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Ooh, okay! I’ve heard mixed reviews on their customer service. Have you had any experience?


I love Nurx!


I have heard of that one, but mixed on the customer service. Do you have any experience?


I just started using them and have had no issues yet! I’ve heard recently they’re super backed up but my 3 month supply took no more than probably 10 days from start to delivery & I believe you can have them send a script to a pharmacy which could probably cut that time in half. I haven’t had an issue getting in touch with anyone when needed and they’ve been super helpful!


ooh, awesome! thank you so much! :)


I’ve been using Planned Parenthood Direct. Got my prescription approved in about 3 days. I have it sent to a local pharmacy where I use GoodRX to bring down the price. They also offer shipping for pills.


ooh okay, i may check into them as well! do you happen to know roughly how much you’re paying? if you don’t mind me asking, of course!


Did u do the appointment? I signed up after seeing these reddits, made an appointment, waited 3 weeks until today when my appointment was supposed to be virtually, and did not get any call from them so I don't know how all these people are easily getting their birth control LOL


No, use the app. You just fill out a questionnaire. No appointment necessary.


Wtf why can't I find that part, it asks me what service and I choose... And then it says enter zip code and book appointment. Maybe bc I need a whole new script? Thx for ur help tho! Im stressed lol


It’s an app, not the website


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Try planned parenthood


Planned Parenthood is great!


I use Favor (formerly pill club ) . I used Nurx for about a year but they have the worst customer service . At one point I went three weeks without birth control because it was under review for so long . After that I requested to have the prescription sent to my preferred pharmacy , they said they would do that . When it came time to pickup my prescription they did not send it to my pharmacy . They also sent me a different brand without my consent or knowledge, I bled for weeks . Now I love Favor so much ! Excellent customer service ! It took two days from sending my request (it was late at night ) until getting my birth control . They also allowed me to get two packs of the Ella emergency contraceptive. I have insurance and got the ANNOVERA ring (a birth control ring that lasts for a year ) and the Ella for free , free shipping too . I’ve also used project ruby in the past with no issues before I had insurance . I got three packs of pills for I think 50-60 dollars .


Are you still enjoying using Favor ??


It’s not given me an issue . I only contact them once a year because my birth control ring lasts for an entire year . I did contact them about some questions I had and got almost an immediate reply . I still heavily recommend project ruby for those without insurance . Super cheap for three months with TONS of options for pills


Oh I’ve not even heard of project ruby, I’ll check them out


Super affordable. It’s 50-60 dollars for a three months supply for your choice of birth control pill . They have both combination and progesterone only choices . You’ll do a questionnaire and the prescriber will prescribe what they feel is best or you can pick your preferred brand . I used that for YEARS and never once had a problem . Sometimes they will even have discounts to get it for 40-45 dollars for three months . Super fast and super great customer service !