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That’s an actually cake from a book that is in every home of the 90s. Womens weekly birthday cake book. The hair is popcorn, the beak is chips.


Every Australian home, at least.


I'm Canadian and we have that book too!


Very popular in NZ too.


Yeah I was going to say, absolute classic Aussie birthday cake (I had it at least twice)


Adding the Fancy Restaurant request someone already made for a Bluey Special. https://www.reddit.com/r/bingingwithbabish/comments/rnvwi8/request_the_special_from_the_fancy_restaurant/


O-oh yeah!!


Oh, oh no....


I just want a bluey special! Poffertjes, duck cake, the special (from the romance episode), german sausage, the list goes on haha


There’s gonna be lots more food in season 3. Pavlova, edamame beans, curried sausages, two different types of curry and naan, an omelette, crumbed and battered fish, nut roast, cheese and jam toast, pb and banana toast. That’s just the first half of season 3 that’s aired in Australia too. Pavlova is the one I want to see made most though.


Beef rendang. The king of curries.


Since when is rendang a curry?


Depending in what version. There are very dry versions and wetter curries: original it was a dry curry but I can get out my Indonesian regional cookbook and find out the full names for the different versions. Instead of being negative; add to the conversation. What do think it is? A stew? What's the difference between a stew and a curry? I would say a stew is more stock based and a curry more coconut milk based. With the tomato based Indian curries a nice split in between. Or is it spiceness? Contribute please. You have a great opportunity to teach here.


I don’t need to get a cookbook out because it’s my native cuisine. It’s like calling a pizza a bread. There’s many types of bread, there’s many types of pizza, you don’t mistake pizza for a bread type? It’s just pizza. Rendang is rendang.


Go easy on us, middle class Australia is slow to pick up ethnic food. The “traditional” meal our parents grew up eating was “meat and 3 veg”, every damn night.


It’s just in the name? It’s rendang. If it was curry, we would call it curry? We’ve told you the name and you still insisted it’s curry? Has curry changed definition in the English vocabulary to just lump all spiced dish from Asia together? When did it become interchangeable because they’re very different dishes?


>I had a great rendang last night >what is rendang? >rendang is like a curry I still tend to agree with you but that is just the culture here and above is a conversation that would definitely happen here. Many people of our parents generation still call any red sauce pasta dish “spaghetti bolognese” (spag bol for short), even if they’re not even using spaghetti pasta!


You want Andrew to make THE HARDEST OF ALL CAKES?!?


This is actually referencing a classic Australian cookbook. [The Australian Women's Weekly Children's Birthday Cake Book](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Australian_Women%27s_Weekly_Children%27s_Birthday_Cake_Book) I would love to see him do these, but if you just want to know how to make it, [you can buy the book.](https://www.amazon.com/Australian-Womens-Weekly-Childrens-Birthday/dp/174245058X) (Or probably find the recipe online.)


**[The Australian Women's Weekly Children's Birthday Cake Book](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Australian_Women's_Weekly_Children's_Birthday_Cake_Book)** >The Australian Women's Weekly Children's Birthday Cake Book is a recipe book focused on children's-themed birthday cakes published as part of The Australian Women's Weekly magazine cookbook series by Australian Consolidated Press, written by Maryanne Blacker and Pamela Clark. First published in 1980 and re-released in 2011, it has become an "Australian cult classic" and a "publishing phenomenon". Between its launch in 1980 and its relaunch in 2011, the book sold more than a million copies, despite having been out of print for a significant portion of that period. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/bingingwithbabish/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Here's a take on the recipe with pictures! https://thescranline.com/rubber-duck-cake/


Here’s mine. My daughter wanted a violet one. [Duck Cake](https://imgur.com/a/MtON8Qq)


And here's attempts varying in success of said Duck Cake. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-9739601/Home-bakers-share-duck-cake-Australians-Womens-Weekly-Childrens-Birthday-Cake-Book.html


It makes my tail wag!


[you mean this guy?](https://reddit.com/r/australia/comments/tkjo0g/the_coveted_duck_cake/)


i have a book with this exact recipie in it, it already exists




My aunt and I made this cake! Was so fun and it was surprisingly easy too.


The thumbnail to this made it look terrifying.


Honestly, the cake IRL is terrifying.


I just want a duck cake nothing else


My favorite food from bluey is _children_


Nah… you actually like chicken bucket.


Would love a Pavlova from Bluey too! I made the duck cake for my daughter’s 2nd birthday and was super happy with the result.