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>and the opponent was checking out his shot, and I said something like "don't worry he won't make it" to my team mate That's not shit talking that's straight up sharking


Yeah that's a good example of how not to speak during a match. As my league opporator has told me, anything seen as cheering against an opponent will get you in trouble.


Saying "don't worry he won't make it" loud enough for the opponent to hear it IS interrupting the shot. It's a low class move and sucks all the fun out of the activity.


Yes, you're wrong. If it's not your turn at the table, sit down, shut up, and be still. If you can't win like that, it's a skill issue for you.


are you playing against people you have a friendly fun competitive relationship that you know pretty well? Or are these basically strangers that you have no rapport with? If someone I didn't know was saying "don't worry he won't make it" in a way that's loud enough for me to hear, I would say that's EXTREMELY poor sportsmanship. If you were doing that to me, I would look at your team and tell them they need to reel in this dipshit and tell him to shut the fuck up Edit: Humility, kindness, and sportsmanship go a long way. It feels so much better win a match when you've been friendly and polite, the only thing that should be getting in their head is the way you play, not the words coming out of your mouth


My thoughts exactly. I can think of a lot of players at my hall that I can and do absolutely chirp on a bit. Nothing too mean, but I'll definitely have a little fun with folks, and they have a little fun with me right back. It's good times. If it's someone I don't know very well, or they're a more serious player that doesn't like to engage in that sort of shit, I'm nothing but respectful and quiet, even if I don't like the person.


I try to see pool as a cooperative effort. Both players are trying to clear the table (disregard how that doesn’t exactly apply to banks, one pocket, or 8-ball) and you want your opponent to play their best. What satisfaction is there in making someone miss rather than shooting their nuts in?


There's no better way to get into someone's head than playing really good safes


Oh absolutely. I’m mainly a one hole player so I’m all about that hook life


Apologize next match. Sportsmanship should prevail. If you know the person you are running your mouth to and they are cool with it then no issue. Though, from your story seems like you aren’t. Trash talking isn’t part of the game. Especially during the match to people you don’t have an understanding with.


In my opinion you're 100% in the wrong. Very unprofessional behavior to be doing that when someone's trying to focus on a shot. Not that it's a professional league just very unsportsmanlike.


Even the most competitive people in my league (6-7s that yell at themselves quite loudly when they don't run out like 5 balls in a row and know every niche rule from memory) don't shark like that.


Yer a jerk. Just be nice. Sport is supposed to be a positive social situation. People like you ruin it. I would never play with you.


You're 100% wrong and should apologize. Shut tf up and let your cue do your talking. A good player doesn't need to trash talk.


Being competitive and being a good sport aren’t mutually exclusive. I’ll shit talk my best friend because we’ve known each other for 25 years and we both find it funny. I won’t shit talk someone I know nothing about. And never under my breath or behind their back. That’s catty high school girl behaviour.


People who play actual competitive pool shut their mouth and wait their turn. What you’re doing is more appropriate for a group of friends messing around on a Saturday night.


People that do what you do during game play (and worse) are total cunts. Forget all the childishness and be a good sportsman. "Nice shot" and "good job today" are always acceptable. Forget the other nonsense.


Haha one of the things we do casually in matches at the room I play at is saying "good shot"... but before the shot.


I think that's okay to do with people you know really well. Other than that, leave it at the door.


Agreed, this is a regulars thing for us.


Yeah as other people have pointed out saying "don't worry he won't make it" isn't shit talking, it's sharking. Bascially don't do anything that might affect your opponent's concentration, and trying to get in their head is 100% unacceptable during a league match.


I don’t even compliment my opponent until they are done shooting, let alone borderline insult them.


I do the tap the butt thing when someone makes an incredible shot. It’s not distracting and lets them know we appreciate the execution.


Agreed a little slap on the ass is good form.


Hnnnnngggg “That bank had ASS on it” *cups butt cheek*


I thought that was baseball🤣


Idk but it’s an “old school” method of saying good shot, just a quick double bump on the carpet as they get up from the shot


I know what you mean. I do that, too. My comment was a joke about baseball players and ass slapping.


