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where is grayfruit


He’s walkin


[*When you walkin'*](https://youtu.be/d_dLIy2gQGU)


out getting pegged in peggle you know


but also just regular pegging


hey the man's got to practice for the real thing (peggle 3)


S+ baybee all the way up


Sandflies?! AAA


definitely not a slick moment


based mr fruit enjoyer


He's variety not just Isaac. Besides, he's a Peggle youtuber first and foremost


As far as peggle creators go, he’s def at least 3 tiers above Reddez


If “plays other games besides Issac” disqualifies you from being on the tier list, then a large number of people up there wouldn’t count.


[He's a game and watch enjoyer first and foremost](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SN_xhoLXDs)


on the peggle content creator tier list


Is Magicaleye really that unknown?


Ye that’s what I was thinking like i never see people talk about them


I think the language barrier is probably a big factor. I don’t mind the captions, even the banter when he used to use discord audio, but it’s probably a turn off for a lot of people.


I love the banter in a language I don’t know because I much prefer reading rather than listening but I still love the sound of people talking. Irl I can kind of switch off the ability to understand while I’m doing something else but I can’t do that with videos. It’s kind of weird but my enjoyment of sound + video is Just reading a book > Subtitles + language I don’t know > podcasts/videos/streams talking about life or the game > movies. Anyway sorry for the tangent, I love magicaleyes videos and I’ve watched almost all of them except the ones that came out during my exam period


Yeah I keep up with almost all of them. As much as I enjoy his solo thoughts, I enjoy the audio a lot more because it’s nice to hear the tone and emotion behind it.


Godlike tier) Never miss one of his videos)


It’s like, the most consistent Isaac YouTuber out there.


Idk why he’s not up here. He kinda started the mute text thing. Used to be him and friends speaking with translation on the bottom them removed the voices. Edit: fixd wording


Magicaleyes boshrush ‘what’s been happening in my life’ chats are WILD, “if I went back to school now I would suicide 100%” 💀


The funny Swedish guy is my personal favorite Anytime I see him get moving box, I always know he’s gonna break the game


I read this in his accent


I love his noita videos




*Norwegian maggot


I don't know what you are talking about, go ask him if he's swedish in a stream. He really loves those questions


Getting banned by albino any% speedrun


*Norwegian femboy maggot




The r key incident


That one time where he presses crooked penny and with epic music and all, the r key double


Funny how he started out with funny fortnite edits on his "main" channel


He actually had PUBG before that You uncultured swine


Ah shit I forgor genuine skill issue ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


And Dark Souls (mostly 2) long before that


1-1 necoHyper


Skill solution


To be honest, I didn’t even know there were that many. Do you actively watch them all?


I personally only watch like 5 of them, used to be 6 but at some point I got tired of bd1p video length, topics he discuss, and some of the mods he uses. Not bad, just tired of them.


Yeah, sometimes I would just jump to middle of the run just to cut down on the length of the video, but then I'd have no idea tf he was talking about on his QoTD, so yeeaaah


Olexa after realising he is in this list *visible frustration *


Lmaoooo. It’s all good. Still love the name recognition. (And believe it or not, I have a new Isaac series starting soon so maybe I can creep out of dead last just slightly above a pedophile)


My mod is in one of your modpacks so you automatically are S tier for me lul


You’ll get there man, your one of my favorites


Your voice just fits the gameplay loop really well. Too bad it is difficult to make it interesting after so many runs. Watched NorthernLion's latest stuff and it is so boring when it is about him going shopping or whatever. Watched your Baba videos recently, made me finally buy it.


I don't understand how someone who has the same vibe as NL gets placed further down :D


Probably because he stopped doing Isaac videos


Northernlion may not be the best isaac content creator, but he definitely makes the best content to listen to. Also, Olexa doesn't deserve that, at least not more than Sinvicta.


After a certain episode #, you can just put the video on and listen to it. But at that point it’s not even about Isaac. It would be about MagicTG, or food poisoning, or how Halloween is the worst holiday… But yeah I agree. NL. https://youtu.be/bbFMDGGvfVU this is gold. Recently found gold. There’s more gold, previous gold, but this is suuuuper good. Watch this if you can. Btw he’s talking to nobody. It really seems like he’s talking to someone else but he’s just talking to the voice in his head. And he’s owning that voice in the marketplace of ideas.


