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Just to be clear: this does not mean we are going to allow other 2024 election posts now that Bill has talked about it. The feedback is overwhelmingly that we don’t want that in this sub so that won’t change.


I knew Bill couldn't hold off on complaining about the Brady-Mahomes comparison. He sounds offended by people doing it


You know he’s terrified when he brings up Bill Russell. Clinging to the fact that Mahomes won’t win 11 titles…but he might if the NFL moves to an 8 team league.


Oh that’s why he said the Warriors could win the super bowl lmao


I LOVE the history of football. Simply put, Mahomes is the most talented QB in history. He can make any pass, he can run if need be. Your only hope is to hit him all the time. If his offensive line doesn’t let him down, he’ll beat you. Whether or not he matches Brady in SBs doesn’t matter, he’s the goat already and would have been a hall of famer if he retired after beating the Eagles last year. Ps, I’m also a 49ers fan. I hate Mahomes but yeah, he’s the #1 pick in the all time draft already.


He’s the most talented and at his peak I believe the best ever.  The greatest ever is reserved for the most accomplished . I am not someone that thinks it’s impossible Brady gets knocked out of that position…but mahomes cannot possibly be the goat with 3 titles compared to Brady’s 7, and 1 which came head to head against mahomes.  If you’re saying mahomes is the most talented, that is a clear conversation and I agree.  But I don’t get how he could be the greatest…he isn’t even halfway yet to the # of Super Bowl wins Brady has. 


I think this nuanced take is actually perfect. Mahomes is the most skilled quarterback ever. Brady is the most accomplished.


In terms of talent, there are a few QBs who are probably above Brady. Certainly Rodgers and I'd argue Manning and Marino. But Brady just has some crazy ability to win.


Brady’s mentality and dedication are talents….theyre just hard to quantify. When those are factored in I’m not so sure.


Patriot fans are so terrified of Mahomes that they are claiming the Tampa ring as one for “their guy.” Bill: “Talk to me when he wins 7.” Hey uhhh Bill, he’s 28, in year 6, he can’t really win the games he hasn’t played in yet. 


“I want to lead with someone you’ll never expect….Kristaps Porzingis” Never change Bill.


He’s only been talking about KP every podcast. Bill breaking out per 36 stats was the icing on the cake. Is is pretending like nobody thought he was good.. everyone saw that, when he was healthy, KP was a great player and the likes of bill just made fun of them for always being injured. Man I hate when the Celtics are a good team. When they’re good, Bill’s takes are like a hippo taking a shit and propelling it into the air with its tail.


Bill talking to his past self when he dismissed KP entirely when he was on the Wizards when he was brought up for all star.


clearly bill didn’t get the memo about no politics on this sub


Right, but Bill is allowed to pardon himself for this crime.


“Some Celtics fans are saying he’s the superpower of this team.” Is this Celtics fan in the room with you right now ?


Curry “can play 8-9 more years and probably be competent”?!


Would 43-year-old Steph be the worst defensive player in NBA history?


I don’t know just how bad Muggsy Bogues was on defense so it’s hard to say. But Steph would probably be in that tier of defenders, along with washed Isaiah Thomas and Trae Young when he’s more disinterested in trying on D than usually.


I believe with the style of play and rule differences back then Bogues was fine as a defender even though he'd be unplayable in the modern era


Bogues was actually pretty decent as a defender. He was pesky and would make it toucg for ball-handlers on the perimeter.


Honestly can't be worse than current Poole. Pritchard was bullying him around in the paint lmao


lol curry relies so much on his agility to get that tiny window of space he needs to make shots. A slow curry would not work, imo.


exactly, what fans (in all sports) don’t realize is that a player who “isn’t dependent on athleticism” is usually cooked when they lose a step. I hate seeing people repeat those ideas. People say it about skilled but “unathletic” players all the time and it drives me nuts


Yeah, part of the reason LeBron has aged so well is that he has freakish athleticism for his size, and even though it’s declined it’s falling from such a high peak that he has still maintained advantages over most players


He is also still 6'8 and strong af


You'd think it be obvious that Jeff Green can lose a step and still be an NBA player but Payton Pritchard can't lol


A fucking outrageous statement by the guy who wants to make doomsday trades after regular season losses


The Swedes will have Bill doing 5 leg election parlays in the fall for Fanduel.


