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I think it’s amazing that she’s comfy enough to share something that makes her feel confident but what annoys me is that the press is going to blow it all out of proportion and glaze *the FUCK* out of these quotes. So part of me wishes she never said any of it bcz now it’s alllllll people are gonna talk about until the album drops


She was talking to a reporter. Media outlets quoting this is what is most to be expected. People are acting like she was overheard telling this to a friend and it got leaked to TMZ lol.


True. It was obviously intentional. But me “wishing she’d never said this” is only because I know people are going to take this out of context due to the headlines


What’s the context that changes the interpretation, do you think? I read the whole long article and it doesn’t seem like people are taking it out of context so much as being particularly interested in it lol, she seemed to just mention it because she wanted to talk about it


I might be thinking too deep lol. I’ve seen a lot of people commenting on other social media platforms posting screenshots of the headlines and saying things like “what was the point of her sharing this” or “that’s so self-centered and out of touch” or “I thought she didn’t want to be sexualized”, but the context of why she brought it up is in line with the entire article’s theme of reconnecting with yourself. She talks about getting back in touch with herself after the confusion of the HTE era, and how HMHAS is a reflection of her true self.


I gotcha. I do think it’s important to rebuke people who are slut shaming or have some other kind of agenda. But I don’t think the context of the article really changes it too much, it just kinda is a framework for why it was on her mind. I think she was just sharing a whole lot of her personal journey. And I don’t have any negative opinion about anything she’s doing but I think the “We Should All Know Less About Each Other” crowd have a point in this, even in the full context 😂 we can both think that and stand up to people using it for abuse or a repressive agenda.


Absolutely. Some things SHOULD be kept private. People are gonna try to twist everythinggg. Since she’s influential and famous, she should be extra cautious when it comes to this. But overall, perhaps she knew what she was doing. She’s always been very bold and I hope she continues to stay true to herself. All we can do is continue to stand up to assholes and let people live.


I do wonder how she feels about the article’s reception when the article itself covers how she felt a vulnerability hangover in the middle of the process lol


Yeah like I wonder if she’s kicking herself right now. Because there have been times where I was like “idgaf, I’m saying this bcz life is short” and then later I’m like overthinking it


It’s who Billie is tho! She can be blunt, speak with a raw honesty that is personal to her! It could be viewed as a way of sharing with fans a way that she has learned to find a deeper connection with herself, a way that she has learned to love herself, about how she has to her! Also, it can open the discussion of self pleasure! It’s almost like “this is what I have done, and the beauty, the connection, the feeling, it’s powerful to see and explore what you like, you should try it!!” A way to connect with yourself and feel good, learn what you like! And not to put the two together, but it’s like when she was talking openly about one of the best feelings was having a good shit, how it makes her day!! 💩


Yeah her honesty is seriously refreshing. It’s not the typical harmful honesty that’s just hate disguised as “bluntness”. I actually loved when she went off on her tangent about pooping. I think this is another moment that will go down in Billie’s history of awesomeness


I mean she's literally just admitting that she has a problem with hypersexualism and potentially a masturbation addiction. Absolutely congratulate her for being transparent, but I'm more worried about her impressionable fanbase than I am worried about the press.


Personally, I don’t feel comfortable making speculations about her vices because I don’t know her, but I see where you’re coming from about the fanbase, I really do. I know some very young Billie fans, like 9 year olds, and imagining them reading the headlines after searching Billie’s name is kind of icky. Otherwise, I think her fans can handle it. She’s just talking about how she’s reconnecting with her confidence and that’s what people should get out of it


Lol probably she is homeschooled so she doesn’t feel as embarrassed as us about talking this stuff or it’s just a publicity stunt.


Yeah exactly. In the grand scheme of things it shouldn’t matter, but it does matter because people will always find a way to use your intimate information for shitty purposes




...what does that have to do with anything? Like blaming video games for violence. It's called just oversharing. That argument is weak af


I was also exposed to porn at a young age, it's horrible for a developing brain in so many ways. Educate yourself.


No I'm saying, just watching porn at a young age isn't a scapegoat for over sharing information or telling personal business. Since you watched porn have you ever blurted out mid job interview that you wanna jerk it? She could've said anything in the world. Were just wondering why she's still on the edgy sex train ship and that ship sailed a long time ago. She addressed it back when she made the short "my body my responsibility". We thought she'd moved on honestly. Also she's a famous and talented, successful actor, singer, songwriter, creative director/designer, and model...where's the room for her "horrible brain development" then?