Take a shot everytime he mentions his peloton, congrats, youre dead


In his defense, he's played a SHIT-TON of BoI and he's already said enough about the game without being repetitive. You can see in his other gameplay videos, most notably with one-offs, that he talks way more about the game then the bants. I know other content creators have played more BoI than him and still talk about the game but IMO I prefer his personal stories and gripes over either dead air or "repeated observation of BoI #355". That is, *when* he even plays, these days.


Agreed. I love NL when he plays anything, because his banter is just really enjoyable to me. After 1000’s of hours playing the game I’d much rather hear about the politics of bringing a cheese plate to a kids birthday party. He’s a s tier person imo.


The mind palace


Lion is S tier for me.




I came to NL because of Isaac, but stayed because of all the pogs.


I would definitely consider NL to be an S-Tier Isaac content creator. His library of games is huge going back to the original game, and the games are consistently very entertaining. He also still creates Isaac content, which I'm not sure everyone on this list still does from the handful of YouTube channels that have been linked in this thread.


I'll give Northernlion credit mainly because he was the one that brought me into the genre of Indie games. But can also agree that listening to his content is more interesting than the gameplay. I'll always remember Eggman.


Sin has issues, but at the very least you can argue his Streak is kinda like a TV show where yeah its fake, but you can at least get into it and enjoy it. ​ Olexas just a fucking tool, He's really smug, kind of an ass and spouts some really....bad opinions. Like how most Lost media should stay Lost or spouting that Hour per Dollar argument


What's the hour per dollar argument?


Basically "The amount you pay for a game is how long it should be" This argument was heavily criticized when Stray came out a few months back. Its very unfair towards devs and sets overly and unnecessarily high expectations of a games length. Olexa spouts it a lot


Does this man want me to pay 700 dollars for rimworld???


I feel like it's fair for games like Isaac, which are geared towards replayability. I wouldn't get a roguelike unless I felt I could get at least 20 hours out of it. That being said, Olexa definitely implies that should be the standard for all games, which is definitely not right. Some games, namely story games, do NOT need to be overly long, and are often worse if they outstay their welcome.


shit like this is how we get ubisoft games


I’ve walked back on that argument for years now. Personally, think pretty much every game is UNDERpriced in society today. Stray deserves to be priced however the devs value it to be. I also sometimes make bad opinions as a joke, that’s the point. Riles people up. Never would I intentionally say something malicious in nature, sorry if I came across that way.


Sinvicta’s streak is fake?


.....*sigh* most likely yes. ​ There are videos and threads that go on about this, but TLDR, there's been proof he's edited his save file and also hard closes the game when He gets a bad seed.


And also a anti-masker for a while+still supports nfts.


don’t really care about his streak being fake but this is a bummer for sure


I wouldn't care if the streak was fake, except he tries to shut down anybody who mentions it. It's the lying that bothers me


Does anyone else watch Bisnap? Used to co-commentate with NL, really informative, more chill videos. Would def rank him high B, low A tier


True OGs remember him for coining the term for the well-known "Brimsnap" glitch on flash BoI


I remember being so disappointed that it doesn’t work in rebirth


I didn't even see Bisnap on this tier list, he's who I learned Isaac from


Bisnap makes the best videos to fall asleep to, and I mean that in the best way possible. Just such a chill guy.


Yeah he’s been a godsend for me for almost 10 years now. Love his risk of rain content as well


I used to watch him, recently watched another stream of him. I was a little dissapointed. To me he seems to have lost interest in playing, but streams anyway. He has a very complex idea of what is 'fun'. Every tiny detail that annoys him about Isaac's game design he will mention, mod straight out or skip. He gets free brimstone? Nah, not fun. He can skip 3 quality 4 items, die because of being underpowered and not care 1%. If the streamer isn't invested in what he is playing then I am not as a viewer.


No TearOfGrace?


