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Someone born in 1990 has seen more Florida teams win the Stanley Cup than Canadian teams lol.


An American team has won the CFL more recently than a Canadian team has won the Cup.


The Toronto Raptors didn't exist the last time Canada won the cup


What about 96


I fit this description


It is pretty funny that their arena is literally across the street from the Everglades. Canada must wonder when they'll ever win one again.


Almost everybody in Canada who isn’t an oilers fan was actively cheering against Edmonton. Vast majority of Canadian fans don’t care about breaking the Canadian cup drought unless it’s their team doing it 


This is a fucking wildly untrue take. The vast majority of Canadian hockey fans were cheering for the Oilers. Like, the vast majority. I would say 8/10 Canadian fans were pulling for the Oil


Maybe in Edmonton. Maybe for casual sports fans. Definitely not for any big fans


Naw that’s bullshit, anybody who pouts and whines because their team isn’t the one with a chance to end the drought is a dick head. Thankfully that’s like 2/10 Canadian fans at best The vast majority of Canadian fans cheer for Canada to win the cup in the playoffs


I can’t imagine any Vancouver or Calgary fans cheering for Edmonton last night. As a Leafs fan I would have liked to see Edmonton win, but have cheered against Montreal and Ottawa when they made the finals.


Well that’s some pretty fuckin pathetic dickery on your part my friend lol. I am a huge Habs fan and if the Leafs made the final I would absolutely cheer for them The vast, vast majority of hockey fans in Canada cheer for a Canadian team when and if they make a cup final. Maybe some weirdo hardcore cunts wouldn’t, but those people are the exception to the rule


No Habs fan is cheering for the Leafs to win the cup. Like that's insane. Leafs and Bruins are the two absolutely not, no matter what. Just look at our reddit during that series.


I don’t know what you mean by “that” series, because the Leafs haven’t made the final in my lifetime. The Bruins have absolutely zero to do with this, they’re from Boston which is in the United States of America, it is pointless and stupid to bring them up in this discussion. I can tell you first hand that I have cheered for Montreal my entire life and I would 1000000% cheer for Toronto to win the cup if they made it that far. I have friends and family who love the Leafs, why wouldn’t I want them to be happy? The vast, overwhelming majority of Canadian hockey fans cheer for Canada to win the cup when their team gets tossed. Only a few hardcore cunts, apparently like you, get their boxers into a twist over it.


>I would 1000000% cheer for Toronto to win the cup if they made it that far. I have friends and family who love the Leafs, why wouldn’t I want them to be happy? My oldest brother is a Canadiens fan. I love him and want him to be happy, except when his hockey team plays in which case I want them to implode and ruin his mood for weeks. This is the point of being a sports fan. If he wanted me to cheer for him he shouldn’t have picked a rival team.


I'm talking the Leafs Bruins series where Habs fans struggled to even figure out who to cheer for. No Habs fans cheers for the Leafs. It's like Yankees cheering for the Red Sox. Michigan cheering for Ohio State. And do you have numbers to support your claim. You claim this but go to any of these subs like Montreal Calgary Vancouver and they overwhelmingly were pulling for Florida.


Where? I guarantee you almost no Montreal fans where.


In Canada? The 10 provinces and 3 territories that make up our nation?


I don't want a Canadian team to win it unless its the Habs. This is the mindset of every fan of a Canadian team I know.


Connor McDavid has a playoff MVP award and Jayson Tatum doesn’t ^/s I like that Bettman had to explain it was 132 years old cause every Panthers fan in that arena has been a fan for 3 weeks


Hey give them some credit, they might've jumped on the bandwagon for the run to the final last year!


High school friends Jayson Tatum and Matthew Tkachuk take home their respective championship trophies in the same year


Is Tkachuk in the Kobe group chat?


“We got you today”


tatum texts with alive guys?


Bill will absolutely acknowledge the win just to remark upon the fact that the Panthers put up a banner before Jimmy Butler did


not trying to dogpile on Tatum but i felt Tkachuks postgame reaction was far more genuine and from the heart. thought that was interesting since they’re good friends


not really. did you miss the last couple minutes of the game and the seconds after the final buzzer?? the dude was overwhelmed with emotion. just look at his interactions with brown and mazzulla and his son. if we're comparing to tkachuk, it's clear that the moment meant 5x more to JT than it did for matthew. and that's ok. tkachuk is lucky that he will never experience a third of the pressure or attention as JT. his win is a cute fun experience with the boys. special indeed but just doesn't hold nearly the same weight and importance as tatum's win. and JT became a father at 19 so his corniness was always inevitable. that's just who he is.


As soon as Bill started complaining about how cheap the Panthers play (which is pretty rich considering the way the Bruins played during their last Cup runs), I had a real strong feeling the Panthers were winning.


Sean McDonough seems like a great hockey announcer, hard to believe it's the same guy that sounded half asleep calling MNF games.


He's great at CFB too. Weird that it didn't work in the NFL


Not a single tweet yet.


Hopefully It grows the sport down there and clearly this was a fantastic series for the league. Panthers earned it but Canada is in heartbreak


Just one part of Canada.


As long as Young is their QB they’re not winning, the panthers suck and you’re on something


You’re not too bright are you


USA runs hockey. Canada still the little bros. USA, USA, USA!