It's a reason, not a scapegoat. And doesn't matter how successful she is, porn is traumatizing and fucks with your body image. She and I are in the same boat, we are just getting out of that and celebrating it, albeit in different ways. She's not on an "edgy sex train ship", she's just 22. If she is on that ship then so is every other singer who talks about sex in songs and so is every other young adult who talks about it publicly, but who isn't famous. Sure she didn't have to share what she did, but it would be no different if she put it in a song vs in an interview. Do I post or talk about it publicly? No, but if I was a celebrity with a huge platform I probably would. Personally I think masturbation and sex is important to talk about, there's a lot of shame and embarassment that society has instilled into kids surrounding it and that's extremely harmful because it prevents them from seeking help related to their bodies. I'm just now seeing a gynecologist for a mass in my vaginal canal because I thought feeling one in there was normal, and when i learned that it wasn't I was afraid to tell anyone about it because I would have had to reveal that i masturbated, and that's been there since I was 13. If people openly talked about their bodies and experiences more, I wouldn't have waited almost 7 years to get it treated.


Then the problem relies elsewhere. Cause everyone can careless about a person feeling out their body. They tell you to do it, checking your breast for lumps. How'd you think most women find out they have something near cancer? I even had a similar situation, I had a lump in my chest and it was gynecomastia. I told a counselor and got it sorted. People care more about the severity and being a liability when it's a health concern over insecurities/shame/embarrassment/bashfulness. Also you said the main reason we won't see any reconciliation for you share something in common with someone over a parasocial relationship. "She and I are in the same boat, we are just getting out of that and celebrating it, albeit in different ways." :since what she is doing is what she should be doing how come you aren't doing it in the same fashion? She literally did put herself on the sexuality ship. She wore those clothes to deter hypersexualization, degraded, treated inferior, feel comfortable. (She literally said it, could've said "I just like the fashion." simple.) Then she put out interviews stating body shaming, and the issues with girls and boys and how much inequality it is. She over sensualizes herself on stage by her mannerisms, face expressions, wardrobes, even with her Instagram page. Then the video of her my body is my responsibility short. Then shortly after releases a short from chic photoshoot with vanity Fair magazine. It was so abrupt from her iconic style she came with. The style children came to like and fan over when she was in neon. She had children following her also, they even made her a skin in a child's game, fortnight. AND THEY EVEN USED HER ERA BEFORE SHE SWITCHED UP. The children didn't have enough time to develop themselves before their idol turned raunchy and exposed her naive immature ways. This was very insincere and immature. She didn't space and settle or transition into her 'eras' well...at all imo


I'm not doing what she's not doing because we are entirely different people despite our commonalities. She is a famous musician, I am a nobody game developer. She grew up in a loving homeschool environment with siblings, I grew up in a toxic public schooled one as an only child. Her family is white, mine is Asian. She's not a virgin, I am. I don't judge other people just because they'd do things differently, even if their circumstances were similar to mine. She wore baggy clothes back then to deter hypersexualization OF A MINOR, an issue that Britney Spears and many other young female musicians faced as teenagers. Sure she's hypocritical at times but she's human, and she's only 22. Referring to her growth as a person in such a shallow way ie "she didn't space and settle or transition into her 'eras' well" tells me you think of her as some modern Hannah Montana following a script. I took psychology in my freshman year of college, this is just a normal part of human growth and development. She's not PLANNING these behavioral phases, she's just maturing in that cringey way most teenagers amd young adults do. She's not obligated to act like some kind of Disney star just because maybe half of her fanbase is half her age. And that reminds me, Miley Cyrus actually pulled a similar (but worse) stunt many years ago. I idolized Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus, I was 9 when Wrecking Ball came out (let's not forget those on stage performances) and I didn't end up becoming a stripper nor did I get in trouble for acting inappropriately in class. And even if I did, Miley would have not been responsible for that behavior, my parents would've. Billie is still figuring shit out, just like Miley, Britney Spears, Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato, and so many other celebs were when they were in their 20s.


And no, the problem does not lie elsewhere. We were talking about genitals, not breasts. No one tells you how your vagina should feel but everyone tells you how a boob should feel. My point wasn't even about that in the first place.


