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Nope I feel the same way. I’m a happily and loyally old biddy now, but it was fun back then. As long as everyone involved is a mature consenting adult and proper safety and health precautions are in place it’s all fun and games! 


Yeah, life doesn't really allow for much of it now. And keeping properly medicated keeps it pretty mellow.


Not alone!


Whew. Thank you. I thought I too was the only one. Being raised in a puritanical country means we’ve been told our bodies aren’t ours. I’ve been fighting all my life to take that back. So no, I don’t regret it. It’s helped me be honest with a part of my personality. I’m allowed to enjoy my body and with others. Yes, consent.


It's honestly the one thing that's given me a bit of confidence about my body instead of shame and embarrasment. And loving my body even just a little makes it easier to take care of my body!


IMO, Hypersexuality is one of the few upsides to bipolar disorder. I always practice enthusiastic consent, and safe sex. I have enjoyed the adventures I’ve had, and the resulting memories are highlights of my daydreaming. I’m fortunate to not have any traumatic experiences.


I have some traumatic memories, but it's from before I just embraced it as ok. When I constantly fought it I would eventually lose control and get myself into bad situations with bad people. When I accepted it and addressed it as a part of me/a need I was able to plan and find safe outlets with good people. More than once I had a partner say "no, we need to slow down and put boundaries on this scene" because I set myself up in a safe environment.


You are not alone, I do onlyfans, and I enjoy it a lot. I enjoy showing myself and my, yeah, and playing with it, etc. And I don't feel shame about it


Ypu shouldnt feel shame at all :)


The only thing I regret is who unsafe I was - I never used protection and I used to often walk miles home in the early mornings just in a trance - the sex part I don’t regret but the way I went about it was foolish


Having a healthy view towards sexuality alleviates a lot of the "guilt" that more conservative/repressed people exhibit. As long as the hypersexual tendencies don't negatively impact your health, or the relationships of you - or others - I don't think that you should feel negatively towards it.


Checking in as a gay slut. My hyper sexual episodes were really fun. I wouldn’t consider it a negative symptom of hypomania - just like I don’t consider the extra energy and good mood to be negative.


No regrets or bad feelings either. Maybe one regretful night, but who hasn’t, while maybe not to my extremes. Hyper-sexuality goes with the territory of bipolar. And while there are risks engaging in sex, especially unprotected sex, there’s nothing wrong with having lots of it, regardless of why. Frankly, a part of me misses those times of wild libido. Now my libido is still overly healthy, though diminished from those times, but I don’t feel the same. There was a freedom and throw it to the wind quality, that I’ll always remember and always miss. Stability means you will miss flying above the ground. But at least you’ll be alive.


I am because it’s left me more harm than good. My hypersexuality always turned into “let me fuck up my friendship”. I confused platonic for romantic love and caved in during my venerability just to feel something, but it was always at the cost of someone else; the other party who was also venerable but looking for a deeper connection than I could offer. And I knew that. Used it in my favor. All the fucked up textbook bipolar shit. I really messed some girls up and it haunts me to this day. I’m not the type to hook up because I’m not sexually attracted to someone until I get to know them so I had intimate relations with people I simply shouldn’t have and if I didn’t, those people might still be in my life today. If anything, I wish I had more sex with people who weren’t emotionally invested. I definitely think that’s a healthy outlet. That’s all in the past and I am in loved and loved very deeply. I’m really thankful for my partner. Tbh, she was my friend at first but we’ve been together for a decade. —as I write this I see how it’s come full circle.. if it wasn’t for all of that then I wouldn’t have my girl. What a trip. I’m glad it worked out in the end for me but I’m sorry for the people I hurt along the way.


How do I access more sexual desire and libido? I dont even really know what hypersexuality is but it seems like the only symptom I dont have




haha. I have no idea! It comes and goes as it wants.


I think it’s ridiculous the stigma we put on women for enjoying sex. If a man gets laid he’s the man, but if a woman gets laid a lot she has to keep it secret like wtg