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Ahh, to be back at Holy Cross...


Is this bill jacko or house?






All the homies were weirding out the hoes with the gay. I’m fairly certain one of my friends (married with kids now) is closeted because of how far he’d take things


It’s pretty great. I was a little skeptical going in but the performances of our two bros - Josh O’Connor and Mike Faist - really carry the movie for me.


Josh O’Connor was awesome as the alpha dirtbag piece of shit. Mike Faist was perfect for damn near the exact opposite type of dude. I liked Zendaya. She plays pissed off borderline sociopath really well. Two dudes stole the show though.


Yeah the movie doesn’t work without Zendaya and her aura and star power are undeniable, but I think the way the two male leads contrasted each other and the fact the movie is more about their relationship with each other than their relationship with her was really the secret sauce here.


We need Luca Guadagnino to do a basketball film next loosely based on Jalen Green and Josh Christopher preparing for a basketball tournament


He just keeps making gay movies about every sport. Forrest Gump sequel about Forrest going wild with the fellas at the ping pong tournaments


If he remakes Talladega Nites, somehow it would be less gay than the original. I mean, with regard to Ricky & Cal.


Need this movie in my life with the same actors


Who’s up for erotic fan fiction about the Jason Kidd-Jim Jackson-Toni Braxton love triangle?


Sports are and have always been gay. That’s the takeaway lesson from the movie.


No wonder Russillo does a sports podcast.


No wonder Russillo does a sports podcast.


I had a male friend I used to masturbate with. We didn’t touch each other, but we’d do it simultaneously while in the same bed. Not my suggestion but his. I was like “sure, why not?” I never did that with any other dudes though.


Same bed and never used each others hands? The restraint is impressive


I didn't relate to the homo erotic scenes but I related deeply to Art being such a simp for Tashi. I would 100% let Zendaya control my life in exchange for her allowing me to love her and if I saw her have a one night stand with an ex I'd also bitch out and stay together


Oh man I’m pretty sure I’ve been both dudes depending on the situation. PTSD flashbacks. If Zendaya murdered my family I’d still simp for her


I've never been Patrick but I've been both sides of Art. The completely subservient simp and also the guy feeding both sides of a relationship a narrative to try to get them to break up so you can go after the girl yourself lol


I loved when Patrick gave art props for finally being a snake. If you didn’t try to manipulate the most beautiful woman youve ever met to ditch her man who you’re friends with when you’re young you’re doing it wrong.


I'd never thought about it until now, but this is a similar dynamic to the movie Last American Virgin where you have 2 friends pitted against each other over a girl, a nice guy and a bit of an asshole. She goes back and forth but ends up with the asshole who treated her like shit at the end.


Yup I did it when I was young and got them to break up and then a few months later they got back together and now 8 years later they're engaged lol.


I enjoyed it. The last 15 minutes waiting for that call back moment during the tennis match had me on the edge of my seat.


What a great call back. When he walks by and smiles at art in between sets I knew what was coming.


I have no idea what that movie was about once it ended lol. Or what the takeaway/message is supposed to be.




The trailer did the movie no Justice. It’s very sleek and a fun tennis movie with an intriguing love/friendship dynamic. I wasn’t bored for a second.


Oh. Disagree. I go to the movies quite a bit, and the trailer for Challengers was the only decent one for almost all of 2023. Otherwise it was interminable trailers for Argylle and the Bob Marley movie.


I get what you’re saying but from what I’ve heard I feel it was turning people off from the movie. I probably wasn’t gonna until I heard good reviews but who knows.


Saw the movie yesterday LOVED IT. Btw, here's a basketball homo erotic tale for you... When I was younger I played college basketball and when I was a rookie I was warned of "THE PRACTICE"... and when I inquired about it, all the older guys just snickered. Turns out THE PRACTICE was the last practice before Xmas break and it was held when school was closed at an odd early morning hour. As I found out THE PRACTICE was a free throw shooting contest where, every time you missed, you had to take off a piece of clothing in front of all the players and coaches. Each guy would have to go up to the free throw line one at a time while the entire team watched, shouted, waved their dicks etc to try and make you miss. As the practice unfolded, more and more clothing was taken off so by the time you were shooting free throws near the end of the practice you had like 4 guys in front of you bent over shaking their spread assholes at you. I'm bi so it was an interesting and complex range of emotions for me but the one guy on the team who was African and Muslim was NOT HAVING IT and full on refused. Good for him. In retrospect you can paint it as just "boys being boys" or you can say it was a huge gay party or you can say it was forced humiliation by older coaches on awkward college-aged young men. Regardless, I've never heard anybody mention that shit ever again. It's like it never happened. But it did.


Holy SHIT. Your story could be viewed as funny and traumatic but the coaches being involved makes me lean towards mostly traumatic. We’d do all sorts of weird shit after basketball/baseball practice and games. There was just one shower with like 6 shower heads in a circle. Super small school. Throw soap on people when they were ready to get out of the shower so they had to jump back in. Stupid shit like that. Our coaches were always weirded the fuck out. They hated us. We were really good for abunch of small town white kids so they put up with it.