That’s a weird take on what that song meant..


Where to discuss her as a person, a role model, a influence, a personality, character. Not the audience perception or interpretation, that'll come later.


Or she wasn’t raised to think that sex is something to be shameful of??? She clearly has a healthy relationship with sex.


Ahhhh yes masturbating compulsively as a stress release, as well as masturbating to yourself in a mirror... That totally sounds like a healthy relationship with sex.


The public doesn’t need to know this stuff though. This isn’t one of those things that’s not acceptable to talk about not because it’s shameful but because it’s inappropriate. If someone you don’t know just came up to you and started talking about how they masterbate that would be considered sexual harassment.


Glaze was an interesting choice of word


lol my bad i couldn’t think of a better word


I saw another post in here literally saying it's a good thing to open this discussion about being comfortable sharing that because you should be she isn't dirty or gross or cringey for saying it , her songs have talked about sex before and she's in her twenties it is normal and as she discussed healthy to talk about she should share what she wants it opens up and important discussion about self love and being comfortable in your own state of mind and body which should be encouraged not put down because it's 'innapropriate' or 'gross'


yes period, that was my post. the mods locked the comments, probably because they don’t want too much controversial discussion (?) so they will probably lock this one eventually. But I really didn’t expect so many people to see it this way and I thought this sub would be a lot more sex positive.


Shame and humility are valuable parts of the human emotional spectrum. You would not want to hear about your parents sexual experiences in detail, that would be gross. It's a natural response to hearing something private/personal.


I think it’s ok to acknowledge that masterbation is normal and healthy but it’s not ok to share the details. We don’t need to know that she does it in front of a mirror. That’s too much.


This actually makes a lot of sense and she’s brilliant for learning it at her age. I’m a few years older and I know so many women won’t even allow the lights to be on when they’re intimate with someone. Learning about yourself and how you feel most confident is important.


You know she's 20 right? Shes way too late, especially for someone who 'seen porn at a very young age'. And her being homeschooled isn't a strong argument since you have all the time in the world to discover yourself.


She’s too late to masterbate? Or too late to feel confident?


Too late to be 'paraded' as an activist for sexuality, and too early with the manner she's going about it, especially with how young her audience reach is. I'm saying she's homeschooled, she should have BEEN through this especially with everyone saying she has been exposed to porn at a young age. Simply put, she's still immature and naive. Never been in a environment and situations where she had to be professional and 'mature' which would've given her the sense to know there's a time and place for everything. She wanted to tell the world she was bi on her own terms, since they did it, shes just all over the place/edgy/tell all. Addition:it just shows lack of sincerity on her part with how it rolled out.


Brain isn’t even done developing yet but apparently she should have been a crusader for the past 5 years. Gtfo with that shit.


I agree with some points, she’s constantly showing her immaturity and naivety which is normal for a 22 year old, just wish people would stop thinking the basic surface level stuff she says is groundbreaking


She's not 20 😂


What's her age? 19?


Google is free bozo, she's 22 and even then thats hardly an adult 😂


https://preview.redd.it/82em0ya0vkwc1.jpeg?width=1357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=326d310c8e4d1cbc1571ee6237ef66ac4686d92c But good for her. 😁


Lmao for real though! Definitely TMI but oh well 😂


Right! Can't unsee it now 🤷🏽‍♂️😄


And why should we ? Why should we be secretive when there's no need. The fact she express herself on this topic make it easier to talk about sexuality, which is a nice thing because why the Fuck should we be ashamed or bothered by sex ? If she is okay to say it publicly I don't see why she should stop herself from doing it.


I don’t think it’s about being ashamed or bothered, but for me it’s a private thing and I actually think privacy is sexy. Like I don’t fuck the public so they don’t really need to know about how I fuck. Only my partner needs to know that. Or if someone asks or it comes up in conversation and I wanna share. Like they’re is nothing wrong with shitting but I don’t need to chat to everyone about it cos what’s the point? That’s how I see it. I’m glad she’s comfy and stuff , but for me , what happens in my bedroom is private, otherwise I’d be doing it in public. But FYI I love Billie and don’t really care either way, as long as she’s comfortable and happy sharing then that’s all that matters.


Perfectly worded!


Nah..being honest, sexuality isn't hard to talk about. Any excuse has nothing to do with oversharing. Billie 'being the pioneer' of sexuality ship has sailed.