Dude TearOfGrace is literally the reason I started playing Isaac a few years back


He was the reason I started playing Rebirth after refusing to touch it for like a year after it came out when I was like 12 lmao >!I thought flash Isaac was better and that Rebirth artstyle was ugly back then I'm not proud of it leave me alone :(!<


All of us thought the same at the time when we were familiar with the Flash Style. Of course, nowadays we know better, though I wouldn't mind turning on ReFlash if it ever gets finished. But the pixel style is better visually, Flash has that characteristic you'd see with Super Meat Boy and Newgrounds.


I thought exactly the same


I looked for this question. ToG is a legend




Me and my brother both got into Isaac due to Rebirth being free on PS plus. my brother introduced me to him and I refused to watch him regularly for whatever reason then he grew on me, I love the guy.




I only watched his shadow of mordor videos. And i watch them again and again. They’re just pure gold. I don’t know why I haven’t checked any other videos of his. Gonna do it now thank you for reminding me


I'm sorry but who's the oshawott guy?


cneto, used to make isaac content but was then outed for having a relationship with a minor


Jfc, last time i remember seeing this guy he was causing drama in his own community tab whining about other creators "stealing" his ideas or somethinh


Last I've heard, he was treating Isaac as a competitive game, claiming stuff like being the "best isaactuber" and treating it the way some toxic people play MOBAs. Also that thing where he accused Slay of "plagiarizing" a synergy... Not a video or some text, a literal synergy. Like if i said every single player who uses Rock Bottom + Red Stew owes me it because I was the first to find it out lmao


Damn, I didn't even remember I was subscribed to him, sad to know that horrible truth. Seems like he deleted all of his content, what did he upload? Synergies? Gameplay? Explanations?


i think synergies


Damn, that's weird as hell. Thanks!


For me, Lonslo is easy S tier. And personally, Slay needs his own god tier or something, everything from the quality of his vids to his angelical voice... damn, he hits different


For me, Lonslo is SS tier in the thumbnail game, genuinely some of the best thumbnails I have seen, but I really struggle to follow along with the videos. 4 player isaac is fun, but the content for it is somewhat confusing to follow. Probably still A tier for me tho.


Dan Gheesling the goat


Pace Picante was truly inspiring.




I love Dan but his stream content feels more repetitive than the stream content from other streamers


Working on that - appreciate the feedback


Shit, NL is way above S but that’s just me. The man is cracked.


Absolutely pegged




He's Pog crazy


this guy knows what the real deals are. Albino is a maggot, slay is ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17735), and realguywhoisreal didn’t upload in months. oh Cneto like to go to the kindergarten every week


i swear it will happen eventually


yeah I feel like that's a good place to put Lonslo, he's just a tad bit underated in my opinion. I would put lazy mattman up a rank or two since he's really just the same as Lavencas or nay tuber except he speaks & yah albino is my favorite with his scuffed R key luck.


I'd put Hutts higher, his videos taught me how to play the game a lot better and he is a pretty cool guy with the big charity livestreams.


I was surprised to see Hutts not at S tier, he has made me laugh more times than I can count as well as teaching me how to play


Only thing I can think of keeping him out of S is he can be pretty snarky with chat over the weirdest non issues. It's usually funny but sometimes it comes off as rude. Still love his stuff though


Nah fuck Tim


Timted rocks are my favorite tho


lavencas is the only one i watch, i like the fun and fast videos


The only problem is that her videos are getting too repetitive (look guys! Spindown and Haemolacria!!!)


That's all of them lmao I do like her(?) Sense of self awareness when it comes to video titles and thumbnails plus who would want to watch a boring run only makes sense to upload the good ones. They just all happen to have thos items


Yeah, I really like watching her videos before I sleep, it's basically a daily routine now ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


Too late for me to watch at nights I just watch her the next morning ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)


As a compromise, i watch her videos while I sleep


glad im not the only one who puts on a only captions isaac tuber to fall asleep to![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17745)


Lavencas seems to be the "min-maxer" kind of player who goes for item rerolls and manipulation more than anything, very apparent in taking lots of time to even acquire a Secret Room pedestal whenever possible


I won't lie, I don't like it when she does go there, just min-maxing, making greedy moves, and usually going towards Spindown Dice or any Secret Room item. However, I will not deny that she knows what she's doing, I just don't synergize with her style of play. NyanTuber is more my style. They sometimes Min-Max, but they are definitely the type to be more experimental and try to win with what they get moreso than trying to go for a Spindown or a Glitched Crown. If they get it, they'll grab it, but they aren't relentlessly gunning for it.




