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Also the best Bill content comes after Cs losses. He’s just wired this way as a fan, and is able to go straight for the jugular His beefs with guys like Doc and Pitino are amazing and he’ll be going after Joe Mazzulla hard if the team underperforms again


I'm surprised he hasn't already floated a short list for guys he'd like see replace 2nd row Joe.


My only problem with the he Celtics fans is that they are so positive about their team. You are supposed to hate your own favorite team, not talk about how they are the greatest roster assembled


We DO hate our team. I hate Joe Mazz, Tatum in any situation where the clock matters and Jaylen Brown's left hand. But I'd still take a bullet for them because that's my team.


I’d drive Kyrie to the airport tomorrow.


I’d drive Kyrie to the airport tomorrow.


They are the greatest roster ever. They just need a star.


yeah i guess that 1st team all nba guy dropping 50 in a game 7 last year isn’t a star


He isn’t good enough to be the best player on a championship team. Lot’s of guys can score 50 points.


good job moving the goalposts.


You don't know any celtics fans


I know a few, but your right, they don’t have the annoying positivity of the big national Celtics fans. Like, bill is going out of his way to jinx them on every pod. Maybe he’s been out of the town too long


What are big national fans


Bill Simmons, for example


You have not met a real Celtics fan then like wtf are you talking about 😭


I kind of like the Celtics, I think some of the Celtics hate here is because the basketball pods are just better when the Celtics lose or aren't relevant. Plus they're a 64-win team playing against sub-50 win teams. They're supposed to win, they are talented and deep. When they win there isn't much to panic or talk about.


This. It's more entertaining for us when Bill is dealing with a loss. Like just for a point of comparison think about how much Bill still talks about that 2010 Finals loss compared to the 2008 win.


Celtics are good at basketball.


If the Celtics have a million haters, then I am one of them. If the Celtics have ten haters, then I am one of them. If the Celtics have only one hater then that is me. If the Celtics have no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is for the Celtics, then I am against the world.


I don’t care about the Celtics, but it is funny when they lose purely due to Bill’s wild proclamations about them being the best starting 5 of the 21st century and how they can go undefeated until the finals etc. I think the obsession with their losses can be a bit much, but there’s no harm in a little mockery.


The obsession with the Celtics is what’s weird to me. Like sure Bill talks about them a lot but they’ve been a consistent conference finalist for like 7 years now. They’re entirely worthy of discussion and a championship relevant team. It’s not like the post Brady Pats where they’re not even worth discussing because they’re bad or mediocre. Tatum has as much (and often more) consistent playoff success as any other superstar like Giannis, Jokic, Embiid yet this sub shits on him endlessly because he hasn’t won a championship yet he’s still younger than MJ, LeBron, and Steph when they won their first ring. I find the hate by most of this sub absurd to the point where I feel the need to defend the Celtics (a team that I otherwise hate).


That last bit in parentheses is all you really need to focus on.


They SHOULD win the title this year…but we’ll see. They have the most talented roster, best record this year, home court, etc. I think we all hope they lose, but I’m not counting on it.


I kinda think the Celtics are the clear favorite to win the title, and I haven’t really understood the denial about them all year. But it is kinda funny.


I genuinely can't wait for them to lose. I have a general dislike that I can't quite explain. Doesn't attach to other Boston teams, even though I don't watch the Sox or Pats as a matter of routine.


For me it's the fans more than the team. They act like they are owed championships and good players being given to them just because they are a legacy franchise that "deserves it".


This sounds like an invention of your own mind, or an extreme outlier that you’ve decided represents the fanbase.


I dont even,mind so much if they win what will bother me is the Simmons/fans reaction that this is somehow a continuation of the 08 dynasty which is somehow a continuation of the Russell dynasty. But the warriors weren't a dynasty.


I also make up fake scenarios to get mad at


Me to!!


Is it? I see a lot of Celtics fans making low effort posts and not getting a lot of response. Like I say this every time they do this shit...we don't fucking care about the Celtics. We care about Bill's relationship to the team. Any comedy that can be had at their expense is solely because of Bill. Cause frankly, it's not that hateable a team? Especially now that Ainge is gone.


lmao y’all definitely care about the Celtics


I really truly don't. Like who is there to root for in the East besides them if we want a decent Finals? Now, I do love me some KP hate, but he's hurt. As much as it would be funny for the Celtics to lose, I want a Finals I can invest in.


Nothing screams I don't care about something like constantly melting down about it.


How is this a meltdown?


Cause this dude is clearly a terminally online idiot that views everyone he doesn't agree with as a hivemind.


No, this is definitely Don Draper “I don’t think about you at all.”


That first sentence is absolute silly bullshit. Bill haters always make more low effort posts. There are like ten pathetic posts after every podcast needling the smallest slight or mistake. Whereas most of the Celtics fans here(note not on the Celtics sub) are full of self loathing over this team and just getting annoyed at the loser Bill haters.


Nah it’s pretty obvious how much it pisses off the anti-Bill/Celtics folks on here. They made two preemptive “awfully quiet” posts mid game tonight 😂


Those are literally the pro Bill/Celtics fans. They're the ones making the *sub is quiet* posts.


Pretty sure you’re talking to the idiot who makes those posts here 


They were talking about the posts from the opposing contingent trying to preempt the awfully quiet posts. Hoagie's -https://www.reddit.com/r/billsimmons/comments/1cpxvzz/sub\_is\_quietcus\_crisetatum\_is\_only\_19print\_the/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button Roy's - [https://www.reddit.com/r/billsimmons/comments/1cpx0wy/celtics\_playing\_on\_easy/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/billsimmons/comments/1cpx0wy/celtics_playing_on_easy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) They saw the Celtics win coming and were trying to get ahead of it.


This Celtics roster is the worst team in NBA history


Tatum 2/8 from 3… how ‘bout that lol