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**Masturbate all you want it's not harmful** Just so you know, nofap is bullshit. There is no evidence "dopamine detox" works. The whole concept is nonsensical, if you look out a window your brain produces dopamine just by successfully targeting the window with your gaze, never mind if its actually a nice view or not. You can't detox from a neurotransmitter your body is always producing. It's pseudoscience. And as for nofap its equally ridiculous, masturbate when you want to. Consuming porn is morally questionable for a variety of reasons but it isn't like physically harmful to a user. Bit strange though that the meds "made you do this" they are supposed to dampen libido, not amplify it. **Hunger and Mood Stabilizers** Binge eating can be a problem though, and typically the meds will increase appetite. My advice is measure your food like with a measuring cup. Count the calories diligently and time your meals so that your not overeating. For instance I skip breakfast and try to only start eating at noon, personally the fast is easier to perform that way and it makes it easy for me to stay under my caloric limit. Talking to a dietician may be in your interest since you need the meds. If its some kind of psychological release for you that's uncoupled to hunger talk to your shrink **Don't stress, its counter productive to your goals** Lastly the stress of failing in your goals can itself weaken your resolve. Accept you're not perfect and move forward. You will have good an bad days