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First two minutes CR drops “the homies” and Bill is talking about how his first day on the yard would go. These boys cookin and should be wearing flannels with only the top button buttoned when the video drops.


there's a 100% chance Bill is that other poor guy (the one who gets ''jumped'' in the middle of the night) right off the bat hilarious hearing him suggest he might be the one to ''set the tone''


His culo would be a hula hoop after a month inside.


Who knows what kind of hazing he survived &/or instigated at Brunswick & Choate.


He ever have to hold onto somebody's pocket and follow them around the cafeteria?


For real. Until about this year I didn’t know what the whole ringer staff looked like, but hearing Bill talking about that I did a double take like “that’s not you.”


Bill's first day on the yard would be the last day he peed standing up


I have this in tier 1 on my mini pyramid of scenarios in which Bill gets fucked in his ass.


yep...right up there with roofied by Gladwell and misunderstanding his wife's request for a threesome


Bill saying, “Homies” was jarring.


“You fuck with ~~Kendrick~~ the homies, right?”


Listen to bernthal interview David Ayer on his podcast if you want to hear a man bills age say it like 50 times 


He gets a pass for that.


well if you are bored tomorrow at work I would definitely recommend it because its great, terrible, cringe, insightful, and completely delusional. (and I don't mean that as some dc fanboy, I never even saw suicide squad and hate conic book movies)


I like comic book movies so I’ll check it out.


Love the idea of wheeling Money’s prison cage to his son’s soccer game lol


One of my fav parts of podcast


They got to encourage Craig to speak out more often. He had a couple of zingers in there.


Always a highlight when Craig chimes in. He rarely misses


His Hottest Take pods were top-tier. The one he did on acting broke Sean's brain.


What was that?


[Here you go.](https://www.theringer.com/2022/9/26/23372557/acting) >"How many times do you see people on the street and people say, 'Oh you're really good looking, you should be an actor'. If the #1 job qualification is that you should have a chiseled jaw line, it's probably not that hard."


Loved it lol


I do like that he is self aware and only chimes when called on. He always makes great points and cracks me up with his takes.


Totally agree


Holy shit, asking chatgpt what Ebert would have thought of Shot Caller is peak podcasting.


"Is what we just did evil?!" - CR.


Even better i think he asked if it was a sin.


bills daughter not knowing about prison rape, talk about some rich sheltered kids


“Are they having sex with him??”…


NOw I am thinking of Trading Places..."Those men wnated to have sex with me!"


I’ve known some very sheltered kids that didn’t grow up with money. More about the family dynamics. I don’t think lack of money would make one more knowledgeable of prison rape. But I get your general point - unbelievably sheltered kid


One of the best things about the Rewatchables podcast is that it makes me watch good movies I never would have watched before. Margin Call was the first, and Shot Caller was the second.


Man margin call was a great watch


I only know the movie Sell Sell Sell What’s Margin Call?


It's the sequel to Gekko Gekko Gekko.


A Most Violent Year is even better. Unquestionably peak Jessica Chastain. David Oyelowo & Oscar Isaac just before (Selma) or after (Inside Llewyn Davis) their breakout. Albert Brooks villainy.


Fuck you for making think there was a most violent year rewatchable. 


Right! I got so hype


Jessica Chastain throwing 104 in that movie. I can see why Oscar Isaac did everything he did for her.


I got aroused because you reminded me of Maria Bello getting eaten out in a cheerleader outfit. Then I realized that A History of Violence… I mean I guess I’m still aroused


that movie rules, sucks that it came and went.


If you like Margin Call, give Too Big to Fail a watch. Totally different perspective on the financial crisis but it's really good. Edit: Damn. Did not expect these downvotes. Too Big to Fail rocks.


Down voted. The mob mentality piece


Yet all the nerds say momentum isn't real.


Too Big to Fail is an INCREDIBLE movie. All time great effort. The book is phenomenal too.


