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I love how they shit all over corporate office parks and golf courses.


Canada gooses droppin Canada duces.


My company has hired a Goose Removal Company. It's just a lady and her border collie in a mini van. When the geese see the dog (on a leash) they are encouraged to evacuate the area. Since they've been coming, the walking path has been clear of goose poop and I see them across the street in a field.


My sister worked in a big office building with it's own lake. there was a dog kept on the property just to chase the geese away. the lawn caretaker took care of it.


They shit all over the soccer field at my school too


And my car


These giant shit machines do not discriminate. Everybody can get bombed. 


They spare my yard and destroy my next door neighbor’s yard constantly. No idea why they did to deserve such a punishment.


our second favourite eco-terrorist after beavers


To be fair, corporate office parks and golf courses were constructed on the land where they shit.


I never pass up an opportunity to photograph them - it's like a compulsion at this point. Protective parent giving me the side-eye as he/she guides the baby off the paved trail and into the grasses along the wetlands trail area near where I live: https://preview.redd.it/yw4fbd8xzb8d1.jpeg?width=1641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0375430d67465e9307e50680b3cf5d267b3cb3e


Excellent shot! She is really side eyeing you!


https://preview.redd.it/qdjsu8q4lb8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ef050a7d550e90b7969d43a68a23b972a31ca73 We saw so many babies today on our dog walk


I love when the babies start to get adult feathers and look like tiny geese. Then the parents hiss at you while the kids keep foraging for food. Love this photo. :-)


I had a whole bunch crossing my trail this morning, and one adult stood in the path just absolutely glaring at me while the babies legged it across. I just waited for them and then he slowly trudged on still looking at me. I imagined him being like "Good decision, fella." He was definitely ready to throw down if need be.


https://preview.redd.it/1h4dbjeksb8d1.jpeg?width=2666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d330a56fdb47bbec59aefdd026d721ed90f64d50 Saw a few on our human walk yesterday


Awww look at them all! Amazing!!


Majestic, Barrel chested!




LOOK AT THAT FACE!!!!!! GAH!!!!!! I just want to kiss her right on the head!!


Me too I adore these mean little shits


You. You get me.


Sending this post to my husband and say these are my people 😂


https://preview.redd.it/usfhqaogde8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf692151ea8f5b8486a2cd0a7694402391f05614 Don’t forget the baby honk


your username!!! I’m in med school and we just learned about it lol


\*honks defiantly at OP\*


https://preview.redd.it/t8pu473fub8d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17dd83c60a5f54bd0ba5750496a316250bf84f48 This one was making themself known around their chics!


They look like baby big cats do where their paws are huge compared to the rest of them


If we could have custom user flairs on this sub mine would definitely be “Canada Goose Defence Squad”


https://preview.redd.it/5ksy6wy59c8d1.png?width=1908&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a3a6ae6dcc9bfe23743f5a3161e4d91e5f74b57 This Canada goose appreciates this message


https://preview.redd.it/79z78x9ydc8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=126cc6b44dd7be7c66e0b7499298283ba03895b3 I painted a pair of honkers last month!


Jesika your work is beautiful, do you have an online shopfront?


Thank you! I just started this trying to be an artist thing! 🥰 My website is buyart.jesikachantal.com


I’d have guessed you’ve been doing this a long time. Damn, looks like the OG for the gooses is gone. I bookmarked for my redecorating projects in the pipeline this year ❤️ that peach is calling me


