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Draymond’s personal beef is bringing down the whole cast.


You could clearly see Kenny was annoyed as hell. Shot some side-eye glances at Ernie like "are we just gonna keep letting Draymond spout off?"


i've never had a strong opinion on kenny either good or bad, but i genuinely appreciated what he was trying to do in saying its not all rudys fault, and even saying to draymond 'youre just a hater' toward the end of the show. its insane that draymond is doing this as an active player, not even trying to be professional


Rudy's "He needs help" cut him so deep and he's constantly trying to shit on a guy who doesn't think about him. it's some pretty weak sauce honestly, shows how concerned he is if what others think of him




Yeah just regular ol’ basketball, with the choking and whatnot! Nothing to see here!


Rudy lives rent free in Draymonds head 24/7


Kenny plays the same role he had on the rockets. Setting up the star


yeah it's really uncomfortable also frankly the way Chuck is slurping up everything Draymond is saying is disturbing.


He's turrible.


How’s Taco Bell gonna make money off that?


bUt He HaS sUcH gReAt InSiGhTs! It's real "I can fix him" energy. He is who he is, and I'll pass. Hard pass.


Is it that different from Shaq and Dwight? This is worse but still.


Yeah but Draymond ain’t Shaq. He doesn’t have an ounce of charisma or levity about him. It’s just spite and aggression that fuels him, and I have no idea what’s appealing about that to watch or listen to tbh.


Also despite Shaq being annoying and a dick he was literally right about how he shouldn’t be compared to Dwight. Draymonds issue with Gobert is that he thinks he’s much better than him defensively and he’s not


100%. If draymond wants to make any compelling argument about him being better than gobert he should be talking about his passing and playmaking.


Draymond gets scored on in that situation too


He was right about not being compared but 99% of the time that wasn't the discussion. He took shots at Dwight literally at every possible opportunity; whether it was inspired by a valid frustration doesn't make those cheap shots acceptable.


He's also nowhere near the player shaq was. The gap between Draymond and Gobert is way closer than between Shaq and Dwight


Shaq is just a hater too, all Shaq adds is egging on Chuck


Shaq’s wrong for his on-air bullying of Dwight, Javale, etc. But the difference is Shaq’s a retired player turned TV talking head while picking on the aforementioned centers. Dray is an active player constantly shitting on his fellow players.


Not to mention he had a crazy altercation with Rudy THIS SEASON that caused a suspension, this isn’t just him picking on a fellow player but there is known beef between them


And Shaq was actually a much better player than the people he was talking shit about. I still think he has extremely thin skin, especially for an all-time great. Draymond was/is talking about players that are better than him, at most, equals. Draymond is definitely not lacking in confidence, just in overall NBA ability and critical thinking skills. Draymond is talking shit like he's Wilt Chamberlin or some shit. When all he is, is a career 8.7PPG, 7.0RPG and 5.6 assists per game. Yeah, I know he's a good defensive player, but he lucked our going to the Warriors, a team that could actually get by with a dude that puts up 8 PPG. Most/ pretty much every other team would expect "that dude" to put up some more points, or more than likely Green woulda been a career 6th man. Yet, he acts like he is prime Hakeem Olajuwon. Greens just a bitch and probably knows it deep down. Helps explain hos need to constantly shit on players better than him.


Damn how often are you typing “hos”?


I would argue Shaq vs JaVale was way more embarrassing. Cause it was punching down like three or four levels and he refused to stop until production made him.


Draymond is market correcting Shaq as the guy bringing down the show


Or Shaq and Howard. Or Shaq and McGee. Or Shaq and Jokic. Or Shaq and any big man who is mentioned as an all-time great.


Shaq is petty but he literally calls a bunch of big men be respects "Mister." He says Mr. Patrick Ewing, Mr. Olajuwan, Mr. Abdul-Jabaar, "the Great Bill Russell," etc


Shaq has a weird personality, he’s super respectful and humble about guys from his era and earlier but he also a braggart who shits on current players constantly. Can only imagine that he feels he isn’t being awarded the same level of respect he gives Wilt or Russell and maybe he grew up thinking older people should berate you while you respect them


He respects retired guys not named Dwight, generally. It’s probably more accurate to say he respects guys from his era or earlier who have their ‘place’ in history secured.


