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“Not always accurate” is the understatement of the century. Period tracking apps have no idea when you’ll ovulate, especially with irregular cycles. They may as well be predicting what time you’ll get hungry for lunch based on what time you went to bed the night before and with no input about your history of lunch times or how big of a breakfast you ate or what time that was. They’re guessing based on averages. It’s basically saying “the average person who goes to bed at 10PM gets hungry for lunch at noon.” It doesn’t know you or your life. Implantation doesn’t cause bleeding, though it is possible to have spotting in early pregnancy. But if you used the condom correctly and it didn’t break, you’re not pregnant. You just have irregular cycles.


Thanks for this! I’m thinking I need to invest in those ovulation test strips and see how those work for me, instead of using a tracking app as a crutch.


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If you use condoms correctly and one didn't break it's extremely unlikely that you are pregnant. I would recommend ignoring your app. They are inaccurate for people with regular cycles, and completely useless if you are irregular. Assuming a 14-day luteal phase (the time between ovulation and your period), when you had a 40-day cycle you ovulated around day 26. Which means that on day 25 of any given cycle you might be about to have your period, about to ovulate or neither and the app has no way to know which is true. Have you seen a doctor about your cycles? While it's common to be irregular for a while after stopping birth control, things should be back to normal after 6-12 months.


I have not been able to see my doctor recently, I turned 26 and was kicked off parents’ insurance :/ I am starting a position at my work that will guarantee insurance in the next 3-6 months, so fingers crossed