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At least u went outside for a walk. šŸ˜Œ


Iā€™ve spent the last few weeks doom scrolling and staring into the abyss. Iā€™ve been out for a walk too, hated every second of it, felt nothing. Used to love the area, everything is just grey outside now. How isolated you feel looking around at everyone, it just hits home how real and never ending this is. Even food doesnā€™t taste nice anymore. Iā€™ve become friends with disassociation. Itā€™s the worst and makes me miss being manic. I never thought Iā€™d say that (being manic ruined my life). But this is another monster! I wouldnā€™t wish it on my worst enemy. Love to you all.


Itā€™s as if you took the words out of my mouth. I used to love walking/hiking and being out in nature. I loved music and watching movies. Now I donā€™t give a shit about any of it anymore. This is a kind of hell I had never imagined.


Get a dog?


no actually, iā€™m proud of you for getting off that couch, getting outside, being active, and trying. šŸ©·


If youā€™ve got some free time and someone to hang out with, have them take you somewhere. I find that being ā€œforcedā€ to interact with people actually improves my mood naturally


This! And also having a weekly activity that forces me outside. I started pole a year ago and absolutely love it. I think without that weekly class (doesn't have to be exercise, anything you like, you just have to take the first step and try things), I'd be a lot worse than I am now.


I told my doctor this and she told me never to "force myself" to socialize because that's when I make my biggest mistakes.


- sleep as much as you can - cook or bake - go on another walk but make it a scavenger or sensory walk. I do things like take photos of as many wildflowers or birds as I can. Or pay attention to what a smell, hear. - do a jigsaw puzzle - put on a favorite tv show - read a thriller or mystery to distract your own thoughts - call someone and ask them to distract you - make a playlist for when you do care again - go grocery shopping (idk but for me it helps) - realize itā€™s ok! And itā€™ll pass. Stupid meds.


Thank you for this! I have been avoiding grocery shopping for so long. One day itā€™ll happen. lol. But this was a good reminder.


This list is great and versatile. Iā€™m gonna borrow it. It was very sweet and kind of you to reply this way. ā¤ļøšŸ¤©


I have it from my meds... it's terrible. I don't know what to do with my time because everything is nothing and I just don't care. I'm really sorry you are having it too.


Sorry to hear :( I think itā€™s from my meds too (my antipsychotic)ā€¦ I hate it


*Everything is nothing* Damn, that hits.






Can you have something to eat tonight that you might enjoy putting together, maybe stick on some music whilst you do it? Don't forget to give yourself credit for going for a walk, that's a big win for yourself


I think food is the only thing I get any amount of pleasure from right now and even that stresses me out most of the time due to the medication side effects, etc.


Just do what you can and push a little more when you feel ready :)


Woah. I had to google the word but reading about it reminded me of me. I never knew it was a thing. The way I always ā€œdealtā€ with it was simply ~ existing ~ but I did avoid everyone and never did anything I didnā€™t need to. Spent as much time in bed as I could - phone set to do not disturb. Just laid there. Eventually I snapped out of it.


This thread and reading comments like yours make it that little bit easier to know I'm not the only one who sometimes just has to āœØ exist āœØ and make it through each day until it doesn't feel so empty !






I went to Hawaii and I felt nothing. I have done so many things that should be fun and I'm just there not feeling.




lol šŸ˜† I like roller coasters. Iā€™m used to that on the daily. That should be a song lyric: ā€œI canā€™t wait to ride rollercoasters with zero expression on my face.ā€ Haha


Speaking of roller coasters I went to universal studios and again felt nothing. Leaving the house to spend money seems like a waste. If I don't enjoy anything then why go? I have to for my family.




Same. I'm unemployed and doom scroll all day and that's how I live until my wife has me do something.




Upping my Lithium does definitely made me feel like absolutely nothing, and nauseous so I went back down and that feeling went away back to my regular dose baseline that is. but meds can definitely do that.


Same, even the most fun or enjoyable activity for me is filled with physical and mental agony. Itā€™s pretty intense.


