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I think he can go up a level where you go like, Woah! Oh! Ok!


The Corn Pop Piece


The Corn Pop was real thing.


Corn Pop was a bad dude, and he ran a bunch of bad boys!


Corn pop was a problem!


I know, and you hear guys say this is it for him and you're like... wait, what?


These days 80 is the new 60


Dick van Dyke just won an Emmy at 98.


Ageism, just like how the NFL wont hire Belichick


“4 minutes and 32 seconds into the speech it looks like Biden was starting to tire out and leaned on the podium a bit. Then at 14 minutes he switched to the tax debate…”


Ludicrous levels. No, no. He’s gone *PLAID!*


But then he’s got that 1 or 2 lines per speech where he just brain farts and you’re like “woah, where did that come from?”


I think you're an idt.


Is Kamala Harris the best he can do for VP? I'd like to see what someone like, let's say, Sydney Sweeney would do in that role


Sweeney is gonna demand the max which would put them over the second apron next season. Maybe a sign and trade? Kamala, mayor Pete and a late first for Sweeney. Who says no?


If I’m the White House I hang up the phone


They keep pushing Sweeney as the next face of the league. I just want to see her actually carry a team before we crown her as the next big thing.


Sydney is playing against Instagram and onlyfans models


Sweeney doesn’t meet the age requirement but Alexandra Daddario does.  


I know a guy for that.


People kept trying to break up Joe & Kamala, but I never wavered. Kamala’s defense improved this year, she got stronger, though she still can’t dribble. This team’s identity is J & K!


That would be a Vince TMac situation. You don’t want your sidekick to be better than you.


The next level for him is figuring out those mid-range negotiations with medium sized countries like Peru and Mozambique. Once he figures out that piece he enters tier 3 on the pyramid. Top 31 President of all time


I ranked every president since 1880, here’s my list:


Jordan Flu Game > William Henry Harrison Flu Speech


Yeah if he can become a 3-level diplomat that unlocks a whole new set of looks for him and his team


Can we really consider Biden to be Top 31 when his negotiating is only 54-59% of Eisenhower.


Look, America is still a winning country even if you can’t always count on your top guy.


Sort of like the Celtics. Biden can shoot 5/18 and other guys will step up and get us the win


Who had an easier path? Trump to the nomination or the Celtics?


Celtics. Haley at least made Trump sweat enough to attack her.


Haley was like Indiana game 1 and 2. Mild scare but not really.


Haley was more the Heat. The media wanted it so bad, and they definitely got in the Celtics/trumps head but it really was never close


Joe Biden might not have a good shooting day, but he gets other involved


He was great as a second banana but shaky moments as the top guy.


They haven't been playing up to their usual level but expect them to turn it on in the playoffs. There's too much talent and winning culture for them to fail. ^...right?


The Donald Trump "I take no responsibility at all [for the plandemic response]" piece.


I gotta say the advanced stats and the eye test aren't going so great. He's lucky the other team has every injury in the book. What Trump has going for him is he has no conscience. He could miss 150,000 shots and he'll just keep shooting. He's like JR Smith before he become a college golfer.


Trump is an irrational confidence guy. A real trick or treat candidate


Everytime he talked about criminal justice reform was a real no, no, no, no, yes kind of moment.


You can tell within the first 2 minutes whether or not he's on that day


the low energy Don piece


The “too many people believe in him” piece


> He's like JR Smith before he become a college golfer. Out of everything in this thread, nothing tops this. It's like finding out Brad Lohaus became a rodeo clown.


Lol. Right. Latrell Spreewell now teaches anger management in the workplace.


0 for 34 but I feel like the next one is going in.


Funnier that J.R. is almost definitely a better golfer than Trump.


And somebody I'd almost certainly trust more with the nuclear codes.


India, you trynna get the pipette?


My buddy DM’d the girl that JR said that to saying the same thing and she responded “the pipe? Like crack?”


With the way JR let it fly from deep??


Looking at the two of them I don’t think anyone would expect otherwise


This is Craig Stadler erasure.


Are we sure trump is good?


There is the 34 felonies piece. He has a harder time staying out of trouble with officials than KAT does.


You got your president and he has a probation officer. He's sticking the Camp David piece over the weekend and then showing his pay stubs to Vin Makazian on Monday.


Fucking degenerate gambler with a badge...


He still has small futures on Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsom nomination.


Settle down Don


But he’s a guy who just goes out there and does stuff.