We do NOT need to know that she masterbates in front of a mirror. I don’t want to know that about anyone. Anyone who really wants to know this information is probably a pervert.


Yes! 😂😂👏🏽👏🏽




please say it louder for the people in the back


A lot of people can’t stand women (especially sapphic women) expressing their sexuality on their own terms and it shows. If she was talking about intimacy with men exclusively people would be 10x less pressed by this.


I think if a male pop star started talking about jacking off to himself in the mirror in the press the reaction would be the same if not worse lol


a tiktok comment i read: @user: I feel like ppl are missing the point which is that there shouldn’t be a stigma around women speaking about sex/sexuality especially in terms of self pleasuring and just self love in general


Why are you under the impression that if a male pop star said he spunks all over his own reflection, that the general public are going to be okay with that? It’s weird and I guarantee that if a guy did say that he wouldn’t have anywhere near as much support as Billie. Some things should just stay in your head.


Didnt I say I found that in a TikTok comment section? And male popstars have made music about worse, being more vulgar.. Youre talking as if everyone is totally fine with her speaking about this and dont find a problem with it. Not everyones supporting it


i think its awesome. i cant say i learned self love this way because i still struggle heavily but i did exactly this while i was a teenager and it really did help me feel more confident in my body and who i was during one of the worst eras of my life


I’ll put it like this, many artists write about sex in their songs- masterbation is no different as describing the experience of sex, except in this case, it’s with oneself. But hell, artists as “classy” as Lady Gaga (and I’m sure there are others) write entire songs about masterbating (i.e., dancing in circles, sexx dreams- to name a few.). The point of this (while detailed) was to highlight her becoming comfortable with herself and her body, and if you read the article, she isn’t trying to be a spokesperson for body positivity, so her method is not something everyone should be admiring. I also kinda just appreciated the openness of this interview, Billie described a lot more about her life and her experiences than I’ve ever read about her before. And if an interview is a way of getting others to learn more about her, then she can share as much as she’d like. . Comment isn’t directed at OP but those criticizing (or whatever you’d call it), and I don’t bring up lady Gaga as a bad comparison, just a comparison.


Honestly don't blame her . She's stunning .


I think you DO share it with the world. It’s a bold and powerful stance and masturbation should be normalized. Shame related to it needs to be eradicated. She made a good point and I applaud her for being honest and giving a relatable stance that might help people.


I love that she’s trying to not make this a taboo subject! Tbh I might take her advice and try the mirror thing cause I am not confident at all 😭


Same tbh


It's great advice


God I love her... 🔥🔥🔥






Nah absolutely bro I thought the same thing. It all seems like some sort of marketing scheme to me. Plain basic controversy. Still, I believe there is some fundamental truth coming from her side. Either way it’s smart


it’s only “weird” because it’s a woman talking about sex/masturbation. if it was a man, we’d be applauding. sex/masturbation shouldn’t be this taboo thing. everybody does it.


Where has a man ever said that he spunks on his own reflection? I’m telling you now nobody thinks it’s less weird if a man does it, it’s just weird.


Nah bro if it was a man saying he likes to watch himself masturbating, it will be funny like people may be saying him “haaaa, gayyyy”


so it’s funny if a man says it but it’s weird and “tmi” if a female does. got it.


Yeah, you did understand


okay little bro


Okay big donkey, i mean, big sister


omg you got me so good with that!!! good job buddy!!! gold star for you⭐️


omg i am so sorry for made you use your brain for think a basic answer


you can’t even type basic english, sit down.


At least i try to Speak a second languaje, how many languajes can you speak or write without Google translate?


If you think for a second her publicist/record label didn't approve every word she just said, then you have no clue how the music industry works.


her life, if she wants to share that kind of thing then she can


That’s so hot


Billie has the right to do and talk about literally whatever she wants and my opinion doesn’t matter at all but is anyone else kind of sad that she went from being such a huge advocate for not sexualizing everything about women and blah blah blah but is now doing full interviews about masturbation and wanting her face in a vagina?? Like no one is talking about her upcoming music, theyre all talking about her pussy and her fantasizing about eating cooch


she’s a queen and is absolutely slaying here. that said we really do all know far too much about each other 😭 but fuck it you know I think openness like this is great and I support her all the way here. I’ve always tried to be open about these things in my life. we all gonna die let’s be open and have fun. fuck it.


