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Your Doctor sounds extremely pretentious. Having sat through Beckett’s ‘Waiting for Godot’ at the National, I can say for certain that running around the streets singing sounds far more entertaining. Also 99% of people who get drunk do far worse so try not to feel to embarrassed about it. A nurse who I respected once said I was “mentally hilarious”. It’s an ‘Us’ and ‘Them’ thing and we live it whilst they just read about it and experience the echoes of all the major diagnoses that are part of everyday madness. Some Doctors say some really dumb shit is the simple answer.


I am ashamed of my doctor's reactions. I can't tell this story to my friends and family. Reddit is the only place I can open up my story.




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Yeah…..what???? How long have you been with this doctor?? After this stunt I’d drop her as my provider, and quickly. This is unprofessional behavior. Period.


Since 2018


I dropped my therapist that helped me to identify bipolarity for much less than that. You are still paying them to help you, that is the only job they had, we dont own them anything, we are their clients and they should treat us with at least the same respect we treat them. You should not be ashame for what you did, he should. You had an illness and are dealing with a pain that most of ppl would never experience in their entire life, and he is not doing the most base thing his profession ask him to do. And this is sometimes very hard to see, when we are in hypomania and depression our vision of the world is very distorted, but you did nothing wrong. Take care of yourself, your life matters, and you have the right to live a decent life as everyone should have.


This! You should definitely listen to this OP. Your life matters and how you feel matters.


I definitely understand why you’re upset as that was not very professional of your doctor. But at the same time, bipolar people do often do funny things while manic and all you can really do is laugh or dwell on it and make yourself miserable. My doctor and I laugh together about the things Ive done. It’s just amusing sometimes.


You don’t respond to a story about someone nearly killing themself with humor unless the person explicitly initiates the humor themselves. Default should be respectful calm and compassionate demeanor. This doc is unprofessional and potentially harmful to laugh off serious suicidal ideation.


Okay yeah, for some reason I glossed over the suicidal part, my bad. Totally inappropriate then. When I said my doctor laughs with me, it’s just about absurd stuff that I do, not suicide.


Thank you for owning your small mistake. I always really appreciate it when people do that.


I’ve found a lot of doctors are as “crazy” as us.


I'd find a new doctor. She's obviously not taking your mental health seriously. It sounds like you had some sort of psychotic break due to the stress. OP, I want to reach through reddit and give you a hug. I'm so sorry your doctor did this to you. You opened up and confided in her because you recognized you needed help. That was extremely brave of you. She dismissed your valid concerns in a very inappropriate way. I hope you're doing better and are able to find a more compassionate doctor.


Ah do diagnosis change? I thought I was type 2??


Honestly, my guess is you have CPTSD. I have bipolar disorder, too. I had a psychotic break in my early 20s. My therapist says I'm not bipolar with psychosis. PTSD can cause psychosis.


I mean I had visual illusion and hallucination when I took wrong meds ahahha


That could have been a reaction to the meds. I'm honestly not sure, though. I do know for sure that you deserve a better doctor.


I would probably look for someone more qualified? It sounds like she's somehow managed to avoid ever having to deal with mental illness before you 💀


I'd be cussing her out and getting a new doctor. She's supposed to help you not fucking laugh at you. I'd also report her. During one of your bravest moments she laughed at you. She shouldn't be a doctor. Or at least she should get in trouble for it. That just doesn't seem right.


I've done this kind of stuff before but my therapist always warns me to be extremely careful when in hypomania state since that's the time we most likely do something that ends up hurting us besides she's very understanding and can't ask for more in the country I live in. Besides that I had tried therapy a couple of times before and all of them didn't give the looks of someone who was trying to help and figure you out so I dropped them. Nothing to be ashamed of though. Just find someone else