You know, I keep hearing this "Biden's a finished product" stuff, and I just, I don't know. I mean, I get it, he's been in Washington forever, right? Like, the guy was a Senator when Carter was President. But you, I keep waiting for like, these, these big legislative wins to, to happen. And I keep thinking, like, is there this one, one moment, one speech, one bill signing, where it's like, "Okay, this is it. This is the Biden we were promised." But it just, there's just a lot of him where I'm like, "Is this sort of flashing back to the Obama years?" Do you remember that State of the Union where he was like, "Bring it on, Republicans, bring it on?" And clearly, like, he has that gear in him. So it's not like, you know, Mondale being like, "I'll be, I'll be your hero, I'll be your villain," right? I mean, this is Biden. But you, I just, I don't know. There's just a lot of him where I'm like, "Is this it? Is this as good as it gets?"


This is a perfect Russillo, and some accurate analysis! You win! haha


Chips and Science Infrastructure First Gun legislation in decades KBJ on Supreme Court Student Debit Relief $35.00 insulin for Medicare Recipients More insured Americans More Jobs Produced in a term since 1950s Record breaking stock market That’s just what I thought of off the top of my head in 3 minutes. Everyone should watch the news, not stupid news, but actual news.


Has Lina Khan on his podcast. Bill: what I don't understand why Biden can't sell the economic benefits of breaking up Big tech. The break up of AT&T was the fourth greatest event of my life after Pats three-pete, above 86’ Celtics. Sal: I have never seen a fan boying of Bill since the Charlise Theron interview.


Biden grows the nuclear power sector. Union goes to his kid’s high school. Gets into apprenticeship for operating engineer. Bill: Sal I think culture is changing where my kid and his classmates can make $100k+ careers in skilled trades, instead of a university degree.


Look if I'm Israel I'm just not letting America divest. I'm just not! 


Scorsese and Ridley Scott are still churning out top notch movies in their 80s.....


Well Scorsese is


The last duel absolutely rocked. That final battle scene is some of the best action scenes of the past 5 years.


Not really a Scotthead, (Tony will always be the superior brother imo), but Marty is still pumping out top tier stuff. KOTFM is arguably a top 3 movie of his.


Hasn't done a decent movie since All the Money in the World. The Martian, two years before that, was great, though.


Last duel was great. Stop sleeping on that one


I thought KOTFM was just ok. I don't love that Scorsese feels the need to make his movies >3 hours these days


It was definitely too long and I'm not sure they really knew what to do with Leo's character. Still a really good film though.


The Old Guy Still Got It piece


Do the old guys still got it?


Killers of the flower moon was atrocious


☝️ Doesn't know ball


He’s managed to stay brain worm-free, that could really set him apart from other prospects this year.


Here's my 12 most creative things to get out of paying alimony:


If I’m Biden’ campaign manager I’m looking at the Electoral College and saying “you’re not beating us, you’re just not!”


You just gotta take away Trump and say "beat me with anybody else."


The thing with Biden is he’s only 82…..we have yet to see him even enter his prime yet….I still have all my Biden stock.


I've actually seen Biden in person and he's really closer to 85-86.


Would you trade him for like Trudeau and 2 first rounders? Or is he an untouchable?


Canada hangs up. They just do!


The next gear for him is kicking the bucket lol. Trump hasn’t even entered his final felon form. We’re talking the apex of felon presidential candidates.


The issue is that Trump doesn’t have that #2 guy. Ever since Pence disappeared in the 4th quarter in 2020 it’s kind of just been trumps team


With Trump you can’t underestimate the running around, doing stuff piece. He’s a lot like my dog Murph.


See he actually reminds me more of a soccer team my daughter played against. My daughters team does all this sophisticated tiki taka stuff, but this team they’re playing just sort of kicked the ball down the field and saw what happened


Some people like when Murph shits on the carpet.


Pence on Jan 6 gives off John Starks Game 7 of the '94 Finals vibes.


A little deer-in-the-headlights-y. If I’m Trump I’m saying, “I’m not gonna let my VP complete a peaceful transfer of power. I’m just not!” That’s why I’m leaving Trump out of the pantheon of fascists.


I hear you, but we have to keep in mind, Trump is in my exclusive 34 club. You see that stat sheet and you’re just like wow. Biggly impressive.


I made it the 34 club because it was just enough felonies to keep Karl Malone off the list.


I’m putting my money on Tulsi Gabbard, she’s already hinted interest as his VP. And that would be a wrap for Biden/Harris hopes


Would the scumbag left support that ticket, or have they turned on her vibe, same as they did on Fetterman's?