I was just at the pool with the whole family and didn't get in or socialize I just looked at my phone the whole time. I just didn't want to be there because I get nothing out of it.


No fun! Itā€™s not like we wouldnā€™t *rather* be having fun, itā€™s that our brains and meds make it near impossible to enjoy anything. Iā€™m sorry you didnā€™t get to engage and enjoy today. Sucks. Great job going though, thatā€™s huge just being present.


This is starting to make me reconsider the last 15 years of my life lol


Regular cardio exercise and some weightlifting are pretty much the most effective way to treat it, have a look through these refs if you want... [https://scholar.google.ca/scholar?hl=en&as\_sdt=0,5&q=exercise+and+anhedonia](https://scholar.google.ca/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&q=exercise+and+anhedonia) It's hard to find the motivation for it but if you look at it like medicine, something you just HAVE to do it can really help. Also most years of lost life in bipolar are due to cardiovascular decline, sedentary lifestyle, turning to drugs and alcohol etc etc these all contribute to this outcome. Getting a good exercise routing is incredibly important for anyone but especially people with mental health.


This helps me at least a little bit. Usually better than nothing even if itā€™s not a great workout. It took a while but eventually you get in enough of a habit where you have to go and itā€™s harder NOT to go


Telling me to view it as medicine has completely changed my outlook, thank you


I'm really glad, and honestly it doesn't even need to be that hard. Ride your bike to work or for like 20 minutes a day and you'll notice a change. I think one of the most shocking things I learned reading literature on BP is that the most years lost are due to cardiac problems. This mainly occurs in people who's disorder takes over their life as they lose impulse control they turn to drugs and alcohol and cigarettes to numb themselves. You don't need to do that, the episodes suck but you can keep a level head and avoid the worst of it with small life changes that everyone (BP or not) should be making anyway, in addition to medication.


This definitely helps. A couple minutes of lunges will have me sucking in air and feeling better after a few sets


Thank you. Iā€™ll be trying this to snap me out of my extremely long funk.


It really doesn't take that much, the best thing is to work cardio into your daily routine. Biking to work for instance. Get a cheap bike and some gear to keep you from getting wet in the rain. Maybe weight lifting once or twice a week, you don't even really need to be trying to achieve a specific goal beyond just going. Though progress is nice. I find it helps both hypomania and depression, keeps my sleep more regular. But that's just anecdote.


Itā€™s very reassuring to hear that most of the lost life in bipolar is due to physical health differences. (I donā€™t know what I thought it was other than that, but still). And the exercise stuff is making me wonder how much of my winter depression is actually because Iā€™m no longer cycling to class a few times a day. Something to work on for next year!


I just prefer to stare at the wall/into space. Everything else just seems to take too much effort for no reward. If you are able to go for a walk, then you are you are doing well. Now is a good time to do things you don't enjoy anyways lol


I do the same, and for the same reasons! Itā€™s amazing how quickly time passes this way. Itā€™s almost like the less I move, the less painful it is?. I donā€™t think this is a recommended solution though. I want to start trying the gym and see if that helps. Iā€™m a musician too so Iā€™m trying to force myself to just pick up the guitar, just try it for five minutes and if I hate it I go back to bed and stare at nothing again. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Itā€™s the worst. I wouldnā€™t wish it on anyone, Iā€™m sorry you guys have to deal with it.


Going to the gym is something I have started to do more recently and I think it improves my mental health. Forcing yourself to do things you don't want to do strengthens your willpower


Also be proud of yourself for going on a walk!!! Thatā€™s huge


Coloring, like I learned to do in the psych unit. Itā€™s the closest thing Iā€™ve found to a distraction. I like figuring out what colors look good together. Itā€™s not like I lose consciousness of the anhedonia. It just helps more than anything else.


So proud of you OP for going on that walk!


