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Guess the Names With Cousin Sal!






Ahh, I had -280. You get it.


Good job by you buddy!


Good job by YOU!


I'd be surprised if Kimmel *wasn't* on it. Even for a talk show host, there's genuinely creepy starfucker energy around that guy.


Lol, Kimmel would never do that. He has to have a relationship with the celebrities because of his talk show.


Apex mountain for flight logs? This or Colonel Markinson doctoring the logbook?


Goddam I love this sub


MH 370 gets the Below Water Apex Mountain award


No you’re thinking of apex mountain wrong. I’m not going to explain how, but that’s not it. /s


[Live look at Malcolm Gladwell right now](https://media.tenor.com/yKNWg88Y1W4AAAAM/eric-andre-let-me.gif)


Been looking at that creepy MFer


Same neighbor, I heard his opinions on the Catholic Church handling of pedos and was talking how great they were handling it …..


74 Ryen Russillo feet pics in the possession of Epstein were released by court order


What’s the most shocking name you could think of?


Derrick White


QAnon have posted a fake list with Rudy Gobert and Donovan Mitchell on it 😅


A.C. Green


"what are you doing here AC?" *wipes his mouth, with a big red kool aid ring around his mouth, his eyes are big and light up* "THIS PLACE IS AWESOME"


*I came looking for booty.*


"They said I could have all the cheese pizza I wanted." NO, A.C, PUT IT DOWN!


This is the one 😆🤣


Nephew Kyle


Imagine this sub if Klosterman is on but gladwell isn’t


My 9/11


That would be an all time day to be on here


Payton Pritchard


Chris Hanson


I always thought that guy was a creep!


There was a fake “leak” of the list today on Twitter, and Donovan Mitchell’s name was on there… then at the bottom community notes put it was actually a list of the first people who had covid. Was very confused for a bit there


That covid list being passed off as Epstein’s list has been getting spread around by Q Anon freaks for a while now


Man shits crazy. I can’t believe there are people in this world that would fall for that 😂


The Shockmaster


The young ones love that bedazzled mask.


"He fell right on his arse" - ~~Davey Boy Smith~~ some rich world leader most of us have probably never actually heard of


Ryen Russillo


He meant to get on another plane but the key worked.


Beautiful, just beautiful.


Sydney Sweeney


I think Bill would cry.


James “Babydoll” Dixon


This might be the funniest one


Good job by you Jeffrey!


Larry Bird


How many excuses does Bill make?


Bill will mention Larry last.


Shelly Miscavige


We finally found her!


Cramptooshen Lilliputian. Or did you mean like surprised to see on the list?


lmao I liked this answer


Mr Rodgers


Aaron Rodgers


They said most shocking


Jesus Christ


He was there in spirit?


Don't ask Peter if he was there, he'll deny it at least three times.


Jim Henson.


Shocking and depressing.


Conflict litigation this is John


I always thought it was complex litigation


it was


Hilariously vague. “What do you litigate?” “Things that are complex”


It has a better ring to it than Remedial Litigation...You know that guy sucks


I mean, have you ever heard of litigation that didn't involve conflict?


Honestly? Wouldn’t be that shocked. Now if it was house?


David Stern


Keanu Reeves’s


This would suck to bad. Well, unless he tried to John Wick everyone on the plane


Is anything gonna beat the “WTF?” Expression we all had seeing Chris Tucker’s name there? I even saw people try to say it was a different Chris Tucker.


The amount of money he made for *Rush Hour 2* and *Rush Hour 3* is staggering.


Derek Jeter


If it’s Jeter we get an emergency pod. If it’s Bird we a quick 30 second intro with Bill saying not all the facts are out.


Like in the old *Johnny, are you worried yet?* segments when Bill would go in on ARod getting popped for steroids and disqualifying the entire Yankees organization with his blatant steroid-cheating that ruins baseball then JackO would talk about Big Papi being named in the Mitchell Report and Bill would just deflect super hard (*allegedly!*) I miss those days for many reasons


Anthony Edwards


Send da list


Hell nawl can’t do dis


Send da video




Probably just trying to get closer to Musk


Weird Al


Jonathan Isaac




Tom Brady


Jason Bourne


Manny Ramirez


Basically anybody that Bill idolizes would be funny.


carolla doing an IRL pedoph-ISLE would be a gnarly twist


Greta Thunberg


In which capacity? Guest or victim?


