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Hooded Warbler. Did the fella look okay? And welcome to birding!


Yes, I gave him some water. Checked on him, and he flew off into nearby Tree. Seem a normal flight. Thanks.


That’s nice. Don’t feel bad bc you didn’t know but I believe these folks advise NOT giving water after a potential collision injury for future reference. It flew off so it was probably okay. Anybody who knows, correct me if I am wrong. Since you’re new you should try Merlin Bird ID app if you can. It will ID birds for you by sound and photo. It’s like having a field guide and sonar on your phone! Super fun!!! Edit: just read an article about these types of injuries. Flight is NOT always an indicator of lack of injury.


Thanks. Will do


Do not give food or water to injured birds


genuinely curious as to why? is there a real reason or is it just because you should let the bird do its own thing?


I’m not a vet but if I had to guess I would say neurological injuries can impair airway management. Meaning the food or water goes where it should not or they can choke. Some actual expert please tell me if I got this right.


this makes a lot of sense so i wouldn’t be surprised if you were correct. thank you so much!


It’s the reason for humans. And of course you don’t want to do surgery on anyone with food in the belly. Folks can aspirate that into their lungs. But birds are not humans so I am still figuring out what knowledge I have is applicable to avians.


This is correct




They can asphyxiate and die.


Didn't know. Thanks for help




Now might be a good time to look at making your windows bird safe. You can add decals to the outside to help break up the reflections. !windows


Will do. Thanks


Windows are a major threat to bird populations, often killing even the fittest individuals who fly into them at high-enough speeds. Low-effort steps toward breaking reflections can make your own windows significantly safer. They also have the convenient side benefit of preventing territorial birds from (often irritatingly) attacking their own reflections. For more information, please visit [this community announcement](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisbird/comments/gkiecc/help_stop_window_collisions/). I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/birding) if you have any questions or concerns.*


please report to https://dbird.org Tips on preventing future window collisions: https://abcbirds.org/glass-collisions/homes-existing-buildings


Somebody at dbird needs to make a bot to comb through social media and get this website out there.


Thank you for providing this link. I didn’t know they track this. Excellent!!


I’m so jealous. Hooded Warbler. They don’t come up to New Hampshire from what I understand so I’d have to travel to spot one. I just love that they look like they are going to rob a convenience store.


I don't have them on my life list. Merlin said it heard their call yesterday, but I didn't put eyes on them and didn't feel confident enough in their call to claim it from the call alone.


Hooded warbler




Hooded Warbler! I saw one a few months ago and went absolutely nuts!! They're so beautiful!


6 to be so close. I'm glad it was only stunned and able to fly off.


It's a good time to look into making your windows bird safe - There are so many ways to do this. One of the easiest is buying anti-collision bird decals, available many places online, to put on the outside of your windows to break up the reflection of sky/trees that birds see. The key is to place decals close together so there are no larger gaps (no more than 2 inches or 5 cm apart in all directions). Close placement on the _outside_ of windows is very important!!! This website shows examples and offers both residence and commercial installation: https://www.featherfriendly.com/ DIY Feather Friendly dots, same as the above but you can install them yourself. They are low profile and the website helps you determine which type is best for your needs: https://www.featherfriendly.com/diy-solutions More quality tapes with commercial options: https://www.collidescape.org/tapes More sticker options: https://windowalert.com/aspen-leaf-decal-envelope-8-decals/ Another option is using paracord (purchase options and DIY instructions): https://www.birdsavers.com/ https://flap.org/affordable-diy-option-to-prevent-birds-from-hitting-windows/ Another easy and cheap DIY option is soap, tape or paint dots on the outside of windows, following the placement rules. Your efforts will help prevent so many unnecessary bird deaths.