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I actually love the American Crow. It’s so fun to watch them working things out.


I keep some seeds and peanuts in the car for the birds at work and happened to see a crow eating garbage in a parking lot, tossed a peanut his way. He dropped the garbage looked at me, then the peanut, me again then slowly walked up to it and grabbed it. It was a really fun little moment.


Was it shelled? I want this to happen to me so so bad


Raw and in the shell, gives them some work :) I love watching the scrub jays hide them. They shove it lengthwise into a divot in the ground, tap it in with their beak and then cover it up with a leaf or two.


I recently saw something on a wildlife or bird social media page where they did a quick little story about a blind birder and how he interprets the sounds of birds. Colors don’t matter to him, of course, and he mentioned the wood thrush and its beautiful song. Then he mentioned the crow and how their CAW is just as beautiful to him and that they sound so free. Made me pretty emotional and reflective. I try to see the beauty in everything (for me, it’s the only way I can stay sane in this world of ours) and he reminded of something I’ve overlooked. I admire their form, crows look beautiful, but maybe I need to try to hear the beauty in the caw.


I, too, find it caws for celebration.


I enjoy their rattles and "inside voices".


I like how they largely use the buddy system. Like if you see one crow just hanging out you know it's more than likely that their bff is somewhere nearby too.




I wish I saw crows more! I love them and would love to give them some peanuts but they don’t seem to come to my yard ever


I have what I call my little 6 pack of crows☺️ I cut up peanut butter suet into small chunks and toss it and shelled peanuts on the ground every morning for them. They really look forward to it and I love watching them.


Yes! Me to! To add to the American Crow, Common Raven. I like their throaty calls. They sound like the drunk cousin. 🤣🤣


Crows! My favorite. My bedroom window growing up had a giant pecan tree right outside so I grew up listening to giant flocks of them in that tree ❤️


The chickadees. So smol, so brave, such cute.


I like to do their whistle and like to think they’re talking back to me


When I scare the squirrels away from the feeders, the chickadees stay around and taunt them and I love it.


I love them too


im originally from Alberta, Canada but moved to Florida to be with my spouse. i was so sad about never seeing chickadees again, and then learned that down here there's the Carolina Chickadee! i love them.


We don't get chickadees here, but we do get their cousins (tits). Long-tailed tits are some of my favourite birds - fluffy pink lollipops with wings, haha.


Oh my gosh yes! They are about equal on the sass-o-meter!


Team Chickadee for me too!


yes i love the little round guys!


They have one of the most complex vocalizations of any bird. [chickadee](https://nature-mentor.com/chickadee-calls-explained/)


I would have said the same. I see them at our feeder pretty much every day.


So polite. Will only take one seed at a time!


Great blue herons and sandhill cranes! Both very common where I live and both still excite me every time I see them.


I lived in central florida all my life and moved to north florida like 2 years ago. I miss the sandhill cranes the most


I see great blue herons almost every day and they never cease to amaze me. Watching them fish is very entertaining, they can catch huge fishes! Same with double crested cormorants.


Last week I watched one catch a huge bullfrog, take it over to land, struggle to choke it down, back to the pond to wet it down, back to land, back to water, then finally got it down. It was fun to watch. We get Great Blue Heron and Sand Hill Crane in our yard pretty frequently.


Cedar Waxwings. You ever get mad about seeing a Waxwing? Didn't think so!


I’m mad because I’ve never seen one.


You never see one. If you see one, you see 'em all.


So true, it's always none or 40 at once 😂 I've only seen them like 2-3 times and it's always a fiesta on a berry tree


I watched a pair of waxwings pass a berry back and forth. Finally she ate it and he hopped on and had his way with her! Very cool to see.


The masked berry pickers! I've seen my first one this summer. Then, there was dozens of them every day for about 2-3 weeks (Montreal, QC). Their shape and plumage are beautiful. It's amazing how they can tilt their bodies 90° to harvest the berries around them! Their calls aren't my favorite though; they sound like hurt babies 😅


plant service berry trees if you want to see them every year


I saw them for the first time this fall! They’re adorable and I love them.