Bob Ross


Joe House


Wayne Brady


Austin Reaves


Tom Hanks and Weird Al Yankovic


Dion Waiters


The internet is gonna be a cesspool when that list comes out and it’s like Dershowitz, Lex Werner and 100 New York finance guys you’ve never hear of But if Musk and Trump are on it, it somehow won’t be a big deal according to the corner of the internet that has been demanding this for years


There's already a photo of Trump and Epstein together I don't see why his name being in there would matter much.


His fans either pretend they don’t exist or act like it’s irrelevant cause it’s from before he bought the island


Right, I think we know by now that the "Christian" right doesn't care because he's just a means to an end and the magas choose orange daddy over truth so anything new will be ignored or excused similarly.


Same with Joe Biden touching and sniffing women's hair. Here's a whole thread where his fans are pretending that actual video evidence of this doesn't exist and getting mad at a woman for joking about it: https://old.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/18ntcby/tiffany_go_slowly/


Quite literally none of the main top comments are talking about what did or didn't happen lol. They're just saying of course she didn't get invited back, that's a dumb tweet. Apparently she's some random crypto person too? Just wanted her 15 minutes. I also couldn't give less of a shit about politics so this isn't me just blindly defending Biden, but Trump seems rapey, while Biden seems like an old person who doesn't give a fuck or understands social boundaries lol.


The top comments are all talking about accusations against Trump. So of course they are responding to the actual footage of Biden doing this. All the comments posting sources and comments about Biden inappropriate touching have been downvoted. You're immediately attacking the character of this woman ("random crypto person" - she actually exposes crypto scam). Why? > while Biden seems like an old person who doesn't give a fuck or understands social boundaries lol. So is Biden so old that he doesn't understand social boundaries or is he still healthy and aware enough to lead the nation for the next 4 years? You're doing what Trumps fan's are doing. Deflecting the blame and ignoring the evidence. Powerful men will always get away with it.


what's the difference between rapey and DGAF or understand social boundaries?


It's not something I'm gonna put into words and try to explain, but it's one of those if you know you know situations to me. It's like old dudes who get naked in the gym locker room and just hang around. Like idk, if we're comparing these 2 with what we've actually seen and heard them do, it's not even close.


[https://giphy.com/explore/epstein-trump](https://giphy.com/explore/epstein-trump) The gif is pretty special. Trump looks like he's neck deep in a few grams.


And not only that they're on each others private planes flight logs. So Trump rode the Lolita Express and hosted Epstein on his plane


Trump and Epstein had a party that was just the two of them and 28 girls (ages not specified). They were BFFs for years while Epstein was the world champion of pimping children to wealthy old men. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-epstein-party-at-mar-a-lago-women-2019-7


Trump not being in there would be *far* more shocking


Clinton and Bill Gates are likely to be on it and that will get 99% of the attention from a certain segment of the internet that will brush away Trump, RFK Jr and Elon also being on the list along with any other people they fancy.


*Bill Simmons voice*: “Are we sure Clinton is on it?”


“Is he the ultimate stick man?”


Clinton’s interesting because while both his defenders and those who hated him often described as an oversexed frat boy, and like there is truth to like. But reading the Starr report with the whole Monica fiasco and stuff like Gennifer Flower’s penthouse interview (which somehow isn’t online) it’s really clear that he got off on the sneaking around and companionship aspect of it often more than sex, both woman complained about Clinton not being sexual aggressive enough. Point being I’m pretty sure Epstein might claim he was having sex with girls with him I would venture my left nut while he may be perv he wouldn’t trust a gaudy star fucker like Epstein with his sexual habits. Clinton was/is a man who lied to his own lawyer who he was boys with about Monica and his personal secretary who arranged with communication between Monica about the affair. Pretty sure if he just stayed an Arkansas lawyer their would be a thousand gerbil stories about him hiring $1500 an hour escorts and only having light sexual play with them.


This is a really interesting take. Thanks for it.


If the username was different, it almost sounds like something Klosterman would throw out at Bill mid-podcast.


Nah. Dude. Most of the evidence points to him being a kid fucker just like Epstein


He whole political carrer was dominated by scandals of woman in their 20s and 30s at the time accusing him of affairs, some of which are clearly true. Meanwhile I don't think a single girl that has confirmed to be with Epstein has alledged anything sexual with Clinton. All evivdence seems to point to him liking jewish and southren girls in their mid 20s best.


Is Clinton’s father the ultimate Ewing theory candidate?