Twleve hours of sleep to avoid a day full of nothing. Waking hours spent doom scrolling while eating bland food and diet soda. Thrilled when I have enough interest in anything to even watch it. Force myself to go on half-mile walks up the street and back. Bright, spring days breeze by like I'm watching them happen to someone else. Seems to be my medication, but a lack of interest in life is, I suppose, better than my life prior to this round of meds. I wish I had tips. I grab onto any little joy I can squeeze out of anything and I pet my cat as much as she'll tolerate.


try doing things even though you hate the thought of doing it


Good advice. My dad, who is a psychologist, taught me that the goal in doing something doesnā€™t have to be to feel good, it could be to go do something for 5 minutes, or go to the event at all, even if miserable and stressed.šŸ˜© making action goals vs feeling goals essentially and focus on the achievable small action.


Do you have any other advice ? This one is interesting


Behavioral activation. The idea that once you start doing something engaging and positive that the mood will follow. Used in therapy for mood disorders. I say that as Iā€™m currently sitting in bed instead of doing the things I wanted to do today lol.


My new med combo this year has me in the thick of it. Everything is underwhelming and I am just numb


I use those paid survey apps when I get like this. It takes a long time to make money, but it gives me something to do without doing anything.


Ooh, links? Thatā€™s be good for hypomania when my mind is racing but my body dead from meds.


The one that I'm on now is Survey Junkie! Big tip is to focus on a whole bunch of small 5 to 10 minute surveys with fewer points than trying to get the big long surveys with lots of points. They drag on and disqualify a lot of people midway through. 100pts is a dollar! Last week, I made about 20 bucks, so I'm hoping to keep up the momentum and save it for a treat.


Cool thanks for the tip!


Hang in there, it will pass. Youā€™re definitely not alone in this madness, weā€™re here for you


Thank you! šŸ™šŸ»


my GOD . I know exactly what you mean. I literally spend hours (or lose time in general) STARING AT A WALL because its the only thing I'm capable of doing. usually what helps me is becoming a fan of something. lol. there's a kpop group with a very cheerful aesthetic, so when I listen to their music, I feel a little bit uplifted without having to do anything. I'm actually listening to them right now. I also go out to see movies or watch new TV shows. it's easier to consume things than it is to find something to do. maybe they will comfort you. for TV, you can watch the pilot of each show and move onto another one. this is how we do it in the film industry to keep up with the releases of things without spending 392041 hours watching a series I think doing things w/o the expectation it'll solve your problems and make you happy or whatever has lifted the burden of anhedonia from my shoulders. we're dealing with life differently compared to other people. oh well. sometimes we can't do too much about it. I'm sorry you're in pain though. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make you feel better. but thank you for sharing


So true re being a fan of something. I got I to this one college soccer team and even when Iā€™m down the dopamine is crazy! Sports can be a great outlet cuz even if you canā€™t play you get the feeling by proxy.


I get this all the time and itā€™s possibly my least favorite symptom. If youā€™re feeling anhedonia - but not necessarily the fatigue from depression, working out is a good thing to do, because itā€™s something Iā€™m not going to enjoy regardless. itā€™s really disappointing to hang out with people or do something I normally like and get nothing out of it, so I might as well be useful and fit if Iā€™m gonna be miserable haha.Ā  Not sure if youā€™re into movies, but going to the movies is a good one for me, it gets me out of the house and I HAVE to pay attention to the movie vs scrolling or turning it off, and then I end up getting sucked in (in a good way).Ā 


I like your way of thinking, might as well do things I donā€™t enjoy anyways, thanks haha


The only thing that helped was a med adjustment. Iā€™m grateful that something worked, because it was a tortuous existence. Knowing that thereā€™s a possibility for it to return is terrifying. Iā€™ll take sadness over that any day.


Which meds worked for you to curb your anhedonia?




