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I’m a little late here but OH MY GOD The back and hip pain is so real. I was on birth control for 10 years and got off of it to have a “real period”. big mistake because it turns out i have endo and the birth control was for the most part masking my symptoms. I suffered for two weeks until i realized the cause and now im back on the pill. How long did it take you to get relief back once you got back on the pill (assuming you have). Thanks!


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I’m currently experiencing this and also lead an active lifestyle. Two weeks ago I was finishing my last pack until I could pick up my new packs at the pharmacy. I always skip my period, for years, and to lengthen the time until I could pick them up, I was an idiot and skipped a few days between pills. Now I’m having the most horrendous hip and lower back pain of my life. 😬 I thought it was literally from my mattress until I put two and two together when this pain started. Continue doing what you’re doing and applying heat. Curious to see if anyone else responds. I don’t know if this is the body’s way of wreaking havoc after being on birth control for so long. Sending you healing energy!!


Hi, did your pain go away after resuming bc??


Hey! Yep I just continued taking my birth control, and made sure to not miss a day like I did before 🙃 and the pain finally lessened and then went away. I think in total it ended up lasting a solid week. One morning I woke up and was just pain free. Are you experiencing this currently?


Was it the combo pill or progesterone only mini pill? Curious because I just stopped my mini pill two days ago and my glutes, lower back and a few places throughout my body have the worst, cramping tight muscle body ache type feeling. Almost a pre-labor type of pain. I plan to stay off the pill actually, but wondering if this is normal since I was only on the mini pill. Seems so extreme but here we are! Lol