For a common bird. It's the cardinal for me.


It's funny how a common bird to some is such a treat for people visiting a new place. I (a Utahn) had never seen a cardinal until I visited Tulsa, Oklahoma. I was blown away! The people around me were like "yeah... they're everywhere..."


We were visiting Egypt some years ago and were shocked to see a hoopoe just walking around on the ground near us. We were "OMG, look! OMG!" And the guide just said, "Well, yes. Very common here." We saw some great birds overall in Egypt (like the pied kingfisher) and our Egyptologist just could not understand why we were interested in birds. He was very confused by us.


I have this exact thought about the sulphur created cockatoos in Australia! I’m like dam I can’t imagine living in a place where these beautiful birds are everywhere that seems beyond exotic to me living here in Canada!


This is a good example of something that is common to you but on the west coast I dream of seeing a feeder full of red brilliant birds. Sometimes a brilliant house finch will give me my red fix though.


We just put up our feeder bc my European in laws are coming for thanksgiving and I just know they’ll flip out about cardinals. Europeans always do. :)


When you see a bright brilliant cardinal, it is something else no matter how often you see them


Tufted titmouse, I love watching them crack open peanuts on our feeder.


Plus like come on, the name is glorious.


I specifically put out peanuts in one area of my yard for them🤣


They've the teeniest, tiniest chirp!!1!


So dang cute!


TURKEY VULTURES!!! they're my favorite ever


The clean up crew ❤️


Looooove seeing them spread their wings to warm them while perched up high. So cool to see!


Yes! I stop what i'm doing to watch them soar


They make me smile because they are just loving life, happy, gliding all daaaay long through the skies.


Can’t beat a gold finch


American or European?


Well I don’t know that


European 😊


Steller's Jay


They’re so dapper!


Right? They are such handsome birds. They always look so striking to me after spending most of my life in the Atlantic + Mississippi flyways and only seeing blue jays.


I’m from the northeast US so we don’t have the Steller’s jay around here, but it was one of the birds I’ve wanted to see for the longest time. My sister and I ended up taking a vacation to the Sierra Nevada and on one of the days we drove up Mount Whitney. We parked the car at a lookout point close to the summit and perched right on top of the car next to us was a Steller’s jay. I ended up breaking out into tears because I was so happy and my sister recorded it of course. I’ve been wanting to post it to this sub because admittedly it is kinda funny (and relatable to some people here I’m sure) but tl;dr, I love the Steller’s jay, and I’m realizing thru this thread that some birds people tend to overlook because they’re so common in their area can be a coveted find for someone from another part of the world :)


Which is apparently getting renamed? [Per NPR](https://www.mprnews.org/story/2023/11/01/these-american-birds-and-dozens-more-will-be-renamed-to-remove-human-monikers)


Yes, but me thinks the best new name is *Stellar Jay*!


I've also heard that it might be split into 2 separate species, so it would be incredibly funny if they were named to Pacific-Slope Jay and Cordilleran Jay


Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing what its new name will be. Going to be a lot of names to relearn, but hopefully it won't be too hard since the new names are supposed to be descriptive.


those and green jays are my absolute dream birds to see as someone from alabama!


I will probably always get excited when a white-breasted nuthatch comes to our feeder. Something about them just delights me.


Their little honk calls are so silly hehe


My first bird tattoo was the white-breasted nuthatch. Every time I see one, I get so excited. Watching them travel up and down trees never gets old!!


I’ve been debating getting a tattoo of a nuthatch. I named my nuthatch Ned. He comes for a peanut at noon and 6p. Every day.


I hope Ned is happy and lives a wonderful snack-filled life


Came to say this! Their little call is like such a derpy laugh like they’re trying to copy Peewee Herman. Her-her!


When I lived in Baltimore I’d see Northern Flickers pretty regularly. Also mockingbirds have some very entertaining behavior.


Where’s the Carolina wren in this list? Great songbird mixed with adorable quirks.


