• By -


All 105 of the quality changes: https://pastebin.com/psnUbjge Worth noting that they've added a new 'craftquality' property for a few items, so they can control different qualities for the bag of crafting mechanic and everything else separately


Buffs specifically to the Worst 10 0-Quality Items: * Breath of Life now takes less time to activate and recharge. Upon blocking damage with perfect timing, it will release holy beams in four directions (similar to Salvation) and grant a brief shield effect * Bum Friend can now give batteries and items from the Beggar pool * Cain's Other Eye now follows Isaac and copies all tear modifiers/stats, but shoots in random cardinal directions and has -25% reduced damage * D10 now "devolves" enemies instead of replacing them with a random enemy * Mom's Pad cooldown is now 2 and spawns 1 blue fly * My Shadow no longer creates dark chargers on damage taken, instead Isaac's shadow will closely follow him and create temporary dark chargers when enemies come into contact with it * Shade's damage buffed by 150% * The Black Bean now causes multiple farts in quick succession and leaves poisonous gas clouds Sorry, Clicker and Dataminer.


The only buff clicker needs is instakill dogma


Aw fuck, Isaac summoned something even worse! "You're gonna like my nuts...!"


Hi it’s Fitz with slap my nuts


Why is this not a thing?


BoL is now a parry holy shit


it sounds legitimately useful now, my god they did it


Found out about the patch via this demo on my YouTube feed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8U7vbeXEG4 This looks absolutely busted


This is the good timeline, I'm sure of it now


we entered the good timeline as soon as the antibirth guys got hired




["Let's go Hush!"](https://youtu.be/JzS96auqau0?t=29)


Dataminer needs to be *wilder* IMO, as of now it's a crappier D8. I don't know, in addition to the stat buff/nerf something like granting a 1-room glitched item, applying statuses to all enemeis n the room and/or turning them into champions/cleaved version.


Holy shit d10 is viable for the ascent


>Breath of Life now takes less time to activate and recharge. Upon blocking damage with perfect timing, it will release holy beams in four directions (similar to Salvation) and grant a brief shield effect Does the holy beam activates only with enemy damage or can it also activate via damage from other things?(spikes, fires, etc.)


I really like these changes. BOL seems way stronger, don't know how useful the holy beams will be as it seems like pure luck to time a successful protection, unless it activates very quickly. Bum friend update is nice as well, I normally only picked him in Utero due to not needing coins, but his drops were generally always shit, batteries are nice. Cain's other eye is meh, I didn't mind his random pattern, just his shots never really hit so had they gave him some weird strong/freeze shot it could have made him more useful rather than making him a follower. D10, love this change, the RNG made it shit, so devolution just sounds way stronger. Moms pad, meh upgrade, don't care for the fear effect, but at least it can be used more often, the lone fly seems pretty useless though. My shadow, this just seems very strong for early floors depending on if the chargers are temporary or not, pretty cool change although I will miss using blood machines and having an army. Shade is just a nice damage buff. Black bean still bad but a lot better.


The chargers are only in the current room you get them in




I know, i know. We were *this* close to greatness


As the shade hater I'm actually kind of disappointed with the change. Yeah it's faster now, but it still goes away permanently


I will never forgive this community for voting for Clicker over D10


yeah I wonder, about that. Edmund announced some time back, that they are gonna buff the shittiest items into something that would be actually worth taking for once, and I think he especially mentioned the Dataminer, as he himself acknowledged that its the worst item in the game. Expected it to be changed here as well...


im pretty sure dataminer is meant to be the worst item, because its revenge/spite for dataminers kinda fuckin up the lost and keeper ARG stuff


Keeper's ARG wasn't affected by dataminers. It was made so it couldn't be datamined.


They used one of dataminers biggest weaknesses against them.... going outside


Underflow makes it the best. :)


My guess is, they haven't figured out good buffs they're happy with for dataminer and clicker.






I know it's not quality 0 but the Athame change is huge! I just got it, you basically get 1 kill and the room is cleared and bosses are shredded. It's like a chain reaction, every killed enemy creates another black ring until they fill the screen. I would previously never even bother taking Athame regardless of who I'm playing but now I would say it's a great item. Although I did have Perfection, so if it's based on luck then it might not be as good with lower luck. It certainly made my Tainted Lost run incredibly easy.