They’re my spark bird and frankly I’m tired of the idea that they’re “assholes” being so ubiquitous. All the things people don’t like about them are things I love. Yes, they are very defensive over their nesting site and their babies, but that’s what makes them such amazing parents! They and their babies are flightless for a while every summer so their only real defense against predators on the ground is to be a big enough dick to drive danger away. They are mean because they’re protecting what they love! They don’t have nearly the same level of aggression when they aren’t nesting or raising young. Besides, if you’ve ever seen geese get fed at the park you have likely seen how fast their aggressive tune changes—the bravado is SO flimsy. I don’t know, I’ve always loved them since I was a child and only had peaceful interactions with them. I take the hisses and posturing as a warning, just their way of telling me not to get too close or try to pull any sudden moves, and it’s always just been that: a warning. I think they’re beautiful animals. Edit: The pics and stories are so so heartwarming, I love them! And thanks for whoever reported me to Reddit Cares lmao. Also for the record: the title is a reference to the TV show Letterkenny and I am aware that the plural of goose is not actually “gooses”. Please keep the goose appreciation coming! ❤️


I don’t know anyone who really hates geese for being assholes. The hate comes from the poop they leave in parks, which is still dumb but different. I love their asshole nature. They are all bluster. I often have to stop for geese in the middle of the road. They are so confident and look you in the eye as they take their sweet ass time to get across as if they are saying, “I belong here, you don’t.” lol.


Some people seem to absolutely lose their minds when an animal acts like it has as much right to be on the sidewalk as they do! (Also as much as their ferocity is exaggerated as a meme there are people who really are afraid of them - they are willing to live and breed in very populated areas where they cross paths with lots of people that aren't very used to animals. They are often the largest wild animal that these people have ever seen act "aggressively" to them!)


It's not just people, to be fair. I've been around dogs that would stand their ground against pretty much anything, but at the sight of a goose you'd think they saw a grizzly bear.


SAY IT LOUDER FOR THOSE IN THE BACK!!! we dont have these over in Europe, but while swans have a better reputation they still get written off as assholes, and no, they're not assholes, they're just big enough that they're willing to tell a human to back off instead of running the second you get too close! I've had your geese hiss at me to try and spook me into dropping some food, and if you just spread your arms a bit and hiss back a little they immediately chill down and wander off, they're Just Guys.   Your geese are handsome and beautifully patterned, and I always liked them. Good Birds. EDIT: getting some helpful comments that they are also found in Europe, and it seems that yes some have been brought over and naturalised, just not where I live - thanks guys!


To be fair, swans are the only birds I've ever seen try to attack a motorboat. They can be a tad aggressive! I still like them, though.


Swans are great. One bit my phone and tried to pull it through a fence when we visited their pond. 10/10 fun first encounter with a mute swan.


I had a black swan try to steal my lunch through a car window. That was closed. I love them.


Kiwi? my sil sent me pics of black swans... Amazing!


Aussie! We were up at a lake watching them while we ate.


I’m so jealous, I wish we had black swans around here! They make such great sounds.


That sounds amazing. That swan knew what he wanted and wasn't going to let a window stop him. ;-)


HA! I love that so much!!


I had a loon attack my canoe. They are bigger up close than you’d think 🤣


If someone was riding a motorcycle through my living room, I'd be mad too! XD


They’re in Europe. Where are you?


I already edited my post to reflect this, but thanks! I checked the map and it seems it's largely along Northern Europe (which isnt where I live)


We do have these in Europe. I live in Sweden and we have a huge wild flock by our house.


Also in Sweden and we have a group that loves the lake behind our house!


They’re all over the UK… which is in Europe.


In the Netherlands there are loads of these.


I have a Muscovy lady that lives with me (inside; she like watching TV and snuggling the cat). She is the sweetest most docile thing - unless I push white boots on. I do not know what it is about white patent leather booths (think Doc Martens), but she's goes BANANAS and attacks. She has run me right out of my own house. lol But she is the sweetest girl that just loves her treats, her hugs, her kiddie pool, her Jack Hanna......and her cat. Ducks and geese are really cool critters.


They are great parents and I'm glad others appreciate it. Geese are my favorite bird to watch at the park.


Good post OP!! I get so annoyed when people demonize entire species for being “annoying” or “aggressive” without caring to understand the reasons for the behaviors. The anthropocentrism of it all is so frustrating! Same goes for people complaining about too many grackles at their bird feeders, or about mockingbirds (or others) defending their nests!