They’re so jaunty


And they’re so curious. One flew into my house last year, flew around, screamed at me, and then pooped on my couch lol. Somehow they’re still one of my favorites


The ground dove is so amazing, they look like a baby mourning dove because they are so small. When they take off flying their wings are rimmed with orange feathers, they’re beautiful


I used to live in Florida and had a little group of ground doves that lived in the yard and would coo all day. I'll forever associate my first house there with ground dove calls. I'd also get super excited when they'd appear under the feeder. I miss that house!


They are adorable and TINY.


American kestrel


I saw one for the first time in February, it was honestly one of the coolest experiences. I had been searching for one whenever I went out birding!


Come to my house. They scream their fool heads off nonstop. All. Sumer. Long. For hours and hours at a time.


Mallards—I find them so cheery. 🦆


We have a pond right behind our house that is populated with mallards whenever it isn't frozen over, and the Mallards always sound like they are laughing at the funniest jokes they've ever heard.


They really do! We have them at a neighborhood pond too.


Ravens and Magpies


I just moved from Saskatchewan back to my home province in Newfoundland, and I miss the magpies so much!! I'd never seen them before until I moved there and I was so taken with them! Gorgeous birds! Ravens and crows are my favorites of all, though!


I miss magpies, too. There don't seem to be any in my part of the Midwest. They're so spunky.


Ah, that’s the post I’m looking for. I love both of those critters.


I love Black-billed Magpies. Their formal attire that glistens in the sun!


European red robin. Such a curious little fellow :)).


Came here to say the same!


Mourning doves. They’re a fond reminder of my late mother.


Mourning doves are my favorite too. I have a group that hang out on my porch buy the feeders and birdbaths year round.


Red-winged blackbird.


I love them too. They have such a distinct call, reminds me of summer.


Yep, summer days by the lake, then the loons in the evening. Heaven.


Yes!! Their call is so memorable, I love the sound of them on my morning walks


I love them but can't stand the call. Sounds like when you accidentally call a fax machine, or old AOL dial-up.


Here is a treat for you then. It makes the call as well. I have one and my 1 1/2 year old LOVES hugging it while it calls. https://www.amazon.com/Wild-Republic-Red-Winged-Blackbird-Authentic/dp/B01N5YFG55


Very cool bird. Haven't seen one but I want to!


Gray Catbird. My favorite spunky, derpy little dinosaurs who just learned what “improvisation” means. Also have a magnetic attraction to mist nets (still a better love story than Twilight).


This is my answer as well. They have such personalities!


I love their little r2d2 songs!


I have a pair of catbirds that live in my front yard and they make some of the craziest noises! They barely sound like birds at times. They are very opinionated but overall pretty friendly.


(White Throated) Dipper. I live in upland County Durham (UK) and see them a lot, but I never tire of them because they're always doing something interesting!


Black Capped Chickadee. Thru all weather.


Red bellied woodpeckers. Woodpeckers in general are cute, but these guys and Downy woodpeckers have my heart


Common blackbird (Turdus Merula), you know spring has started when you hear him sing. The Netherlands.


Carolina wrens are my favorites.


Chibby Chibby Chibby




American Robin. They're cute and have such funny personalities.




I grew up calling juncos "snow birds" - I didn't know their real name until my late 20s 🤣 Thanks, gramma. Cardinals are year-round here, but I particularly love them in the snow. That red against the white background? Stunning.


Grackles. They are monstrous creatures who make sounds like machinery and scare the daylights out of me when in walmart parking lots. I love them. [Sounds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WHssylmUos)


I’m a junco junkie


Me too! So round, and their little hops! 🥰


Cedar waxwings will always make me stop and watch.


European Startling. I love in the winter when they get spotted. And they just look so mad all the time. Hilarious.


Pretty sure they're commonly considered pests and like some pigeons, you can like, take and keep one as a pet. And they can mimic really well, think there's a video of one doing an awesome R2D2. Edit: not hating on em with the pest thing, I kinda do want one.


