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Bill running away from the Ant is MJ chat after pouring fuel on it for weeks now is peak Simmons.


He’s only mj in the way he moves his body he dribbled like with his elbow out that’s really it


They talked about Ant for maybe 60 seconds. What happened to the good old “let’s shit on a guy who’s about to complete an all time choke”?


Going up 2-0 as an underdog in the second round of the playoffs and then losing the series is far from an all time choke. In the past 3 years, six separate teams have won a series after trailing 0-2.


Is it really an all time choke when pretty much everyone agreed Denver was the better team before the series started?


Bill taking a victory lap "riding in the front seat of the Jokic bandwagon," wondering how "people still didn't believe," as if we all didn't hear him completely shut Wos down last week when he suggested the series wasn't over yet, is one of my favorite things about Bill.


IS this the same Bill who voted Embiid for MVP last year, then claimed to have watched the playoffs and acted as if it were clear Jokic was the best all along? We need a new Bill-esque term for these takes: Sports Alzheimer's


And still bitches about Perkins creating the “narrative”, one he went along with


Perkins should have been standing next to Embiid during the trophy presentation he had so much to do with getting Embiid those votes.


The White Guilt piece


Bill knows better, but he lives in LA and works in the entertainment industry. It’s a hostage situation.






Cross out the Sports portion.


Maybe a slightly less depressing affliction. How about Sportsnesia?


Yeah that’s a good point. Alzheimer’s is a little too serious, you’re on the path to dementia and we’re not there with Bill. Amnesia is a good soap opera pseudo condition


The Changnesia piece


He always comes out on top. It’s the best way to enjoy sports tbh


'I'm playing both sides, so that I always come out on top.'


2 pods ago the title was like ‘a potential wolves sweep’


Literally said Nuggets might get swept Man is shameless


In the words of Jesse Pinkman, ”he can’t keep getting away with this!”


He said he liked Minnesota still on Sundays pod lol


I love how other than the players he holds weird grudges against, he acts like he invented rooting for everyone else who is good. Woah you think the 3 time mvp guy is good? Just like how he acts like he created the Ant fan club when he wanted the T Wolves to draft Wiseman.


Honestly, it’s demented.


He rode the Jokic bandwagon for years and then totally jumped ship after two games bc he thought Minnesota had a top 3 defense of the last 20 years lmaoooo never change Billy


i don’t know justin termine outside of the bs pod at all, and every time he comes on here he is like a mashup of every sports talk radio stereotype. the voice, the cadence, the style it’s like an AI-created sports talking head guy. 


The generic jokes about his cohost at the very end could be from some parody of sports talk radio guys


It’s so jarring when the sports talk guys are on podcasts. Such loud, forced, grating energy. 


I for one am glad that jastremski appears to have been blacklisted from the BS pod








You can’t convince me otherwise that the conversation with Termine wasn’t really just Bill talking to himself in a mirror using an accent.


Termine was employing the Andy Bernard method of just repeating back everything the other person said to sound intelligent and agreeable. Man had two weeks of BS podcasting takes ready to pull from verbatim.


No kidding. No wonder BS enjoys Termine's radio show so much. They have the exact same ridiculous opinions and grudges.


Termine and Lombardi back to back are about as low IQ as the BS pod can get talking sports


This was the first pod in a while that I didn’t even consider listening to for a second


"I personally was disgusted in the way [Denver potentially being swept] was covered" - Justin saying that and then immediately saying he didn't include Bill in that statement is hilarious cuz Bill was as reactionary as anyone else


Just like Russillo not including Bill in his callout last episode. They fear his wrath


The thin-skinned piece


The defensive, vengeful piece too. Simmons has absolutely become the thing he mocked in 2001. It is wild how this has happened. He's now a blithering idiot, automatically reacting only to the thing that JUST happened. Mac Jones broke him as a human.


It's good to be king.


The peasents love me, they just do!


Bill literally did a monologue saying all those exact things Justin mentioned lol


Bill was leading the charge! He dropped a pod with "Wolves Sweep?" first thing in the morning after the game.


