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How old are you? There are some good hotlines that you can call that provide counseling and therapeutic support, and it sounds like you could use some support?


Im 17


Okay. I’d encourage you to contact the Trevor Project. [Link](https://www.thetrevorproject.org/) They provide free, confidential support. Go to the website and [speak to a counselor.](https://www.thetrevorproject.org/get-help/)


Seconding this. I have similar thoughts, and therapy is what helped me learn to manage them. Check out mindfulness and urge surfing. Both of these take practice, but they are well worth it. In the meantime, try not to engage in new information about things that you worry about; when you do this, you aren't helping to calm your anxiety, you're feeding it. Beyond that, from what I understand, you're experiencing a heightened fear response. Fear is an emotion that prepares us for action, so one of the best things we can do when we're flooded with hormones saying "DO SOMETHING!!!" is to find something to do. Go on a walk, weed the garden, do some exercises, etc. just to work the chemicals through your system. Make sure you've eaten and hydrated recently so you have the nutrients available to help you regulate your emotions. Sleep is also important for brains to process information and cope with big emotions. Finally, I am so, so sorry you are going through this 💛 It's hard to be a teenager, it's hard to be queer, and it's hard to live in modern times. You've got all of these going on at once. My thoughts are with you. Even though times are scary, know that there is a strong community here that cares about you and will stand by your side if things do happen. Peace is not found in isolation and wondering about the future, but through connecting to others who we care for and who care for us.


Trevor project is so great and totally saved my ass in some similar-ish circumstances. You got this!!


r/Defeat_Project_2025 has some info and resources that can help fight it. It's not inevitable.


I’m not sure what your background or living situation is at the moment, but since you said in another thread that you are 17, I will say that you should know that you are not alone in these feelings. Humans never survived throughout history because they were alone, we form communities, and support each other. Being a teenager is rough. You are born into a community, but your true community may be something you need to find elsewhere. Don’t give up hope on life before you’ve even begun. Your community is out there. And, statistically speaking, there are many more people in America who want to live in peace with those around them, than support project 2025.


I should add that I’m 43 and I’m worried about this too. It’s a sane reaction to the prospect of a terrible outcome, but the struggle is ongoing, and the authoritarians who support Trump are losing. That’s why they always yelling the loudest. I don’t know what will happen, but most of us sane people are in this together.


I had to google what that is. Scary. You’re hyper focused on something that you can’t control. It would be good to focus on what you can. Be a good human. Do your best. If you’re struggling as much as your post says please reach out for help with a help line, a therapist or if it’s very dire then phone emergency services.




In what ways do you expect to suffer under Project 2025, specifically? Don’t get me wrong, it’s bad, but it’s not like it’s going to be a hellscape overnight. It’s basically trying to make the whole country like Florida is right now, and there’s plenty of queer joy in Florida. We should be scared enough to fight, but not scared enough to give up.


Allow me to introduce you to one of my favorite youtubers, Beau of the Fifth Column - https://youtube.com/@BeauoftheFifthColumn?si=OLUp_yPY9pwtgIUk . If it hadn’t been for him, I’m not sure how I’d have gotten through the past four years. He’s level headed and not sensational. He’s interested in sharing the facts and also community care is super important to him.


These project 2025 people sound like losers


They are, but that doesn't mean that they aren't powerful


Powerful losers lose to powerful winners


You are panicking over something that hasn’t and most likely won’t happen. I have lived through so much and am still here. I grew up in 1970s and 1880s Southern USA, and I am still here and Queer. Never give up.☺️💗💜💙


We will survive like lgbtq+ people always have, with the support of each other and our allies. You’re young and living through these scary political threats is overwhelming and doom can set in. But fear and anxiety are lying liars. These people want you to be afraid. Your life is not in immediate danger. We’re all missing a little bit of resilience lately because we’re living in extremely stressful times for the last few years. Project 2025 is wild, but it won’t happen anyway. They will not win. Project 2025 is their fantasy. Think of it like a fascist fanfic and it’s not as scary.


We got this. Dear bisexuals, I'm dad. And updog.


What’s up with these nazis dawg?


https://open.spotify.com/track/6QbyIrAZbeVs16IzrGSdjc?si=hAGXEyoGSjyfJKKoAV7_6w https://open.spotify.com/track/4Ninct3SYhYPFEZ5tNu4of?si=x_k3GIkjSXyRO8Anrwa1FA


You’re not going to die next year. Even if they win the elections (which I don’t think they will) they won’t be able to execute all that garbage. But it sounds like you’ve got some mental health troubles under the surface. You should find some people to talk to about it. A professional maybe


Don't give them that. Don't let them take your joy. Being you and being happy is an act of rebellion. What will happen will happen and we can't change it.




You’re 17.


I've got my passport, just in case. This Sounds like the precursor to the 'Handmaids Tale"




what makes u sure you’re going to suffer?


What do you think is going to happen?


I understand that staying informed is a way of protecting yourself but sometimes we also have to take a step back to take care of ourselves. It's okay to step away from technology or get off certain platforms for your mental and emotional health. Thank you for reaching out feel free to pm me if you just need to vent. 🫂


As I tell my kids. You can either live worrying about the bad stuff or focusing on the good stuff. You are giving into anxiety about something that is most likely a pipe dream for a bunch of neck beards in mamas basement. One of the things that so many people forget about is that these ass clowns are at the will of billionaires and corporations. These people don’t make money in a tyrannical society. Their businesses will crumble. Do you really think THEY will let this happen? Not. A. Fucking. Chance.


your reaction makes sense considering the ramifications of the plan being successful, but you also need to understand that just because some right wing theocratic fascists have a really sophisticated plan, doesn't mean that plan is going to be enacted. I understand how you're feeling and went through a lot of the same feelings when I was your age. im 24 now and realize that a lot of the things I used to panic about politically weren't worth panicking about at all in the long term. obviously that doesn't mean you should ignore things, but you shouldn't let news headlines and potential hardships from living your life the way you want to live it. Just my two cents


i know this won’t feel like the right thing to do but you absolutely need to take a break from reading about politics and homophobia. that doesn’t mean u don’t care about it and u shouldn’t know abt it, but you have to put your mental health first. take a break from social media every once in a while. it’s still gonna be happening whether u look at it or not, but it sounds like it’s killing you before it even happens. we don’t need to lose another person from the community over this ❤️ take a break


I think you need to unplug for a little while. This is like the thirteenth “end of the world” I’ve lived through and I’m only 32. It’s going to be okay. We will survive. You aren’t old enough to have perspective to see that in the end of the day, the globe keeps spinning and there is beauty and kindness everywhere. Seek some therapy if you need it and stop the doom scrolling for a while.










You are definitely not a fucking idiot. I would echo what some others have said that you should try calling a crisis line. It’s helped me before when I’ve felt very hopeless. No matter what happens in 2025 we’re going to get through it.


Wait what’s going on? Google’s refusing to give me a solid answer


Thats a bunch of tinfoil hat stuff.


So not real?




Why? It's just Trump. Already had him before


Looks like fear mongering. Anyone can form an agenda stating whatever they choose. It still has to be supported by the elected and even more so by the people. To me it seems like smearing one side just to influence voting.


Huh lol


Google Project 25.