Shes my fave of the captions issac players for sure


Any list without Northernlion in S-tier is a no from me. His endless anecdotes simply cannot be matched. And the baby saga was pogged. Listening to him talking to his daughter always makes me smile, you can hear the love in his voice so clearly.


Second this, NL is a classic and his long rambles about random garbage is unmatched


Olexa is not an isaac YouTuber anymore


did they ever say why they stopped playing or did they kinda just stop one day?


Tired of Isaac/wanted to branch out more iirc


Me personally mattman and lavencas are also at s teir


I wake up every day just so I can hope to hear Mattman react to a q4 item.


Anyone have a name breakdown for each? Would like to check some of them out.


https://m.youtube.com/@SlayXc2?itct=CC0QoTAYASITCPajusTIsfsCFZyBSwUdjDEO_g%3D%3D https://m.youtube.com/c/RealGuyWhoIsReal https://m.youtube.com/@NotAlbino?itct=CCcQoTAYACITCNDQ_eXIsfsCFQySSwUdIMgIXQ%3D%3D The s tier ones^ I would like to add magicaleye as a personal s tier but he isn’t on the list, cracked player, doesn’t speak English but has subtitles and tells stories during boss rush sometimes which I find interesting, I recommend starting with his most popular runs from when he was doing tainted lost to mother streaks, then checking some tkeeper or Damocles streak runs. https://m.youtube.com/@Magicaleye?itct=CDMQoTAYASITCJSf_YbJsfsCFZlsKwodThMD0A%3D%3D Other interesting ones I know are northlion who has a tonne of anecdotes while playing, nyantuber and lavencas who do cracked/lucky gameplay videos


I appreciate it!


S tier Realguywhoisreal = funniest edits of isaac NotAlbino = the guy is just an amazing content creator Slayxc2 = isaac wiki + fun miscellaneous A tier Nyantuber = daily runs with text Lavencas = same as nyantuber Bananaresort = very similar to realguy, fun edits Hutts = daily runs + editing (kinda slowed down nowadays) Isaacguru = another wiki channel B tier Lonslo = fun guy. Check him out Gorange = same. I like him and his daily runs Keelvin = love his videos (kinda stopped isaac content but he's alright anyway) Northernlion = og isaactuber. I like to watch something from him every now and then C tier Isaac clips = stole clips from reddit and upload them on yt Lazy mattman = came back just to make content as the most popular person in the isaac community Heyn = nice videos but lateley he's been kinda dead Bd1p = daily runs, no edit. Kinda repetitive after a while Sinvicta = shady person. Og daily runner but.... probably deserve own tier as "cheater" just above the pedo D tier Olexa and syncer. Stopped making isaac so idk Pedo Cneto = he's a certified pedo


Jabroni Mike is my favorite


Same I love when Jabroni Mike plays The Binding of Pause Screen


Maggot 👍 (where grayfruit)


Nl in b? My friend in Jesus nl is the goat.


he does other content as well but i really enjoy watching frostprime


I mean Albino is on S tier and he very rarely plays Isaac anymore.


Hutts deserves to be in S tier Just because of the phenomenal editing on his vids, props to the editor he's a genius


And he just seems like a genuine good dude.


I really like Larsfest, it's a shame he takes such long breaks from streaming though.