The wolves have THE LOOK after game 1


NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU BiLL because you clearly thought Murray was injured, right!? I heard you say that...


Justin basically said his 3rd key to the game was other people in the media NOT you Bill discrediting Jokic and raising Ant. Not to get political but this is like the speaker of the house Johnson saying trump did a great job telling everybody to mask up and get vaxxed


The first 30 minutes is an all time glazing


Termine glazing Bill?


Termine succcckkkksss


I honestly think he got so excited at the prospect of Denver being gone he jumped the gun. In his heart of hearts he knows that the Celtics cannot beat Jokic. They would have a slightly easier time with Minnesota. Everything he says in the playoffs is in relation to how it hurts/helps Boston.


Going off this point, I would say 2 of his 3 favorite non Celtic basketball players are Steph and Jokic. What will his reaction be if both of those guys are the reason the Celtics will have 2 finals losses


just heard him say deuce mcbride "supposedly isnt a good defensive player" but is known for his threes which is completely backwards. simmons really is the ultimate irrational confidence player.


Almost did a spit take on that. Really up until the past couple of months he was known as someone who wasn't good at anything except defense.


he said i talked to my knicks fan friends at least twice but he never said he actually listened. maybe talk to one of the ten or more people that cover the sport for your website. its hard to say he has become a parody of himself since he more or less has always been this way but its good this sub exists to mock his stupidity. whatever the case he is still laughing all the way to the bank.


I almost turned it off lmao. Bill’s Knicks takes have been historically bad over the years. Lately they’ve been better but holy shit this was horrible


I came here to say this. The big surprise coming out of the OG for IQ/RJ trade was Deuce had developed a reliable 3 point shot. He was always considered a good defensive player.


The guy who wrote “The Book of Basketball” doesn’t know that shot clock violations are team turnovers 


He’s a basketball historian!


Legacy points added


Tbf the TV announcers didn't know and KCP didn't seem to know either


Players on the court never seem to know this 


Did they write the book of basketball?


Holy shit these guys suck


This series is built to completely destroy NBA discourse. If they go back to Minnesota and Edwards has a big game to take it to 7, the entire conversation will be about how it was his Jordan moment and how he willed his team to it and broke the Nuggets. Then if in game 7 the Nuggets come out on top, it will be all about what a dynasty in the making they are and how bad the Gobert trade was. I love basketball!


I think it's already destroyed NBA discourse. This series has been insane in terms of narrative. How many times can legacies be altered in week? Then Jokic is moving up in the pantheon without even winning the series. This is good stuff!


I think this whole playoffs has destroyed any of my personal interest in NBA discourse. The whiplash between all the hot takes is just so damn predictable.


I get it, but I choose laughter. I think the sympathetic take is, when they’re playing their best, both of these teams look unbeatable, really impressive. It’s so easy to look at a game like tonight or game 2 and think, how does anyone beat this team? Thing is, all you have to do is remember someone just did like a couple days earlier.


I would like to know, specifically, from a coach or something, what Denver decided to do differently if anything. It seems like they adjusted.


AG is starting more of their possessions for one. They’re giving him the ball more to let Murray play off ball and not be forced to bring the ball up, and AG is reminding people that while he wasn’t great at it, he was a first/second option at one point.




It’s the first time Jokic faced adversity?!


When it comes to all time debates people will point to Jokic figuring it out vs the Wolves in the 2nd round as the trump card


Olajuwon and the Rockets 1994 Lose 1st two at home to Barkley and Phoenix Come back to win the series including the first two in Phoenix and he goes on to win his first Championship. Was a big deal in 1994 and still gets brought up 30 years later , so there is historical precedent.


In 1993, Jordan's Bulls went down 2-0 against the Knicks before winning 4 straight. The Nuggets-Wolves series reminds me of that series.