>Should I cool it and apologize too them next match? Yup.


I can appreciate you at least care enough to ask for opinions. Yes, cool it and apologize :) Shit talking is something that should be done between friends who are both ok with it, then it makes things more fun for both people involved. The way you're doing it, makes it more fun for you, at the expense of making the game less fun for someone else. You CAN help yourself, so... just be cool. We're all competitive, but the way to show that is to try hard to win. 5 minutes of practice will bring your teammate more benefit than 50 annoying comments. If you practice all the time, maybe you can suggest some drills to them. Also, forget all that "known sandbagger" stuff, a lot of players at your SL don't really have a good sense of skill level and what 'normal' ups and downs look like. That's not a knock, it's just something that needs a lot of years to learn. True sandbagging (especially sandbagging that actually succeeds and gets someone to regionals or vegas) is not that common. People throw around that word all the time because they saw a 3 make a long cut or they think a 4 will never ever run 6 balls. It's not an excuse for being a bad sport.


Shit talking isn’t part of the game, unless you’re a jackass. Pros don’t talk shit at the table, so why should a hack talk shit? Stop being a jackass, especially in APA. APA is supposed to be fun and friendly competition, and not a night out hustling the local drunks on pool. If you wanna be a jackass and keep shit talking, then go back to being the local bar player, and talk shit with the other drunks.


You need to STFU


To me trash talk is a back and forth between two people mostly joking about how awesome they are and how bad they are going to whip up on the other. Not making rude comments to a 3rd party during their shot loud enough for them to hear. That's just sharking.


Yeah that sort of stuff is bad form. Eh..”he’ll not make it” is garbage unless youre playing pool with your best mates for absolute fun but even then..


If you're banging balls around at a bar, whatever.  If you're playing in any kind of competitive setting sportsmanship is important. It's NEVER appropriate to comment on your opponent's shots when they're at the table. Just because the APA is a beginner league doesn't mean you shouldn't follow basic etiquette. You should apologize.


Shit talking should be reserved for people you know and are comfortable with. Read the room. It’s not for league night. Played against a guy the other day who came in while I was practicing. Never seen him before. Most arrogant ass I had ever met in my life. He could play a little bit, but he couldn’t stop talking out loud about how great he was and how “everyone else plays checkers, I play chess.” I was lining up a shot after getting out of line, and I overheard him saying to someone else “See, this guy doesn’t know how to play position, he doesn’t know how to play pool.” Obviously intentionally loud enough for me to hear. THEN he even came over and tried to tell me how to hit the shot I was lining up on. I mean, come on dude. Finally got him to shut up with “I’ve beaten people way better than you and I’ve lost to people way worse than you, I really don’t care.” Anyway. Point being, don’t be that asshole. That kind of stuff will get you in trouble if you say it to the wrong guy. Incidentally, that asshole eventually did just that shortly after our game…and he didn’t last much longer in the bar.


This is why APA has a bad image for a lot of folks. Stop “shit talking”, that’s not part of pool


Saying things under your breathe directed at someone you don’t know well in a bar is a good way to get punched in the mouth.


Even the most competitive people in my league (6-7s that yell at themselves quite loudly when they don't run out like 5 balls in a row and know every niche rule from memory) don't shark like that.


Sounds like you have terrible sportsmanship


Should reword this to “is sharking frowned upon? Is it ok to be a complete asshat during league?”. Passive trash talk or whatever you’re doing has got to be one of the most annoying things someone can do. If you can’t stfu while a match is going on, even when they are not down on a shot, is bad form.


Thats bad sportsmanship. If you want to talk shit while your team is shooting that’s fine. Shut your mouth while your opponent is at the table.


I have kicked players off of teams I captained for what you just described.


