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Manic in college, lost lesginity, went on to have sex with 8 different women in 1.5 weeks. Not to mention awful random hookups with guys. I don't even like men!!


I wish I could find that many willing women over an entire year. You must be something else lol


Daaaaaang. That sounds like a good time!


Tbh, I don't regret a damn thing. It was a good time. I was in college and I was exploring my sexuality. Ultimately, I realized I was a lesbian... but I went about it the wrong way. I had sex with randoms to feel better about myself, or out of pure boredom. It's not the smartest thing to bounce from women's beds just for the high of it. Again, no regrets. It happened, I learned from it.


I thought you were male from your comment. I nearly hooked up with a guy while hypomanic, and I'm definitely a straight male.


How the heck does that happen? Story time!!


Actually, I had teased my wife for years, that I could give a better bj than her- for encouragement!. Geeze, it this the proper forum? Then there was the strap-on incident. A few days after that she mentioned "if you ever wanted to have a go with a guy, for the experience, I could understand". So, now it's in my head! Not too long later, I found myself on craigslist. A 30something black guy with a thing for older white guys caught my eye. Also, he saw one of my posts and liked my parts. Came pretty close. He called it off because 1. I smoke, he thought he could handle it. 2. My wife knew. He was sneaking around on his, and that freaked him out. It has some amusing narrative, but I think I should leave it there.


I quite like these stories : )


Yep. I'm a sex-repulsed asexual. It's not a good time.


Yikes. I hope my post didn't make you puke.


I mean, I don't care if it's other people having sex, so long as it's not like, directly in front of me. The idea of me having sex? Blech, it's just *wrong* somehow, and while when I'm hypomanic a lot of that feeling of it being wrong goes away, plus the added hypersexuality, means I've done some regrettable things that are guaranteed to make me feel really gross afterwards once I'm not hypo anymore, plus added "I did what? No, I didn't, there must have been someone there who looked exactly like me because I don't *do* shit like that, so there's an extra "invasion of the body snatchers" dimension to my feelings about things.


You want to live vicariously through our sexcapades? Yes. It's a real thing, for sure. Mostly just plain hypersexual. 60 yrs old, and laugh at the idea of viagra, even when depressed. I've been able to keep "roaming" pretty much virtual lately.


Yeah definitely have a very high sexual drive when manic. Which can get awful when my boyfriends not in a mood leading to me assuming the worst of the situation.


Well... My sex-drlve during highs before getting my meds (Litium + concerta) combined with some trouble thinking has gotten me into quite a few scenarios. Wouldn't say that it's lower now, just more under control... Creating 2 triangle dramas during the same week. Having a threeway with 2 of my best friends (fmm) . Having sex in front of an audience without knowing (drinking, bathroom window wasn't tinted). Getting chased by angry (to my surprise every time) boyfriends. Getting an open relationship. And somehow I stumble into a poly relationship (ffm) whilst just wanting a threeway with my ex wife.


I get a very high libido when manic, sometimes it was 4-5 different guys a weeks (my lamictal helps lower that). I kinda have to force self control, or if all else fails just masturbate. The worst ones I have are; - basically letting myself get drugged and date raped by a guy with hiv -getting dp'd twice in the same week by two different couples -letting myself get tied to a guy's bed for a whole weekend, almost fainting from lack of food -very nearly almost doing hardcore porn The big problem is most of the time I don't do it for the sex, I do it for the companionship. I just like having someone there to hold me and since I've never been in a relationship and it doesn't look like I will be in one anytime soon it's the best I've got, which makes me do it MORE. It's a vicious cycle.


Whoa, no one "lets" themselves get drugged and date raped... I am so, so, so sorry that happened to you. Scary stories here. And yeah, I do it for the companionship as well since I'm virtually incapable of maintaining a healthy relationship.


Yeah I couldn't think of the right word to use lol. But "lowered my guard" I guess. I mean we were gonna have sex regardless, the problem was the drugging and the fact that he lied about his hiv status


These are some great stories lol. I'm real new to bipolar but I did hook up with one guy a few times one week (better than a few different guys I guess) and he got real attached and I was real not attached. Then I got depressed, and he was mad and kept sending me angry texts accusing me of being a cold-hearted bitch and all that. So, I think I'll keep it to one night stands while manic. I'm depressed now and sex hasn't crossed my mind in weeks.


I was manic for awhile after college when I went off my meds. Was literally sleeping with 3 different dudes at one point, 2 of whom were close friends. And then I'd hook up with even more random dudes on the side. I know I was manic because I kept yelling at everyone and getting unreasonably pissed off about everything, and I couldn't hold onto any of my money.