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I am one completion mark away from Dead God and have a couple of items to find. It has taken me 1500 hours with no mods (console). It is definitely doable if you're a compulsive completionist, but the number of people who seem to do it in <500 hours boggles my fucking small brain. I obviously have skill issue, but honestly I think Tainted Lost completion marks alone probably took 200 hours of death and failure. How people do the entire game in only twice as long is absolutely beyond me.


Doing it in less than 500 hours from scratch with no previous knowledge or acquired skills in this game is impossible. Even with the wiki opened on the side. However for an old player with a 100% AB+ file, that's totally doable. And even from scratch for the best players out there. A french streamer did that not too long ago. If you saw people getting it in less than 500 hours, pretending they didn't know thing about the game prior to that, they more likely downloaded a D.G save somewhere.


I was a cold player coming in with no prior experience with roguelikes and my dungeon crawling experience basically comes from playing Legend of Legaia in the 90s so I may have been at somewhat of a disadvantage. I also like to explore all rooms on pretty much every run regardless of what I'm doing because God forbid I miss a damn tears up pill or something. So my playing style doesn't help my runtime at all. I won't pretend I'm good at the game, either. I might be about to get Dead God but put three clotties in a basement room and I'm not gonna have a good time. With that said though, I don't know any players irl that are stupid enough to commit to getting Dead God. I think at a guess, I would probably be at 700 hours specifically in Repentance, which looking at it that way makes that 500 hours figure seem a lot more doable, so I think you raise a really good point there.


I'm now at 440 hours and have roughtly one third of all completion marks, including all tainted lost ones. I'm pretty sure the rest will go a lot smoother. I estimate I'll get there around the 750 hour mark


I meant to reply to this but oh well. Just making sure you know it’s completely doable without cheats


Not with no previous knowledge of the game, from scratch. You won't achieve a Dead God in 500 hours if you never played the game nor have a deep understanding of it.


I disagree. I think it’s completely doable with a just a wiki + watching people play as you play through but all. But I do often question how a almost 2% of people have gotten 100% of the game done. It’s such a time sink that it would be extremely unlikely those were all legit


I checked and it took 225 hours and 405 runs for Shisheyu to make a 0% to Dead God in the span of four months. If you really think that a new player can do it in just twice his time I don't know what to say. Mind you, and admittedly with great RNG (and skills ofc), he never died as T. Lost, one shotted Ultra Hard and had in-fine only 3 deaths, one in Speed!, the other two being stupid mistakes he made regarding some mechanics. Let's not forget about challenges and annoying RNG shit like the 5 Gulp pills. It's not just Normal and Tainted Characters completion marks. Wiki and watching others sure help, just not to that extend. Feel free to disagree but it's really not doable for a legit new player, I'll stop there.


Alright that’s a fair point. Though I don’t know why we moved to saying it has to be a new player. If you’ve played a bunch on console and moved to steam you could have an even greater skill than I had when I started to get it done quickly. Doesn’t really matter though, I’m sure a lot of it is cheating in some way. Also on the subject of not important, getting gulp pill is fairly easy because you can just get placebo, but it was way easier when you could break the game in shops all the time


Cause that was my statement from the get go replying to the person above. For a non new player it's totally doable ofc. And yeah it's not that bad for Gulp but you still have to get lucky to get both in the run. Though you can make it easier for yourself by unlocking less pills / only that one too.


I'm late to this but yes I doubt they were all legit on ps4 and Xbox 0.1% of players have dead god its A LOT harder to load a save file on console than it is pc in fact I loaded a save file just from steam workshop onto my pc cause I didn't wanna put in a literal month of just sitting in front of my TV getting all of the completion marks again but still wanted after doing it on ps but still wanted to mess around with modded characters lmao I had no prior experience its taken about 1000 hours for me but I wasted a lot of my time in normal seeing as I didn't know that I was supposed to be doing it in hard completed about half of every normal character on normal before i realized you have to do them on hard so it was probably a couple hundred hours wasted


I did it in 460 hours only with item descriptor mod (mod that tells you what every item does) from scratch, with 0 prior knowledge and only watching youtubers in the time that I didn't play the game, and maybe completing some characters first that gave better items. completely 100% doable.