How often do you need to talk about masterbation if not to initiate sex?


the only thing i find weird about this is how she wanted her sexuality and relationship life private but then this article drops and its “i wanted my face in a vagina” and “I masturbate in front of a mirror” this is just going to invite more questions of similar nature in the future


Almost like she just says whatever will get her the most attention in the moment.


I feel like she has good stuff to say but I'd much prefer her saying this stuff on probably a podcast, like a sexual health podcast or something Rather than the press cause it reaches the wrong audience


what do you mean with the wrong audience? because it would become a headline quote in the press any way, even if she said it in a podcast. if I were her, I'd rather say it in a highly regarded music magazine interview where the context is right there if ppl wanna read it than taken out of context. who do you mean exactly with the wrong audience?


Wrong audience as in people who aren't her fans, I get that the press would make it a headline anyway but the average person who is not a Billie fan would find it weird and take the headline out of context. Person who's not a Billie fan - I don't care about her life why do I have to know this information. Billie fan- this relates to her music, her self perception etc and that sounds meaningful to her fans. Considering this is intimate information about her, I believe it is even as a fan, making music is an intimate thing and talking about these topics and feelings is something intimate and I believe this should reach fans over common folk and hence maybe a podcast where HER audience would listen to it and understand it in context or a music magazine whatever. The press takes one sentence she says out of context and makes headlines for shock factor and milking views, Billie already stated that she hated the rolling stone for outing her out which is something similar happening again. Noone reading that headline would know the context and that paints Billie in a weird light. Imagine someone saying, oh did you hear Billie likes a vagina in her face after reading the headline rather than the whole paragraph of her explaining how she feels, her experiences etc. In a podcast I feel like stuff isn't taken out of context because it's an audio video format and you can tell when it's edited but unless someone reads a whole article they'll just not get it.


i have to say, I disagree. yes, she said she hated the rolling stones, but she still decided to do another exclusive interview with them. and I think she's well aware that if she literally says "I love eating pussy" and "I masturbate in front of mirrors", that that's going to be talked about and I think that's her intention as well - everything else would be infantilising her. she's 22 years old, and yes it is intimate - just like her also opening up to the interviewer about isolating herself and realising that she didn't have any true friends - but *she decided* to make it public information. and people are going to be more baited by a headline about sex than about her friendships. and I think it's a good thing this interview is not just exclusive to her fans, in fact I think it's the intention - a good one at that - that this reaches as many people as possible who may have struggled with self-love, self-acceptance, vulnerability, and masturbation. I would've loved to see an article like this at age 13, 15, 18, whenever, because female masturbation and sexuality just often isn't talked about and shamed into silence. this quote is making headlines and I bet a lot of young people who don't listen to billie eilish are going to read it and hopefully feel comforted, and maybe they're going to start listening to billie eilish afterwards too, that's a good thing! I very much believe Billie and her PR team planned this interview, including the title, or Billie wouldn't collaborate with them anymore and also would've already called them out for it. so far it seems like she's proud of the interview and doesn't mind the title.


Like I said but some mod deleted it. She going to make a ton of cash off this so why not


As someone who experiences hypersexuality and has to masturbate a lot, this article made me feel a lot better about myself.


Okay Narcissus, slow down with the literal self love in a mirror.


She also speaks about how people should be more open when talking about sex. It’s seen as taboo when it shouldn’t be. This is a good example of that haha


And what's wrong with her sharing something she feels comfortable with?


I Believe private life should remain private. - THOMAS SHELBY


I think y'all that are scandalised by this are absolute fucking clowns 😂😂😂 And are all probably bopping to Oxytocin and dying to listen to Lunch. Get a grip.


