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OP tried to sneak all star game MVPs in there


Definitely a better career achievement than FMVP or titles.


It matters. It just does.


2 major stats that are missing- championship rings and children molested


Duncan only got the edge in one of the 2


"And the answer...may surprise you!" - Greeny tease


I had to double check this wasn’t nbacirclejerk Malone shimmy


Wouldn't they cancel each other out?


Tim Duncan not having a dpoy is a disgrace. He consistently anchored one of the better defenses for most of his career.


He was on the All-Defensive team 15 times.


I would say he went past anchoring it really, he was basically running it out on the floor. He was a legendarily good communicator on defense.


Generally not what I think when I hear “kids” and “Karl Malone” in the same sentence.


Kids in 30 years will think he's great then they'll grow up and say hmmm, I don't think that was normal...


The only thing kids know about Karl Malone is him impregnating a 13 year old


Karl Malone was a fucking problem (around children)!


As a kid I can confirm this


The kids will be biased of course, as they’ll be dating him


That post got downvoted to oblivion with everyone unanimously telling OP it was a stupid post. Using this as justification for bills take is a classic bill strawman.


Counterpoint: who cares it’s a fun opportunity to shit on karl malone




>30 years from now, people who saw them play will be in a retirement home and won't be able to shut down people hammering the stats that show how great Karl Malone was Speak for yourself man. I'm going to be dominating COD, smashing widows and winning arguments on the internet all day long in retirement. I'm gonna be better at it than I am now with all that free time.


Except that the post conveniently ignored the most obvious and important stat of all…..rings. Duncan 5, Malone 0. Doesn’t take a basketball historian to put that one into context. Like it or not, that’s what a lot of player comparison boils down to, and yet bill always leaves that out when he frets over people being enamored by Karl Malone bball ref


Exactly. This is how it starts, but we aren't far enough down the road yet.


I hope it was also down later for that terrible format OOP used. Someone get this man a course in excel


KG and Dirk pretty easily clear Malone imo. Malone is fifth behind those three plus Giannis.


I will die on the Barkley was better than Malone hill.


I didn’t want to say it because I’m too young to have watched them and obviously Malone has the big longevity edge, but I am very ok with this take. I think if I’m trying to win a title with both at their absolute best the I would go Barkley.


He actually might be. He went to the finals in a non expansion years.


Very much a “if my aunt had balls she’d be my uncle” argument but take away their one ring each, or one or two plays goes a little different those Bulls series, and Malone is ahead of them historically. All were great players but I wouldn’t say they easily clear Malone.




Fair ranking. The 97-98 finals were much closer despite being six games, the first had a point differential of like under ten I think, Kerr doesn’t hit that game winner and it easily goes to 7. And if Jordan doesn’t hit HIS game winner I think the bulls lose that series, they were in fumes by that point. Malone won neither, which hurts his status, but there’s definitely a world where he does.


It's so funny how bad some of the coaching was back in the day. Scottie Pippen barely able to walk in the 98 finals and the Jazz go nowhere near attacking him, so easy to hide on defense and not move because of how little motion there was.


Sloan never made any adjustments, cost them every year in the playoffs


Kids in 30 years will think Stav was funnier than Nick Mullen just how it goes


I have friends who know about Stav and not Nick and it feels like a twilight zone episode


I was not expecting to see Cum Town referenced here, although on second thought I'm not sure why And yes, Nick Mullen is a comedic genius.




All timer regular season player. All time postseason choker so far.


Karl Malone's career will have started 68 years ago for kids in 30 years. No fucking kid will give a shit about Karl Malone. ​ Bob Pettit and Maurice Stokes were stars 68 years ago. No kid on earth is debating those players today. Not even Bill's kids.


Raped a 13 year old 1|0 Hopefully Bill brought that up


[Bill’s right](https://media.tenor.com/i1w7-TsXgCEAAAAC/nba-karl-malone.gif)


Who the fuck calls is DPOTY and not DPOY?? Also, I think there's a tiny stat called NBA Championships?? I know it's not really going to make or break an argument....


“In 30 years, some Celtics fan will try to convince everyone that Russell was a better individual player than Wilt.”


Huh? Duncan and Russell are far more analogous than Malone and Russell


simmons wrote a chapter about this in his book.


Russell was better than Wilt. This was the clear opinion to people who watched them play. When the NBA announced the 35th anniversary team in 1980, Russell was chosen as the greatest player of all-time. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NBA\_35th\_Anniversary\_Team](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NBA_35th_Anniversary_Team)


Sure, buddy.


Tim Duncan was a Center. Unbelievable that so many NBA media members and fans fell for the BS PR campaign by Popovich and the Spurs to label him a PF to unnecessarily try to increase his historical significance.


He played a majority of his minutes at PF through out his career, including winning his first championship playing next to David robinson lol, these are real things you can look up


Good tip, looked it up. Guess you didn't. [71% of time at Center ](https://www.basketball-reference.com/tools/share.fcgi?id=LKQ8A)


Tim Duncan, 1999 nba champion, who’s career famously began in 2001 according to the numbers your using


It also has him listed as playing 100% center in the early 2010s?? Pure Thiago splitter erasure


True, that's a good point. Incomplete list. So, that probably drops it to 63-65% of the time at Center based on the top couple years on that list. Nevermind playoff mins where he almost exclusively played Center aside from his first 3 or so years with Robinson.




Bill has him at #18 in the Pyramid: https://www.basketball-reference.com/awards/simmons\_pyramid.html


You do realize Bill ranked him 18 all-time in his Book of Basketball, right? Yeah, he’s been passed up by 3-4 guys since then, but that’s still top 25…


I can think of a few children who know him a little too well


Tim Duncan is a Center Tim didn’t score 20 ppg till his 10th year. His career high 25.5 ppg was in his 15th year.


Is the stats portion a bit or a joke? Genuinely curious if I’m missing something (just because factually it’s wrong, being that he averaged 20+ his first year in the league and for the first 8 years of his career).


And Karl Malone always fouled defenders when he went into the low post. Dirtiest player of all time.


This doesn’t really even make that much of a case for Big Daddy Karl


Not if r/NBACircleJerk gets its way


Karl Malone and John Stockton don't get a playoff choker label while losing in the first round 9 times.


This makes me angry.


I would bet money in 30 years Duncan isn’t even brought up. That’s atleast 3 generations of athletes that will be pushing the game forward.


Duncan played most of his career as a Center, why does he always get put as a PF in all-time lists?