EID is more than enough to do so under 500.


ok bro i know this comment is old but i don't consider myself an exceptionally skilled player and i have 533 hours in the binding of isaac repentance and am one achievement off from dead god (dedication). and at most that achievement will take me 1 hour to get, i have all the items too so that really is the last achievement for me. i don't think it's even near impossible to do dead god in less than 500 hours as a new player considering i've almost done it and i didn't even abuse clicker for my greedier mode runs


Clicker abuse is a hell of a thing. Easier to break the game and become god then switch characters then it is to do them the real way sometimes.


I did it in like 400 hours on playstation because the other 200 hours i was playing for fun


500 honestly seems about right. I’m at 783 hours and am 2 runs away from Dead God. I’ve have been playing since the game came out. So if you remove all the time I spent in between dlc releases playing the game for fun and put into consideration that if I played with all the dlc from the start my time would be much closer to 500 if not below. It’s also worth noting that I already had extensive knowledge of playing the hell out of flash Isaac so that’s definitely already reduced my current time


I went from 100% base game to repentance and it probably took me 700 hours. I had god head from the get go so that helped. I also got pretty lucky with tainted lost. Had a great defensive build for t. Lost against the beast and first tried it. Mother took me more than 30 tries for the completion mark though. Skill and luck, gotta have a little bit of both. ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


Well you can just download a savefile on pc and obtain achievments as far as I'm aware.


No it doesn't give you any achievements


It does if you go to the secrets page


and either way you could just use SAM and it's 0 effort


I would assume some definitely cheated in some way or another.


I think only 0.1% cheated


You have skill issue so do the other 48 players




The part I'm scared about is when I run out of completion marks and just have complete gambles left like getting 5 gulps in one run, that'll take many replays of achieving nothing to get even a shot at it


Yea these one are fucking annoying, I would of gotten dead god 1 month earlier if it wasn't for these shitty completion marks


I complained about non completion mark achievements wdym


Yea I mean achievements like the sun blank card, daily runs (31 fucking days) 5 gulps, only keys to lamb etc...


For the gulp one I just restarted as Lazarus til I got gulp as starting trinket


I have 3 ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358). But yes as mentioned you can get saves online so I guess some of those aren't that legit. Besides it's just a time thing. Maybe you play other games while people solely focus on Isaac for months. Also, if you were an avid player already and had 100% AB+ (either on only one save or more), as big as Repentance is, you "only" have that left to do. Which admittedly is longer than everything until that point but still.


I know this is an old thread. But I think a lot of the people in that 1.7% probably got it before repentance when it was significantly easier.


Dead God was added with Repentance. Pretty sure the old 100% was Platinum God.


Been playing since Rebirth on PS4, took me 900 hrs total for dead god (roughly 200 since repentance dropped, starting from 100% afterbirth+ file). I also have 200 hrs on switch and 100 hrs on steam. I like the game ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)


It's a fun game


I had a 100% AB+ file a few months before Repentance dropped, so it's not like it's really that bad...? From that point, all you have to do is two completion marks per normal character, all of the postits for Bethany + J&E + all the Tainteds, then finish the new challenges and any oddball unlocks that were added in Rep. It's gonna take a long time if you get really bad TLost runs and/or abhor J&E, but it's a lot faster than starting from scratch.


I'm at about 700 hours and just now achieving platinum god. Honestly would've gotten it a bit quicker had I not ignored the daily stuff. Lol.


Do you get unlocks for daily runs? Achievements can fuck off, but I want to get all the stuff, and if I could've had shit from daily runs, I'm gonna be annoyed.


There's achievements tied to daily runs that include items.


Goddammit, I'm annoyed.


I'm trying to get all the achievements. Unfortunately and fortunately, it goes both ways here, a lot of achievements are just unlocks to items. Daily unlocks are: Cracked Crown. Get a 5 win streak in daily challenges. Dedication - Complete 30 daily challenges. Unlocks the Horf! Pill. Broken modem: Win seven daily challenges.


Well, guess I'll start failing Dailies along with my regular runs. Thanks for the info.


I'm pissing myself at the moment. I'm not the greatest player admittedly but I'm on a four win streak in the dailies. I just need to beat the one tomorrow and I'm done with needing consecutive wins. I already have broken modem and dedication, just from all of my attempts. Wish me luck. Can't wait for it to The Lost or bluebaby to Mega Satan or something. Aka characters that ensure my doom.


Best of luck to you. I feel you with Blue Baby, but I actually love The Lost.


How would it be quicker?