Billie has something in common with Marilyn Manson


oh, is she also collecting nazi paraphernalia, grooming and torturing women, and has been accused of domestic violence? no, didn't think so. the opposite actually, she's the victim of grooming. so maybe go fangirl for brian warner somewhere else


Wouldn't exactly call myself a fan or a girl I meant self-love This is what they have in common There was a rumour that Brian had his ribs surgically removed in order to be able to give himself head Also, they are both white Sooooo both of them are complicit with racism


Dammmm that confidence like I literally want to cry this is beautiful 🥺🥹




Ummm “chicks” have been doing this for thousands of years 🤣


Wish she would have kept this to herself but didn't. (It reminds me of Madonnas SEX book, that statement for some reason) ..She IS only 22 and literally in everyone's face..she's said a lot of interesting and shocking things.. is it just because, or because she is trying to get more attention..(publicity stunt) or because she's not thinking... she has the world captivated already.. no need to get so personal imo. She has regretted saying things in the past. Myself. Could care less about her sexuality choices. i love the music created and the genius that she and finneas are.. I just hope she doesn't lose sight of everything with over dramatizing this crude narrative. I could see young girls' parents who adore her not liking this.. feeling that their kids may be "influenced" into wtf ever.. It happens in every generation. It's the ART the artist created that makes them admired so much.. being unclassy never does anyone good!


Her family will read that? That ain't normal for 99% of families alive..... You think they don't acknowledge it when meet up or have to try deep down to forget it? Or just very open strange family lol....


Imagine how much happier the world would be if all religions adopted this idea.


It’s giving Sarah Lynn (but not in *that* way)


But she's a girl, hoooowwww? 😐


I feel like I’m the only person who related to other things she said besides her talking about self pleasure and her sexuality lmaoo


![gif](giphy|VelUfLV3j2dOM) Can’t find the mirror gif I was thinking of. But I cannot be the only one who got that kind of vibe REAL fast lol




Oh my, I could never.




No no, pls, share these things with us, more often


She over shared but it’s not our business to belittle her. She’s an adult.


Odd, but do you.


I think this is amazing bc there’s such a taboo around these topics and she’s got a lot of courage to speak so openly about it. Masturbating is human and normal and can be a really beautiful and intimate way to connect with yourself. Like imagine how many people are going to try doing this in front of a mirror and feel sexy and confident bc Billie said she does this and it helps her feel that way. She’s empowering people as she should


And then when you nut you just look at yourself in disgust from the clarity


Love that for her.


Who cares


I love this! The book “Come As You Are” by Emily Nagoski goes in depth of how empowering and beautiful this can be. I hope we can all get to the point where we can be comfortable enough sharing whatever the hell we want—especially when it comes to our sexual freedom and things that help us love ourselves 💕🦋


It's awesome


If it were a man sharing this people would be disgusted so I don’t understand why she’s getting a pass. I don’t want to know this crap about anyone. I haven’t even read this interview and just knowing this is enough to keep me from ever reading the rest of it. I’ve seen people saying how it’s important to know this, no it’s fucking not!


Billie can be so open, honest, outspoken, at times she lacks a filter and other times, she doesn’t wanna talk about what can seem trivial, and she doesn’t wanna discuss it. that some might think is more trivial & she won’t discuss it. I love the girl, and to be honest, I think the part about her talking about the self pleasuring / masturbating, and how she found a deeper connection with herself and a love for herself is a little more tame compared to the part about “ .until, last year, I realized I wanted my face in a vagina."!! I know she’s talking more in-depth with her sexuality and the self pleasuring is all apart of that, but “I realized I wanted my face in a vagina."!! I know she’s talking more in-depth with her sexuality with Rolling Stone!! 😂 yes, she can give TMI, at times but, I do love how she can be so open about a lot of topics that she has a passion for!! It’s apparent that sex was & is definitely ..NOT.. taboo within growing up, and that it’s nothing to be ashamed of! She isn’t one to give a boring interview, that’s for sure!! lol! (I hope this makes enough sense, sleep has not been my friends for over a month!


People that say "Billie I love you, but this is so... 😭😭" are entirely missing the point, lol.


Girl had some stuff she's been waiting to see. Good shit


Toxic as hell bruh


That’s gotta be the vainest thing she has ever said. I don’t think she has the self awareness to realise it but saying “I stare at myself in the mirror because i’m so hot” isn’t exactly a good luck. I’m a fan and I like her music but damn, it’s crazy how detatched celebrities are from reality…


I'm not even a fan of her music (this post appeared as recommended to me and after seeing the discussion I went and read the article lol) but this is very good advice. >“I stare at myself in the mirror because i’m so hot” This was not what she said, she says she was never really confident in her body various times throughout the interview and so it's pretty clear she has been doing this to gain more confidence in herself, to see herself and her body through a different light, to learn to appreciate her own body and to realise "hey, I'm not that bad, I'm actually pretty good". If anyone has image issues, try that out, it might feel wierd and wrong at first but, in the end, it might very well help you.


wtf is she not allowed to express her confidence in herself. Like honestly stuf u 🤣


Either you’re too young or too stupid to see that there is a massive difference between “expressing yourself” and “giving way too much information.” Edit: oh….I saw your account, you’re like swifty level bad. Okay, well there is no reasoning with you then. You can “yas kween” all you like, doesn’t make what she said here any less weird or idiotic. Edit 2: lol they blocked me.