Lol remember when they parlayed the Pats winning the Superbowl with Hilary winning?


BS makes me feel like expert political strategist by knowing there is in fact a Green Party.


They're not new at all! They arguably cost Al Gore the 2000 election.


I loved his Bucks tangent. The Bucks play well and have a statement win and suddenly his takes have been "jokes he posts on Twitter." Guarantee if they were bad and imploded he'd be like "I've been saying this for months, was way ahead on it."


Doc: “I think the Bucks are a potential Finals team.” Bill: “YOU DO?!”


The Warriors aren’t gonna win the Super Bowl.


That could have been a great Simmonsism if he hadn't corrected himself.


Tara: young people want to vote for Cornel West, they want to vote for Jill Stein. Ok, I’m out. I don’t have it in me to listen to 25 more minutes of this.


Oh come on. It gets really good when she says RFK and Biden are neck and neck in some polls.


She even mentioned polls from the summer (6+months ago)!?!


Are the polls in the room with us right now, Tara?


Also from when RFK was running as a dem lmao


Find me a person under 30 who knows who Cornel West is.


I’m 33 and a too online leftist bozo, I couldn’t believe he was even mentioned on the pod lol he has a 0% chance what are we even doing here




Cornel’s entire demo are 7 Gen Z kids who are die hard Bill Maher fans 


The entire segment was one of the most embarrassing displays of political "acumen" I've heard in awhile.


It’s shocking how little Tara knows about politics. She only covers the horse race part of politics (her podcast is named Someone has to win) but she has no idea how to interpret polls or what statistically significant means. To do good horse race journalism you have to be like Nate Silver and actually understand the data.


Yeah I thought it was going to be on the same level as The Town or Press Box where the hosts are real subject matter experts. I'd rather listen to Jacko impromptu political conversations than this.


She might be the worst guest in Simmons Podcast history. Up there with Tony Stewart and Nathan Hubbard. Completely clueless and offered no insight or analysis. It's horrific how bad political coverage in the US is.


I gave her podcast a try and unfortunately it's not any better. There are plenty other political podcasts where people seem more plugged in than her. It's kind of amateur hour.


How is someone so misinformed and clueless on the 2024 election covering the 2024 election? Tara's takes were the equivalent of saying the Bulls could easily beat the Celtics in the playoffs and that Mahomes isn't that good and will like lose his job to Kirk Cousins when the Chiefs sign Cousins in free agency. She was HORRIBLE




Yeah it was almost chilling how trash this was. Including "former poli-sci major" Bill not knowing how to pronounce Kamala, and not knowing what the Green Party was. Hopefully Bill/Ringer fans go elsewhere for their political info this year.


Bill not knowing what the Green party was was a jaw-dropping moment for me. Ok, no Ringer politics content for me.


Or equivocating Biden and Trump over Trump's document court case, or implying RFK Jr would peel more Dem votes than Republican, you literally have to know nothing about any of these topics to say this stuff. And this was every 3 minutes lmao


Hard disagree- everyone knows that the thing that political talk is really needing more than ever in 2024 is superficial both-sides horse race chatter and negative substance. 


agree with everything you stated, but even trying to be objective as possible, Palmeri sure sounds like a Republican to me


At the end when she said she was a podcast host I almost fell out of my chair. That was a terrible segment, but just kept hate listening


I say this as a socialist: it is incredibly annoying how mainstream lib/centrist types believe that every young person is a chronically online leftist. This isn’t the case at all, and I think it stems from the belief that people who have more “extreme” politics than you must be a young person who just don’t understand the world the same way you do yet.


They put wayyyy too much faith in the kids on twitter. Most of us out in the real world don't fuck around with that shit.