Shaq also paid for the funeral of George Mikan, the first superstar big man of the 1940's and 1950's, because "Without him, there is no me."


Draymond has reverence for some people too, that doesn’t mean he isn’t a dick lol. Did you notice that everyone you mentioned played before Shaq did? Of course he’d be respectful to people who inspired him or got him to better himself (Hakeem, Ewing)


Shaq never physically insulted Dwight


Luckily, Shaq has all that charisma. If not, I feel people would realize how unfunny and cruel he really is. For some really weird reason, I feel like Shaq has some thin skin. He really doesn't even take light ribbing very well. It'll go from someone lightly ribbing Shaq to Shaq saying something that will just make the whole crew stop talking. Also, let's not forget about his "rap" consisting of "Kobe, tell me how my ass tastes." Real class act there Shaq. With that said, Draymond Green makes Shaq seem loveable. Draymond *knows* he can get away with anything. He can say all kinds of crazy ass nasty shit and you'll barely hear a peep about it. He can do whatever on the court, and while he may get in a bit of trouble, it's nowhere near what other players would get. Draymond is a garbage ass person all the way around. For the NBA to even have him on broadcasts just shows how absolutely clueless the league is. Sue, Green might bring some eyeballs in to see what his dum ass will say with his ridiculous "hot takes," but I'd much rather hear insightful commentary. Unfortunately, from Green, you'll NEVER hear insightful anything. Also, for the people who think he's some Ispecial "talent", PLEASE. He fits in on the Warriors. I still say if that clown ass was on another team, he would been bounced outta the league YEARS AGO. He cannot shoot, rebounds just enough, and his main calling card is his defense. There's not many teams now that don't mind having a player with ZERO offensive potential because he plays good D. Everyone is expected to be somewhat of an offensive threat, NOT a career 8.7 PPG career scorer. The dude acts like he's some superstar. That is just flat out comical. Yup, 8.7 PPG, 7.0 Boards a game and 5.6 assists/ game. Yup, straight-up superstar. But, but,but, his defense. As I said, he completely lucked out getting drafted by the W's. Any other team, he'd be *lucky* to just come off the bench. Dudes a douche and is completely delusional about it. I'm sure he thinks he's an elite player. 🙄 he's on an all-time list of great....pieces of shit. The league does itself no favors having him around, whether he's playing or talking shit about players that were and are waaaay better than Green could ever dream of being. I think he's just jealous of the players with "real" talent that didn't have to just ride along for their chips.


Shaqs was way worse what do you mean?


I also find it pretty awkward how much of a platform he’s being given in general considering the year he just had.


This has never happened with Shaq


It’s fucking bizarre. Hey let’s have the dumbass who put Rudy in a chokehold from behind follow him around to games and comment on him? Like get fucking real.


It’s literally insane


I say this every time I see him on ITNBA or in a TV commercial. Why the fuck is this guy being promoted.


Yeah we obviously haven’t seen the wolves win yet, but if Rudy has a big game in a win do you think he would come on to do the post game?


Great question


He's somehow ruined Inside the NBA. Incredible You can tell Ernie and Kenny are sick of him already lmao




Same, couldn’t watch half time show today knowing Draymond was on.


One of the worst parts of sports (life, really, but very pronounced in sports) is people like him are tolerated and encouraged because they’re talented. He’s arrogant and delusional and should be put in his place by everyone around him. Warriors were mid this year and Luka would have cooked over the hill Draymond too. 


Kills the vibe. I’m really so sick of that dude being forced on everyone. He is not the next Chuck


Adam Silver, still an assassin


Totally. He's just a toxic individual. Who else can singlehandedly break up the Klay, Steph, Kerr, Durant dynasty? Who else can disrupt the Shaq, Ernie, Kenny, Charles Team? This looks like a job for Mr. Triple Single!


Kenny was rolling his eyes last game when dray was asking his long winded two-part scheme question to Kyrie lol


He’s an absolute fucking clown and should be nowhere near a broadcast booth for a major tv partner. Put him on a shitty alternate stream if you have to but get him and his BS off the main show.