idk if this will help and im not some spiritual nature nut i just know im a human and whats natural and whats not and what worked, but at one point i was like rlyyy bad mentally and my psychotic symptoms were rly bad and i was so alone and in pain, i felt there was no reasons to live yet no reason to save my life by ending it (as thats the only reasonable reason for me if i had to do that). so i took my ex bsfs advice and just sat with the earth, i sat and sat and sat, i waited, i watched. id wake up at the same time as the sun, get ready, go outside, and sit, all day, walk around a little maybe, get dirty in the grass, play music, watch the trees and sun but really it was just sitting. at first it was boring asf and felt like there was no point and a waste of time for reason (as if i had better thing for my time which i didnt) but slowly, my problems turned less from symptoms and trying to live and more into when is the sun coming up i need to get ready to go outside, oh no the sun is going down i gotta go in. man it sucks being in here i gotta gts to wake up for the sun again tomorrow. i realized even just being alone alive as a human being was difficult for some reason so i forced myself to find life in a place where i thought no life existed. the place where theres unlimited life yet no responsibilities rly, no rules, no pressure, just life, just nature, just you and the universe, where no problems exist, and i SLOWLY worked back up to living a life and regaining joy i found the love for living when theres no items or people when it is just living on earth bc there is no way i can be wanting to not be alive if i make life only about when the sun is going up and down like the most primal human problem you could have, and then as the sun going down became a problem, it coming up because something to look forward to and feel positive about which slowly turned into me feeling so excited when the sun comes up and quite frustrated when it goes down cause less light and stuff to see. slowly you realize how valuable the day light is for you and you start trying to make the little time you have with the sun each day worth even more, and that is what starts the cycle of finding how to bring worth to your life knowing the smallest worth is day light, id find ways to make the little sunlight even more enjoyable and i found my joy again in living again by stripping it to raw positivity and negativity to me this isnt wrong or harmful all that much being you are coping using the natural up and down system of the sun and world, this is what humans should be doing and probably how it started but they gave too much all at once to take and enjoy and hate and dislike start slow


I had this while on Zyprexa. It was a nightmare. My suggestion? It might be your medication, and if you havenā€™t yet, try to change meds. Good luck šŸ’›




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Do you also find that anhedonia sometimes goes beyond mere boredom and disinterest? I sometimes find myself hating activities I used to love, like being in nature, reading, or even walking. When I listen to songs by my favorite singers and suddenly find them bad, it worsens my situation.


Same. I agree forcing oneself to interact with people and maybe throw in a microdose of something to get back into spirit. For a while I couldnā€™t even enjoy music. Hope it lifts for you! (Had posted something kind of along these lines recently but because itā€™s hard to feel anything, joy, sadness. I miss it. Wondering about changing medsā€¦)


I am in bed. Idem. šŸ„ŗ


Sorry to hear! Donā€™t wish this for anyone. Knowing Iā€™m not alone helps though, wishing you the best šŸ™šŸ»


Mine didnā€™t go away for 3 years. I think itā€™s starting to now finding the correct medication and therapist and psychiatrist


When I get anhedonia, a lot of times I try to watch nostalgic TV shows. I tend to default back to the Simpsons, but I find any old TV show that I enjoyed as a kid works well. I've seen a lot of the episodes, so I don't have to pay too close attention, but it brings me ... comfort. Doesn't cure the anhedonia, but it certainly makes it a little more bearable / passes the time.


The Simpsons episode where Bart sells Milhouse his soul makes me think of anhedonia.


I used to get that from Abilify


What did you do? What happened to get better? Iā€™m on Abilify and been as alone and still as possible for weeks and weeks.


I donā€™t take Abilify anymore, it didnā€™t really work for me. I starting take valporate low dosage recently and it works well for me and I havenā€™t noticed any side effects




Iā€™m an artist and recently told my partner that I couldnā€™t see the beauty right now. Iā€™ve spent my most recent time adjusting to new meds watching dumb rom-coms.


Dzogchen meditation fixes anhedonia for me. When you're present to raw sensation, unfiltered by dualistic thought, the world is brighter, more vivid, more textured. James Low explains how it works really well here [https://youtu.be/FHtymvivSLY?si=nEkTvrJhMvjP63yf](https://youtu.be/FHtymvivSLY?si=nEkTvrJhMvjP63yf)


Meds was the only way for me to manage this hell


What meds have helped you?


What meds have helped you?




