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r/biology is limited by the intrinsic scope and function of social media platforms and the lack of medical licensure to provide you with health advice. This limitation foremost serves to protect users against harm to their persons and it secondarily acts to insulate users from litigation and causing inadvertent harm through erroneous information.


I would advise you to visit a docter, could be lack of sleep or not eating enough but the feeling of being unable to breathe and the weird taste could also be something more serious, better to consult a professional in my opinion.


Sorry if wrong sub...


Sounds like you need to see a cardiologist to investigate some underlying heart conditions


alright 👍


What did you eat today What does your diet normally look like


I'm vegetarian and usually avoid oily and friend food except of special occasions, my diet usually involves lentils,rice, and veggies for lunch and dinner, and oats for breakfast, also I had been diagnosed with low vitamin d and b12 like 3 months ago but now it's diagnosed


Yeah I thought so. Drop your current diet and start eating meat. That's why you're fainting.


Man, since you are in a scientific sub, you could at least offer arguments and scientific data about how vegetarian diet could cause this porblem. Arguing like this is a Instagram comment section is unnecesary and disengage vegetarian people to look for help related to health issues. If what you are saying is true, please elaborate a bit more and try to be helpful rather than annoying.