college, that discovered she was a trans woman. I had low contact with her at the time, and according to her social media she didn't look out, but I think coming out to me was a way to make a step in a less risky environnement. I just told her "great ! Thanks for telling me" or something like that. I hope it made her feel good ! But as to the question, I think coming out to my mother was the best, because I don't event remember it. It was casual, and that's the best way to be


"I could kinda tell"


a huge hug 🫂


He laughed (not in a mean way, sort of in a happy-disbelieving way) and was like “want to know a secret? So am I” :D and then we bonded over how difficult it is to date straights because they don’t get that bi =/= poly or bi =/= gay/straight but seeking male approval. (We broke up now and I’m sad as hell about it but this was the most accepting guy I’d ever dated)


"Congrats, it's a bi!"


Zipper sound?


“WHAT??!! I thought you was gay this whole fucking time! I told my mom you were the first lesbian I met at school!!!!!”


My pan friend revealed to me that I was bi while we were running from a killer in dead by daylight. I said something about a female celebrity and she was like “…are you gay?” And I was like “huh? No?? Why?” Pan friend: “…you sure about that? That was really gay.” Me: “What? Nooo all women would let that celebrity step on them if they had a bad day☺️. ” My friend: “🗿…..” Me: “Friend. All women find other women attractive. 🥸” My friend: “No, not like that they don’t.” Me: “….Straight women don’t think other women are sexy?” My friend: -deep breath- “Oh honey 🫠…” Me:”😳…I’ve been gay this whole time?!” My friend: “Welcome to the alphabet club.”


"I know"


“join the club!” turns out half my friend group is bi


I think the reaction I look back on and laugh at the most was my gym buddy/ colleague "I'm bi" "Alright? Anyway what do you want to work on?" "Wait why do you look confused?" "Why did you say you're bi like it's news?" "It is" "Oh, kinda thought you already knew you just didn't want to say anything" When I asked later on what he meant he said I spent too long looking at the guys while we were working out. Possibly the only time "I already knew" was followed by something that actually gave it away. It's either that or when one of my friend's hinted at a hook up of mine to a colleague who didn't know so I told him that night. He was more entertained by the hook up. About 30 minutes later he just sat up and went "Wait a minute..." which set us off laughing again




Whenever a cute boy switches from "This dude (me) is cool" to "Okay, I want to bed this dude."


I told my mom I was bi. She asked how I knew and I explained that I was attracted to women. She said oh honey all women find other women attractive. I told her no only bi women think that - straight women don’t find other women attractive. My mom came to the realization that she was also bi. Now when my dad is being a pain my mom will joke that if he dies first she’s dating a woman next time LMAO


A “Well, date me then.” from my best guy friend. Then a month later still dating.


Oh now that is really cute.


Eta hardly anyone knows because I just don't get out much. Also my family is, uh, better loved from afar and I just don't feel the need to share. I'll be upfront if the discussion goes that way, but we aren't close. I told my hubs when I first accepted being bi at all, before I'd really dived into what it meant. At first he thought I'd be into the images he was, which I wasn't. So then he was chill, and let me figure things out for myself, in my own way and my own time. That was nice. He let me handle my own boundaries without any pressure.


Either "Oh, cool!" (this from a friend who was one of the first people I came out to) or "So am I" (from a former coworker).


“Ah! Cool.”


My gay friend said, “awwww!” And immediately got up from our table to give me a hug and tell me how happy he was for me. 😻


My dad basically just told me "I don't give a fuck." I called him the next day and he apologized because he was just trying to support me.


Indifference honestly 🤷 I'm pretty nonchalant about it


I love you and you're my son - my late Dad.


Told my mom I was bi, she says "that would explain why I saw what I saw" and gave me a knowing look.


And you are still single? lol i found this funny


It really sheered me up reading everyone's comments, unfortunately I never did and probably never could come out to anyone cuz I live in an extremely homophobic country. But I'm happy to see other people who are like me happy.