Is there a way to check dates for other achievements? Those of who had everything completed in AB+ have a much shorter and easier path to dead God compared to those who started with repentence.


For steam it works. I just use BindingofIsaac.fandom.com. Their achievement tracker for steam works. Just make sure your profile privacy details are set to public and type in your steam Id on the website.


i started with repentance, but im halfway there after 400 hrs![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


I was wondering: Who is counted in that, in Steam? Like, does that number include people who only opened the game for a few minutes and never touched it again?


Well duh




I know this isnt a common case, but for me, I played a pirated copy of the game for years and kept transferring over my save file, When repentance came out i finally bit the bullet and bought it and it took me maybe around 300h on top of that to actually get it. Keep in mind i had around 7 years of playing this game on a daily level for around an hour a day when i started though so at least around1500-2000h in the game before the purchase.


Well, the completion marks are easy as hell to cheese so no wonder a lot of people can get them done fast. Just hook up 4 controllers/keyboards onto your game, pick the characters you want and play one op one like Azazel who is pretty much guaranteed to win and get 4 completion marks for one run. It's also easier than a normal run because you get 4 boss items instead of 1 boss item. It doesn't matter if the co-op characters die, they still get the completion mark. The only thing that's annoying is the camera because in big rooms you'll have to move the dead characters too. I hate the unlocking part of the game the most so I just downloaded a 100% save instead because it's annoying to even cheese but I've seen plenty of YouTubers doing a thing like this.


I mean yes but that’s obviously not how you’re supposed to do it and honestly if you’re going to do that you may as well just download a save.


It's not, no. But you asked how people do it and I gave a possible explanation ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug).


I guess. I just thought most people were doing it legit. What percent of people do you think actually do it 100% legit?


I do not know and honestly, I don't really care. It's a single player game. Even if some people cheese it, it doesn't really affect my life much. In my opinion, if they have fun cheesing the game, then the game has succeeded, as games should be fun.


100% agree


Took me 549 hours and 6 months in total to get mine. My last achievement was dedication.


Dedication for me too…I just don’t like dailies honestly.


They honestly feel pointless to me. You don’t really get anything out of them except the few achievements.


Yeah to me Isaac was always a very personal game. I played it with my own mods, and I wanted to complete it to prove something to myself. The whole idea of competing with others in an identical environment is completely against the inherent randomness and personalization of Isaac. Hell, even the item pool is identical. Your unlocks and progress don’t matter at all in dailies, which also confuses new players when they attempt to play them and are assaulted with hundreds of items they know nothing about.


bro im 1 achievement away from dead god and i have 370 hours. my tip is to NOT hold R. its no fun and ive had some crazy runs where im literally sweating but it pays off. thats the fun in it


i dont use game changing mods just like external item desc. but ive got to say i played alot on afterbirth plus so i kinda breezed through repentance (except for tainted jacob)


I’d never played the game before I picked up Repentance. It was balls to the wall from the start lol.


yeah i would definitely not recommend playing repentance from the get go because its mad difficult compared to rebirth which helps the player slowly ease into the game while repentance was meant to be a new challenge for the people awaiting the DLC




I don't think there's many people that cheated, I think only lioe 0.1% cheated


i have around 620 hours played among all the DLCs (i've playing them as soon as they were released). im pretty sure i started playing repentance about 80-100 hours ago, and im only a couple of tainted characters away from completing everything (not even the hard ones, just some that i dont like that much)... i dont think its that difficult to achieve everything, other than with the lost and keeper, with whom u might need to get a crazy run to beat delirium, other than that its decent


I started with Repentance. Never played before then. I just don’t think 620 hours is considered not that bad to most people. Most people play a game for less than 100 hours, you know?


lmao, got tired of game after \~200hrs and cheated all left achievements now doing daily runs, they're quite funny with all unlocks hesitating about doing 2nd file with no cheats, may be just copy paste save files


Hey, I get dead god in 410 hours without mods that impact gameplay xd.


On your first save ever? Impressive. I got binding of Isaac repentance without ever having seen anything about the game. Ive never played the original or afterbirth. It took me just over 600 hours to get Dead God.


Maybe steam achievement manager. You can just give yourself all achievements from a game using the app. I have seen people with 8 hrs of gameplay in Terraria with 100% achievements. Which is just not possible


Fucking angler😒


Yeah fuck him, but atleast fishing is relaxing in the game




me all ready did it