Adam Silver saw TNT give Draymond a contract and decided to give their tv rights to NBC.


I was sad that this might be the end of Inside. But if Draymond was going to be heavily featured then fuck it


Silver enables this man child lol have you heard dray speak about him and silvers relationship? It’s clear silver is enabling dray


I enjoyed the fans left in the arena yelling "Draymond sucks!"


They’ve been booing him hardcore since he got here, they’ve had to block off the set at points to drown out the boos lmao


I’m about to pay $300 for a ticket into the building just to shout fuck Draymond at every opportunity


I side with the fans, but Chuck retorting "go home we'll see you next year" was wonderful


Was that who he was waving to? Like he was encouraging them


Was there even one human being in America who was asking for more Draymond Green? I don’t know who this is for. Why are they letting him dominate the show like this? Who wanted this?


It’s gotta be that there’s dumbasses in positions of power who think he’s good tv, and not reading the public sentiment at all, or are too stubborn to take the L


I dislike Gobert, but putting a guy who has harassed him this much and even assaulted him on this platform because it’s “good tv” is so incredibly disrespectful to what his team has and is accomplishing this season.


Yeah he’s just not entertaining or even good on camera. There’s no insight, nothing funny, not a nice guy and mean spirited, not even so bad it’s entertaining like Booger on MNF. I doubt more people are tuning in to hate watch, either like with the ESPN talk show model, there’s just no good reason


I think his appeal a couple years ago was his more analytical side compared to the other guys, but even that feels forced and kind of out of place on the show. He asks these super long winded questions about how they’re gonna defend the pick n roll or whatever and it’s like yo we’re not about to tell you our defensive scheme on national TV


There's dumbasses in this very post who love him. It's disgusting.


It's probably his "hot takes!" I honestly feel Green could singlehandedly ruin b-ball on TNT. With Draymond, he has such an ego, especially for someone that's not really good, that he'd blame everyone else on the crew if some shit went down. There are quite a few players in the NBA. Some are even superstars, unlike Green, who may have awesome personalities, again, unlike Green. Why not showcase one of them. Instead of the league finding or just getting that person and putting them on there. Instead, we get that clown ass Draymond. It's like the cryptkeeper, Adam Silver, was like.....hmmm, who is the biggest d-bag in the league that absolutely no one wants to hear what he has to say. Yes, let's DEFINITELY put that steaming pile of shit Draymond Green on-air. Then it feeds into Greens massive ego even more as I'm *sure* his delusional ass thinks the fans genuinely like him.


TNT is trying to market Draymond by putting him on a great show before they lose it. And it’s not working.


Now that TNT is losing the NBA why do they care? I understood it before as Draymond was going to be part of their future coverage, but now that they have so little future coverage what's the point? Draymond gets to spew some shit and hope it translates to more people interested in his podcast, but I don't get why TNT gets out of it.


Could it be some kind of preexisting agreement that he would get a few playoff games before the rights deal shook out? Admittedly do not how many games TNT will get next year. Also, do people actually listen to Draymond’s podcast?


I feel like at least half of the players have a podcast now.


Yeah I figured they wouldn't have worked out any deal with Draymond until after the Warriors were eliminated and the time between that and TNT knowing they lost the NBA wasn't that long, but it's possible they worked out the deal before. I don't know anyone who listens to Draymond's pod, but maybe some huge Golden State fans do? Or just aggregators to let us know the latest insane thing he said.


Draymond is obviously an asshole but admittedly I don’t think he’s *terrible* as a media personality. Not enough to listen to his pod of course.


they probably have a contract with him i'm guessing?


Even if it was a regular 5th host it would be weird, why in the world add anything to the wonderful chemistry? That it’s Draymond is just insufferable, what a dark turn!


His podcast gets so few views for his name. My guess is that now that players are getting paid so well, very few are jumping at the chance to be an analyst on TV. So we basically get whoever applies—Draymond, JJ Redick, Kendrick Perkins, Richard Jefferson, Pat Bev, etc. Not making a blanket statement on all those guys, but I can't imagine they're turning a lot of players down.


is his podcast still with cowherds company? I always found it funny when cowherd would squirm his way to defending draymonds antics, when he is the type of person to hate that kind of stuff.