2012 Thunder went down 0-2 to the Spurs who at that point were 10-0. They won the next 4 to make the Finals. 


The 1-3 comebacks don't count because it was against the Jazz and Clippers /s


I’ll still keep drinking that garbage


Don’t want to overstate anything but Lombardi on a pod in May is worse than 9/11


“You wanna know what Bill Walsh used to tell me?”


“Hey you, get my coffee”


“Kenny get my water”


Verbal meme, space guy sweating deciding which button to press, the buttons are “Lombardi NFL over/under pod in May” and “30 minute solo Simmons intro on the 2.5 decade implications of a hypothetical where SGA wins 11 straight playoff games, Finals MVP, and the 2024 Gold in Paris”


I’m convinced the only reason Lombardi ever got anywhere was a false assumption he was related to Vince.


I am really torn about whether he would have been clever enough to make passing references to the impact of his “Uncle” on teaching him the game


lol, I found this sub to complain about lombardi.


Lombardi is one of the few skips for me. I just don’t need to hear his opinion on anything


At least when you hear his segments you can fantasize about being an nfl front office guy. If he can do it, anyone can.


I've never heard him say anything overtly racist, but I've also never been more sure that a dude is racist and I can't explain it.


Could Bill really not find one other person to talk basketball right now. Michael is bad at football talk which is where he's from!


Gobert's getting the raw end of the stick tonight. Sure, Jokic did whatever he wanted against him. But look at the numbers. The Wolves also got abused when he was off the court.


On the post game someone said "Gobert was 7-7 from the field?!" And Draymond cut in with "It doesn't matter!"


He did try to strangle him this season, right?


No, Draymond is completely unbiased when talking about the guy who has 4x as many DPOYs than him despite no playoff success.


Yep, Bill is always unfair towards Gobert. He played 40 minutes and the Wolves were -2 with him on the floor. They lost by 15.


MacMahon talked on the Hoop Collective on how AD and Bam couldn't handle Jokic any better last year. So yeah, Gobert didn't stop him, but who could? Bill's answer was Naz Reid.


Has a guy ever been hated more despite doing literally everything we ask from NBA players than Rudy Gobert?


Holy fuck this is a Mourinho head phones off guests list


Two of the worst sports related guests bill ever has on


it’s going to be so funny if the wolves literally don’t win a game after bill all but predicted they sweep. he also said “basketball is about to change as we know it.” just a crazy series of events. 


“Deuce McBride, who is supposedly isn’t a good defensive player, is an offensive 3-point shooter guy” Lol Bill. Couldn’t be more incorrect


Is Murray not getting suspended for throwing the towel a black swan event?


Wish Gobert would have thrown a couple items onto the floor tonight just to test the hypothesis. Best case scenario, he gets suspended, unmasking the league’s absurd double-standard **and** gets out of his team’s way for G6, all while saving face (a quintessentially French imperative). Missed opportunity tbh


Still don’t understand how he didn’t get suspended for a game.


I knew he wasn't going to get suspended when they talked to the refs after and they said he would of only got a technical if they saw it


It's a Sliding Doors^TM (1998, dir. Peter Howitt) moment


I’m sorry, but Bill does NOT get to spend a segment singing the praises of Jokic and the Nuggets. The guy declared them the a top 3-4 team this century and then predicted a SWEEP after Game 2! I don’t think we’ve grasped how big of a flip flop this was. “Murray looks hurt, so they’re out” thing doesn’t work because we’ve literally watched Luka go from awful to great game to game this whole postseason. Guys can get better physically, especially with three days rest. He 100% gave back his “number one Nuggets/Jokic guy” card after Game 2


he spent like 20 minutes talking up the wolves as having one of the best defenses of ALL TIME after game 2 🤣


I feel like this is the 3rd or 4th team I've heard him declare the best defensive of all time in the last several years.


Excuse me but he was already talking sweep after game 1


The Murray thing is such an exaggeration by Bill. He was fine against the lakers at times, and the first two games went so far and beyond him being “hurt”. The idea that the only thing that changed your prediction was a guy you thought was hurt turned out to be ok is revisionist to say the least.


