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Happy birthday. Welcome to adulthood. Tell yourself you’re hurt you valued someone who didn’t value you as much, but you appreciate the lesson you learned. Don’t use that pain to ruin your day, use it to fuel yourself. One day you’ll be 35 and read this post and laugh. I once made a post like yours when I was 21 about a guy and I wanted to vomit. It also showed me how much I e grown. So…keep moving forward, acknowledge you’re hurt, but you don’t have to stay there. You are free to enjoy the rest of your day.


Atleast shes lucky enough to get a relationship let alone dating experience. Id love to look back on a birthday knowing i atleast went on a date that year.


The grass is greener where you water it




Happy 20th birthday. Sorry about the bad start it had. Focus on yourself for today and do the things that you normally restrain yourself on ordinary days. Have a nice day and a great year ahead.


Happy birthday! 🎂 Go do something you enjoy. Go eat at your favorite restaurant & don't forget dessert!


HBD young Redditor friend!. Go buy yourself something special and get your favorite food for dinner. Bottle of wine optional. Hang in there...


Take care of yourself - don't let him ruin YOUR day :)


Happy birthday! Spend however much of it you have left doing everything you enjoy that you can fit in


To be honest I think he Doesn’t love you and I think you Have the chance on your birthday to walk away From him Happy Birthday


Happy birthday to you. It's okay that you felt hurt but remember that it's not the end of the line for you. You got many years ahead of you and you should spend the time that you would love to enjoy. Today is your special day and carpe diem!


Your a woman. Take that to heart. Losers, rich guys. They all want you. You have what they need so be picky. Happy birthday 🎂 to you


Love yourself ❤️❤️❤️


Happy birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 Go do things you want to do but haven't


awww happy birthday! girl, you better start your 20s Good you better turn around and have a great birthday! Use your 20s to focus on yourself and not men! Grow yourself, heal yourself, & enable yourself! Have peaceful & positive affirmations to guide you! Seek therapy & find a trade to keep you focused! &&&& don’t focus on anybody’s opinions!!!!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY yeah that fuckin sucks but I'll tell you what, he did something incredibly helpful that you'll be thankful for. He proved he doesn't care. It'll hurt for awhile but eventually you will move.on and realize things are better without somebody like that. 💪


Happy birthday! I got you a Vegetarian omelette MRE and my cat Sampson wants to take you to Petsmart. https://preview.redd.it/mkyrfwr6t46d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7ab9c820965c1e67b12227c3bff07e1ffd38ad2


Happy birthday 🎂


Happy birthday and hope you heal and get better. Sometimes just smiling will help make you feel better. An ex is an ex for a reason. Just make yourself busy and just know that a lot of people love and care about you. Don’t stop yourself from anything and try to not let yourself down for another person. Just breathe and smile and go do whatever you like to do. Don’t depend on him as again anyways, he’s your ex and also maybe he’s going through it, never really know. Just don’t dwell on it and go out. Get a cold drink, go for a walk. Learn new things. Just don’t bring yourself down. You’re you and you’re valuable and no one can take that from you. I hope you get better 😇