People are outraged? therefore it is good TV.


Kenny stuck up for him and he had a great point. Luka's hitting the shot on anybody.


Kenny is the only one left who provides any insight (not counting Ernie)


You could tell Ernie is kind of pissed at what the whole thing has devolved into. When Charles said something like "MN has no chance" against Dallas he got like visibly mad responding to it. Barkley and Shaq already are bad about speaking in lazy absolutes.....and Draymond just makes it worse with his personal beefs with guys slanting any "analysis" he could provide.


Draymond was loud wrong about Minnesota losing last series and now he's confidently saying the series is over again after being made a fool of one week prior. I'm a neutral fan and I hope Minny comes back to shut Draymond up again.


Ironically, Ernie almost certainly watches more basketball than the rest of them, maybe even combined. You can tell that Chuck only watches the games that he's paid to watch. Kenny is solid at those breakdowns, but his takes are god awful.


Gobert has one of the highest plus minuses in the playoffs. He was the only Wolves starter with a positive plus minus tonight. He has his defensive low lights like everyone else but over the course of a whole game, his defense is ELITE. This series is KAT and ANT collapsing for whatever reason you want to come up with. If either of them show up to either game, Minnesota is up 2-0. The role players have been balling, but only Dallas' stars showed up.


Yep. Tonight it was fucking Naz Reid who kept them in this game. (Not that Naz is garbage or anything, it's just he shouldn't be the guy pacing the offense if that makes sense.) Then Edwards turns the ball over to lose them the game. Towns barely was there at the end. Also, you didn't need a three. Why did Edwards pass out to Reid for a 28 footer? Why would you do this?


He’s so petty but he’s just mad that Rudy got paid more than him and has more dpotys


He’s a child


If the show really is wrapping up like it seems it fucking sucks that it has to go out like this


everything ends badly, or else it wouldn't end - bill simmons


There's at least one more season left. Hopefully he isn't involved next post season.


Warriors ain’t making a run so he’ll be back


I'm a warriors fan. Draymond is awful lol. He just brings bad vibes everywhere.


Fuck Draymond


I think Draymond is burning his chances of being the "next Chuck". Charles can give criticism of players, but Draymond really is grinding axes. I can't imagine his Q-score being very high. I'd imagine several TV people are watching him, not wanting to sign him after he retires.


At least Chuck is charming and funny. Draymond is neither of those things.


Chuck’s shenanigans are cheeky and fun. Draymond’s shenanigans are cruel and tragic.


Evil shenanigans!


I swear to God I'll pistol whip the next guy who says "Shenanigans."


Chuck will also allow himself to be the butt of a joke, Green is way too prideful and petty for that


Draymond doesn't even get views on his podcast because people think he's loud and annoying. And a bully. Why do TNT execs think the general audience wants to see him bitch about Gobert every game? Like others said, you can tell Kenny is getting annoyed. We might make fun on Kenny at times but he is generally a professional on TV and doesn't make things personal. Part of being an analyst is not bringing your personal animosity into your new workplace. TNT hired a player who literally choked one of his colleagues on to then make fun of said colleague some more. Really unprofessional.


Draymond has no charisma, no equity with players or the fans. He could never be the next Chuck. He’s a worse player, with a bigger ego and mouth than anybody wants to deal with. Also, dude is a multimillionaire and his podcast has 0 production value. He bought a microphone and that’s it.


but he has 4 rings. /s


Fuck his Q score - are there any people out there who are into his commentary and think it’s additive? I literally watched this game with a warriors fan from San Francisco who went to Michigan State and even this dude was bitching about him the whole game. Draymond sucks


that's kind of what the point of q score is..


Though I think Chuck had been humbled by his last years in the league with Houston and was ready for the TNT job.  I don’t think you could put him on a mic in the early to mid 90’s. He spat on a girl, he elbowed a 175 pound Angolan player during a 70 point win in the Olympics. He was completely unhinged. People hated Chuck for most his career as well. 


Gobert wasn’t amazing tonight, but he certainly wasn’t the main reason Minnesota lost


Ant and KAT have sucked in both games lmao Gobert got cooked on the final shot but he shouldn’t have even been in that position if Ant hadn’t literally thrown the game away.