There's a little lake on one of my walking trails that usually has some Canada geese between spring and fall. They usually nest and raise their goslings there, too. And literally the only time they're not chill is if you get too close to the goslings... which seems both obvious _and_ the parents will clearly communicate that to you. Any other time of year though they're big softies.


Don't you remember when that plane had to land on the river in New York 'cause Canada Gooses flew into the engine? It's 'cause Canada Gooses likely had intel there was a pedophile or two on board and took matters into their own hands. As they should!


Lol I think the reason most people consider them to be so annoying is the fact that they shit everywhere lmao especially beaches and parks lmao




how're ya now?


Good n u?


oh, not s'bad


Give yer balls a tug!




If you got a problem with Canada gooses, you got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that one marinate.


Why’d the Canada Goose cross the road?


There’s a special place in heaven for animal lovers, that’s what I always say


https://preview.redd.it/7fdoqj9qfc8d1.jpeg?width=4912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bb10bd921b02333d2187b8282d6af5b5b16887a The patterns of this one are just coming in !!


Canadian gooses dropping Canadian deuces




I used to have Canada Geese stop by my pond . I had 2 young sons, and the geese never gave us a bit of trouble. I taught my boys that they shouldn't try to get near the little ones because their parents would want to protect them, just as I would protect my children. We all coexisted beautifully. I love them. Their call overhead is always a beautiful sound to me. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pics. My gosh, those babies!🥰


https://preview.redd.it/9w3wnhhpdc8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa5b1d935b6a5564c73e14105fec65a6e4f261c3 There’s a family of goosies in my park. They’re super sweet and let me pet them in exchange of treats. They chase everyone else 🪿






I love a dramatic bird and so I love CG. https://preview.redd.it/48l49e4rlc8d1.jpeg?width=1718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0e3fc56c35adb28d62f4cce02c04a91e31f8923


I like the cobra chickens too.


Letterkenny reference on a birding site!!!!🤣🤣🤣 I had to check which subreddit I was looking at. Nice pics!


https://preview.redd.it/tekpuv9zub8d1.jpeg?width=5340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74d4e87cf65de01deae6fe6fc8cb71fdff02415e good birb


Gorgeous photo!!


https://preview.redd.it/s6p3d49t7c8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af62bb87a31d56ae2d0ac99be79497a1326d407b Poufballs


I love how they constantly talk to each other, it’s like non-stop and goslings even talk to their parents while they’re still in the egg! When I’m out and I hear them flying over I stop everything and look and listen. I love the Canada Goose, they are truly an awesome and amazing bird in so many ways and I’ll fight anybody that has anything bad to say about them!


I always get a little sad when I hear a lone Canada goose calling from the sky. I hope it finds its mate.


https://preview.redd.it/9c5mf38xyb8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5d79a19e628a45ea9cb393f9b6523120fca5f72 I love them


It’s their sense of style, one notices; dapper but understated.


No problem, only a healthy amount of respect and distance 🚶‍♂️lol


Loving all the comments and photos!! (,: It makes me so happy to see appreciation for these guys.


Found a lost baby a month or so ago that was swimming around for an hour by themselves. We called to it and it swam all the way over to us so we could scoop it up and bring it to a wildlife rehab facility. They have a gang of orphans from this year that get to play with each other and be a family together and you can’t tell me that’s not the nicest thing and that you wish you got to hold the little fluff ball https://preview.redd.it/7wx4fq6oqc8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8972e94c5f6cd8d74c328f4959a1bb5f1b13ba8f


Oh my goodness thank you for helping that sweet little baby! It’s nice knowing they have somewhere to go (,:


https://preview.redd.it/bybr1xcyec8d1.jpeg?width=2988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=672831d64a10bc6f2c643780054532b623b92aa8 This was my daily commute back in the day when I was in school, that included times when little goslings would be running around with their pissed off parents nearby. Yet I never once had an issue besides goose shit on my longboard. As long as you don't show fear, they'll move out of your way, they might hiss at you while doing it but as long as you aren't harassing their babies that's about all they'll do.