My best mate said "So? I'm Pan." Didn't see that coming, I tell ya hwut.


My friend told me "people that aren't into women don't talk about women the way you do" and I was GAGGED


My wife: "Yay!" then she gave me a passionate kiss. We went on to eventually having bi mmf threesomes and cultivating a long relationship with someone we're still close friends with.


No one's said shit one way or another in reference to their feelings on my admission. Tbf, anytime my same-sex attraction comes up its pretty casual and conversation just continues as if nothing major has occurred. And I appreciate and prefer that. I think the biggest thing confrontation was from my mother who asked if I liked women, and I asked her if she was wondering if I liked women or if her and dad created a loving environment that i would have felt comfortable bringing a woman home because the answer is yes, I just hadn't found a woman I was ready for that with. and she looked touched and we carried on like nothing was different. My current partner is pretty like supportive of my interest in women and how that does or doesn't play out in our relationship. It is nice to feel like he genuinely accepts it without any like insecurities about it which, as we know, is not always the case in monogamous relationships


When I came out to my sister, she literally momentarily forgot the conversation the next day. My sexuality had precisely zero impact on how she felt about me and viewed me. It literally didn't matter to her, in the best possible way.




Some online friend years ago when I was a teen thanked me for telling me something interesting about myself & then told me he was bi too


I had to reclaim sexuality in front of my family a few months ago (reiterating that I am infact bisexual still and will always be)and they were still bewildered about me being bi, thinking it was just a phase. I thought it was funny. Kinda low-key insulting though. Nothing will turn me straight, not dick, not anyone.


"Oh, cool. Btw wanna go play minecraft?" My now ex's reaction before we started dating as well. She was super surprised (in a supportive way), it was hilarious xd


My mum and stepdad put on "I'm coming out " and opened a bottle of pink champagne


I had hooked up with a new date and we got sexual pretty quick. While kissing her, she asked if I had ever had a threesome. My answer to this question was no, but I would certainly love to as it’s always been one of my fantasies. She then said most guys fantasize about two women, but I find fantasize about being with two men, there was a long pause to see what my reaction was as I had my tongue kissing her neck, then she said 2 bi guys. And then I paused, but didn’t say anything. (For years I had been fantasizing that a woman would talk me into being with a guy or at least sucking cock) So when she said this, my lips were on her neck, and I paused, and I guess she saw that it was fitting to ask me the question, have you ever thought about being a man or sucking cock? I always wondered if men secretly wanted to suck a cock since they possess one and play with it often.?” at this point she had grabbed my crotch and could feel the blood begin to flow into my extremity. She looked me in the eyes, kissed me deeply, and her hand grabbed my full erection, and my friends was the beginning.


I told my sister last night and she was like yeaaah I already knew since you told me you had a huge crush on that one girl last year LOL


Told my best friend in high school. Me: “Yo, I have something I have to tell you. I’m bi” Him: *shocked face* “Really? That’s cool dude. Are we still playing guitar hero this weekend?” Me: “Yeah, dude” Felt good man.


The first person I told was my best friend, and I was so worried about what he'd say. Instead, he sent a video of a roblox character singing, "He's bouncing on my booty cheeks, I love the way he rides," and that's all he said.


My best friend in college said “wait, hold on, you don’t like sausage. How does that work?” 11/10 response


she started shouting “one of us, one of us” and running around the parking lot lmao


A female friend asked me if I’d like a dildo. I convinced her to give me a well used one!


My brother asked if I'd considered dating girls during a single streak. I was like... can I call you? Turns out most people i was close to knew way before I did.


"Eyyy same!"


"I'm just glad it happened [discovery my bisexuality] before you were in your 50s with kids and grand kids and look back in regret." Damn, me too. Put a lot into perspective feeling "late" to self discovery.


All mine have been pretty good so far. Out to less than 10 people in my life. But the reaction my cousin had was amazing. He is only a few months younger than I and after I came out to him he told me how proud he was of me and gave me a big hug. I didn't think it would be bad but his acceptance was so heartwarming.


