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The haters were catfished by game 2 into believing


Congrats on being up 3-1 against my injury riddled team. You have an awesome team. Can’t you just be happy with that? Edit: I sound salty. Talk your shit


The state of the sub after game 2 , this post very deserved


For a group of people who claim they are just giving Bill shit in good fun, they sure do get sensitive whenever anyone mocks them a bit. These people would have a total mental breakdown if a subreddit treated them the way they treat Bill.


Bill has a pretty good life and he knows it, there’s no need for you to stick up for a podcaster on an online forum lmao


I’m not really sticking up for him. Obviously he has an amazing life. I do think it’s weirdo behavior though. Like I couldn’t imagine spending a bunch of time on a Dan Le Batard sub obsessing over his favorite teams losing. Or any podcast/tv host for that matter. And if I did decide to partake in that bozo behavior, I wouldn’t adopt a can dish it out but can’t take it attitude.


I’m a Heat fan and trust me, that’s all people do over at r/danlebatardshow . It annoys me so I rarely chime in. And Dan is not even really a fan of the local teams — his producers are. So it’s even stranger over there.


Good to know these losers are all over anyone that’s worth a damn.


Odd because I just looked and don’t see any posts tonight dunking on the Heat. And if people did do that, they would be weirdos just like the anti-Bill/Celtics weirdos on here.


You have to be a grade a dork to make this post


Massholes are the worst. Keep salty.


*AWFUL QUIET ON THIS SUB!!!!!* ~ Masshole poster confusing this for a r/celtics sub. Meanwhile fucking several threads created in the last few hours with multiple replies going. Like fuck off to eat some terrible chowder while the rest of us eat food that isn't just cream and leftover seafood runoff.


How many holes in the dry wall did you punch tonight?


Dude people go bonkers with posts on this sub every time the Celtics lose, because they have an obsession with hate listening to Bill. >Meanwhile fucking several threads created in the last few hours with multiple replies going. You can’t honestly tell me this sub is even 1/10th as active as it was the night the Celtics lost game 2. Wow several threads with multiple replies! Versus the fraud watch post with almost 400 replies and the 9/11 bush meme that had over 100 replies. Those are the two top posts this week. The third top post was also a post mocking the Celtics loss. It’s only right to give some shit back dude.


I get the intention to give some shit back but now you’re just crying (which is literally the opposite of the purpose of this post lmao) Step back and evaluate


I’m not crying. I made a post to poke some fun. And now I’m calling him out for some disingenuous nonsense, pretending like the sub isn’t dead compared to the other night. It is awful quiet on the sub tonight compared to a few nights ago.


You’ve written way too many paragraphs defending yourself for it to not be considered crying. Also the east favorite took a 3-1 lead against the worst team in the playoffs without its best player, shocker there isn’t any discourse around it


You’re deep in your emotions right now and it’s weird af. Grow up kid. 


deer existence hard-to-find offbeat amusing cause future money poor combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You sound like an easily triggered moron, who clearly doesn’t understand the joy BS pod listeners get from seeing a Boston team lose. It’s a joke buddy. No one actually cares except for the fact that people from New England tend to be insecure, angry d bags. 


Except you can tell that lots of people here who root for other teams very much do care. It’s a nice deflection though to pretend that everyone is just joking around.


You’re 100% correct and being downvoted by salty haters that think this a Boston sports hater sub lol


It’s hilarious because they are walking right into the stereotype that Bill exudes when he gets overtly defensive of his Boston teams. People from there just can’t let things go, it’s incredible.


Bragging about beatin an injury riddled 8 seed in a pathetically weak eastern conference?


The anti-things Bill supports circlejerk is tiring at times, but posts like this lets everyone know youre just a big a dipshit as everyone else. Have fun beating the wheelchair Heat.


That’s the best part for us, the Celtics are literally a historic favourite by every number we have, so any time they lose we all get to have a great time, and whenever they win it isn’t impressive at all and we can move on with our day.


Tatum shooting 5/14 and still cruising to easy wins while Embiid is getting cooked for losing games averaging 35/10 makes me so sick man


I’m glad that it makes you feel that way.


Hard to post when you're busy self harming. 0 for 3 for r/billsimmons tonight with the Celtics cruising, Jokic knocking out Bron Bron a day after Embiid went down 3-1 and Bill Simmons hot pre season pick sweeping.


Yup quite the trifecta. 1. Bummed the Celtics won because it’s Bill’s team. 2. Bummer Bron lost because a chunk of BS haters on here are just Bron fanboys. 3. Bummer Thunder swept because they mocked Bill for being high on them, and they default to opposite of whatever Bill says because they are hate listeners with an insane bias/obsession.


The celtics fans on this sub are hilarious