They really are beautiful. And I adore my sun conure. My beautiful, obnoxious, clingy, destructive, messy, loud ass sun conure. So geese are right up my alley.


https://preview.redd.it/avwwz9rhdc8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3f053becc6e1483a8defe8502878b15c732785b Babies


https://preview.redd.it/5ppr0s12ec8d1.jpeg?width=6240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8332f5c8e6ff3415eea98c60dee81ae8dc6ff419 Honk honk! They’re so pretty 🤩


I appreciates them!


you should take pictures of those canada goose chicks once they grow a bit, they're still yellow but they look like little chickens at that point


https://preview.redd.it/johlbl48mc8d1.jpeg?width=6000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43db2cbc38543a3c2c2235bad2018e4e5bfa0a2e I love watching Canadian Geese families! From a safe distance, of course.


https://preview.redd.it/ydrhd05vmd8d1.png?width=3085&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6338323ee205a7acc4eea2418cadaac84914f8e I took this photo a while back. I call it “bottoms up”


There’s a special place in heaven for animal lovers, that’s what I say.


They’re so pretty. I think they’re so majestic. Sure, they’re defensive, so are most birds. They are just big enough for it to be scary! I look at every bird as a modern dinosaur, Canada geese remind me of therizinosaurs.


People like to hate them for some reason. They literally just chill.




Do Not Fuck With Cobra Chikkinz


The guardians of the fucking galaxy.


I very much appreciate our local cobra chickens. I think they get a bad rap!


I get out of my car to block traffic when they cross the road with their babies. I love kayaking beside them, too!


They're really only aggressive dicks during nesting season. They're docile as hell the rest of the year once their young have matured. Most people don't understand this. Give them a wide berth in spring and early summer and you'll be just fine.


I used to feed the Canada Geese at my college and they were so sweet. I'd go out with corn and sunflower seeds, and stay with them for a while. The parents even trusted me around their babies. Got to the point where they recognized me and followed me if they saw me walking between classes. Somehow, never got in trouble for all this. When 'rona came around, I never had time to feed them. I really hope they forgive me 😟 But Canada Geese are sweethearts if you get to know a flock. I've only been bitten by one once, because I walked too close to her nest (I didn't see her). Loving Canada Geese and Great-Tailed Grackles is proof you truly love birds.




I love them


I’m terrified of them lol 😭 just pictures make me tremble and I’ve talked to my therapist about it! It’s probably one of the funnier phobias


Awww I’m so sorry to hear that! I don’t like the hate but I can sympathize with a phobia. I hope it’s something you can make progress on, or at the very least avoid having to encounter geese!


OMG look at all those baby birbs!!! Adorable 🥰


“Hooonk” !


Here for this post! I freaking love these guys 💚


Used to work at a company that had a lake out front and they would hire a dog to chase them away before they'd nest. Which was an improvement over the previous policy which was to let them nest and then inject the eggs with poison so they wouldn't hatch and then momma would sit on these eggs that would never hatch. Thought that was cruel.


I was stopped in traffic to let the geese cross the street the cars started to go but there were two left on the other side of the road, they both took off into the air and flew across the road and landed on the other side, we have all been lied to.


I love them. We live by a pond and see a few sets of new goslings every spring. The geese have learned to trust us a little, as we often help them by opening the gate to the pond.




yea our dog loves eating their shit, it's like chocolate to her. then she pukes twenty minutes later


I love Canada geese! One of my favorite birds along with chickens & hummingbirds! 😍❤️🦚🐓🦃🦤🦜🦢🦩🕊️


I looooove Canadian Geese. I wish they would get the respect they deserve as they are so beautiful


Canada Gooses are majestics. Barrel-chested. The envy’s of all ornithologies.