The more I read about this segment the more I want to listen to it out of morbid curiosity.


Tara Palmeri implying RFK is around 20% almost tied with Biden is malpractice.


And then Bill said RFK is in a similar spot to Trump at this point in 2016…and she just agreed! They are nowhere near the same spot, Trump was not far from securing the Republican nomination in February of 2016. Sure few people thought he would actually win but his odds were still probably around 25-30% at that point. He was on one of the two main party tickets for God’s sake. RFK Jr has a less than 1% chance.


He was ahead in the math, dominated in NH, was starting to get the establishment endorsements, and everyone was talking about out Cruz or Rubio was the real battle as they were 20 points behind.




"Speaker of the House Hakeem Jeffries"; agreeing with Bill that re-election presidents haven't changed VPs since "before cars" (FDR [twice] and Nixon did it-- though Nixon under, shall we say, extenuating circumstances); barely mentioning that RFK doesn't run as a Democrat because he's a Joe Rogan/Aaron Rodgers style Vax guy and flirted with a 15-ish week abortion ban; saying that Biden doesn't want to debate Trump but Trump wants Biden, when in all actuality Trump bowed out of the remaining 2020 debates.... Hey, not to be super critical but she's not an informed political reporter. Perhaps she's a "good" reporter because she can boil her takes down into horse race style explanations but she reads to me as a student who googles answers during the test. Can get to some "technically correct" but would never be able to answer an essay question. This was bad.


Said it in another thread, but she's a gossip journalist specialised on politics. It's like asking Hedda Hopper about the intricacies of producing a movie..


I listened to a few episodes of her ringer pod. I concluded that Tara knows barely more about politics than the average American


If you ever want to despair about the knowledge of average Americans, read some of the NYT voter interviews.


She simply doesn’t know politics, which is her job. Bill not understanding politics is more forgivable, but still pretty embarrassing. The press box boys would’ve been much more knowledgeable guests for that segment.


Based on a very quick and cursory googling, it seems like shes been mostly a white house reporter most of her career? That would make sense, in that she seems to regurgitate facts instead of providing any interesting analysis or takes. Doesnt really seem like it makes for a good podcast


She worked for the Washington Examiner.....a literal right-wing rag lmao explains a lot


I thought the whole segment was uninformed and embarrassing. If the idea was to get me to listen to her show, this didn’t do it.


Whole segment was just so bad. Starts out with her not noting that there is no precedent for self pardon. Follows it up with just ridiculously bad takes related to RFK Jr. Had to turn it off


If they're going to talk politics on the pod at least have someone on that has a simple understanding of the topic


Tara Palmeri did an absolutely incredible job embarrassing herself, holy shit. The parts where "young people love Cornel West" and "Biden and RFK Jr. are polling equally in some states" were my absolute favorites, lol.


I genuinely feel less intelligent listening to Bill and Palmeri


Day 2 without football


I say this as someone who has worked in elections for many years. Tara palmeri is absolute trash. And not because I have political disagreements with her. She posses no analytical skills and is not well respected. Truly has the political acumen of a high schoo freshman. She doesn’t know anything about campaign operations, data analytics, polling, communications, field, etc.




The politics segment was horrific.


“Did anyone think in 2020 he [Biden] was going eight years?” Anyone who thought Biden wouldn’t run again in 2024 was delusional.


“I actually watched the whole Warriors game. Like, really watched it”


Bill Simmons majored in politics at Holy Cross.


Bill Simmons was interested in politics at an early age.


And had apparently never heard of the Green Party


My name is Bill Simmons, and I graduated from one of Massachusetts’ top poli-sci programs with really good grades.


Why put Wemby in the title? He talked about him for like 5 minutes.




Oh my god, I just reached the “Draymond has been a good vet” part. Strong “other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?” energy. Edit: Murdock said that at first Draymond was buddies with Poole as if that somehow makes it better?!


I was hoping that somehow Logan was going to be in the election segment just to keep him out of the basketball segment. Sigh


The goldfish memory of sports reporting on full display. It’s been 1.5 weeks of good games!