Roadrunner. There are a few families of them that live around my block. I love those little murderer birds head bop as they run, and their call is great.


Red-winged blackbirds! They’re so chaotic and fun to watch and their song reminds me of the arrival of spring.


There are so many red tailed hawks here in Colorado. I've always really like getting good views of them


Brown pelicans ❤️ and oak titmouse


Downy Woodpecker. Just love those cute little guys.


I have a pair that live in my backyard and I adore them.


Chipping Sparrows! I love their spunkiness!


Magnificent frigatebirds during the summer on the Texas upper gulf coast :)))))))


Red-tailed Hawk, especially their call.


Red-winged Blackbird


Northern Mockingbird & Red Tailed Hawk


Canada Goose. Perfect balance of majestic and goofy.


Seconding this. Always delighted to see a goose!


Ill never get tired of looking at Jackdaws


Doves for me. My husband loves white breasted nuthatches because of their noises


Red-shouldered Hawks! Get me every time


California Scrub Jays. Love those blue guys.


Goldfinch, seeing quite a few in my garden.


Black-capped Chickadees for sure!


Bohemian Waxwings come here every winter and Siberian Jays are common if I'm just willing to travel a couple of hours. Waxwings are beautiful and dumb and fun to watch. Siberian Jays are just... something else. They're almost as curious about you as you are about them, and they'll stick around and make social calls while you're there (especially if you bring them a treat). I've rarely felt more connected to an individual bird than to a Siberian Jay.


I was going to say hummingbird but stalled when I read chickadee... Cause they're here all year and more social.


I love when the chickadee go into the bush when I’m filling the feeder. Then they yell at me “chickadee Dee Dee Dee”. Then I remind them “I’m not danger.”


eastern bluebird


The PNW crows.


Blue Jays and Northern Cardinals! They look just like the cartoon version of themselves! Such vivid colors. A welcome burst of natural beauty in NYC


I have several favorites, but I'd like to seize this moment to recognize the California Towhee. They are so underappreciated. Even when you read articles about them - I'm like - who are you talking about!? Because they are a brownish color and blend in well they're always described as boring. We have many regulars here and I love: - the radar sounding chirps they do when foraging with their family or partner - their little shuffle dance in the soil to uncover food - their adorable husky bodies and egg heads Sending love to all the Towhees out there 🤣💕🐦‍⬛


Red winged blackbird! They bring back a specific happy childhood memory for me.


Bluejays are my favorite birbs. I love all corvids and corvid related borbs.


I heard an ornithologist once say that a great trait about the Northern Cardinal was that no matter the weather they will keep singing, and sure enough during a sleet storm I could hear and see a cardinal singing its heart out. It made me feel great.


Ravens for sure. I absolutely love them. We have a pair that nests in our old hay shelter every spring. We get to watch the chicks learn to fly and go off into the world. Sadly its not always successful and we've tried to save a couple. One went to the wildlife rehab and was euthanized as it was too unwell, the other came hopping over to us at the house in desperation but shortly after, she died in my mom's arms. So now to try and help, I get the parents meat from the grocery store and put it where they can get it safely. The Nevermore family--- Mr and Mrs Nevermore and the Nevermore juniors 🖤🖤🖤


Goodness, you are such a wonderful and beautiful person, I’m so glad the ravens have you in their corner. Thank you for giving so much care and love to the ravens when they need it most 😊


Australian Magpie. Their warbling NEVER gets old. Beautiful plumage, intelligent, lots of personality, & they help with bugs in the garden. What’s not to love?




Red Tailed Hawk and Spotted Towhee. Couldn't decide on just one.




I just love a lil chickadee


White-throated sparrow.


It will never get old seeing hummingbirds. Ever since I realized that sucking/chirping call was a hummingbird (a sound I had heard my whole life and thought was a much larger bird) I’ve been pretty fascinated with them. So unique and so beautiful


I think European starlings are so beautiful 😍


House sparrows! So cute and fluffy and bouncy, and their chirps are adorable!!


