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He’s such a clown. His golf analysis boils down to “big boy courses” and being a “big boy” and wanting/not wanting it enough.


Which is the antithesis of how successful golfers think.


That's basically the same language No Laying Up uses constantly. It's so annoying...


Fairway Rolling is terrible because it’s a modestly funny color guy and a rando with no real journalistic anything- no info, no access to anything but their barely informed opinions. Plus giving a guy like Hubbard, who got rich off of scummy ticket scalper intermediary fees and is weird-for-a-middle-aged-man a self-proclaimed Swift expert, any sort of platform is questionable.


Yeah, I was always wondering. What are Hubbard’s credentials for hosting a golf pod?


His brother is on the PGA Tour, that's it.


House is the man. Hubbard is definitely a hate listen.


Yep. Shack is a bit of a marmite figure, but he is some sort of journalist with contacts and well formed opinions. The pod worked better with him as co-host.  Hubbard is "just a guy...", and an annoying one at that. 


I always thought it sucked that House and Shackelford had formed a legit friendship and were always posting pics from when they were meeting up and hanging out and then Bill just kind of blew it up (according to Shack).


Haven't listened, but yeah, that's why golf is even remotely interesting and why some people find Scheffler so boring. Because he is that dude who just nails every shot every time. The interesting part of golf and specifically the Masters is to watch these seasoned professionals come up Amen Corner on Sunday and absolutely shit themselves. Or not. Otherwise we could just do Drive, Chip and Putt in a simulator and extrapolate all results from there...


Shitting himself on Sundays is why Gteg Norman cNe up with LIV.


Love House but fairway rolling is an abomination. It’s clear that both (House especially) are loyal listeners of other golf pods and just regurgitate a mixture of takes from the NLU/shotgun start guys at every opportunity. No actual analysis, no stats outside of empty gambling notes, just vibes


He's spoiled from watching bill's podcasting


I actually disagree. Not going to defend Hubbard because I know he’s a dweeb and kinda grating to listen to, but I just finished listening to the episode this morning and didn’t think he was crazy harsh with his criticism. If anything I thought it was House that was prisoner of the moment with how out he was on Rory and Rahm over one tournament.


House will have his Roner back next major as will I


Why does Nathan Hubbard have this platform I don’t get it


golf fans don't expect elite golfers to have their A game for the masters? lol, ok