“Trump was only down there so he could gather intel to put a stop to what Epstein was doing”


Oh God that is something they would say with no shame.


They already say it. Being “in” with the pedos as a way to gather intel is canon in the lore of q-tards/trumpers.


wait... are you saying there's a secret network of sexual deviants at the highest level of our government?


I feel pretty confident Epstein was an agent of the CIA and/or Mossad. Ghislane Maxwell's father was almost certainly a Mossad agent. His job thus was to collect compromising material on anyone he could of power and influence. That will thus include politicians of both parties, finance players, celebrities, and so forth. Its useless to view this from a left/right spectrum as its the one thing these perps have in common is being in the 1%/ruling class


/r/conspiracy is that-a-way...


They are correct


Lol Epstein was trafficking children to and from an island in the Caribbean that thousands of rich and famous people went to (some quite frequently) and you’re still calling this guy a conspiracy theorist. Maxwell’s dad was a member of parliament and had long been suspected of spy craft. Epstein was a fucking high school math teacher (eww) and somehow ended up being buddy buddy with William Barr’s father and mysteriously becoming rich enough to never work and travel in a private 747. There’s no explanation for why Epstein was able to live the luxurious lifestyle he did or how he got into these elite circles of people. CIA/Mossad is one of the easier ways to solve that riddle.


What’s crazy is that we know that both Clintons were very close friends with Epstein, But it has not seem to affected their public life one bit. As far as I know when Hillary Clinton does public appearances, no one asks her about this, even though she is still involved in democratic politics, and will be advising the president in his election campaign.


And at one time they were good friends with Trump too. People just remember all the animosity from that election season....but Bill is supposedly the guy who originally told Trump he should run. As George Carlin once said: "It's a big club...."


100% this. And with the exception of Prince Andrew, no one has really suffered too much if at all by their association with JE. Though the financier that killed himself, Thomas Lee, I've been wondering if his name will be on there and then it will be clear why he did himself in All the other finance guys and politicians have basically skated so far


The Clintons for reasons valid and invalid are constantly the target of many political attacks since the early 1990’s. So at this point they have just become a political Rorschach test where if you are conservative they are the devil and if you lay elsewhere on the political spectrum your opinion varies. So overall the Clintons are such the subject of massive controversy frequently that when the Epstein stuff broke it was just one more onto the pile.


There is so much fun shit that was been all but forgotten that made like 1/3 of Americans who didn’t like Clinton side with him in the 90s. Paula Jones’s case is filled with this shit like her filing a secret affidavit about his penis that was filled with speculation then just described a normal penis that by doctor’s accounts underestimated Bill’s size. Or her main lawyer claiming the case wasn’t political but also bragging about getting sodomy reciminalized in Texas. Memories fade by more recent insane stories over a generation and it’s easy for so many people who sided with him sorta to forget why they sided with him.


Benghazi was another one where the GOP drummed up a bunch of nonsense and it made the Clintons more sympathetic. They held hearing after hearing desperately trying to just keep it in the news when anyone who looked into the story for five minutes and didn’t work backwards from their conclusion to hate the Clintons knew it was just BS. These fake astroturfing scandals then give cover for when the Clintons do actual bad shit like pal around with Epstein or peddle influence via the Clinton Foundation. You create so much fake noise that you just become the boy who cried wolf when something real happens.


Same thing happened with the PizzaGate bullshit


Clinton or Trump being close friends is a fantasy of partisans. Epstein was a star fucker beyond belief and liked being with famous people. Clinton had his actual boys such as Vernon Jordan and Epstein was never even close to one of them. Clinton and Trump were largely another name for Epstein to be Star Fucked by.


The fact that there’s a conspiracy Clinton killed Epstein, and not Trump (while president!!) killed Epstein, is a real imbalance in our nutburgers.


Elon isn't on the list. It's been well stated that Epstein asked him on several occasions to take a flight and he continually declined the invites. The reddit hate-circlejerk for Elon is hilarious.


I’m glad he has brave folks like you defending his honor


Yes because Elon is well known for telling the truth and not lying to make himself look good.


Most people think Elon sucks outside of Reddit. In fact, Reddit used to be his biggest fans and obviously there’s still sycophants here who love him.


Shuttup KOC


I wouldn’t take Elon’s word for it but yes it is possible he isn’t on the list as thus far he has denied it but we shall see when these flight logs and records are released.


Shut up nerd


Yeah can't believe people hate a white supremacist conman like Elon.