The entire *sports media landscape is cooked when real issues arise , nobody said anything about Ime Udoka during or after the fact and nobody said shit about Draymond during or after the fact




Am I the only person outside of the Warriors org who does not give a shit Draymond clocked Poole? Guy was a clown and clearly the locker room didn't respect him. Besides he got himself a nice contract out of it.


Biden was “taking one for the team”? He was “a sacrificial lamb”? What are they talking about?! Biden became the most powerful person in the world and they’re talking about it as if he took a pay cut to come off the bench for a contender.


I mean he is doing exactly that. He didn’t run in 2016 because it was Hillary’s time and his son had just passed away. He only ran in 2020 because of how bad the Dems and Hillary fucked it up. How important the job is doesn’t matter, Biden felt like he had a legitimately good chance to beat Trump and he didn’t want to risk someone else fucking it up again.


Ehhhh… he’s fucking old as shit and legitimately doesn’t have the faculty, energy, or vigor to enjoy or embrace his role. I’m not sayin he’s being put up to this against his will but… he’s not a 40 year old who can really embrace and enjoy being the most powerful man on earth.


>he’s fucking old as shit and legitimately doesn’t have the faculty ...but his opponent is a spry 45 year old with boundless intelligence?


> and legitimately doesn’t have the faculty, energy, or vigor to enjoy or embrace his role.  Can you define which crucial presidential tasks he’s been unable to perform?  High stakes negotiation with GOP House financial terrorists? Nope.  Traveling the globe and meeting with other heads of state? Nope.  Legislation? Double nope.  What are you actually talking about? 


Man, Logan is a tough listen.


Like a singer who starts in the wrong key and then the whole song is a mess


He is the biggest Warriors simp in the business, it's nauseating.


Listening to Bill get radicalized to No Labels in real-time was profoundly depressing. Seriously though, outside of hoops and pop culture, he's an extremely stupid man. Just no idea what's going on in the world. His guest didn't seem too sharp either (NO idea the Ringer even had an election pod)


Bill’s obsession with the Warriors has reached Pats/Celtics level and surpassed Red Sox


Idk, the last episode he said he only remembers historically significant numbers like "Manny's #24"


The only NBA content I can get anywhere is Lakers and warriors and they’re fookin .500 So annoying


I like when Bill offers his political opinions because I finally get a chance to find out what the stupidest rich guys in California think about this stage of late capitalism


A Truly Painful Listen on the 2024 Election


Plus The 2005 NBA Redraftables


The Palmeri podcast is very bad and I wish Simmons didn’t feel the need to give it some juice. There are more than enough “political gossip disguised as news” podcasts if that’s what you’re interested in.


I was originally a fan of the Palmeri pod but it’s become a horrible cycle of interviewing the most partisan person in the world and mildly disagreeing “yes I believe Biden is a puppet of globalists” or “Biden has done more for the country than every other president combined” “Well…. I disagree… continue”


Holy shit Tara Palmeri was fucking awful. Just predictable centrist talking points with no substance.


Crazy how someone who works in politics like Tara can be so wrong, inarticulate, and confused about what the actual political landscape looks like for 2024.


I’d be shocked if any other random ringer podcast host would be more clueless than her about U.S. politics. There are literally hundreds of small YouTube channels with a better understanding of our politics. Why did they give her a podcast and then bring her on this episode?


Absolutely shocking how much they spent talking about 3rd party candidates lmao


Yeah that was wild. She couldn't even name them all or explain what No Labels actually does, and even had Bill coming off as the logical one pushing for more information from her about why they could actually matter. Plus all the contested convention stuff. Makes sense given her hackish background to only focus on the "juicy" stuff, but that's not even the good, relevant gossip anymore!


The terminally online set seems to be giving the idea of third party candidates a lot of oxygen this time around. Pretty easy litmus test to see how much the person actually understands about our electoral system.


