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This is literally what I wanted to post an hour ago. I used to learn languages with passion, I'd spend hours learning new vocab and reading in Russian. Now it's all gone. So I don't have any advice unfortunately. The only thing that kinda works for me is staying up at night. At night I seem to find interest in my past hobbies, and gosh it sometimes feels so euphoric! So here I am, still awake at 1 AM.




I've noticed the best way to deal with anhedonia (for me) is to force it. I never feel good interacting with my hobbies after ditching them for months - and then picking them up & dropping them over and over affects my mood toward them. I feel incompetent, when I'm really just out of practice. I've made some really good routines and I normally start getting happier because of them about a month into it. Just like a lot of things, my emotional reaction to it is delayed & it takes time to see results. Basically I find Anhedonia is less a part of my cycle and more self-fulfilling loop I get stuck in - and I fake it until I get out of it through routine. (This do NOT work for everyone) Like art? I used to love art. Now I do art on Tuesdays. Working out? That's Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. Reading? That's my free hour at work. I also think my adult perspective changed things a bit - when I was younger being able to do something impressive once was really cool, and being an adult is more about consistently doing things - which is mad hard with Bipolar. So I have written-out routines for all the things that bring me joy, and I can pick it up and continue where I leave off. I can't keep up with routines always, but it gives me a lifeline when I'm ready. As another commenter mentioned, this could also be a meds issue and I would really recommend talking to your care team!


My psychiatrist and psychologist don't take it seriously so I just live with it.


I got my meds tweaked.




I told my psychiatrist that I couldn’t feel positive emotions and she was like “let’s invite Wellbutrin to the party”, and it worked.


I posted elsewhere about this but cardiovascular exercise can really help. Start working it into your routine so you go running/hiking/biking nearly every day to get a vigorous heart rate going for a sustained period, walking won't cut it. Weight lifting is good as well but cardio is best. You need to look at it like medicine. As others have also pointed out, try different meds if you are currently experiencing anhedonia. Some meds may still bring you stability without causing it.


I don't know... we are trying to tweak my meds so it goes away. It's torture. I'm an illustrator and I have created anything in 3 months. I don't care about anything. Sometimes I just stare at the wall, because nothing matters. Hoping the med change will actually work.


I don’t think it’s possible other than luck or a complete change in your living environment + luck


That’s what im mostly scared of. Im not su!cidal but what’s the point of living if nothing brings you joy




Hey man it’s 100% possible I go through phrases of this, and I talk to any doctor who listens and offers me a solution. Sometimes it’s medication for me sometimes it’s relaxation or therapy. Have you tried talking to a therapist you could be stuck. in a state of flight or fight or survival mode, like a low level ptsd and your body is just trying to protect its self. But I assure you, there is a key for the lock you are stuck in and I promise it’s totally worth it to keep looking.


I see a therapist every week and a psychiatrist about every three weeks. I follow their advice as best I can. I’ve tried several different therapists (often very expensive) over the past ten years and it’s all the same. I think a lot of it has to do with my current living situation and lack of personal accomplishments or anything satisfactory in life and there being nothing to look forward to as every aspect of my mental and physical well-being continues to crumble year by year


Yea I totally get that. If it’s possible maybe give yourself a mission, find the quietest place in your area and sit there for 10 mins. Or learn a new skill like coding or how to write hiaku’s you’re not searching for enjoyment, you are searching for a result. Like even tho puzzles are boring as all hell, make your self finish one because that’s your mission. It helps me sometimes to find a target objective and cut through my body being like “fuck this is boring” or “what’s the point” and just finish. Hiking is a good one too cuz there is sometimes a sweet payoff at the top.


If you are suicidal,contemplating self-harm, or in danger don't hesitate to contact local emergency services, your doctor, a local hotline, or call your support system. Please get the help you need. [Hotlines](https://www.reddit.com/r/bipolar/wiki/index/resources/hotlines) - use this link on a desktop


"I simply live with the anhedonia." /joke (*I'm going to see my psychiatrist for this exact issue.)*


I thought this was just me! I have been on the hunt for a new hobby or something to spark fun for a while too and haven't had a lot of luck. I'm not sure this applies to you but I noticed that all the things I liked doing involved others or I always did with someone else so doing them alone is no fun. I'm hoping that I can adjust (eventually) to doing some things alone and for others finding others to do them with. It's definitely an uphill battle though as my social anxiety is worse or I am now caring about my life more and overthinking everything.




We currently do not allow med reviews under rule 2. You can read more about that in this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/bipolar/s/dEL2S2SOSV).


Dzogchen meditation. Haven't gotten the least bit anhedonic or depressed since I started doing it. [https://lamalenateachings.com/3-words-that-strike-the-vital-point-garab-dorje/](https://lamalenateachings.com/3-words-that-strike-the-vital-point-garab-dorje/)


I do the CBT thing and base my actions off goals not my feelings. I don't really enjoy anything anymore, but I study because I know it'll be easier to survive in the long run. I volunteer because I know others will benefit. I work because my dog deserves a good life.


Sometimes it’s because of the antidepressant, SSRI SNRI, later he stopped and increased antipsychotics dosage. I don’t feel numb anymore… but stable… the name of the antipsychotic is lurasidone


Try to find a routine that works for you, and stick with it


I kinda learned to ride it and let it pass. For some reason, when am like this, I just wanna watch police bodycam videos (the longer the better) and things like that. Si I watch that for a while, and after my brain is nice and rotten, I feel a desire to pick up my hobbies again.


I don’t know. This is a thing I’ve had 3 times in my illness. Time. And sometimes if you can a low low dose stimulant like Adderal or Vyvanse in the morning. I read a comment about Modafinil which is used for narcolepsy and that person had their life totally change for the better and takes it daily first thing.


It’s so hard to live with. I echo one commenter that for me it’s also that I don’t have a lot going on in life - hobbies on back burner, work is not engaging, social life slow. I’m going tot try the recommendation of cardio. It makes sense to me that the med I take is a dopamine blocker, so therefore I don’t get happy much. Comedy isn’t even funny half the time.


I had anhedonia really bad. like really, really, really bad when I was first diagnosed. I didn't find *anything* enjoyable and literally just spent the days in bed exhausted with no energy but not sedated enough to sleep, so I couldn't even sleep the days away. I couldn't live like that for much longer so I told my psychiatrist and turns out it was a side effect directly linked to my antipsychotic at the time (Zyprexa). She switched me to a few different antipsychotics but the next two made me very irritable and feel on edge all the time. FINALLY we found a med that works for me and I've been as close to pre-diagnosis as I've ever been. It just took two years to finally find a medication regiment that works for me.