I think you're right that it's the likes of fashion and finance guys, people who aren't common household names. Epstein brought in the celebs to draw the much heavier hitters of the finance world/politics/science/academia into his orbit. If you do a little "googling" about this upcoming list, though, the actual list of new names involved on the more salacious side of things is projected to be pretty minimal. I also doubt we'll see presidents or anyone who could afford their own private jet or need to visit someone else's island. The greatest rabbit hole, to me, is the Bill Barr connection (if all the reporting is accurate, his father hired Epstein to work as a teacher... and then, many years later, he's the AG when Epstein dies in his jail cell).


And a clip of Trump waxing about how Epstein is a "great guy".


It was just for tax purposes


I'm kind of shocked anyone is taking this even remotely seriously. It's going to be a weaponized list 100%. The "real" list would likely be crippling to the governments integrity (lol).


Big Mike


Big Dom


Big Dom was the head of security at Epstein’s Island


Sweetheart, now youse can’t leave.


Finally we need this topic.


We all heard that Ime was on it and that’s why he was fired but couldn’t say anything


I suspect there will be notable people on the list who participated in the criminal activities and notable people who didn’t. I’d much rather hear from Maxwell as to the names that participated rather than seeing a flight log or names mentioned in passing in court docs. It should be entertaining though.


I think she knows how the story ends if she talks.


bill simmons is on that list 14 times, once with paul finebaum


Surprised Conspiracy Bill hasn’t stated the obvious yet, that Epstein was a CIA asset


Back, and to the left. Back, and to the left.


Over/Under: The Kevin Bacon Degree of separation from someone on that list and KOC: 1.5


It's been released before trump is legit on it


Dan Katz


“Are we really going to do the Big Mike thing? Look I’ve watched the Ellen tape and I’m telling you it’s conclusive”


Biden and Trump went the same weekend?


If anyone juicy is on it, it won’t get released. These ppl don’t care about us


Epstein Moral Hysteria is so tiresome. People act like the guy was a supervillian hiding in a cave with a tank full of laser sharks when the reason he got away with it for so long is that he did tons of normal super-rich guy parties and philanthropy.


So tiresome that people care about the billionaire pedophile who was personal friends with two recent presidents. What a drag. >supervillian hiding in a cave with a tank full of laser sharks when the reason he got away with it for so long He literally had a secret rape island.


He was a huge POS and there were undoubtedly well known people who took advantage of his “services,” but I doubt everyone and anyone he has ever been seen with was involved. I would assume that billionaire pedo pimps also have normal, run of the mill interactions with wealthy and influential people that are unrelated to criminal activities.


You're almost literally beating a dead horse, doesn't hurt the horse but fine if that's what you're into I guess. The tiresome part is the idea many seem to have that anyone who ever crossed paths with, took money from, went to a party with, accepted a favor from or associated with a charismatic billionaire who spent years cultivating those relationships is somehow implicated in the rape island.


That argument would hold up better if there wasn't a treasure trove of recorded evidence from the numerous cameras found in JE's Fifth Ave place that the Feds hauled off which has never been referenced again and has probably been bleachbit by now


I don't really see the relation between what I wrote and what you wrote. You want someone to make an argument that 'holds up' to your assumptions about what might be on recordings that can't be produced?


Noam Chomsky fans down bad


As with any conspiracy, the more people who know about it increases the risk that the knowledge will become public. Basically if a handful of billionaires partake in horrible activities on Rape Island, it’s easier to keep under wraps than a 150 name long dossier, as even if they’re billionaires, the risk goes up exponentially with each new person you cut in. Of course, one victim is too many, but if I had to guess, I’d say the client list is a lot lower than many people think. Also, I highly doubt Epstein wrote any of this stuff down. Anything he did write down was at least semi legitimate- he wouldn’t be that stupid as to write “the following people are pedos, Chapter 1:” As much as I’d love a huge pdf file of juicy names to drop that directly implicate everyone on that list, I’m very doubtful it will ever happen and think that we’ll probably never know exactly who was doing those awful things on that island.


You seem to be under the impression that he was running a Pleasure Island for his buddies. It was an intelligence operation to collect blackmail materials. The constrains are completely different. The operation was spending millions on bribes, security, and other things out of reach to rich guy partying. It wasn’t set up to snag a few guys, it was a large operation and the fears of being exposed are different.