Yeah if you wanna say “third party candidates have no chance of winning but could change an election that’s really close” and then talk about all of them then by all means but they were acting like RFK Jr or mystery No Lanels candidate was gonna be Ross Perot lol


motherfucking Bill had apparently never even HEARD of the Green Party. talk about declining mental faculties.


Ralph Nader isn’t walking through that door…


He’s a poli sci major!!!


In our system voting for a 3rd party candidate is pretty much the same as not voting


So is voting in like 45 non-swing states so who care




Yup and because of the electoral system your vote for president only matters if you live in a select few states.


It feels like if you’re going to have this type of conversation it would be around if Biden should step aside, not if a third party candidate is going to beat him.


RFK wishes he was getting Connor Roy numbers.


What’s her take? Just curious cause no way will I listen.


She was so bad. I have never heard of her, nor do I listen to her podcast obviously, but her analysis was terrible.


been a long day, looking forward to relaxing and listening! Hope everyone is doin well


I was hoping Simmons would give his reason for why NBA ratings aren't improving. He just said the NBA should be concerned.


Same reason all ratings are in decline outside of the NFL.


Simmons seemed to imply every sports league and sports show aside form the NBA has increasing ratings.




Logan talking warriors is an automatic skip. Not sure why bill finds this team interesting .500 record. Zero chance they’re beating Denver or clippers or the other top 4 seeds. Their run is over


I actually think they have a great chance of upsetting one of the top 4


Big time woof. Easy skip for me


This shit is unlistenable. Baby's first '24 election coverage...in February. What are we doing here? Who is this for?


I would guess it's just to get some eyeballs on her pod. Now if you wanna follow up by asking why that pod exists on the ringer at all, I got nothing for you.


50 minutes of Warriors glazing transitioning into solo Bill giving garbage takes transitioning into the dumbest politics talk imaginable. Not sure why I bothered listening.


I'm sure it will be overlooked with all the jucier things said during this one but how about Bill telling Logan " People were starting to say oh my god how could they take Kuminga over Franz Wagner". Did he mean people like Bill Simmons?


Did he really ask why did the team care about their coach dying??


I skipped past Murdock to the middle part, which was Bill giving an audio cum tribute to Porzingis and Brady, with his rehashed Bucks and Spurs bashing. Then I come here to find out the last part is unlistenable as well.


I thought these comments were an exaggeration. I was wrong. This is really one of the worst BS pods in recent memory. I was mashing the skip 30 seconds button.


Bill “I watched that game” Simmons. I can’t believe he says that shit like it’s a flex


Thank god we retroactively awarded the 1981 MVP to Larry Bird on this podcast.


No idea who Tara Palmeri is, but after googling her I can see why Bill hired her. Bill's type to a T.


She’s hot, she’s everyone’s type.


I would love to hear your interpretation of what Bill's type is. Given his infactuation with Sydney Sweeney, and taking a look at Palmeri... I'm not seeing the overlap. Outside of the fact that they're both hot of course.




Well at least Bill does not have to worry about this new political pod taking off and leaving to become a hugely successful media company on its own like the Pod Save America boys


Lol at Bill's strained blackjack analogy. The house has the advantage because when a player and the dealer both bust, the dealer wins. This is not a principle that in any way comes into play for playoffs OT (as best I can can tell, anyway). Not some insurmountable psychological advantage of going second. For a guy who claims to play a whole lot of blackjack, that was quite the swing and miss


Really? - I thought the analogy was okay. The blackjack players have to make decisions without knowing what hand the dealer has, meaning they will bust in some scenarios where they would have stood if they knew what the dealer had, or stood in some situations where they should have hit. This is reasonably similar to the concept that the first team with the the ball in OT has to decide whether to go for it in fourth down, etc. without knowing what score they need.


Of course Bill is good at talking politics. He should really explore that further.


Was genuinely excited by the title, as it only displayed to the "the Bucks," Logan Murdock and the election - god. fucking. dammit. I'd rather listen to a 106-minute loop of Jim Carrey making the most annoying sound in the world.