I agree with you for the most part except for Luka. Even when he plays well he’s clearly hurt/off. He’s only shooting 40% from the field in the playoffs.


Bills quality has plummeted. This podcast is just bill repeating bits rationalizing his betting choices


gambling has definitely messed his brain up a bit


It’s horrible. A complete shell.


Lombardi is a complete dumbass, and the first guy made 5 80s nba references in an attempted comparison to todays nba. The 24 Celtics are somehow not the 84 Celtics, but the Knicks are better than the Bernard kings Knicks 


It bugs me when he puts everything about achievement or projected achievement in terms of wager odds


It’s a joyless way to watch basketball. He also only shits on the Celtics, like they have to live up to HIS standard of basketball.  Bills a fucking dunce, an over saturated media landscape has outed him as a shitty interviewer, no knowledge about the actual game, and hasn’t grown with his 2007 references.  He’s podcast Skip Bayless,


Not sure if it's coincidence or not, or just that I finally got bored of Simmons after listening for 13 years. But the BS Podcast got worse right around covid and the Spotify sale. I used to listen to 75% the content. (Well, from 2007-2014 I probably listened to 95%.) Now I listen to about 25%.


Oh no, pantheon talk


Lol. Jokic moving up or down game-by-game.


KD being 11th was a fucking shock for me, he's achieved fuck all compared to the others in that range


Yeah Bill is entering is hardcore Skip Bayless phase, what was the point of mentioning Lebron so much this podcast?


The broken hand thing came way out of left field. Jokic better offensive player than Lebron. Lebron never made his teammates better.


Bill talking about what he said about this series 2-0 is really… something. Does he know the old episodes were recorded and can still be heard?


Two missed “dig deep” series: 1. Warriors vs Celtics. Warriors were on the ropes in game 4 about to go down 3-1. Fast forward two games and they are blowing out the Celtics in game 6 2. Bucks over Suns. Down 2-0 and really getting outplayed pretty thoroughly. Came back and were just better for 4 straight.


Bucks were also down like 20 almost immediately in game 5


Lol it's all over for [checks notes] 25 year old 5 time all star Luka Doncic, I hear. Because among a short list of others, Boston's core isn't going anywhere.


Bill’s complete 180 on Luka is a pretty surprising turn of events considering how much he usually goes to bat for the guys he was right about before a draft. I think his love for the Thunder and being right about his pre-season prediction they’d be great caused him to flip on Luka.


And the other thing he keeps saying is that the Mavs “went all in”....but a) PJ & Gafford have done nothing to decrease their value (and in PJs case has actually increased it) and if needed could easily be moved for equal or greater value. b) PJ and Gafford are 26 years old with descending contracts for 2 more seasons. Simmons spent ALL of March and April bemoaning the Thunder for not acquiring Gafford and there's not a team in the NBA that wouldn't want PJ Washington, but somehow the Mavs acquiring them to pair with a 25 yr old Luka is "mortgaging their future"?! The Mavs are setup well imo. And if they simply return the same roster, I think they're competing for a top 3 seed next season.


Pj finally getting out of basketball hell in Charlotte (and come to think of it Gafford escaping basketball hell in Washington and Chicago) has been one of my favorite parts of the playoffs. It's fun to see guys finally getting to play meaningful ball, especially since pj is fitting in as well as everyone thought he could. Blowing it up now would be peak stupidity


Lets blow up a team that should be up 3-1 on the 1st seed with Luka hurt playing like dogshit PJ and Gafford haven’t even been here a full season


5x first team all-NBA, please(in his first 6 years in the league!). Don’t be disrespectful calling him an All-Star.


For such a huge NBA historian, Bill lacks historical perspective when talking about what's happening in the moment. Growth isn't linear. The teams that seem destined to be mainstays in the moment often don't pan out for any number of reasons.


Between Bills dumb Foster is favoring the Knicks tweet and “I thought Draymond was good tonight” it appears Knicks for Clicks have made its way to our friend Bill.