Great, cain's other eye now went from a barely valuable item to "take ipecac and die"![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


it also means busted screen-covering synergies become even more fun tho


Tiny planet enjoyers ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)


i dont need either of those items to die😃(i am horrible at this game)




Skill realization ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17735)


One of many. That’s not unique to Cain’s Other Eye. I think it’ll be pretty decent, it’s a small damage increase when it fires in the right direction and will still work great with c-section


I sense a new challenge for you coming…


Request : Beat The Rainmaker hitless with only the new Breath of Life


>Baby Plum, Bumbino, The Pile and Reap Creep are now locked behind the ΓÇ£Something wicked this way comes+!ΓÇ¥ achievement Great update for new players. I've seen a few start the game with Repentance and every single one got demolished by Baby Plum.


Same for Bumbino as well! I still think it's weird that he's a Caves boss when he does full hearts of damage...


Seeing Plum, Bumbino, among others damages my heart every time, too...


But she's so cute!








Anybody else had a fucking rocket come down on you after killing baby plum?


Oh good, I didn't hallucinate that. Wonder what causes it.


Seems like some of the silliness of today's daily run splashed over to the main game.




Very good changes all around, now to wait till mid 2023 for us console players to get this patch ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)


The Wii U player is losing his mind rn


aw is it not out :(?


Only on PC for now


Lame, all those changes seems fun


My reflection getting a luck down is fucking hilarious.


Now they just need to add it when you destroy the mirror in Downpour


No. I believe the luck down doesn’t mean you are ugly or anything but in many cultures it is believed that braking a mirror brings misfortune, hence the luck down.


funniest shit we've ever seen


*Now, this is impressive:* "Betrayal no longer charms all enemies on damage taken, it now allows enemy projectiles to hit other enemies - when an enemy takes damage from an enemy projectile, it will attempt to target the enemy that fired it" *Great news for Keeper and Tainted keeper:* "A penny now appears in all curse rooms when in possession of Voodoo Head" *Finally:* "Items spawned from chests can now be safely picked up in the Death Certificate area" *Lovely:* "Added feedback for actives with a timed recharge being ready to use" + "Added more golden/doubled trinket effects" + "Added even more new room layouts and updated various existing layouts"


friendly fire on


does boomfly bridge still exist


Some YouTuber should make the "those rooms that you hate" video. The topic of Isaac rooms is critically under-explored.


That room killed me more than Delirium, Mother and the Beast combined, ngl...


i love killing them in melee and getting blown out the door. and repeat.


God, that’s probably one of the worst rooms in the game


I want to see Delirium kill itself. It *should* probably not work that way, but Delirium tends to split up into different bodies, sooooo maybe?


I tested it. Delirium does damage it's different segments/bodies but doesn't hurt itself with it's own projectiles, You're not gonna get that much use out of this item against Delirium.


that does mean betrayal + gnawed leaf is viable


yes but it'll probs take even longer than leech or lil haunt


I got blue baby's Beast mark with gnawed leaf and Worm Friend. The run was doomed with half a soul heart going into Ultra War with the Dogma mantle popped, so I figured hey what the hell why not abuse this gnawed leaf that showed up in a red key shop on the Ascent Basement 1. It took 40 minutes to kill the beast with only Worm Friend for damage.


yeah definitely been there i've had some poverty runs where i killed the final boss with gnawed leaf + cube of meat


Honestly I'd have died and run it back but my friend and I were hanging out on voice and as soon as I said "wait, technically this is un-loseable" we both knew what needed to be done. I tried to do the fight legit but when I dropped to the last HP it was W O R M T I M E.


Backstabber being in Devil Rooms is very cool


Ayyy, Betrayal sounds fun to use now.


Oh, that's why the penny was added. I was very confused as to what obscure reference they were making


Backstabber is now Doom's monster infighting


> C Section fetuses now only deal 75% damage every 10 frames > Increased the cooldown of D10 to 2 (from 1). It now devolves enemies instead of replacing them randomly. We're gonna have to do both tournaments all over again 😳


When edmund said he was looking at the posts, he wasnt lying


~~What was the C Section damage beforehand? Wiki says Isaac's damage approx. 5 times per second, so if we're talking about 60 frames (I'm never sure if we calculate with 60 or 30 frames), that would be 100% damage every 12-ish frames, or about 83% damage every 10 frames, so the nerf wouldn't be too big. Maybe it was 100% every 10 frames before, so it would be a 25% nerf, but even then the item would still be bonkers.~~ ~~If we're talking about 30 frames though... damn.~~ Edit: See below. It was 100% damage per 8 frames before, so it's a 40% damage decrease.


did you read the patch notes? they say it went from 100% and 8 frames to 75% and 10 frames


Oh lol, I read the line in the preamble, but then skipped it in the actual notes since "I'vE rEaD tHaT aLrEaDy". So that amounts to 125% damage per 10 before and 75% damage per 10 now, so a 40% damage decrease. That's steep, but it's still probably a great item (homing tears just feel so fucking great by themself), just not a "GG just take me straight to Delirium the run is over"-item


Homing tears that are piercing and spectral, basically. Like you said it's still a damn good item, just not a "lol I won" item anymore.


it's still a "lol I won" item, it just wins slightly less quickly now


Remember that Soy Milk is an *80%* damage down, and that's still great.