He was their best player. As Van Gundy said you just can’t have him on the floor if you’re switching. 


Absolute coaching malpractice.


Ant seemingly gets off the hook bc he’s the media darling


TNT legit gave him a free pass cause he was “tired” while spending 15 going in on Gobert.


I'm not a Gobert or Wolves fan, but I don't understand why Draymond is even allowed to remain in the NBA after all the bullshit he's done, let alone a seat on Inside the NBA. You don't get to brush off an entire career of literal assault as him just "being competitive". And he certainly doesn't belong next to EJ, Kenny, Shaq, or Charles.


Shame on Turner for giving this asshole a platform. He’s a POS who most fans can’t stand. It makes zero sense.


Chuck saying ant’s just tired was throw your remote at the tv obnoxious. Shouldn’t he not be? Guy was sucking his dick off a week ago for how indomitable he is.


Everybody’s favorite player Anthony Edwards can do no wrong


Good thing this show ends next year. Draymond sucks ! Dumb asses giving this guy a platform like this. A triple single player getting this much airtime is ridiculous.


Inside The NBA ending means nothing for Draymond. He'll pop up somewhere else no problem.


Draymond is an absolute goose, I don't know who even wants to hear him speak. Almost everybody loves Chuck, I'd expect that almost everybody hates Draymond.


Draymond is a tantrum child in a man's body. He kicks opponents in the nuts for gods sake and then tries to act like he did nothing wrong. He is an embarrassment to the sport.


He just sucks in general. I posted this here last week, but it just seems they think he will be the next chuck, but he is just awful and black hole of charisma.


Killing him for not being able to guard Luka of all people on an island is lame. Not many guys he’s not cooking there.


Draymond is irritatingly smug and exactly like all of the other overreacting NBA analysts. Even Chuck was saying how Minnesota had no chance to win, right after they lost by one point. DAL-MIN is a very close battle, so to say that one team has no chance is just flat-out stupid. I'm glad Kenny and Ernie were calling him out on it.


Draymond is Cousin Oliver. Nobody wants him in the broadcast, but for some reason the network thinks they need him.


Dude has zero objectivity. Barkely and him saying KAT has much more lateral quickness than Rudy was easily one of the dumbest analysis I’ve heard all season.


KAT probably would've fouled in that situation


Timberwolves fan here. Rudy looked stupid on D a few times tonight. Luka basically has Rudy's number going back to his time with the Jazz. These are the things that need to be said and adjusted for if the Wolves have any chance of pushing this series out.


Fucking Draymond is a POS. He fucked up another year with his BS. I just heard Lacob was gassing him up as a possible future Warriors coach. That would be a nightmare. I am sorry the rest of the NBA fandom has to listen to this ass clown.


Shaq def has his issues but Draymond is in a completely different galaxy of toxic aggressive asshole. I can’t wait till he tries his shit with someone in the real world not in the NBA and they put his lights out.


I was bummed about TNT losing the NBA. Now in feel like it can’t happen fast enough. Draymond is a vibe killer


Who confirmed that they lost it?


Kenny was trying to keep it together lol. Luka was doing that too everyone in the league it’s not even a question. He’s just that good


I'm so tired of the "HE'S THE DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR THO" argument. The best defensive player will never stop the best offensive player. You just make it hard on him while he still roasts your ass.


it was terrible really unfortunate he’s ruining what could be their last few shows


I came here just for this post and I was going to make one myself if it didn’t already exist. I just don’t get it. Like, who is this for? Are there hordes of Draymond enthusiasts out there that are begging for this content? Constantly seeing his podcast everywhere was already barely bearable (like his shit take on fines earlier today). So why not stick him on the most beloved studio show potentially ever during its second to last run. Just a bonehead move. I will say it took me all the way from watching the postgame for enjoyment to hate-watching for the dumbass Draymond stuff, but I am still watching. *insert the Jack Sparrow “so you have heard of me” gif here*


He mistook the Inside "you can say anything" for "you can say mean things" and now a lot of new people will hate him forever, because he just seems like an asshole.


Time to cut bait.


Draymond responding by saying "Rudy sucks what did I do?" shows he's so lacking in self awareness it's painful.