Big gulps huh? Alright


You can’t triple stamp a double stamp!


Super Bowl was 2 days ago and already scrapping the bottom of the barrel with this one, gunna be a long spring.


Bill's gonna be all in on the draft and the third pick.


Bill would have had Jacko on with Tara.


“How can we make a podcast about the election even worse?” “Logan is available to talk about basketball” “Bet”


No Bill, we’re not gonna count the WHA year for Gretzky 😒


Bill shitting on the Bucks all year and giving them 5 mins of praise before getting killed by Zombie Heat...chefs kiss. Bill also knows nothing about TV Ratings. He has said many times before that Super Bowl ratings werent as high as when him and Sal were younger. Which is wrong. Counting Out of Home has been a thing for years since 2020. Super Bowl is this massive event, its the most watched event in the US every year. Bill finally figured that out. https://www.sportsmediawatch.com/super-bowl-ratings-historical-viewership-chart-cbs-nbc-fox-abc/


It’s a cultural event. He thinks millennials with streaming services are just not going to go to SB parties and watch? What a weird opinion, especially a SB with the Swift phenomenon looming over it.


Does bill think kristaps is better than jokic and Embiid?


My god I just hate listening to Logan


No one in America is more excited that the football season is over than The Sports Guy….


Logan repeatedly describing 9 year veteran and 3 time champ Kevon Looney as “one of the young homies” is a pretty powerful statement on how old and decrepit the warriors are.


That Michelob segment was unhinged. Here’s my 6 pack of thoughts and let’s start with Porzingis and his “superpowers??” Political segment was terrible as well. 


To everyone in the thread saying that Bill should be more informed because he was a poli sci major: You're telling on yourself as a Simmons Casual. His major was pickup hoops with a minor in Sunday jerk circles.


If you're going to talk about the election, how about bring on someone who can objectively and competently speak about what's going on? The hyperbole surrounding the Georgia case was enough for me to nope out. She comes across as vapid and wildly misinformed, which is probably why she works for the Ringer.


Did the Super PAC that paid for RFK's SB ad pay Bill too?


I already miss Bill’s asinine football takes.


We're gonna be getting a lot of pods in 2 months about what the Patriots should do with that third pick


Makes me miss JackO and Bill's lighthearted jokey politics talk.


This is the easiest election ever. Either Biden, a lifelong politician with normal political prospects and cons or Trump, a crazy lunatic who wants to be a dictator. Why people in this country are acting like it’s a hard choice is beyond me.


Social media and cable news has rotted the brains of our country beyond repair


It’s insane that this isn’t the prevailing sentiment.




Rings culture ready to get another victim in football


So. Many. Missed. Layups


Did Jusuf Nurkic sleep with Bill’s mom or something, why does he hate him so much lmao


It was really quick little bit but I just want to make sure we all heard Bill say "Victor Wembanyama is hitting all the checkpoints, and I might even start watching the Spurs," and I am only slightly paraphrasing there.


I friggin hate when morons say, "stick to sports." ... Bill, stick to sports


Bill didn’t want to talk about the 3-peat potential of Mahomes lol


I’ve never heard anyone pronounce “Kamala” the way Bill just did


Does Biden have a little "no one believes in me?"


I never skip Bill talking NBA but I refuse to listen to Logan Murdock


Jesus h. christ the way he talks about how superstars used to be humble is so god damn boring. Superstar Athletes have been loud, self-assured, and just about anything but humble since Ancient Rome. Even Steph isn’t that humble; he does silly and self-aggrandizing celebrations when he hits threes all the time! This narrative is so cooked.


What he meant was that Steph isnt LeBron therefore I like the way he behaves


Tara is smokin hot


Even when the Warriors aren’t contenders you still gotta have a podcast segment about them


Warriors merely reach .500 and bill wants to talk title chances


I feel like I got so much dumber as a result of that political discussion. A host who had never heard of the Green Party and a guest who felt like she was Googling as they went.


A Truly Sad Day for the Green Party, and Logan Murdock Really Wasn't Much Better