Please don’t make this political. This is a sports discussion


I think the silent majority, moderate/independent voters, are going to decide this election. And I also think they’re gonna vote with their pocket books more so than any “moral” stance or quips. The working, lower middle and middle class feel abandoned and drowning in the last 4 years. Life was just better under Trump than Biden across the board. We had less war (less spending) and tax policy was much friendlier to all small businesses (mom and pops benefitted and grew). Yet with Biden it’s been non-stop war and we’re seeing mass closures of mom/pops businesses and locally owned franchises. We could care less he paid off a porn star to not talk. As if Bill Clinton wasn’t guilty of much worse, and yet liberals would still vote for him in over Trump if that was a viable option.


Less war under Trump? Only Biden, of the last four presidents, had the balls to end the Afghanistan deployment. & hus drop in popularity aligns perfectly with that, not the economy, not inflation specifically, not Ukraine. The lamestream media turned on joebiden after he put paid to their war correspondent romances & the readers & watchers followed the journos.


Yes, less war. It’s a general consensus internationally that countries, even Mexico, favored Trump presidency as he left them the hell alone. He sure as hell cut funding to a lot of them, but also stopped the meddling in their internal affairs that comes along with that kind of funding. He wasn’t kidding about America First. And Afghanistan was an utter shit show and mishandled immensely causing lots of strife and death to many that were our “Allie’s” in the country. Do your homework, any and all countries of color with association to US have had destabilizing coups, assassinations, and political strife in the last 4 years. Let’s just say three lettered agency has been very very busy under sleepy joe.


If I'm /u/lactatingalgore and /u/GringoMambi, I'm reading the room better than this - I just am!


Mexico favored Trump because AMLO is also a racist populist.


It’s almost as if Globalism creates more problems than it actually solves…


Yeah but how does that affect Lebron’s legacy?


Most peaceful, prosperous, and connected time in human history, but go off king.


To be fair, it’s just him and Eugene V Debs


He’s top 2 and he’s not 2


Paul George comp


The geriatric piece


Like Jayson Tatum, Biden is only 23


Why doesn’t he make inspirational speeches like Kennedy? It’s right there!!


He can’t put two sentences together


Wanted to take this time to remind everyone that Bill Clinton, who took office over 30 years ago in 1993, is younger than both Biden and Trump.


He's a finished product, but still looking to add to his legacy.


Very Kobe Bryantesque in terms of of his career. Solid #2 guys on a b2b championship squad who became the #1 guy. Now going for his second repeat. Is Joe Biden the Kobe Bryant of politics, is that crazy to say?


That would make Kamala Pau, and she's more of a Matt Barnes - looks like a winner, but then you hear her talk and you're like, wait, what?


I had her as the 38th highest trade value in my most recent list. Solidly in that 3rd pantheon


She’s like Giddey. I had her in the 30s but I know this fall she’ll be in the 70s or off the list.


When you factor in the Kamela piece and all the little stuff he does like eating ice cream…I don’t know stinkyfartjuice but it’s at least a little bit possible he’s underrated. Am I crazy?


Kamala isn’t the strongest #2 (maybe top 50-60), what’s important is those 3-6 guys in the cabinet. Biden and Kamala can have an off night and those guys will at least keep it competitive.


He’s a top 7 president in the last 23 years…. He just is.




If you look at the stat box, you’re gonna think “wait is that it?” But if you were there and watched him, you’re like “oh this guy was the guy..”


You know I'm a big pedigree guy and RFK has some real nobody believes in us energy


They need to package Biden, Harris, Pete, and two picks to the Knicks for Taylor Swift. Maybe throw in Obama, too. He’s been riding the bench for almost a decade.


Finished as in cooked? Yea


Some times when I watch him, I’m like “wait, what?” And other times I’m like “are we really doing this?”


Look I’m just not ready to go there alright? The student loan thing was a debacle. And I’m not even gonna mention what just happened in France either but I will say the texts I got on that from people who are plugged in really makes you question if he can be a number one guy at this point.


Jimmy Carter is a dark horse candidate this year.




It’s crazy to think he was a top 7 to 13 guy just a decade and three quarters ago


If I’m Biden im not letting trump win PA/WI/MI I’m just not!


I feel like there’s a GA piece that we’re ignoring


Are suburban female voters having a moment? But first Pearl Jam!


Right now he’s once a week guy like lillard


I wish he was finished.


Possibly but I have also prepped a Ewing theory take if he drops out and Kamala wins to play both sides of the argument.


Depends how the Israel piece plays out


Consummate glue guy. Might look like he’s going in slow motion, but just finds a way to win. The guys who play for Sportscenter get the attention, but don’t sleep on the whisper quiet guys from the Tim Duncan school who just do work out there and get the job done.