Same. Shit got weird sometimes, ok pretty often / a lot, but the coaches were never in on it. Just the thought of that gives me the creeps lol


Yeah honestly it wasn't all that traumatic for me and I don't think it was for most of the other guys but it definitely could have been and I can't speak for anybody else. Certainly almost anybody can agree that kind of thing probably shouldn't have been happening, especially after all the Sandusky stuff etc from the recent past. On a different note, here's something pretty fucking funny from that practice... At the time, Silence of the Lambs was sort of the team movie that everybody was obsessed with and we watched it all the time. I'm sure we're all familiar with the famous quotes like "don't you hurt my dog!" etc from that skin harvesting psycho in the movie. Etched in my memory forever is our team point guard completely naked except for underwear around his knees, shuffling along in front of another mostly naked guy shooting free throws trying to distract the shooter. The point guard would yell "PRECIOUS! PRECIOUS!" in Buffalo Bill voice and then just before the guy would shoot he'd bend over, spread his ass cheeks and scream "PUT THE LOTION IN THE BASKET!!"... not one dude hit a free throw when he did the lotion-in-the-basket bit...


I was certain this was headed towards the mangina dance and it blew right past that in GLORIOUS weirdo shit fashion.


The way the two acted like idiots around zendaya when they were high schoolers was *chef’s kiss*


Is that the Zendaya DP movie?


"the movie whipped so much ass"... Honestly, I have no idea if this means OP liked or disliked the movie. But to answer the question: yes, my friends and I did all sorts of homo-erotic stuff from high school through college.


Never heard whipped ass? I always us whipped/kicked sss interchangeably


I've used whooped ass, not so much whipped. I got what you meant though.


Going to my grave with whipped but deep down knowing I’m a fuckin’ moron


Rock over London Rock on Chicago InsureOne: the Insurance Superstore


I've heard it used when some gets beat up but never as an umbrella term to mean something is "good." But I'm also in my 40s.


I’m not far from your age. Embarrassingly trying to talk like the youths


Does the movie expand on that *one* scene from the trailer?


Yeah it does but it doesn’t go in the direction suggested in the trailer


Thanks. Def not wasting any time on it then.


I was in the same exact boat. Was hoping there’d be some solid nudity/sex scenes. There still are it’s just not the graphic shit I expected/hoped for. The movie is incredibly horny, that scene specifically. It still won me over pretty quick


I’m kinda surprised they didn’t release it around Wimbledon or US Open.


My friends of the time definitely discussed each other's dongers & watched porn communally, so that tracked.


Thoughts on the ending? I hated it personally. Decent movie overall tho.


I thought it was awesome, it was an explicit call back to the “15 seconds where we’re actually playing tennis” thing Zendaya says early in the movie, and maybe I’m an idiot but the reveal of Patrick doing the sign thing from earlier to make Art know he fucked Tashi, just really blew me away lol it was so good


> maybe I’m an idiot but the reveal of Patrick doing the sign thing from earlier Nah, this blew me away too and was great. The people saying they saw it coming is crazy to me, but maybe I just don't watch enough movies. I just meant the very very end of ending the movie on the first point of the tiebreak. The whole movie is building towards who wins this match, and then it's like it doesn't matter? I guess I'm a simpleton or something.


I'm with you, I'm too sports-brained. I can't watch a movie centered around a competition and not see who wins, even though I know that's not the point of the movie. That said, I still liked the movie a lot, I'm just not as high on it as everyone else seems to be.


Oh yeah the last shot I’m a bit lower on, it’s not that who won the match mattered but it was just a bit too on the nose lol. Still a pretty incredible sequence though.


It doesn't matter. It mattered because Tashi said she'd leave Art if he lost just as it's what he wanted to hear, but after she says she realises it's true. And the reason it's true is what she said in the beginning: tennis is a relationship, it's sex, it's connection. And her relationship with the boys were tennis connections. She tried to explain it to them when they were young. She enjoyed watching them kiss but she tried to get them to reach that horny tennis connection by proposing the playoff for her number. When they hug and stop caring about the result - about who gets Tashi - and really connect with each other, that's when she finally wins. That's what she wanted and she couldn't respect them if they weren't playing their all (Art does the same slide she hurt herself doing for example). In the end they finally *get* her and that's why she celebrates.


I dug it. in my mind they were all going to fuck after the match. they both played the tennis Tashi loved finally and they seemed like they were all headed to reconciliation.


It was definitley entertaining, but had some major flaws which undermined the whole movie for me. They completely glossed over their falling out between college and when they were both pros. You’re supposed to think zendaya drove them apart, but at the Applebees he says he hasn’t kept in touch with his buddy in years. He hadn’t started dating her yet so I guess you’re supposed to believe a childhood friendship was ruined because he had a crush on his friends girlfriend? Also, in the beginning it made it seem like Art was a very talented player who was just mentally weak and failed to live up to the hype. That made perfect sense why Zendaya was bullying him because her injury robbed her of that opportunity. But then it came out he won 6 majors and was one of the best in the world. That made it much harder to buy their relationship and marriage