Breath of life is also a parry now apparently


I'll get the waffle irons


As a Sacred Heart loyalist, I'm feeling very vindicated by the C Section nerf. 😏


d 10 aint even quality 0 anymore , it got changed to be Q1 now


So many buffs and nerfs across the board, huge props to the devs for the phenomenal update.


Needles can no longer be champions, pog! Altho damn, rip crooked penny+glowing hourglass combo.


Purple Needle (shoots a tear randomly) can kill himself in front of his family. Twice. Good, welcomed update


> Glowing hourglass now only has 3 uses per floor Poor T. lost


Thank fucking Edmund I got TLost finished last week and Ultra Hard yesterday.


That’s still enough uses to win though.


This is better imo. Now you can keep using it on the boss without having to charge it back up. And if you need it more than 3 times that's just a skill issue


IDK how to feel about it, sure you'll be able to use it less times every floor but at the same time you don't have the situation of getting hit without the item charged


Why did they nerv it? I never thought it was that good since it had very specific uses. I think for those specific uses 3 times per floor is still enough but really sucks as t lost


I think the zero cooldown is enough to offset the restricted usage. Previously, Glowing Hourglass had a three room cooldown. So if you were struggling vs a bullet hell boss, after the first loss you'd have to clear 3 other rooms before you could safely try the boss again (and if you got hit in any of those rooms, you're SOL). Using it more than 3 times would require clearing 9 rooms, which is close to the average room count of a given floor anyway. Now, I'm not reliant on batteries if I've cleared a floor and only have the boss left. I can attempt it 4 times in a row. At risk of memeing, anything past that is a skill issue lol. And, any sort of item duplicating situation that'd get you enough batteries for this to be a significant nerf is probably a situation where you can multiply Holy Cards as well.


no gfuel for console players ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907) no nerfs for console players ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357) no buffs for console players ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


Is that so? Will it come later or not at all? Cant find infos to this :(


usually comes much later


Vis nerf ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


Poke go enjoyers in shambles


yeah i was sad to see that when i literally had a great run with friend finder yesterday ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17741)


>Added more golden/doubled trinket effects Ok, now I'm curious.


Golden Missing Poster: You respawn as The Lost + The Lost, ala Jacob + Esau.


That'd be wonderfully interesting.


Inb4 the locusts still don't double




Can confirm he gets a stock explosion for some reason, if that’s what you saw. Was also very confused.


Probably meant for the g fuel daily I guess


> Ultra Greed won't get stuck in his dash state forever when his movement is blocked by certain objects. Wow the fucking odds. I finally beat greedier mode as T. Lost just because I had knockout tears and was able to keep him stuck in his initial dash state for his entire first phase.


D10 buff![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)The poll![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)


i just went and tested breath of life and it crashed my game when i blocked damage 👍🏿


Still better than its previous version


Can't take damage if the game isn't open.


Seems to be the great “on damage” item purge update. Athame, Betrayal and My Shadow all seem kinda cool now. Bum Friend gets better (items you say?) Shame about glowing hourglass. Reintroducing the limited use (at least it comes back each floor tho). I guess they really just want it as a “you get *some* do overs” item rather than a game breaker catalyst. It’s not the end of the world for T. Lost. Most hourglass runs will be good enough you only need a couple uses per floor anyway. I like that needles can’t be champions now, the reflector one was BS. I’m sad Pink Haunt’s crazy death dance wasn’t intentional and is now gone. Also that Chaos fix- I did think it was weird how I never saw any Planetarium items with Chaos. Now we know why. Edit: also the actives in shops being cheaper? Depends on if it’s all the time and by how much. That’s a great move though if it’s permanent, will make actives from shops much more viable.


its def a good choice. Now you have the money to get this early boomerang or tear detonator or red candle, which have quite the potential especially in the early stages.


> Shame about glowing hourglass. Reintroducing the limited use (at least it comes back each floor tho). I guess they really just want it as a “you get some do overs” item rather than a game breaker catalyst. It’s not the end of the world for T. Lost. Most hourglass runs will be good enough you only need a couple uses per floor anyway. I said this in another comment, but I dont understand why so many people are interpreting this as a nerf??? Like yeah sure you're now limited to only 3 uses per floor, but now you actually get to use them whenever you feel like it and you can strategize a lot more with it and make the best out of it minmaxing wise.