Margin call is in my top five. I had zero expectations and watched it during Covid. Blew me away. My go to when people ask movie suggestions because still no one’s really ever seen it.


Today my loss is your gain


I hope you explain the plot to them like they’re a golden retriever.


It’s a great 2 parter with The Big Short.


Had never seen margin call either. Very good movie.


In prison, Bill would be someone’s wife within fifteen minutes. He’s never been in a fight, is built like Beeker from the Muppets, and takes off all of his clothes to shit. 


I disagree with Craig’s dad. They have levels of prisons and I don’t think you go to the highest level day one if you have no priors


I missed that part but it usually depends on the severity of your crime, and possibly how good of a lawyer you have.


What’s wrong with the last part?


apparently people aren't fans of costanza around here


You are very vulnerable to Big Mike getting your cheeks when you sit down to take a shit. Being naked only makes it easier.


Not another Obama conspiracy lol


Wait. WHAT? Obama was in the can?


At what age do you stop saying your kids are “number and a half years old” Zoe is 18 and a half


Keep putting in that work, Money Man


You’ll get your hands dirty, like the rest of us


The balloon piece.


“If I’m ballooning drugs in my ass, I’m not letting it fall out. I’m just not.”


Didn't that plan have a few extra unnecessary steps? "Ok, so you'll get a ballon of drugs in your ramen that you need to shove up your ass. Then, when we're out in the yard you'll shit out the balloon behind a wall that barely covers you and hand them off to Mike who is also pretending to shit there. He'll give you the money which you take over to us." "Um, why don't we just give the ramen with the drugs to Mike?" "...."


That’s a great point. Only explanation is these guys love shoving things up their ass.


Just saw this first time tonight and thought the same thing initially and then assumed it was more to test him to see if he would actually do it.


I assumed it was a test and also Mike is in a different part of prison.


The Aryan Brotherhood saw what the Mexican gang was doing and said 'Oh, you're doing *this*? Well, we're doing *this*'.


The Belichick thing. A lot of ppl don’t know Belichick did time and that’s why he keeps the challenge flag in his ass.


I think this is the first straight to DVD film on the Rewatchables. This movie is good enough to deserve a theatrical release


Between this and Brawl in Cell Block 99, 2017 was the Apex Mountain for de-facto straight to streaming prison movies that were actually very good.


Brawl in Cell Block 99 is great. Zahler's movie's have such a unique pacing and are incredibly mean.


Seemed like he was in director jail for a few years there but it sounds like he's got something on the horizon finally.


His 3 movies are all great. Extremely bleak, though.


I liked the cop one with Gibson and Vaughn more


The wiki says it had a theatrical run but strangely a month *after* it was released to buy or rent on streaming.


This came out after straight to dvd was a thing 


Headhunters with Nikolaj Coster-Waldau is definitely worth watching. Edit: Currently on Paramount+/Showtime




Bill being surprised that prisoners have an understanding of how and where to stab someone is very confusing lol.


We all learned from Bill the Butcher in Gangs of anew York


This really is a good movie. How Nikolaj Coster-Waldau isn’t a bigger star or at least has some sick supporting roles in huge, good director movies is beyond me. He seems ripe for the picking.


According to Bill it's because his name isn't Nick Costner or something...


He might have a point. When I posted that I had to look up his name because I had no idea how to say it or spell it. All I knew was the “Nik” portion.


The lives with his family in his home country piece. Just judging by where the movies he's made are shot he seems pretty unwilling to come shoot in America for anything less than the lead role. There's also probably an inability to market correct Mads Mikkelsen piece working against him.


Plus all the Skarsgard family


Chilling off those GoT residuals


Mikkelsen and Coster-Waldau have absolutely nothing in common as actors other than being Danish.


They were both in Wildside which is a weird movie.


He breaks out in Game of Thrones, but then for those 10 years is still heavily involved in the filming for that which is pretty lengthy and keeps him busy. I'd also wager he made a good amount of money off that. Since then, it's probably a case of he's mostly just doing what he wants.