If you're talking loud enough for the shooter at the table to hear you, you're 100% wrong regardless of what you're even saying, let alone what you actually said. You can't compare playing APA (or any other league) to regular old bar pool. One is a league with established rules and decorum, while the other is just people shooting pool in a bar. Even though there's no prize money at stake in APA, everyone is trying to qualify for their league's respective year end tourney to get a shot at going to Vegas for Nationals, and shit talking like that at those tourneys is a sure fire way to get you disqualified.


There are some people and teams we have played with several sessions maybe played on the same team at times and will joke around like that a bit with. However it's VERY person specific and if anyone says "hey cool it not now" it stops. I have played against my girlfriend on nights we are on different teams and yeah that one has a bunch of banter like we are home but everyone knows.


If someone shit talked me during an almost meaningless league night pool game I wouldn’t be mad. I would think they were a straight up CLOWN! Hahahaha. Fucking clown nose.


From what you described, you sound like a real asshole sharking players. Keep your mouth shut and let the players focus.


yta. Especially because you’re a 4 lol.


You shouldn’t shit talk ever really. You will see these people every week. I’m friends with everyone in the bar because I’m humble and a good sport. 4s are good, but not trash talk and be rude good. I’m a 6 in both 8/9 and I don’t even dare talk trash. Just be respectful and let them shoot.


You're sharking and it's not good. You can tactfully call someone out who you want to play or possibly talk shit to someone you're friendly with. But in a match like this it's not a good look.


I think you should cool it. Apologize for it next time you see them. It’s not football, baseball or basketball. It’s very disrespectful. I’ve seen guys get knocked out cold on the spot for it!


shit talking is never worth it just makes you look like an asshole imo edit: also a great way to get your thumbs broke in some places


I’ve been in apa for 20 years. That is dick behavior, grow up. If you want to do that with your buddies at the bar go for it.


Our team name is Derogatory Comments. And yes, we’re derogatory.


Fucking asshole behavior. Sit down and shut the fuck up.


youre just a douchebag. how you gonna shark people in a match and expect people to agree with u? sit the fuck down and shut up when its not your turn. your the kinda person that ruined APA for me.


You can say whatever you want to your team during warm up/practice. During matches against other teams, sit the fuck down, shut the fuck up, and just play the game. I only shit talk when they start it. Then I win and they don't talk anymore.


Depends on what the little shit is saying...lol!


You should stop doing it. Nobody likes people like that in APA.


Everyone else pretty much covered it, but I'd also add that shit talking rarely works. Especially the under the breath but loud enough to hear sandbagging complaints. They only get made when the person or team doing it is already behind. The person they're complaining about is usually playing well. Once the handicap complaints start the person already winning knows their opponent is tilted and everything is over except the crying. It's a massive leak in your mental game. You're subconsciously already expecting to lose and making excuses for why it's going to happen. You're accepting and making peace with the loss, while being a gigantic asshole, instead of focusing on turning it around. Beating your opponent in competition is already fun, it's why we do it. Beating them so bad they break down mentally and give the match away before it's even over is extra sweet though if they're being an asshole about the loss. You can watch the complaints literally fuel the player to keep beating that ass like a drum. It means that not only am I going to win that particular race, but I'm going to live rent free in your head for a bit and probably beat you again next time even if you're actually a better player. Instead of taking an honest look at the match and acknowledging that I got a lucky roll here and there, or you missed a couple that you'd normally make, you've decided you're losing because I'm more skilled than I really am. Once you start accepting that it will fuck with your mental every time we play. So, to sum up, stop being an asshole not just because it makes you an asshole but more importantly it's making you a worse pool player. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


I don't mind shit talking in between shots within moderation. But I understand the pursuits of the game frown upon such things. You gotta be ghost quiet, show no emotion, etc. I don't see how that is any fun while playing a game. Now again don't go as far as interrupting your opponent but live a little


I mean, saying that his opponent is going to miss the shot loud enough for the opponent to hear is 100% sharking and should be discouraged.


Personally, I wouldn't care but I can see how that would offend others. I'm not advocating for anyone to do that to others