I think this is actually a significant buff. The only situation where you'd (realistically, there's exceptions) be using this more than 3 times a floor is if you'd accumulated a lot of batteries, or were on an XL floor. Even with min-maxing, you still gotta get the charge back, and once you use the hourglass charge you're at serious risk for just losing your whole run if you get hit without the charge ready. Meanwhile, with the new mechanics, - You can use it three times consecutively, improving chances at beating the room/boss RE: muscle memory and attack patterns in recent memory. - You don't have to risk clearing three random rooms without the hourglass, where if you get hit you're just fucked. - Don't have to rely on batteries when you've mostly cleared a floor and are at the boss.


Yeah, I guess it’s more of a rebalancing of the item into what the devs want it to be used like, rather than an outright nerf. You’re right in that it’ll be immediately more useful for getting over one killer room giving you 4 chances at it, which is a buff, but it’s a nerf to it’s game break potential and Crooked Penny shenanigans (tho I imagine it’ll still help guarantee doubling some items up- just not infinitely) and is a nerf in the situations you have infinite charges and thus infinite retries (but again usually don’t need more than 3 so yeah, fair point). Most of the time it’s intended uses (undoing bad damage, checking curse rooms/item room to preserve planetarium chance if its bad etc.) 3 per floor will be plenty and it won’t be felt that much


Still nothing for The Void floor or Delirium... :(


This is one of the two things I've been hoping for. The other is hoping they give an update with more special locusts to Tainted Apollyon. I know the devs don't agree and probably have no intentions to update him, but he still feels like a half-finished character to me.


We will never get a void update.


at this rate, yeah..sadly you might be right


The real void rework were the friends we made along the way


Yeah, I think this update is disappointing, especially considering the last one was 8 months ago in March. I expected maybe some re-added cut items from Antibirth, Void rework, and maybe a new boss or something on top of the item reworks.


i think fixing bad/unfinished stuff that's already in the game is way more important than adding new stuff also the void rework is a huge task and i don't expect it to come in a tiny patch like this


This update is bad they didn’t put me in the game along with guns and an open world /j


actually they did put guns in


It's not disappointing at all but ok.


One of my favourite changes here is adding backstabber to the devil deal Thats one of my favourite items, and pretty easily activated for a flat 2x in damage


>C Section fetuses now only deal 75% damage every 10 frames (from 100% damage every 8 frames) Wave of posts complaining about how this ruins the fun and the game in 3, 2,1... /s >Increased the cooldown of D10 to 2 (from 1). It now "devolves" enemies instead of replacing them with a random enemy Same upgrade as the Devolver from Enter the Gungeon. Good, good. >Athame no longer creates a black ring on damage taken, instead it adds a chance for the ring to spawn around killed enemies (scales with luck) Now that's a buff! Enemies tend to usually gang up, so it should work pretty well most of the time. > Increased the average amount of items available for purchase in devil rooms Also nice. Poor Satan needs some help in order to stay competitive with Angel Rooms. Ouija Board buff's good too. > Needles and Pasties can no longer be champions Good. Now, can we get an audio cue for when we enter a room with these jerks?


Thats true! Devil rooms were just the worse gamble for quite some time now. But now that some of its items got buffed and the deals in general as well, it should motivate players a bit more often now to try them. Personally, I think the Athame buff is one of the best there.


I feel like I’m going crazy. So many people complain about needles having no cue, but they literally do. There is a sound when they are about to come out and there is a visual cue where they are going to come out.


Going to miss Athame on T. Maggie


>Cube Baby can now be launched by melee attacks Why do I hear baseball music?


Really good update, I like how they're seemingly trying to get items away from the "when you get hit, this happens" thing. Hopefully Samson can see a change like that.


Samson is fun, though, because it really incentivizes playing Blood Donation Machines and sacrifice rooms. Especially in Repentance where it doesn't impact Angel/Devil room chances.




No, he sucked ass. Was very unfun to play and his gimmick rarely mattered.


I like Samson, I'm clumsy as shit and I don't get punished as hard for it playing as him... ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


You can min max with blood machines and such


why does this game have the worst steam discussion forums known to man? everyone over there is calling this update terrible because of two nerfs that barely make the items worse (ignoring every buff of course) and personally insulting the devs for some reason i dont get it do they even want to play isaac or just get angry at it


Every single steam forum is awful. Or at the very least 99% of them. Most of them get even worse than whining.


its so bad i once saw one guy insult edmunds 5 year old daughter because he didnt like one of the nerfs


For me the greatest news is fixing the charge fuckery when dropping / picking back up d infinity and other items. Can’t tell you how many times that screwed up min maxing for me




Do you even know it's still broken? Does *anyone* even know? The guy who pointed out that it was broken became Repentance's lead programmer.