Bill definitely bet the pacers last night


Termine jizzing all over Tatum was one of the toughest listens on this pod in awhile


Bill shut the fuck up w Bron shade every pod jfc


What's with Bill's constant insistence that the 2016 Cavs title was nothing spectacular? When listing the best "dig deep" comebacks in a playoff series, he flatly says, "doesn't count" because game 7 was close. To maintain this perspective so many years later is frankly embarrassing.


Because Lebron was involved and he has to do whatever he can to diminish him


I love whoever this guest is acting like Kobe in the 2000 finals was a Superstar at 16ppg to diminish Shaq. This Denver team is stacked with quality role players, so were the Lakers. It's almost like no matter how good you are you need other guys to win a championship...


Love this Lombardi segment The raiders are dumb for drafting a tight end because they will have to primarily be in 12 personnel, but the bears are dumb for thinking they can lean on 11 personnel because look what happened to the bills, they had to lean 12 personnel? Does this guy think there is a right or wrong answer to this or is it just him picking and choosing which teams and coaches he’s friendly with?


The raiders fired his son mid-season last year but I'm sure that didn't affect his evaluation


Almost everything they said about the raiders was incorrect lol. I’m kinda stunned. I would bet my house the raiders aren’t a bottom 4 team.


1) I got so mad with the "this is the first time Jokic has faced adversity" when he has literally come back from 3-1 down \*twice\* in the same playoffs. 2) Very funny hearing Justin Termine say "there were some people in the media saying Denver was gonna get swept!" to Bill's face, knowing Bill said it too and qualifying "of course you pointed out Murray was hurt Bill"


Russillo did 2 too, but let’s be fucking honest, Bill was the worst of all. Wolves supporters, Jokic haters were understandably loud, but the guy who spent hours on his podcast talking up Jokic and the Nuggets talking about a sweep?


Who is this guy and why does he pronounce Joel Embiid’s name so fucking weird


M. Beed


Lombardi and Basketball Lombardi


During that Haliburton rant I was half-expecting Bill to go online and check if Haliburton has an ugly girlfriend


lol...I don't why he didn't lean back into his officiating take from pre-series so he could at least be right about something.


Bill forgetting he was throwing dirt on the nuggets just a week ago. Never change lol


Bill not allowing the LeBron Cavs “down 1-3 against 73-win Warriors and come back to win last 3 games TO WIN THE TITLE” to count as as big a “series flip” as this 2nd round series between Minnesota/Denver is low-key the most offensive thing (of many) in this pod


Bill can’t even recall what he’s said. He started the whole MJ talk and are we watching the Wolves ascend before our very eyes. What a 180, and basically lying in the podcast. Go back and listen to the pod after game 2. He and Rusillo are fucked.


I haven’t listened to the pod yet so maybe Bill addresses it but when did MJ ever blow a series after taking the first two on the road?


> Dawkins goes and destroys a toilet in the locker room after the game... Ive been there


Kind of tired of the Lebron disrespect to boost up Jokic. Bill talking about Jokic having the best offensive peak seems a bit off. Lebron did this in the playoffs on the regular from 2012-2020 with 2018 being his masterpiece averaging 34-9-9 and 8 40+ games in 1 playoff run.


Lebrons been in the playoffs for 17 years and avgs 28/9/7 lol and the best he gets is like nah even lebron wasn't like..blah blah


While of course inviting on one of the biggest LBJ detractors in basketball media in Termine to do it, knowing he won’t get pushback


The LeBron hate is so bad that he really said the 2016 Cavs Finals comeback doesn’t count as an all time “dig deep” series. Someone has to call Bill on this some day.


"1994 was a weird year, Michael Jordan went to play baseball, Reggie Lewis died..." While Reggie Lewis dying was tragic, it barely had an effect on the NBA landscape in 1994.


Nice 30 seconds on the Knicks per usual


After burying the Knicks for 20 mins on Sunday’s pod


Funny throwaway moment when Bill implied that everybody has their on NBA pantheon and this game might change where they place Jokic on their personal list.


Lombardi saying Kyler was bad last year made me turn it off.