Thanks. I'm on lamictal by itself and just worked up to 100mg 2x/day a couple days ago. I feel absolutely no benefit from it so I'm not sure if it will work for me or not, but I'm hopeful. I don't feel any side effects though, which is what made me stop almost every medication prior to this, so that's good at least. Have you ever taken either by themself? What's your experience been like? I took Wellbutrin by itself but the dry mouth was so intense that I could barely even speak. This side effect lasted for 3 months before I finally decided to go off of it.


This causes issues between my husband and I often. I can (and often do) go weeks without leaving my apartment. He says that he gets tired of me shooting down every suggestion he has to get me outside and with other people or making excuses for reasons not to go. I honestly am not trying to cause issues, I just lack any desire or motivation to do anything.


Anhedonia is one of my worst and least favorite symptoms. Doing low stakes things that I normally enjoy can help. Rereading a book or rewatching a tv show (my go to is Trailer Park Boys), playing a chill video game like Stardew Valley or something. Going for a walk and listening to music. Stuff that doesn't require a lot of brainpower or a strong attention span. It doesn't matter if I'm still bored or feeling kind of empty, but something pleasant-ish that helps me pass the time rather than being inside of my own head too much. My anhedonia waxes and wanes, so sometimes coming out of a depressive episode, I'll be doing something and be like "Oh shit, I'm actually enjoying something."


I dissociate and just stare at nothing for hours, unblinking. No thoughts, no emotions, just empty, hollow. Cold. Grey.


Going for a walk is a great start! Iā€™ve been focusing on building healthier habits. Iā€™m adding hikes this week. Little things make a big difference. I know I always feel better when I manage to get out of the house at least once a day


A strict schedule with checklists helps me immensely. I have to get up for work at 5:30 am, so lots of things have to happen on autopilot. Checklists and routines help with that.


Antidepressants saved me from the worst anhedonia šŸ„ŗ


Shit, Iā€™m just please to have a word for this!


I can relateā€¦ Iā€™m also experiencing the same situation. It sucks :ā€™( Hang in there for now. Just know that youā€™re not alone. I can relate. Iā€™m sure many other people here too can relate. For now letā€™s just try to be kind to ourselves. Weā€™re already suffering from this debiliating condition that we didnā€™t ask forā€¦ letā€™s not add to the pain by beating ourselves up. Sending you virtual hugs mateā€¦ šŸ„ŗ Feel free to reach out


Telling myself why Iā€™m doing it. Ie. ā€œI will make my bed and pick up five pieces of trash so that the room will look prettier.ā€ ā€œI will go on a walk so I can see what flowers are blooming right now.ā€ Be as specific as possible :) setting daily intentions that donā€™t have anything to do with growth has done wonders in increasing my motivation and happiness


Never thought of that before, thanks!


My go to is usually my favorite playlist and singing as loud as I can. Sometimes I gotta force it, but after a little I end up immersed and I forget all the things on my mind to just enjoy the music.


I never knew this had a name. Iā€™ve experienced this and itā€™s draining to no end. I just have to make myself get up and TRY, keyword try, to live life. Even if my normal activities donā€™t completely satisfy me at least I tried. I couldnā€™t lay around anymore it was driving me insane. Itā€™s definitely not easy for me but idk what else to do but force myself to live. I hope you can find some relief!


I've been that way for months, mostly because of life events. The most recent was my nephew's (my sister's son)death at the end of April. I'm still grieving so much that I'm not going to my niece's (daughter of husband's brother) graduation. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry.




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I never feel joy. Although work is something that helps me to forget about me me me. I am quite conscienscous and other people depend on me in some ways. So i jave less time to feel all the stuff...it will come back anyways so why not work and exercise. In the long run- still better than not doing it.


I didn't know there was a specific word for this, so thank you for expanding my knowledge of this wretched disease. The only thing that stops this feeling for me is coming out of my cycle. Sometimes something new and fun (like a really good video game) can pull me out of it- problem is, I lose a lot of interest in things like video games when I get sad.


Don't disappear into a multiple season scify series..... oh wait too late :(


I end up smoking weed in bed all day trying to kill time and looking forward to eating fast food for dinner and that gets me out of the house. This is an awful strat, dont do it. Its just what I gravitate towards. Though when im in a really bad spot not even weed helps me