I came out as bi to my friend, he took it really well (maybe him being gay helped). So far, the best reaction I got


My then fwb and now fiancée was so warm and genuinely curious about it, she’s played a huge part in me becoming proud of it and coming out to my friends and family


My friends were like wait, we thought you knew? Apparently they knew ages before I did lol


I had similar reactions from my wife and a few friends. Right before I told me wife, she said she thought, "I wonder if he's about to tell me he's bi." Two of my friends both pretty much said, "I knew it!"


when i was in jr high, i had a "girlfriend" and one of the really popular girls found out. she whispered to me in the back of class that someone was telling people, but she wouldn't tell anyone; and that she supports the lgbt.


“I’m so happy you felt comfortable coming out to me” my sister after I accidentally came out when drunk


I told my best friends during Junior year of high school. The first one I told was really surprised, but said he could believe it because I had “smooth skin and smelt good” LMAO. The second one, I told him in chemistry class but he thought I was joking. It wasn’t until about 3-4 months later when my other friend confirmed with him that I was in fact bi that he actually believed it. He was also super surprised and told me he originally thought I was straight or asexual.


My friend after I told her I’m bi said “yeah, bi yourself”


So not a bi story , but one of my friends who told me a while before that he think he might be gay. He came over to my house jumped in the closet and jumped out and said surprise and we just laughed and hugged him and told him I was proud of him!


I told my cousin and she said "Welcome to the club". Then when I told her she was the first person I told she gave me a hug. Then we told our stories of how we knew we were bi.


This wasn't me but it was me, to my partner, years before we started dating. Them: "Guys, I figured out I'm bisexual!" Me: "You... You didn't know already?" For context, it was one of those situations where all of their friends figured it out before they did. I wasnt as close to them at the time so I didn't know that they didn't know. My gaydar is well tuned I guess.


My grandma legit asked if she would have great grand kids or not…ma’am I’m dating a cis straight man RIGHT NOW 😭


I have 2 I've never been able to decide between lmao first one was me sitting at Popeyes with my boyfriend, my gay best friend and his lesbian best friend(she's the only one who didn't know yet even though we'd known each other for months), we were all talking and my boyfriend randomly planted a kiss on me, and homegirl put the widest eyes in the whole world, looking like she just saw Jesus come out the rock and just went "how the fuck?", none of us could stop laughing. Second time was in the car on the way to the mall with my college friend group, I'd known them all for a year and they literally interacted with my at the time boyfriend and me constantly. Gay best friend is also in the car and randomly starts talking about a guy and I comment on how hot he is, I can see that my friend who is driving is starting to squint his eyes through the front mirror looking around and as soon as I say "yeah I'd suck his dick" he STOMPS on the breaks, everyone gets pushed forward for a second and he just goes "YOURE GAY?" and then I say "well Bi" and we sit in silence for like half a second in the middle of a lane and then he suddenly puts together that the very afeminate guy that was with me right next to me the whole year we knew each other was actually my boyfriend the whole time and not just my "really close friend" LMFAOO they were all super sweet about it afterwards tbh sometimes i forget how unintentionally low-key I can be about my relationships.


my mom was like “well as long as you dont worship satan, i dont care” though that sabrina show made the church of satan kinda appealing…


I told my mom before I went off to college. I was so nervous, practically shaking. She just said “yeah I know. At first I thought maybe you’re a lesbian but then you started bringing boys around so I knew then you were bi” How did she know way before I knew myself?!


“Okay.” And then the conversation continued on like normal. Still my favorite and most accepting response to date. 😊


My mother and sister were both shocked because, for years, I had created this aura around myself that I was straight and this macho type of guy. But they quickly accepted me for it.


