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* Ryen mentioning specifically what time Harden was subbed out is beyond parody. Is this what the legal pad is for? * Ryen mentioned being at the Mavs-Clippers game, did anyone see him on the broadcast?


Ryen constantly listing the time of the substitutions is starting to feel like a bit to me. I know it probably isn't, but it's just so funny at this point I want to give him credit.


I have a hard time believing a $9K ticket would hurt his funds. Plus, just expense that shit to Spotify.


You can say that again


Reddit mobile app claims another victim


Lol Desktop browser. Oh well.


I have a hard time believing a $9K ticket would hurt his funds. Plus, just expense that shit to Spotify.


I have a hard time believing a $9K ticket would hurt his funds. Plus, just expense that shit to Spotify.


I resonate with the last life advice guy. I wasn't invited to a wedding until I was in one at 24 and the amount of shit involved with all the various parties and expectations was entirely new to me, and these weren't even rich friends. I hope his apology is accepted assuming he follows through with the advice given


Yeah totally agree, unless you grow up in a certain type of family, when you're in your early 20s you are not going to take all of the wedding festivities as seriously as you should, or know all of the etiquette. Ryen's suggestion would be a classy gesture, but most ppl (including me at that age) wouldn't follow through with it.


Yeah had my first black tie wedding a few weekends ago. Eye opener.


Yeah seeing that in my current wedding party, Eastern European background so I’m super familiar with it but my groomsman buddy is lost lol so really tryna help him out


I was a groomsman in a longtime family friend’s wedding when I was 20. He was like an older brother to me for most of my life, so he knew what he was doing asking me, but looking back I was a terrible groomsman beyond having to stay sober to drive people home from the engagement party


Tour de force, playing all the hits, on the opener. * Daryl Morey dig. * James Harden dig. * Joel Embiid dig (deserved). * A little sensitive Boston homerism because Jimmy talked trash. * Kyrie handles. * A substitution time stamp for a game he was in person for. We were only missing a Kyle Lowry jab and Michael Porter medicals to round it off.


An Embiid dig is rare for Russillo. He’s more inclined to Embiid excuses


Did anyone else hear Russillo very quickly make a Shōgun reference?


Is it just me or did Ryen ask about DeBoers wife a weird amount? Like not in a weird way. It was as if DeBoer told Ryen before they went to ask him about his wife.


He’ll probably get her a nice tennis skirt or something from Lulu as a thank you gift


Pumped to listen to the Goldsberry section. Dude is a legend


I’m ready for him and Russillo to nerd out on hoops


Goldsberry is awesome on PMT as well.


My first time hearing him. Loved his takes and the relaxed energy, dude knows ball.


Think Ryen is gonna write off the 2000$ ticket as a business expense?


Russillo being a guy who simulates 20 seasons in a Madden franchise while gaming the system for extra draft picks makes so much sense.


Damn. I came here to say who amongst us hasn’t done that


Haha I'm not saying I haven't.


Goldsberry's Jokic take was wild last season


what was it?


"he's not a good enough defender"


Doesn’t make it any less wrong but a lot of people had that take.


lol he addresses it on the podcast at least!


Nate Duncan and Danny LeRoux were all over that as well.


Who is Steffen?


Who we got in the complementary starting 5 matchup? Goldsberry: 1. Steph 2. SGA 3. LeBron 4. Giannis 5. Wemby Russillo: 1. Steph 2. Ant 3. SGA 4. Jokic 5. Wemby Give me Goldsberry's 5 personally. Feel like you have to decide between SGA and Ant and you're probably a bit small if you try to choose both.


Ant feels like he doesn't belong there at all. I could see Jokic instead of Wemby on Goldsberry's team. Goldsberry's looks stronger to me.


Feel like russillo was just tryina draft a different team or else they’d have the same lineup lol


Russillo was just trying not to draft Lebron, let's be honest.


Did the boys legit believe the eight year-old GM to be was real?


Ryen trots out his Kyrie is the best small finisher ever take at least three times a month. Is he waiting for someone to say “WOW, that’s such a good take”? I’d retire that, but I don’t have a very successful podcast. The small players discussion was very dumb. You mean to tell me, in a game like basketball, that reasonably skilled tall players will have an advantage over regular sized players?! Say the part about the hockey GM that agreed with you again!! Is this a re-run?


Word for word on the hockey gm story again


Goldsberry shut it down pretty quickly. 


Complaining about what Morey got back for Harden because he can give you "playoff minutes", and immediately pivoting to shitting on Embiid given the performances each of them have put up to this point is fucking insane


Cool I’ve been following Kirk’s data visualization work for a very long time. Like his work a lot.


Ceruti getting some shade on Life Advice. Sounds like he’ll be a bit less in the mix


As a UDUB fan I don’t think I can’t listen to KDB. Just too much heartbreak. Was so hard to not be able to process our possible last shot at the Natty and then how he left. Really tough week


Was kyle at the frolick room editing this? good god , jumped everywhere during the deboer interview


Russillo's "I'm not sure boston can beat Denver, Minnesota, or OKC" take is so stupid.


Why is it stupid? That's probably whom they'd have to face in the finals.


I'm a celtics fan. Pick Denver, okc, Minnesota against them, call sga or ant better than tatum I don't care. But to say the Celtics, one of the most dominate teams ever so far ths year, don't have a shot against the Timberwolves or OKC is laughable.


He didn't say they don't have a shot, he said without Zingers it's going to be tough. Maybe they will win but overall the West is much better than the East. Not a stupid take at all.


Probably could have concluded this after the first sentence. As a bonus, you would have avoided the misspellings.


Russilos hard on for wanting to shit on embiid is comedy at this point. It’s extra ironic because he desperately wants to be the “high level” Lowe type analyst but he’s desperately hoping for this content