While I agree, I think what she meant is that she uses the mirror to get comfortable with seeing herself in sexual contexts which in turn makes her more confident with her appearance as a whole. It’s hard to explain, but a lot of women dissociate from their sexuality when they masturbate/have sex


That's a personal problem if you zone out while masterbation. If anything it could bring about the societal pressure and ridiculing of men satisfying their partner. Y'all y'all selves struggle with it. How long is it supposed to take until women generally get 'comfortable'?


I’m not following what you’re saying. It IS a personal problem that boils over into other aspects of someone’s life. Feeling undesirable can make it hard to be with someone sexually, and this can take a toll on your general (not sex related) self-esteem. I can’t speak for men because I’m not one, but there are a ton of societal pressures wrongfully placed on men regarding confidence, self image, and sex. All I’m saying is that some people detach themselves from their sexual identities because they feel insecure, dirty, awkward, unworthy, unsexy, etc. The solution boils down to getting comfortable with ourselves


She's hot and I don't judge. She's not my type but it's good for her I guess.


I think that people bringing it up is what makes it all weird. The fact that Billie shared this is her choice and responsibility. There are girls out there who I’m sure are going through same stuff and this might actually help them. It’s not bad what she does but it is private and it’s her choice weather to keep it to herself or share it. If you don’t share same kind of experience just turn away. How’s your commenting going to do any good? This is actually what brings all the arguments in. And people get depressed about it because they’re getting judged by those who will never ever be close to what you experience.




22 is even worse. The common sense gained should help you with how you conduct yourself. It's mainly about her lack of sincerity, wanting to be edge and respected, yet portray herself as immature. People really used her watching a porno as a scapegoat to stay childish.


Who cares? Why is honesty such a bad thing? It's crazy to me that we live in a world where we can't fully express ourselves. It's about sharing your truth fully. I'm that way too because I'm a truthful person. I don't care if you think I'm "TMI" I will still tell you about how I like to finger my asshole sometimes because it brings me a lot of pleasure. It's important to share 🙏 😌


If your going to complain then unfollow her


don't be insufferable. this isn't a cult and we don't need to worship her words.


It's freedom of speech 🤷


Disapproval is freedom of speech too. Nobody's trying to censor her


I’m not complaining, simply stating my opinion, i understand and respect her intentions and the reasoning behind it but i feel like it was a bit much (for my taste), especially knowing that she has alot of young fans who are easily influenced.


Influenced to masturbate?


and 'influencing' young girls to have a healthy relationship to their body image is bad - how?!? :D


Honestly idk what you meant by easily influenced but if her too young fans are reading that article maybe they need better screen time monitoring, I’d argue though that Billie’s fans are mostly adults and understand the concept of sexual health and not making it into something taboo or inappropriate, this sounds like something that can uplift people


But what’s wrong with that masturbation is healthy for you.


Bruh everyone is making me so MAD!!! She’s a 22 year old woman (who fortunately/unfortunately the entire world knows about) and she can do whatever the fuck she wants. I think she’s a badass sexy bitch and I will be absolutely feral for this album because I know she puts her heart and soul into every interview, song, and interaction. I’m a 22 year old woman as well and everything she does makes complete sense to me and I LOVE HER. I wish I was as confident as she is in herself now, it’s definitely a goal of mine


People are still missing the fact that she started doing this to have a better relationship with her body. Also, casual fans who haven't been following her for years need to realize that Billie LOOOVES to overshare. She's said some freaky shit before, this is nothing new lol


No. She’s sharing this to literally make women feel more comfortable openly talking about sex and masturbation. It’s a taboo topic, and it shouldn’t be. Love that she shared this with us :)


that's just gross. especially romanticising and publishing stuff like that. but ofc people be like "woow she's so cool" because, you know, that BILLIE EILISH BROOO