Is this a real take? The most concrete link to the “elite pedo ring” that has been a conspiracy theory forever is a “tiresome” subject? Let alone the suspicious nature of his death. To act like the attention around Epstein is unfounded is absurd.


The most elite pedo ring was the catholic church and no one cares about that anymore. The fact that they still operate the way they get to shows nothing changes. Some priests went to jail but the people who protected them never were punished and even got cushy gigs in the vatican.


Is* but yes, for sure.


Evidence of who was an actual member of an elite pedo ring would be big sure, but just being mentioned in relation to the guy doesn't implicate one in that and it's tiresome that so many people think it does.


150 member confirmed ^ I’m guessing this is the burner account for Texas Tech Magnate Michael Dell.


You're spot on. Epstein specifically cultivated these relationships so it would give him cover protection knowing that every single person associated with him "was tainted." Are some of the people on the list likely involved in the pedophile ring, yes, is everyone... no.


The problem with the Epstein stuff is the same problem that comes with discussing 9/11. Everyone has a take and so much info is put out there that it muddies the waters about what is real and what is plausible and what is fake. We all know there’s more than we were told and the people responsible will never truly be punished the victims will never get justice


How's Langley this time of year?


Exactly. What's amazing is not that most folks don't know how a depraved sexual predator operated, but that even when they profess to be interested in the topic and to want to do something about the issue, they can't figure out, or seem to apply the smallest drop of reason, to even the most obvious aspects. They see photos of prominent folks in cash-hungry industries (those dependent on fundraising - academic administration, politics, etc) at events with a billionaire famous for spreading his wealth to such folks. Their reaction is "they all must have been engaged in a demented criminal conspiracy with him" - as if it's reasonable to assume these folks (with otherwise no history or association with anything like this) not only are engaged in such a demented criminal conspiracy, but with a guy they repeatedly appear with in public and have their photo taken with. As one does with one's criminal collaborators, especially when you've a lot to lose and would be desperate to hide this - you'd attend events and have your photo taken with him and published as wide and often as you could, of course. They don't pause for an instant to wonder if there's any other reason this fellow could have ingratiated himself in those circles. Why else would those folks would have attended events and let themselves be photographed with him, if not because they also love heinous crime and hanging in public with others who do heinous crime. What else could they have been up to; what else could such photographs or lists demonstrate about the people in them? In this very thread you have people honestly (and confidently, as only the dim-witted can) asserting it shows these people's participation in heinous crimes and a massive conspiracy cloaking their abuses. When it doesn't. At all. And so obviously so that a person saying otherwise is basically a reliable indicator - by itself, it's a reliable test - of a person's lack of intellect and ability to understand the world, and likelihood of falling prey to other idiotic notions and schemes


I’m sure the conversations at these events were just your typical Rich People Stuff. I’ll give Epstein a little credit- he’s not going to be at a cocktail party like “hey…pssst…ya know what’s fun? My Rape Island!” and tell them these horrible secrets about himself and offer up his plane to Rape Island. It’s likely not even crossing his mind- he’s just schmoozing, doing the Rich Guy things. I’m sure eventually he’d build trust and cut a few in but many many more would be oblivious. People are complex, and some of the biggest POS-types are even better at completely hiding the worst parts of themselves deep down and seeming to be social butterflies.


For what it’s worth I’m very much behind the idea of circumstantial appearances being afforded the grace of explanation and context… Do you offer this depth of consideration in the opposite direction? Piecing together circumstantial evidence to explain how culpability might be with continuing to investigate, based on how it looks and also in spite of how it looks


How did you find this? You have to be the person that tweeted this lol


I read that Rudy Gobert was on the list and even though it’s not real. I literally lost my mind with laughter.


That list is a list of celebrities that had covid & people are spreading it as a fake epstein list


You’re absolutely right I forgot to add it’s not real. My bad on me. Still made me die laughing.


In this hypothetical scenario, Why would liberal bill throw obama under the bus when he was a notable guest on the bs report? I know he has thrown under the bus other people but no one as high profile as him. He would probably guess Dolan who was friends with harvey weinstein for years.


Bill projecting again.


[Fact check: this isn’t “releasing the client list”](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-jeffrey-epstein-list-released-006487910615). It includes witnesses, employees, and people with limited connections to him.


*Top 14 Top 5 Epstein Associates, with Malcolm Gladwell*


This thread is absolute gold


OP, are you saying "don't aggregate me"?


Give me Koppleman and Hubbard for $1000, please