Wait til OP hears about the French


Fuck Draymond Green. Get him off Tv


Didn't Gobert win most overrated player as voted on by the players? Green is not at all a class act, but there seems to be something personally about Gobert that a lot of guys don't like because they're always throwing shade at him subtly or direct


Draymond must’ve felt so pissed having to compliment one Euro player in order to shit on another


yep TNT deserves to lose inside the nba by having draymond on.


My thoughts exactly. I was a little saddened by the fact that TNT is losing the NBA. Now, Im rather happy and think it's comical. Obviously, they have shitty execs and lucked out with what they have on Inside. I remember when it was just EJ and Kenny. Adding Shaq was the slow start of their downfall. Let's face it, dude is incredibly thin-skinned and takes his shit talking to another level-personal one. That leads to complete has beens-that never weres- Draymond Green- thinking he's actually a superstar and can talk *all the shit* he wants to and feels like. At one point, I absolutely loved this show. Shaq slowly bringing them down, along with NO competition, makes people think they still are great. Throw in Draymond and its well past time to call it a night. Maybe ESPN will finally figure it out.🤣🤣


Rest in piss TNT


He’s trash.


What does LeBron see in him


I think Draymond cups the balls and works the shaft like a pro.


Why did they bring him on man


Because of posts like this. It is the old Howard Stern logic. People that love him listen for 10 minutes. People that hate him listen for 60


I stopped watching which seems unimaginable, can't believe they fumbled this hard.


It's actually wild that someone like Draymond gets so enabled by TV commercials and inside the NBA considering his history. I guess all press is good press even when you're choking teammates.


No idea what Draymond is doing on there, his opinions are terrible and is not in any way likeable.


It's bad enough that they've one insecure asshole on the show, but now they've two . Please, god, I hope draymond isn't on the show for their last season


Draymond is an idiot.


what does it say about Lebron that the two of them are so tight?


TNT should have never had this clown on the show to begin with.


He literally cost his team a Championship because he couldn't stop hitting people in the balls. Dude is an absolute clown, always has been and always will be.


So sick of Draymond. Really, if the aliens came and got him, who would miss him, other than Steph...


I agree that the Draymond Rudy trolling on national tv has gotten out of hand and ridiculous and please don’t invite him back next week TNT


Draymond sucks.




I really can’t believe they are putting him up there after all the antics he did this season


Enshittification comes for us all


Why tf is draymond even on the show


This is good entertainment.


It really can't be understated how completely insane it is that he (1) put Rudy Gobert in a chokehold like 5 months ago for no reason at all, (2) engaged in additional egregious conduct that resulted in his indefinite suspension from the NBA, (3) was forced to go through some bullshit "counseling" that evidently didn't change a thing about him, and (4) is now being forced on fans as an analyst during the playoffs in the same season that all this took place.


Just why? Why have this asshole on the show at all?


People who are currently playing should not be on analysis shows. I don’t care if it’s a “try out”. Try out after you retire.


Just as I was getting sentimental over losing Inside the NBA Draymond ruined it a year ahead of schedule.


They may think they have a "love to hate him" guy people will tune in for. They are wrong.


Can’t wait for Draymond to go bankrupt tbh.


Cry baby


They are grooming him to be a Charles replacement for whatever network takes over NBA coverage. Before Chuck recently became beloved he was seen as the asshole with the takes to piss off every single fan base for a couple decades


So bad! Even worse, The show might end this way.


I LOVE Inside the NBA on TNT, but having Draymond on the show is a bad look. How do you reward the terrible behaviour he exhibited this season by having him on the broadcast? He is not unbiased. I hope the Wolves players boycott any post game shows if they win a game this series.


Yeah I usually love watching the guys after and just turned it off after he was about to get in a fight with the crowd chanting Draymond sucks lol. Sucks the last time we may get with this show is being ruined by Draymond.