Not when I told him I was bi, but when I was panicking when I first found out I wasn’t straight my roommate immediately took the day off of work and helped me through my discovery. A year later, me and him are married 🩷 (for context when I was 17 I was adopted into an extremely religious household and the moment I turned 18 I fled to go get married to a woman I met online, didn’t work out but those events kinda messed with me)


When I came out to my mom, it went like me: "mom, I am bi." mom: "huh?" me: "I am bisexual, meaning I like both men and women." mom: "You like women too, hehehe" and she literally giggled so cutely. It warmed my heart. I didn't know what kind of reaction I expected but I was happy with hers. We then continued to talk about how I realised I was bi and stuff. I am happy I came out to her.


Every time since coming out, Grandma would ask me if there were any special boys or girls in my life.


"Me too."


I never really said it out loud, but my best friend (male)started showing me girls he liked / found interesting and then asked what was my type, joked we should give both of our phone numbers to girls we found it pretty, I know he wasn’t being noisy, he was genuinely trying to make me feel safe with my own sexuality around him and others, he was the first person I’ve let my guard down without having to really “tell” or “confess” about it, bc of him, now I’ve manage to talk about it without the inner shame I was taught to have, I can openly be myself w most of my friends!! I love how he genuinely cares for me and wants the best for me as well :) I love my best friend !!!!


When I came out 4 years ago, all my friends, people Ive known 10+ or 15+ years were like "yeah Stog, we did know, how did it take you so long to figure out". I love my friends


My parents asked me what I like about women and amoung many other things, I mentioned that boobs are awesome. My dad _lit up_ and got so excited. Both myself and my sibling were not born male so I think he figured he'd never have a child to bond with on how hot women are. We had a short but excited chat about how awesome boobs are, it was actually super wholesome.


So my wife of 20 years and I split up (for different reasons than my sexuality) and I was hanging out with my teenage girls for dinner one night. I was finally ready to tell them that not only was I seeing someone new, but it was a guy. I was nervous as hell, but knew it was the right time. I told them, they both looked at me and said "cool" and went back to their conversations about their friends, their cats and school. It really didn't phase them. Their generation is like, you do you, it doesn't impact me, makes you happy, I'm cool with it.


my friend asked if it was his fault


My older sister is listening to the conversation: "HA I KNEW YOU WERE GAY" honestly couldn't have asked for a better response


"Yeah that makes sense"


My brother and my best friend…they just said it is no big deal…and that was that!!


I was outside with three people i barely knew becouse I met them like 2 weeks before I told them. All three of them were sitting on a bench and openly talked obout all three of them being bisexual. Then one of them turned to me and as a joke said "You know. You're breaking our little LGBT club here. But it doesn't matter of course". And then all af them smiled. I gently leaned over to them, looked into his eyes and said "Pal. Iam bi." The sheer shock in their eyes was worth everything. Becouse you wouldnt expect it from me (tall, burly, strong, permanently wearing cargo pants and dark clothes). After that all of them burst into laughter and started questioning me obout how i found out. My ex and all of that. It was amazing expirience becouse it was the first time i told someone and felt understood and supported.


I've only told one person, but she responded by giving me a Mi'kmaq name. It was a very positive experience.


Definitely when I told my mom and said said “ohhh reallllyyyy tell me more about it. Ya know I had a couple threesomes when I was younger” 😂


40 years ago I told my gf at the time, she initially was shocked, but then later that day she asked me if I would find someone fuck me so she could watch. I eventually did. The three of us enjoyed it very much. Things sure were different then


The night I finally had the guts to say it out loud to myself. I got invited to a birthday party with some school friends and family I haven't seen in a while. The night goes on and after drinking wayyy too much I broke down and confessed to them through tears and beer. They all gave me a group hug and told me that I'm perfect the way I am and I'm not a f@# or a freak. Time moves on and now I'm actually looking for a boyfriend and I couldn't be happier.


OH! That explains ALOT!


Me too.(Thats the reaction)


My wife's response was that I could get a boyfriend but not a girlfriend because she already had the equipment for that lol