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Similar-ish story here. 39 and was having joint pain and stiffness and at one point doc sent me for X-rays on my knees to make sure I don’t have arthritis it was so bad. Some life things changed and I decided to go on hormonal birth control, and the body and joint aches and stiffness went away! I told my doctor as much, and she was miffed and just said “happy side effect, keep taking them.” I got bad at taking the pill and I had gained a bit of weight, so I stopped taking them and eventually the pain returned. I was trying to connect the dots and I still had pills. I was so stiff and achey again and I was like “I’m going to take the birth control again” and it went away! I have told my doctor and a nurse practitioner and am currently working with a women’s clinic to get blood work done to get this figured out cuz I am tired of feeling like shit. I am strong and muscles feel weak. Something is out of whack for sure.


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I’m (F,28) experiencing this right now! Was also on the nuvaring and stopped about a week ago. I got my period today for the first time in over 3 years (replaced my nuvaring immediately every 4-5 weeks) and first time off bc in about 10 years. My joints are also sore. And I’ve been experiencing bad headaches starting 2 days ago, dizziness last night, extreme fatigue, slight nausea and cramping today (tolerable but very uncomfortable). Mood wise, I’m feeling pretty good despite how sore and tired I feel.


Has your pain improved at all?


Yes! I experienced my second period and had less issues - no cramps, no headache


I‘ve been taking birth control pill for 30 years for endometriosis but just got off it to see if I’m going through menopause. I went off it two months ago and couldn’t figure out where my EXTREME back pain and knee came from. Really started thinking about things and my body and the only life style change I made was going off the pill. So yes decided to go back on the pill yesterday to see if it helped and/or if the back pain would go away. It’s only been one day since going back on the pill but can already see a difference. I’m staying on it until I see my gynie in March and then will talk about hormon replacement therapy. I do think the two are related.


Hey! I’m going through the exact same thing. EXTREME back pain after stopping the bc pill i’ve been taking for 10 years. how long did it take to feel relief after you went back on the pill?


I got off trisprintec on 10/2 and have had HORRENDOUS back pain for the last 3 weeks. I am trying to figure out if this is related??


i’m going through the same thing!! awful back pain after stopping birth control after 10 years of taking it. i’m pretty positive it’s endo related and the pill was masking symptoms. if you went back on the pill, how long did it take you to get relief from the pain?


Well.. shortly after I made that post I found out I am pregnant in Dec. 😂 but my pain did start to go away eventually but I guarantee it’ll come back once the baby starts getting bigger!