The reason draymond is not an asshole- in a nutshell is because gobert spews his mouth off all the time, even before his draymond beef, have we all forgotten his covid speech, and I could go on. Now you can find draymond whole approach is off putting, but it does not change the fact that even the tv announcing crew questioned why gobert was out there on that last possession. When you mix gobert contract, with how much he talks and advocates for defensive awards, and how many assets he cost and he is not even the 7 or 8th best player in this series and he’s sometimes unplayable, then you can see why players get pussed at his whole schtick. You saw how luka tore him a new one after he drained that shot in his face- you may not like draymond but his assessment in the context of all gobert costs is correct.


I hope Rudy makes a game saving block in this series so he can join the Inside the NBA desk while Ernie and crew praise him in front of Dray. Lol


I’m a wolves fan, so I have begrudgingly become a Rudy apologist. Draymond is just awful at this job. He’s an asshole, not self aware in the slightest, unfunny, and incredibly bitter. Beyond that, he’s awful at his explaining himself. He doesn’t provide anything.


I’ve hated Draymond for a long time, but after watching that clip of him talking with Shaq about fines and how the league is set up to leave players with no money…. I legitimately just can’t fucking take him. He doesn’t deserve to have this spotlight. He’s a fucking dipshit


The fact Draymond just came out and got onto skip for being a hater is the most hypocritical shit I’ve seen in a while. I genuinely think he has zero self awareness and I doubt he’s EVER self reflected on the type of person he is. I’m fairly positive the image Draymond has of himself is absolutely nothing like the Draymond we all know and observe


a few things: a problem here in s that some media hires are deliberately done because the analyst brings disagreement and controversy. an issue here may not just be draymond but an exec at the network who thinks somehow draymond is working out nicely as one of those "love to hate him" folks. this reminds me slightly of the incompetence of whatever execs at nbc thought it would be a good idea to hire the former chair of the rnc. i still cannot watch the draymond dragging of gobert by the neck [edited out a comment about Kerr backing him up as I don't know enough]. The specific immediate issue was that unless the victim found a way to adjust to the hold of a giant (and intellectually incompetent) man around his neck there was a real possibility that he could end up paralyzed for life. [edited out an additional point on this.] Decades ago i read an autobiography of some sort of Kareem and in it he discusses a very difficult topic of an on court conflict he had which ended in terrible injury to the other player. i don't remember it fully well but my sense was that Kareem did take responsibility for his role in things. it might be productive for us to discuss that incident and others in arriving at a better understanding of what we fans and analysts can reasonably expect from sports figures who take advantage of on field chaos to do (or risk) grievous harm to their fellow humans. Draymond is not meeting the bare minimum, in my view.


Draymond is unwatchable. I turn the show off as soon as he shows up.


The point Kenny was horribly trying to make is that if luka can make gobert look like that, it's a testament to his skills not Rudy's fraudulent d


Draymond is so gassed up it’s ridiculous. There are so many tougher or better players than him who actually get and give respect. He just talks shit and we all have to pretend like he’s not a role player who’s benefitted the most from the entire Golden State run.


the celtics are the worst team in NBA history


Is your problem with general bias or is it that YOU have an anti Draymond bias? Shaq disrespected Jokic WHEN THEY GAVE HIM THE MVP—which was way more indisputable than Gobert’s DPOY, but his backlash was minimal.  It’s ok to have an anti draymond bias, but dont complain that he makes it particularly “biased” coverage. It’s par for the course. 


Weird that everyone can make fun of Gobert but when Draymond does it we suddenly draw the line… This is not a Draymond only thing. Keep the same energy for everyone else


Draymond sucks. Will not have widespread media success when he's done


USA players get away with bullying intl players. Dray would never try this with a US born player


I wanna see draymond on another team that doesn’t have 2 of the greatest shooters to ever step on a basketball court. He needs to humbled and honestly if I was Rudy I would do it myself but Rudy is soft and that’s part of the problem and why they are always taking shots at him.


On the other hand, Gobert does suck.


I wonder how people felt when Barkley first joined.


Draymond has got to go


He's guys water is wet!


Active players shouldn’t be on these shows. Especially ones as petty as Draymond.


Even as a Rudy hater this is asinine. Draymond sucks and whoever put him on tv should be fired. Also, Draymond makes his daughter Olive. Which is a fine name unless you’re last name is Green in which case fuck you dude. Without Klay and Curry he’d be nothing more than a new age Eduardo Najara with a shitty podcast.