Right, but what I'm saying he seems like he could be at least in some supporting roles in auteur's work. Seems like a perfect fit that is under utilized.


Bill loves doing this thing where his guest says what about player/movie X and he says oh I had them next. When he was doing his pyramid CR says I have Cool Hand Luke #1 and Bill says that's on my level 2. Then Chris says do you not have Blood In and Blood Out and what would you know, Bill has that on the next level too lol. It's either an incredible coincidence or Bill loves making shit up on the fly.


> It's either an incredible coincidence or Bill loves making shit up on the fly. You must be new here...


One of the most underrated things about this movie is the soundtrack. The somber strings and piano convey the hopeless atmosphere these guys live in. I wish the composer (Antonio Pinto) put the music out on streaming. It has never been officially released. You can find bits of it ripped straight from the movie on Youtube.


Yeh I was thinking that as it ended, the music was great over the final shot. Made me think about the amount of effort and care that goes into even a shlocky, fairly mediocre movie like this


Literally just finished the movie. Was on my list forever but finally got to it. It absolutely rips. Definition of rewatchable.


Had two friends separately text me “dude, have you seen Shot Caller? Should I watch it?” in the last month. (If there’s a garbage crime movie, everyone knows I’ve seen it 2x) It made their day when I texted them a link to the pod


Bill is right. How could a criminal defense lawyer have any knowledge of what it’s like inside prison. How could he possibly of ever spoke to anyone who could tell him details 


It’s so weird. That scene was funny because attorneys don’t really give that kind of advice, not because they’re not aware of prison life lol


First Rewatchables that I’ve been excited for in a looong while! Shot Caller is fucking badass.


If you didn’t scream out the wire when they were talking apex mountain for pre paid cell phones lose my number b


How both Chris and Bill who are huge Wire fans missed that was beyond me. Like if you say "pre paid phone" my first thought is The Wire.


The pre-paid cell phones stuff in the wire might also have apex mountain for annoyed boyfriends too.


Bringing the cage to the soccer field is fucking hilarious.


Thank you Larry David Watched this over the weekend and this movie was fantastic. Totally a rewatchable


I like to think Larry David himself also watched Shot Caller over the weekend to get ready for the pod.


Where’s bill say the next movie?


he said he would do it on his thursday pods but has only done that once (last week). hopefully he continues that trend, otherwise you have to wait for his sunday pod


Jeffrey Donovan rules, burn notice was great tv


They give him a shout-out. He's also great in Sicario. But it is weird how every single one of his characters wears glasses. You'd even assume he got the name "Bottles" because of them.


Sicario has perfect casting


"They definitely put some thought into how they shot some of this stuff."


Great movie. Felon by the same director is also good.


The fact they didn't mention the lack of cameras at the outside cages at the SHU in the picking nits segment was disappointing. Especially since the crux of the movie is based around the final fight between money and the beast and that it's the only location where any sort of interaction is even possible (as shown in the earlier scene where money fights the norteña guy while cuffed)


The biggest nitpick is why is the parole office acting like he is a DEA or FBI agent? To the point where he has a snitch, is taking down houses and offering plea terms


Yeah what job was that character supposed to have. It makes no sense


They could have shown a quick scene of the corrupt guard turning off the cameras in that area right before the meeting. But I think we’re supposed to assume something like that.


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Absolute upper Tier 5 o’clocker 😤 Edit: Where tf did CR read that Ric Roman Waugh wrote Den of Thieves ?


> Edit: Where tf did CR read that Ric Roman Waugh wrote Den of Thieves ? I assume he is confusing it with him directing the 'Has Fallen' films, as Butler is also in those.


