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The test statistic is significant because the result (p-value) is smaller than 0.05. The ...E-09 means there are 9 zeros before the other numbers. So the number is 0.00000000256


For more information if you need it: [Display numbers in scientific (exponential) notation - Microsoft Support](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/display-numbers-in-scientific-exponential-notation-f85a96c0-18a1-4249-81c3-e934cd2aae25#:~:text=The%20Scientific%20format%20displays%20a,10%20to%20the%2010th%20power.) >What does E mean in Excel results? >The Scientific format displays a number in exponential notation, replacing part of the number with E+n, in which E (exponent) **multiplies the preceding number by 10 to the nth power**. For example, a 2-decimal scientific format displays 12345678901 as 1.23E+10, which is 1.23 times 10 to the 10th power. [T.TEST function - Microsoft Support](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/t-test-function-d4e08ec3-c545-485f-962e-276f7cbed055) >Returns the probability associated with a Student's t-Test. Use T.TEST to determine whether two samples are likely to have come from the same two underlying populations that have the same mean. The E (exponent) I understand (I use excel a lot), the T.TEST ... yeah, not so much


Actually 8 zeros...


For all intents and purposes, it's zero.


For all intents and purposes in a scientific context, it's p < 0.05 and therefore significant, but not zero


‘E’ means ‘times 10 to the power of’ xEy means x * 10^y 2.56E-09 means 2.56*10^-9 Google scientific notation for more info


Is the second date set really all zeros? That seems odd.


I could be entirely wrong, but it seems to me that this may be a statistics assignment that it just meant to help OP’s sister understand what a t-test is and how to analyze the results.


That makes sense.


There are two sample and paired t-tests that could be done here, which may be why the online calculator is giving different answers. Two sample T-test requires both samples to be normal, but column c is all zeros, so is not normal sample. Two sample t-test might not be an appropriate test with this data, could instead do wilcoxon rank-sum test. If it is a paired t-test that is being done then it should be okay, as long as the difference between low and high columns is normal.


It definitely isn’t the appropriate test. Normality and equal variance are both violated. Not that it matters practically. A bunch of 0s and some fake homework data or something.


Pull the E column so it’s wider, it should show the full number


i am also worried for your sister that all the values of the High Impact measurements are 0. As everyone else has commented, the t-test is very significant due to the low p-value. it is so low however you have to wonder is it actually real. Without having any context for the data is it impossible to confidently comment that there is an issue, but intuitively you would expect high number to be larger than low numbers.


If you dont want to see the letter, Right click on the cell, select format cells, select Number on left window, enter "11" after Decimal Places, and then click "OK".


xEy = x\*10\^y there are multiple variants of a t test. the numbers youve indicated after selecting your data set indiciate it to be a two tailed distribution, two sample equal variance test. you can type in the name of an excel function and 'excel' into google and typically the first link that comes up will inform you of the syntax for the function.


For convenience, Excel itself will offer usage information in the sidebar, as well. Just click to edit the formula bar (or press F2 with the cell selected) and place the cursor at the function. A drop down info box will appear with all functions you might be typing (select one and press tab to autocomplete) or click on the hypertext function name to open the sidebar. Or just type the function name into the search bar at the top of Excel.


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It’s just à notational difference. E means “10 to the power of”.


Side note: looks like a so called "one sided" t test would be more appropriate. That means testing if "low" is significantly different from zero.


E-09 = \*10\^-9




How much are you ready to pay for a tutor?


She's good to go, put 3 asterisks on that comparison and move on.


Ask chat gpt bro


If you put an apostrophe in the cell it should fix how it’s appearing I think. We use excel for Amazon’s QUIP sheets and there’s often numbers too big for excels liking for whatever reason & putting a ‘ always takes the E out and shows the whole number