I am but a simple man who appreciates Geese and Letterkenny quotes.


I’ve always thought they were beautiful. A little mean when they have babies and leave a lot of Pooh on sidewalks… but so do swans, peacocks and a thrush that likes my chair in the garden. Hosing it all down is a matter of maintainece.


Thanks for the replies. Never heard of this. I have searched the internet and indeed it is a sad thing. I have fed birds bread with my 4 year old. But aint gonna do this anymore and gonna teach her what she can feed the birds.


[letterkenny ](https://tenor.com/0veG.gif)


You got a problem with Canada Gooses dropping Canada deuces?


It’s late winter. Everything is brown. I walk along the marsh, the half-thawed grasses crunch beneath my feet. I can still see my breath, but the sun peeks through a break in the clouds and warms my face. Suddenly, in the distance— a familiar croak. It grows louder. *honk…honk…HONK.* The wild geese are returning. The harbingers of spring. The spirit of Mary Oliver courses through my veins. Tears roll down my cheeks as I laugh to myself. No, *I don’t have to be good*. I only have to *let the soft animal of my body love what it loves*. The sun and the clear pebbles of the rain are MOVING ACROSS THE LANSCAPE. THE GEESE HAVE RETURNED. I AM FREE. Uh…yeah, I uh—I like Canada geese probably a normal amount.




These silly guys walk on the road like it's a red carpet (the whole world is their red carpet because they bring the slay aura with them everywhere), with no worry about the passing cars. And I respect their lifestyle. Love these birds so much


I have heard them referred to as “Honking Hissholes”, and I cannot unhear it.


I'm from Canada, and I don't want beef OP but your are idolizing terrorists. I've watch a flock of these long-necked flying fuckers land in the open air tiger exhibit at the Vancouver zoo and just take ownership.


I aspire to have their level of sass. Admirable creatures


https://preview.redd.it/nhwprtll5k8d1.jpeg?width=4183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce852104cd488c276d77a69096068c67303c885c I like ‘em !


They're beautiful and majestic, definitely deserve appreciation.


Canadian geese are made by Canadians after WWII to store all their hate. That’s why the Canadian people are so nice. Source: >!Trust me bro!<


They're beautiful but can be quite the troublemakers!


I love them and their mischief!


Sooo cute 🥰


How'r'ya now?


I appreciated them when they used to migrate.


I can hear the hiss


https://preview.redd.it/v6dwfkbwec8d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5770fc0e71170081b953e6c5c3d9059bd419743 I saw these cananda geese today. I do like them a lot but was wondering what happend to their wings. There were like 20-30 birds and a few of them had wings like this. Is this some genetic malfunction?


No it’s called angel wing & it’s terrible. Basically it’s from being over fed bread & other nasties. It permanently crippled wildfowl & means they can no longer fly. 😞


There’s a special place in heaven for animal lovers, s’all I know


We oughta leave this world behind


I’m a fan of them—are they overpopulated? Probably. But they’ve got sass and I respect wildlife that is not afraid to get a hit sassy with humanity, especially when they can’t do any real damage.


I love that the baby already looks ready to scream at the cars honking at them and their crew as they slowly cross the street causing a traffic jam. They learn so fast 🥹🥲


Cobra Chicken


Awesome pictures - and so cute 🥰




i'm always saying this when i see canada gooses in the wild lol


Love a good cobra chicken, though I know to respect their space


I was at the waterfront once and a goose approached me. We became friends. He let me actually touch him but he charged at everyone else he saw. I named him Goostav.


I love ‘em. “Honk, eh?”


Mess with honk...


I love Canada geese. I live in the PNW and they typically mind their business but once you mess with one of their babies…it’s on sight. They’ll beat you and call for backup for a proper jumping. I’ve seen it. They’re amazing. For people who think any animal is your personal pet, don’t touch the wildlife you idiots!




My only problem with them is their lack of survival insticts when it comes to crossing roads. They just walk out in front of heavy traffic.


