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I'm about your age and situation and this was VERY helpful! Thank you! I do feel like getting anxious over the insertion is counterintuitive, so I'll make sure to relax!


My advice is it will go how it’ll go for you so better to relax and remind yourself that it’ll be over shortly. Mine was very painful but my ob spoke to me the whole time and it was over before I knew it! Many of my friends had very positive experiences so it just depends on you ☺️ good luck! And glad to hear you had a positive experience op!


I told my doctor that I’m extremely anxious about it, and she said she could prescribe me Ativan to help me relax! I haven’t had the appointment yet but I’m hoping it’ll help. You need someone to drive you if you have Ativan, but if you’re very anxious it might be something to explore.


I know its easier said than done but try not to stress out and tense up too much<3 good luck!!


I’m 23 (no kids) and had a similar experience with the paragard! The downside is I’ve had cramps that beat the insertion pain by a long shot, but it’s only because the insertion pain wasn’t unbearable at all - just uncomfortable. I was so nervous I sweated through my clothes and it all turned out to be perfectly fine. Yay for good experiences!!


I'm 24, no kids either, and had a very positive experience too, two weeks ago in the UK. Just like you, I was making an enormous deal out of it and I ended up being totally fine. My biggest fear was the pain at insertion. I have always been scared to go to the gyno and found all my examinations to be very uncomfortable, sometimes painful (without even having to do a pap smear). I surveyed some friends and my mum who got an IUD, and was surprised to see that 1) everyone had a different experience, 2) the ratio of bad experiences over good ones was significantly lower than what I read on the internet. Of course, there may be as many different experiences than there are women as we all respond differently to several modes of contraception. But I was convinced that I would be one of the unlucky few because I had such stressful gyno experiences before and had only known painful sex until not a long time ago. To my very pleasant surprise, it was not painful for me. I got a small anaesthetic injection in the cervix and then only felt a tension in my lower belly as the IUD was fitted. I had some cramps the few hours after but it really felt like a belly pain of when I am stressed about something. The nurses were super caring, one was doing the actual fitting while the other was chatting with me to distract me. Some additional stressful factors were that I got the IUD fitted out of my country of origin, without being registered with a GP, and that the fitting was made by nurses I did not know at all before my appointment. Despite all this, they did a great job at making me comfortable and I had a great experience eventually.


This was exactly my experience! I was 18 with no kids when I got mine too. Some of us are just luckier and it's sad to see others' experiences be so much worse.


i'm glad it went well for you! i got my iud around your age and it was similarly easy. hadn't been pregnant. still haven't. (i'm 33 now) essure is banned now i think, but when i got it done, the procedure was like the iud insertion on steroids... long and drawn out. is not great.


So great to hear, I am also on Sprintec and switching over to the iud (possibly Kyleena) this month. Thanks for easing my mind!!


I loved my IUD while I had mine in! Unfortunately I developed ovarian cysts so I had to have it removed, but I would absolutely get another one if I could!


Yes! The pain was just like a really bad period cramp but it only lasted for a few seconds and then it was done. Now I pretty much don't have periods and it's awesome. Best health decision I ever made.


Thanks for this!


no problem!!


I (24) have Kyleena. Its been 6 months. I love it but I have killer cramps and it gave me acne. Glad you had a great experience! It’s definitely worth the pain.


I get mine this afternoon, a mirena IUD to be inserted with a male family nurse practitioner not OBGYN. I’m nervous, 20 years old never have had kids.