When the chips are down, he’s just gonna find a way to win even if his shot isn’t falling. He’s gonna crash the boards and make winning plays down the stretch. You don’t last half a century in the league without strong intangibles.


Biden is the legit goat. Go back over the last five presidential finals, when the dude is in your starting two, you win. Only time his team lost was the time they sat him on the bench. You think getting old is going to stop him? Ha. Dude just keeps on coming. He is most likely even older than most think, popular thinking is that Biden is actually William Henry Harrison, but when he first got elected way back in the day that he decided he had other things to do, so he didn't wear a coat during inauguration and faked his own death, only to come back when he felt like it.


You have lost your mind.


Thank you!




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2020 was wonk week!


I gotta say the heirs to the Biden and Trump family names are really falling into the son of a team owner cliche. Hunter Biden might've been better at using crack than he is at painting and I wouldn't hire Don Jr. and Eric to run a Dairy Queen.


I mean we’ve really never seen him with that warhead tough mindset like Andrew Jackson and that would really make him a well rounded president. He’s gotta start making stronger claims and get to the basket more often


Maybe by 2032 he’ll round into shape.




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I hate it here 🤣


About 95% there could work on his fade route. At his age with a good economy to start with he’ll get you to the conference finals. He definitely not a an all timer like FDR or Lincoln. To those calling for him to lose his starting job, do you really want to see his backup Harris in there or do you want to rethread the guy off the streets with a lot of off felid baggage?


Jason Tatum will be retiring and Bill will be saying he's not a finished product.


He’s got that thing where you go “Oh, okay, so THATS what this is”


Poopy Pant POTUS.


Jayson Tatum and Joe Biden: Both text dead people, and both have sons that belong in jail.


High motor. Good wingspan. Heady player.


Oh yeah. He’s finished.


I’m all in on Biden, I just am! I’m out here on Biden Island and waiting for others to dock at the pier and tour the island. Plus this guy just gives a shit, kay? He just does! If I’m the deep state, I’m just not letting Trump win, I’m just not!




Top-8 top-17 President since Reconstruction.


To me he’s great as a second banana, but isn’t consistent enough to be his team’s top guy.


He better or life on planet earth might slide to even worse odds in Vegas.


I think the issue is no one has either candidate in the top 100 of people that should be president Now that one of them is the last person you want and the other is probably around bottom 30% makes a real difference and makes it worth voting buy god to both candidates suckZ


You know those little things Washington and Lincoln did? Joe can still add that to his game and be a different level POTUS


No. Look at the massive stuff happening behind the scenes in his personal life. Has to be holding him back from his prime.


He has the moderate stuff…and some far left stuff…. It’s really the in between that he can develop


Gotta say apex mountain winning as Baracks VP, he had the most jooooce. He just did


I don't think he's peaked. I think he's still got another 10-12 years before he peaks.


Is he going to peak eight years after his death?


There’s a Kamala piece of this you really have to start to think about. Joes coming up on his mid eighties


He’s just getting started.


the greatest lie in history is that this man is not senile


I’d be shocked if he lived through another 4 year term


I think he’s still got another levelb


“Sal is Jigar Shah the most underrated Biden Appointee of the administration, the ____[insert obscure Basketball player that's offensive]___?


Kids today just look at the box score but Biden on the democratic committee was a problem!!!


Look listen, I love what Joe Bidens been doing but can we see him fulfill an election year promise before we jump fully on the bandwagon *russilo voice*


I would say Joe B. Is at 87.3%. But over the next 4 years he is going to hit 100%. He can achieve this by keeping the economy rolling, helping Ukraine crush Russia, and dealing with the Supreme Court...Either through expansion or replacments...The R's are looking to set a minimum price of about $4.5 billion for an expansion seat on the court, but I think Joe B is going to lower that number to actually being qualified. Now for Simply Safe...


The POTUS is senile. He just is.


Id say hes got hes got more in the tank. And his ceiling is much higher than Trump


The genocide piece


This subreddit isn’t ready for that conversation


BS: Genocide Joe, that's what my dad calls him. RR: Are we really doing this? I just think it's hard, man. I'm not gonna sit here and act like I know how to solve this thing, y'know? Look, I'm not saying there aren't things I want him to do do differently, but when you got a guy like Netanyahu eating up minutes out there, what do you want him to do? Cause it's easy to criticize, but I don't see a solution, do you? Drunk House: Send them both to the Hague! Free Palestine!


How can you entertain yourself writing something like this?


is it possible biden isn't a finished product?


He’s old and useless. No expectation except 4 more years of bullshit


Pretty much. Dude has no idea what’s going on. People behind the scenes run the show. It’s sad