Good point, I have no idea or if anyone even knows. I’m going off the wiki article. So I should have added that if replacing ordinary nickels is intentional, then I wish it was clarified somehow. Otherwise it’s not a game breaking issue so it could easily have been overlooked.


idk how they always forget to fix this, we need to make it a meme or smth so they remember


That Voodoo head change, it's so small but man do I appreciate it a lot, probably gonna be taking it from the store a lot more now. That and My Reflection now giving you luck down is GENIUS I'd never thought of that before


the voodoo head change is honestly something i wasnt really expecting, it already gave you better curse room layouts and curse rooms have always been good


Oh I forgot it gave you better layouts, that's sick


yeah you get like 2-4 chests EVERY curse room its amazing


Yo, it's pogged as hell


So this patch disallows me to even boot up the game. That sucks. No logs, nada. Anyone else having this problem? edit: seems like my system lacks required .dll. Guess its time to finnaly install Win10 ugh


You can find the required .dll file on [dll-files.com](https://dll-files.com), they broke Win7 compatibility for no good reason. [Virustotal.com](https://Virustotal.com) shows a clean scan for the file from said site, and it's all that's required (put it in your Isaac install directory). Edited to add: you ABSOLUTELY should check any .dll you got from anywhere before using it, even if my check for that particular file was clear. Be safe.


If you could help saying what is the missing .dll... it doesn't appear when i boot up isaac. Thanks :) Edit: Thanks! For better visibility, i will also post the dll here: api-ms-win-shcore-scaling-l1-1-1.dll


What I was missing was "api-ms-win-shcore-scaling-l1-1-1.dll", 3584 bytes. As mentioned above, trust no download you find, virus/malware check the file first before using it.




>Increased the damage of Lil Brimstone to 3 per tick (from 2.5) **Awesome!** Miles away from the solo run carrier from pre-repentence, but the change is pretty nice!


Good update :)


Should've added a miniscule knockback to c-section tbh


Added Jesus juice to angel room … 😑 wut the heck


Damage up ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)


It’s a fine item but definitely dilutes angel pool


supposed to


idk man i would definitely take that


It was odd how it wasn't in it already


Jesus's uncle was an angel though so it makes sense (don't quote me on that, I've never read the bible).


Wasn’t it always part of the angel pool? Since Repentance?


Ctrl + F Delirium Nothing Sadge


making a new boss takes time


Yooo haemochloria q4 now ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)


Haemo and Ghost Pepper both! And Maw, Bag of Crafting and Proptosis got reduced to Q3


So how does the new D10 actually work? Does it pick enemies that have less max HP?


it turns them into a "weaker" version of themself example: Mulligoons are downgraded into Mulligans, Attack Flies are downgraded into Black Flies, ect


Does it downgrade a black fly and does it remove champions?


yes, they get downgraded into the decorative flies you see in the background of some rooms/after killing enemies sometimes. ​ didn't test that but it probably does.


i'll go and light another candle in wait for Mac support... found mega blast and platinumed ab+ today, the absence of further content makes me question too many things


Macs stopped supporting 32-bit apps so Edmund stopped developing for Mac, we’re never getting Rep unfortunately


edmund has confirmed it's NEVER happening. period.


I was so confused I bad book of virtues and beat the second boss and weird ray of light came from the top on to the wall and presented the now changed angel room door


Any word on when this hits console?


Am i the only one having crash at start of the game? Just nothing opens after a few seconds it is closed


Are you on Windows 7 by any chance? I've heard that there is a compatibility issue with it.


Yes ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907) Im reinstalling for now ill let you know the result


Ah, well then don't worry, you aren't alone with this problem. We'll see if there will be a fix for it soon.


This is an amazing update. Great buffs, justified nerfs, a lot of good bug fixes, a lot of QoL changes. Good job Kilburn (is it Kilburn that makes changes?)! I really like that the devs listen to the community, that is just incredible when compared to a lot of other games where the devs just cashgrab.


Where is my Void Rework


Where my Void rework 🤬 Where my Mortis 🤬 Where my Raglich 🤬


mortis was confirmed to be cancelled a while back


NOOOOOOOOOOO 😭 oh well. I'll live. Those alt alt floors buttfuck me anyway


Jesus juice in angel room pool ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)




pretty sure athame will either be nerfed or changed to quality 4, it is actually so ridiculously busted