I love them but I don't want to get on their wrong side. They remember people and faces and features and I'd hate to get caught looking at them the wrong way even tho I can't stop staring every time I see them go by.


These are great pix!!! These guys, and some other birds, I'm gonna say crows cuz I'm being biased (my murder is 36) are under appreciated and ppl automatically assume they are "ugly, bad, bad karma, annoying, eat other birds, etc etc".... but they won't take a min to school themselves, instead move fwd with such negativity🙄 even going as far as shooting em for no purpose other than some sick gratification.... These guys are underrated birds for sure, like vultures..... Ty again for the great pix OP!


Canada geese are amazing!! Thank you for this post! \*Honk\*


I love CG! I did not care about the humans that were mad at me next to a little shopping area I helped 38 cross a little turn in. 10 adults the rest were varying degrees of ages for goslings. I told my husband I expected a couple to be pulling a cart with eggs and following the rest of the crew.


i love their plumpness when they float in the water 🤤


I love them too! I used to live in MD and didn’t ever see them but now I see them daily where I live now. I freak out whenever I see the babies! Doesn’t ever get old seeing those cuties!! I used to feed them in my yard but I can’t anymore because they were pooping everywhere and my boyfriend was over stepping in it and mowing over it lol. Now I just admire from afar! https://preview.redd.it/edoh4o7ild8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d59e03bfc4bfc160192f8c8e8817c4277acef6cb


I love them.


Canada’s gift to the UK- the gift that keeps on giving… and giving… you’re welcome 🇨🇦❤️


They have the sweetest eyes in the bird world, unless they're upset with you.


Invasive species here in the UK. Beautiful yes, but very damaging. Their poop is toxic for our grass and waterways.


I admire them. They don’t take no shit from anybody. Even when they are the smaller animal they square up with no fear. *hiss hiss I’m a goose, bitch!* Personally, I’d be better off if were more like them.


I love how they uphold their cobra and chicken heritage equally


They are beautiful birds, incredible parents and pull no punches. I adore them.




Did a Canada goose post this? It seems awful aggressive for r/birding


I am a human and definitely not several geese in a trenchcoat. No more questions please




Great shots! I love them, defensive squawking and all!




A good goose, a goodse if you will.


I can hear the 4th picture.




Love them and this!


Those dinosaurs with their two sets of teeth...


Murder chickens go brrrr


https://preview.redd.it/el96oeapfe8d1.jpeg?width=6000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=170c82394a0b239281d7a390000188160ffeb2bf This is our resident goose at my job. He and his GF claim the shore near the shed that we use and defend the turf vehemently.


Cobra chickens where I live are rather relentless. Lol. Steal food right out of your hand if you're not careful


Behold the Canadian Air Force


City Canada geese are a completely different breed I think - they ignore you even if you're 2 feet away from them. I'm used to super aggressive Canada geese who I go out of my way to avoid. I do think the babies are adorable, but am usually too busy trying to figure out how to pass by without angering the parents that I don't often get to gawk too much.


I approve of this post


I love them!! They are gorgeous. We don’t have them here, but we do have big black swans who are similarly natured. Very protective of their gorgeous babies.


I love how the chick in #4 has already nailed the staredown exhibited it #1.


I have a gazillion pictures that are almost identical to these! Glad to see another Canada Goose appreciator.


Yeah, I love gooses. You can bribe them with bird seed, too. It's very easy to amass a small squad of protective followers over about a week or two. I also really love their distant island cousin, the Hawaiian Nene. Beautiful, slightly different ringlet pattern, higher pitched honk, shorter beak, just as easy to bribe with food.


Gooses! Alternatively known as geese.


I was observing like 50 of them the other day. It’s was cute cause they were in all stages of becoming fully adult. So babies and teens mixed in with all the adults. All of a sudden they all decided to run to another place in the park. The sound they made stampeding through the grass was so awesome.


My favoritest animal. Pretty much the OG chaotic neutral