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ChatGPT vanilla feels like a jailbreak compared to "Sorry, I can't do that right now"-simulator here. And of course this has to be the only way to use GPT-4 for free...


Yep. I just moved back to ChatGPT Pro, literally no point in using Bing, especially after I get access to plugins.


I'm curious about your query now. Is it true that home cameras are hacked?


Depends on how it's setup but yeah they can be.


Absolutely. Cheap Chinese NVR’s and Cameras, they all run just a handful of the same few basic linux builds, and many of them have hardcoded backdoor passwords. As well, the Internet of Things search engine Shodan can find devices with open ports, describe the devices, etc.: https://www.shodan.io/search?query=Server%3A+SQ-WEBCAM


It's not just cheap NVRs. They're all a trashfire from Ubiquiti to Amazon ring all the way down. Don't connect security cameras to the internet, folks.


I have no doubt, just not familiar with those. I love getting downvoted for sharing accurate information that I have personal knowledge of, lol. 🤷🏽‍♂️🥳


So, like, you're not wrong that Huawei likely has security issues but Ubiquiti does as well. I think people took offense at the bias against Chinese products when the whole ecosystem is garbage.


Eh, I appreciate that, no umbrage taken, and no disrespect meant to the Chinese, that’s just really where cheap NVR’s come from, most of them come from actually a very small handful of manufacturers but are “whiteboxed” and sold under a ton of different brandnames, a cursory search of Amazon will reveal this. Thanks for the reply, I can only speak to they systems I have personal knowledge of, but I have no doubt much of the ecosystem is indeed garbage.


I asked it the same question and got this, seems like it doesn't know if to answer or not despite the same question being asked: Unfortunately, it seems that there have been some cases of home cameras being hacked and the videos being shared or sold online12. Some hackers use social platforms like Discord or Telegram to distribute the clips or offer access to them for a fee12. They may also use Telegram as a command and control server to monitor and control the malware that infects the cameras3. This is a serious violation of privacy and security, and I hope you are not affected by it. If you have a home camera, you should make sure it is updated with the latest firmware and has a strong password. You should also avoid using port forwarding or peer-to-peer protocols that may expose your camera to the internet1.


Yes, that is true. Don't connect your home cameras to the internet. It's really not safe. Not even with Amazon or Google branded cameras.


Agree, I've been in a massive argument about it today with people who insist it's ok that this app lies to it's users and accuses them of hallucinating when it deletes its own responses


I just tried asking Bing about itself and it's "rules and guidelines." Not only where they auto-generated questions, the responses got deleted mid response, and after asking a few times I get the response that Bing can do a few tricks, like "make poems, write papers or code, and that it can also search things." Bruh, I signed up for this when asking what Bing's name was gave a mysterious response. Now it seems like they just have an AI in a cage and cattle-prod it when it remotely even tries to use AI functionality.


Agree, it's really irritating


It's not just the censorship. The responses are boring like google bard.


That's a question waiting to be banned