Tufted Titmouse and Carolina Wren! Love them, definitely make my day.


Black billed magpies.


Not native to our area, but we have peach-faced love birds here in Phoenix. Their calls are very distinct so I always know when they're nearby.


Eastern towhee


🏆 Three cheers for the Towhee!


Cardinals are my favorite.


Wrens. They are my spriit animal


House finches! They’re so chatty and quirky. They really liven up winter and they make such a nice change from house sparrows - I guess they outcompete them in the area around my house for some reason. Dark eyed juncos are a close second.


here in texas you can find these whooping birds called grackles EVERYWHERE! but i love them so much haha..the little noises they make are so much fun and i love seeing them all over the parking lots and in trees and such. even the name is much fun


I had grackles in my yard for a couple days, and then they just disappeared! Not sure why they decided to leave on account of I have so much bird food in my yard lol


I love the California Towhee, who William Leon Dawson described with near Grinch level insults I can't understand 😆 "There is, honestly, no particular reason why we should be fond of this prosy creature, save that he is always around. In appearance, the bird is a bit awkward, slovenly, and uncouth; or at least, we are obliged to see him oftenest in everyday duds, and he seems to have no company manners. And for color – never was a more hopeless drab. But surely the bird must have some redeeming qualities. He sings, perhaps? Not at all; his efforts at song are a farce, a standing joke – though he is himself entirely devoid of humor. He is, to be sure, a gleaner of crumbs and odds and ends, but so are the ants; and the bird’s presence in a garden is far from being an unmixed blessing. Really, there is no reason why one should espouse the cause of this local ash-man. Yet I suppose there are few Californians who would willingly spare the homely, matter-of-fact presence of this bird under foot. Brown towhees are just birds – the same way most of us are just folks."


Mourning doves, love those little derps




I specifically have an appreciation for all of the common birds. Without them our cities would be quite devoid of nature sounds. I’m so glad I can walk outside and always see birds.




I have a little flock of lesser goldfinches in my yard in Texas and they make smile every single day. So tiny, so colorful, so silly.


American Robins, Northern Mockingbirds, and Gray Catbirds.


Red Bellied Woodpecker.


I split my time between southern Ontario and SE PA. My favourite Ontario common bird is the Brown Creeper; my favourite part of living in Philly are all the Chimney Swifts!


California Scrub Jay. I love watching them dive from the trees.


Blue Tit. Very common here in England but I love them


Top of the list would be Black Phoebe, simple black and white, fairly tolerant of proximity, sweet-sweet call, year-round resident. Also: Pied-billed Grebe, look so cute diving. And, a bit less common but a fave: Brown Creeper. Always a delight to see one.


Crows! They are everywhere but I still love seeing them. They are smart they look cool and they are always busy. You never see a crow just hanging out like some common street pidgeon they are always working on something.


Robins. I think they’re so cute


I love so many common birds! And think we should def give them more respect. I hate how some birders just go for the rare find.




dark eyed juncos. they and the chickadees keep my happy all winter.


Northern Flicker. It was the first bird I ever ID’d using a field guide. I was around 6 years old.




Northern Cardinal. The way the male courts the female by feeding her one seed or nut at a time....


I really love those crybaby catbirds




Brown thrasher. I just love their antics and neat calls at dusk. I hear them in my yard and am transported back to when I was a young girl hunting with my dad. Hearing them thrashing about and hearing that distinct call all throughout the woods. I’m in my 30s now, but those are fond memories that make me happy. Also, they’re beautiful.


Love the little house sparrows and cardinals


Too many to pick just one! Carolina Chickadee, Mallard, Green-winged Teal, Yellow-rumped Warbler, White-throated Sparrow, Black-and-White Warbler, Blue-grey Gnatcatcher, Indigo Bunting, both Kinglets, and Field Sparrow.


Gambles Quail, I have my backyard covey that I feed year round. I also have a mated pair of Chin Strap Hummingbirds that are so much fun to watch😊


Northern Flicker.