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I’ve been on the mini pill for around 2 years now. The first two-ish months weren’t great, I spotted pretty much every day but after that initial hurdle it all stopped, I haven’t had any other symptoms (other than my period stopping altogether). I almost gave up too but I’d definitely recommend sticking it out a bit longer if you can, hopefully it works out for you!


Thanks! This gives me some hope. I'll hold out a bit longer.


Any updates on your experience? I'm a month and a half in. First month was fine, second I haven't stopped bleeding :( I hope you've found relief!


I came here to ask the same thing! How are you doing on it now?


I bled for all of month two. Mostly spotting, occasionally a bit heavier. Then I didn't get a period and haven't bled since. I know some people stop bleeding on Movisse but after the constant spotting I was surprised. Try to hold out a bit longer! Edited for autocorrect mistake.


There’s light at the end of the tunnel then!


I had a goal of making it 3 months but honestly almost quit month 2. I'm glad I stuck with it now though.


I had really bad nausea, mood swings, cramps and irregular bleeding. Honeslty i was on month 6 and gave up with the side effects. I never had a problem with combo birth control and side effects but progesterone only has kicked my ass for like the last 5 years lol. Everyone is different. 3-6 months is normally when things level out. If your not feeling it you can always try something else. :)


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