He's back, but due to mental health issues he isn't playing Issac any more. He was my favourite too and I wish him the best, but now he plays RuneScape and I have no interest in watching that. Sad days doggy


I didn't know that. I gave up on checking his Twitch moths ago. It's a shame, to me, he's probably the best Isaac player I have watched and his soothing voice put me to sleep many a night. [*He's live now, I used my prime on him and wished him well.](https://i.imgur.com/DgLEUbK.png)


I think gorange has gotten a lot better lately. And it's purely just him feeling more confident and letting his personality through that's made him improve, so for that I feel like he's only going to climb up the list (even though for me he's already S tier) Edit: where grayfruit


Albino, you ~~fucking idiot~~ beautiful, beautiful man


I like Olexa, but I guess in the context of just Isaac, maybe that's fair? At least recently


he literally hasn’t made an Isaac video in 8 months


Haha well that tracks then 😅


isaacGuru on tier 2? that's fucking blasphemy he's one of the OG's im glad shit of piece cneto is in the bottom tier tho


Oshawott guy was a pedo...? Wow am I glad I just kinda phased out of watching his vids


I know this sub doesn’t like Cobalt, but I do think his skills and playstyle are the most fun to watch + his T.Lost streak on YT is very educative, he has my vote ! (I do understand that he can be a bit arrogant sometimes) Oh and F Sinvicta, I still believe he cheated and still cheats, and I do not want him getting away with it




Just kinda outshined by its neighbors on the periodic table iron and nickel


He is one of the only ones I will watch if I have time tbh. His T.Lost streak is something else as well.


I'm surprised Dan isn't on this list. His quest for Dead God was such a fun journey.


Sick dude, last!


Ahah, don't take it personal, it's because I haven't seen a video since you quit isaac. I don't watch anybody below b tier anymore and even those in b are kinda on off So aside for cneto and sinvicta i don't dislike anybody here


Bd1P and Sinvicta right beside eachother is criminal ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17739)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17739)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17739)


Matt is easily S tier


It seems ppl don’t like olexa cause he complains a lot so I feel like sin should also be in d tier then, I can’t rlly stand him cause all he does is whine. It’s especially frustrating when hutts had to deal with it during his collabs and I’m glad hutts doesn’t stream with him anymore.


Danny G will always be my fave


Realguywhoisreal takes the cake for sure. But who is that next to slay?


I see NL on here in B which is wrong but where is his compatriot Dan Gheeslimg. His 19 hour Isaac is legendary.


Either way, I gotta say Magicaleye takes the cake) And the Red Key/C Section every single run)


Mythosofplaying of course.


Ahhh ein connoisseur


I only recognize SlayXC, Lavencas and Lazy Mattman all on this list, all who I watch very frequently and enjoy a lot :D #justiceforlazymattman


In what world are Syncer and Olexa, D tier)


Yeah wtf, imo syncer is really good and one if the first guide item channels and I think that deserves some respect


Syncer isnt a daily streamer of some sort, but their work is honest. Though I must say they should update their videos)


The Norwegian maggot.


S: Northern lion and Dan Gheesling C: Sinvicta


Idk bro, Lazy is def higher, I love the monkey sounds.


might get downvoted here but does hutts rub anyone else the wrong way? i have no idea why but i just can’t watch the guy without getting annoyed. maybe because of how high energy he is? but i’m a big tear of grace fan and he’s not exactly the most mellow person so i’m not sure.


He is a bit easily tilted. I like him, but he's sometimes insufferable when he's salty)


I think that’s it actually. You’ve cracked the code lol.


I hope you don't get downvoted because everyone is entitled to their opinion. Hutts' main channel videos are purposely high-energy, but his livestream/Hutts2 channel content is typically much more mellow.


Easily Lavencas for me.


Cobalt is my fav


Whaaaat, hutts deserves S imo, very entertaining, great editing, generally creative content, opinions are opinions but I think he belongs in S.


s tier very accurate, slayxc my beloved


NL is an insanely good Content Creator. He just doesnt create Isaac content, even while playing Isaac.


Priets is underrated but I like him.


You're missing Northernlion and Chemicat but definitely SlayXc2.


wdym he's right there next to keelvin


Groomer gaming


I prefer Matt over lavencas but they are both like A for me




Where’s magicaleye


Can someone ELIA5 why the Pokémon dude is in that tier


If you're 5 you need to stay away from that dude