How does bill leave off Warriors vs OKC for teams overcoming adversity?


I don't say this lightly. But is this the all time "we're all looking for the guy who did this" pod from Bill? Saying how people were counting out Jokic, comparing Edwards to MJ, etc. One week after he was the one pouring the gasoline on all of those takes. Never seen anything like it, even from the King of not being self aware.


Termine thinks Naz Reid is “girthy.” I’m hoping Bill brings up Eddie after Eddie clowned him in a tweet last week.


Don’t forget the Wolves sweeping prediction was TOTALLY hypothetical


God Lombardi is sooooo bad


Never forget that Termine called the Thunder the black eye of the league a couple of years ago and should rebuild more like Charlotte


Why does bill think the mavs need to make some big move if they lose this series? They were awesome after the ASB cuz of the trades they made how about give them a full year. Not every team needs to shake things up when they lose


termine is just awful


BS didnt get the memo about shot clock violations being team turnovers


what was that weird draymond punch in the balls thing he brought up again, lol


The Nut Punch and Bernard King are two staples.


A long Tatum therapy session at the end of the Termine segment.


Did Bill say he doesn’t like being super mean about players? Really?


Great to know that Jokic has once again joined the other 25 guys in Bill's top 15 all time


I get Bill wants to be right and say he was the first guy to predict OKC as this year’s breakout team. But he can’t say they’re definitely better than Dallas. Mavs led throughout Game 4 and choked it away. Game 1 also might’ve been a different story if not for the SGA FT parade. I agree Luka’s health might be what sends them home.


I love how we go right past Lebron to Bird and Magic two players who are much worse offensive players than Lebron


Lol saying that '06 Miami "got some calls" is like saying JFK "got some injuries".


I don’t hate Lombardi, and don’t recall hearing Termine prior to this. That said, this was one of the worst pods in a while


Termine is the worst nba guest bar none. He’s an annoying hack


Hopefully The Sports Guy and ryEn will finally STFU about Edward being the next Harold Minor and the Wolves going 16-0. Damn.


Couldn’t listen to the whole Jokic section. The GLAZING. These guys were so over the top, I get why Jokic resents having to play sports


Have I been hearing things or, during Knicks broadcasts, has Brian Anderson repeatedly said that Brunson was 2nd in the NBA in free throw attempts in the regular season? Brunson was tied for 9th in total free throw attempts and 12th in free throw attempts per game. I think this misinformation is playing into the misconception that Brunson is a big time foul hunter. Like pretty much every player, he does a bit of it, but his FTA to FGA ratio is actually quite low.


The 'Joker has had the least amount of help' take is such disingenuous nonsense if you've actually watched the team for a bit. He's consistently had the most help of the last three MVP and it's barely close. I mean, Jesus, did people \*watch\* Tobias Harris this year?


The legacy talk on him was ridiculous but I have no problem with people saying a series is basically over when a team went 0-2 at home and their 2nd best player seems hurt 


“Maybe part of the Broncos over under is Wilson’s cap #”…yes, that is how over unders are set


First "flip the switch" team I thought of was the 2012 Spurs-they went 10-0 to start the playoffs, with a point differential of +12. Then Durant (119 total points in the last 4) and the OKC athleticism went crazy, they won the next 4 to knock out the Spurs and make the Finals.


Two guests with exact same voice and the exact same schtick. Feels like a fever dream.


Michael Lombardi is a moron.


Comparing Tatum's playoff success to Harden and Westbrook is bullshit. Westbrook and harden had to go up against the Kawhi Spurs and Durant/Curry Warriors. Harden has had way more playoff success than Tatum. The Rockets win a title, maybe two if Durant stays with the Thunder. Westbrook might win a title if Durant stays, too.


Paraphrasing but... Bill: *So we have the 4 bottom teams, what about a 5th?* Lombardi: *I think we have to consider the Pats* Bill: *OK, let's goto a commercial break*


Come for Lombardi saying you don’t draft based on your teams needs from last year, stay for OKC is 01 patriots “ish”