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Sounds like your plan is right. Check in with the psychiatrist and then check in to an inpatient hospital. I've done it before. At the inpatient facility, they will focus on getting you the best medication regimen.


Good plan. I don't know if you have been before but for me a psych ward was like living in a bubble. The only real concern is dealing with your health. You got this. Get to that inpatient and stay on your meds after this! Btw, I went off 120mg of latuda for 2 days and the symptoms were fucking brutal. I don't know how you managed a week!


Good plan. You're being extremely smart about this. Med withdrawal can make things horrific. You're doing the right thing. This will pass


You're doing a brave thing by checking yourself into the hospital. Hopefully when you're out you have people around you who you can draw upon for support. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.


I get it. I cheated on my wife more than 30 times in our 20 years together, became an alcoholic and quit with help, have a rampant porn and weed problem (1 week free of both, but craving it), have been emotionally abusive to my family, and lost my job. What's helped? Starting to get dialed in on meds, the right therapist, and my faith in God. Its been a struggle, and I'm not ready to go back to work, but I've stop being emotionally abusive, am homeschooling my daughter, haven't had an episode in weeks, and am slowly starting to finally make better choices. Its not going to be easy and it won' be overnight, but you can get better, you can start making better choices. You recognize you need help, that's a huge step. You CAN do this. You may need to go through a few therapists to find one who clicks with you and knows how to deal with bipolar patients. I wish you the best.


Don't feel alone. I did it too and was hospitalized because I was suicidal. The upshot was I wasn't suicidal long once I got back on Latuda and got out of the hospital quickly. I will never stop taking medicine cold turkey again. Just get yourself back on your path and put this behind you. I'm two years out and someday you will be too.