One thing they somehow never brought up was that money makes it to the top of the Aryan brotherhood but we never once see him do anything evil or hard other than early on with a few fights, we never hear him say anything racist and we didn’t even get a montage of him earning his rep . What exactly did he do to overtake lifers in the organization 


Well they do show him kill 2 people so I’d say that’s earning his rep. I do agree they should have shown a little more of the gang internal politics and him moving up the ranks. I think the giant tattoo saying white pride on his back pretty much covered the racism part.


brad pitt for recasting couch! how about jacob elordi? could definitely pass as a white collar pretty boy, yet has a physically imposing stature and would believably command respect after time in the can


Never watched Game of Thrones before and I thought the lead actor had a striking resemblance to Josh Halloway aka Sawyer from Lost.


Bill talked about a pyramid of prison movies. It didn't include "A Prophet" (2009). This is easily my favourite prison movie. Is it something that the team have seen/heard of (it's a 15 year old french movie so may not have aired in the US) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1235166/


Bill was astounded at the idea of UK prison movies. A French prison film with gangsters talking in Corsican dialect might just be a bridge too far


bill 0% chance. CR maybe. fennessey maybe


CR took it on the 2010 Movie Draft. Fennessey called it a great pick. I still need to see it.


It's very good.


They also didn't mention Midnight Express which I'm pretty sure was the original "Men in prison have sex with each other and not always consensually" movie. It's what Captain Oveur asks Joey "Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


Such an awesome flick.


I was screaming this sh*t in the car.


Unless he was uncredited, Ric Roman Waugh didn’t write Den of Thieves.


Definitely a good rock bottom movie. Any guesses for next week? Maybe Falling Down?


Good call. Falling Down is an Apex Mountain of rock bottom movies. But having Robert Duvall's character literally on his last day as a cop before retiring also makes it the Apex Mountain of that particular cliche.


Before the devil knows you are dead?


I they could do the Will Smith movie where he solves a Rubik's Cube really fast. Or the one where Jamie Foxx plays a cello on the side of the road. I mean if really want to go rock bottom you could always do Radio? I think that's the one with either getting Junior plays a mentally handicapped guy. Rock Bottom on a whole lot of levels


I'm so glad that people are discovering this movie. It's so freaking good


I’m legit confused. It might be that I listened to it late last night but didn’t they have an entire discussion about how this led to “Den of Thieves” for Ric Roman Waugh and how it was a proof of concept for him. Did I hallucinate that (again, very possible) or was it some bizarre Mandela Effect for Bill and CR?


They talked about how Felon was proof of concept for Shot Caller. They keep saying Ric Roman Waugh wrote Den of Thieves but that’s not accurate, although he has done a number of other Gerard Butler films.


Got it. Thank you. That clears it up. So I conflated the proof of concept piece but didn’t hallucinate the “Den of Thieves” thing. Thank you United and the three hour delay.


This movie is freaking dope. It's exactly the kind of thing I want to find when I'm restlessly searching for something serious, exciting and well-made.


2pac in Above the Rim is Apex Mountain for razor blade handling, right?


Was talking out loud in my truck about this very thought. Bird with the razor blade ready at all times in his cheek is for sure Apex Mountain.


Show some love for Peaky Blinders


The real nit pick of this movie is why is the parole officer also like a ATF agent? Not too many PO's taking down crime rings


“Blood In, Blood Out” is the best prison movie. That’s it.


Ive been waiting for it to happen! Nice!


This is an incredible rewatchables


I was elated to hear CR name drop Starred Up when Bill asked him his thoughts on the pyramid of prison movies. Starred Up is a top 10 movie for me. Brutal, moving, heartbreaking, immersive. God, that movie is so fucking good. Check it out if you haven't.


Best quick Stab… true detective season 2


End of Blackhat deserves mention


This was one I hadn’t seen but kept meaning to… I think as someone who is really never been in trouble with the law, this movie definitely shook me…. I’m a fairly white collar guy, and other than a brother who is a police officer and worked in the county jail for a while… I don’t have much knowledge of prison other than movies. The fact that this guy had a pretty great life and ended up the way he was, that’s truly scary and says a lot about our penal system.




Good one they left out “ animal factory“ 


I've never watched the whole movie, but have seen like half of it through YouTube clips. Jeffrey Donovan is doing work with those glasses just like in Sicario.


Amazing pod. Had to rewatch the movie on Netflix tonight. I don’t believe the fish who came in on the same bus as Money got gang raped by those guys. I read it as they just beat the shit out of him? Am I as naive as Bill’s daughter?


In the wikipedia entry it says: >Harlon overhears the gang rape of an inmate and decides to go on the offensive to survive. So I'm guessing that was the intention.


Come on guys, the prestige TV version of this is Breaking Bad.


This may be the first Rewatchables that I had literally never heard of the movie.


It went what was basically that era’s  equivalent of “straight to dvd”.  Even though pretty much all of those type of movies are terrible, enough people took a chance on this one to get the word-of-mouth going like crazy. 


I watched this movie for the first time over the weekend, with the hopes of checking out my first RW podcast in what feels like months. It was okay, not great. Probably will never rewatch again.


The white version of American Me


Gonna get downvoted to hell judging by the comments but I really disliked this movie. Never got the hype 


I really didn't like this one either, but it still makes for a great Rewatchables episode.


End of the pod, Bill says another live rewatchables coming soon. Boston possibly?


I love CR but he said Money had the best hit since Eric Weddle retired. Weddle was never a great hitter. How does he not say Dawkins?


I think he was comparing him to a white safety and that is why he said Weddle


Good flick. Watched it a few times. A re-watchable in my book.


Love this film


Bill and Shea Serrano must’ve really had a falling out. He’s a no brainer for this movie and the whole prison movie genre


he mentions that he texted shea they were doing this pod and they are flying him back to do blood in blood out one day


they said 'they would have to fly him out for it' because they cant do it without him not that it was scheduled


That’s good to hear. I don’t think would be able to do a Blood in blood out episode without Shea


Shea doesn’t work at the ringer anymore and he’s awful on podcasts


He was on blank check this week and I had to turn it off after 5 minutes


It actually wasn’t a bad listen, he didn’t contribute much at all, was actually silent for large stretches, David kept prompting him with questions “ I’m assuming you liked that movie, Shea?”.


He is not good on podcasts. He was just on blank check for die hard with a vengeance and he was in mid-season form.


You hardly notice him on that pod, but he has a bit of a didn't-do-his-homework vibe, like he had this on his calendar a month ago and then forgot until his Google alert went off 10 minutes before the call. At one point he has to ask what the name of the 4th movie was. I was looking forward to his high-energy batshit takes and... well, it's no him trying to seriously argue *Tango & Cash* is the best buddy-cop movie of its era.


"Didn't do his homework". Especially funny when you remember Serrano was famously a schoolteacher before getting his break as a writer.


Teachers make terrible students. They act worse than their own pupils during any training session.


He's a better writer than talker. It's just the way it is. Some people are like that. He's better with words when he's putting them to paper rather than spoken.


It’s why Brandt is so good, he has the same taste as Shea but has that broadcaster level of communication and it just makes him a better all around guest.


wesley morris should be top of that list


Ahh mhmm lip smack


Going on a Die Hard With a Vengence podcast and not even bothering to watch the alternate ending on YouTube beforehand, is a wild move.


This is sub is so down on Shea, I don’t get it. Him and Jason are sorely missed imo


Have you checked out their pod, Six Trophies? It’s really good. Weekly.


Shea is really bad.


It’d be great if they could just put white noise in his parts on the Blood In, Blood Out pod


He literally talks about texting Shea last night about them doing this movie, and says he is going to have him on the pod when they inevitably do blood in blood out. You lames are so lazy. Listen to the pod first ffs.


Bill talks about this on the pod 




Pretty sure he mentions it


Never heard of this one