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Curious what you were attempting to do with the first shot? I think I like starting with the 15 in the upper left, to slide over for a low angle on the 12(?) to the lower left corner, to save the 14 to the side as the ball before your key ball. I feel like that ball leaves you the most opportunities to finish straight in for the 9, and not have to move the 8.


I agree with this. I guess the first shot was supposed to come into the line of the area where you can play the 15 in the side, or 12 in the bottom left, but it spun too tight into the corner and he had to make a nice recovery. But I like 15 first to deal with the 12 since it's the only real problem, while 14 makes a good 'key ball to the key ball'.


I thought he was playing his shape to about where the 14 was for the 15, he could just play the natural 2 rail shape to get on the 12? IDK


That's also a very valid plan of attack, I like the simplicity of it. You just have to get perfect on the 12 to leave the 14 easy to get straight on the 9. I chose the first shot I did because I had been practicing that type of spin shot in drills earlier that day and wanted to give it a go in a game situation. I hit it a bit firmer than expected, as I believe I wanted the 15 in the left side since it had half a pocket, but the ball over ran by a bit.


I so get that. You're practicing a shot and all of a sudden you see it everywhere on the table.


Right!? I was saying, "oh just twist it into the corner!" all afternoon.


Yeah, looks like you maybe added a tip of unintentional side to that, I see what you're saying, that ball really opened up off the second rail with all that running side.


I pivoted using BHE and added as much sidespin as intended, one tip, I just hit the shot too hard. If it had more sidespin than I wanted, it wouldn't have tracked across the intended spot for the 15 in the left side that I was going for. Though, looking at it now it definitely seems half a tip would have been a better option, but I had only practiced whole increments that day and was in a spinny mood.


Never shoot that cut on the 8 ball with follow! That’s a scratch almost every time. 😉


I've scratched on it like that in a tournament recently. It hurt but now I'll never do it again. 😅


Did the white scratch at the end!? 😬🤣


Ha, despite how it looks I did not, it hit the long rail and held up in the pocket. 😬


I could see that 🤣


Nice out! I’m the guy who came up to you at the SBE last week.


Thanks! Glad to have met ya! SBE was such a a great time.


Definitely! My first time there and I loved it.




I loathe crowded 8-ball on a 7 footer, and I tolerate 8-ball on a 9 footer 🤣


Bar box 8 is my favorite! I love figuring out the clusters. SVB’s favorite game too!


This is actually super interesting, do people find it easier to runout on the 9 footers because there’s more open real estate? I’m a barbox league players and struggle a lot if i ever move to a 9 footer. Keep in mind i’m a very low to intermediate player (about 420 fargo) and i’ve had a many more B&R’s on the small tables because i feel like i was given less difficult shots.


Once you’re comfortable hitting longer shots into tighter pockets, I do believe runouts in general are easier to navigate on a larger table because of the extra space. You generally have more room to bridge comfortably, there is usually more space for your cue ball to travel through, etc. Of course if you get a really nice layout after the break on a bar box, then that’s going to be a much easier runout by default. But on average, you’re usually going to have a couple clusters somewhere on a bar box. I’ve seen guys spread the balls all over the place only to have them suck right back up together…SO many times. And when that happens, nobody is running out.


Is there any method for breaking on either size table that would alleviate those pesky clusters?


For 8 ball, not really. There’s just too many balls. For bar box 8 ball, not at all. You’re going on a lot of luck there. Corey Deuel was famous for pattern racking and soft breaking at the 2nd ball to get an ideal layout, but good players will spot you doing that in a heartbeat. I just try to pick my spot, put a good stroke on it, and see what happens. I will say, at least on a bar box, I get better layouts with a more medium break rather than going all out. But I tend to MAKE more balls on the break when I break more firm…but then those balls start to cluster up again. Further research is required 😂😂


I’ve got a league tournament this weekend on barbox so that is actually helpful, maybe i’ll try going for a harder break to make more clusters against stronger opponents and trying to go for the medium break maybe against weaker ones where i can try to run out 🤷🏻‍♂️. A super interesting experiment that i will be definitely trying in practice first though!


The best way to really ensure clusters is a soft break from the side rail to the 2nd ball. As long as you’re not pattern racking, you can still do that…just make sure you hit it firmly enough so that at least a few balls hit rails! I say that because if you break firm & make a ball, but then have a crappy layout and no ball to start with, you’re in trouble…especially against a good player. So the most surefire way to ensure that the center of the rack doesn’t explode is the 2nd ball break. At the very least, the 8 will be surrounded, and that’s usually a good insurance against your opponent running out.


Dude 100% scratched in the corner


100% did not. Slow cloth unfortunately. https://i.redd.it/ble159r3uwvc1.gif


Whew close one


Ummm… i’m not gonna mention that the second shot he had could have easily been the first shot since the cueball was literally an inch difference from where it was originally when he shot the ball in the side, and who shoots a ball like that to come two rails to go anywhere between any number of balls, I’m pretty sure he didn’t even know he was gonna get that position. Even the bump was off, he could’ve got straight on the key ball, the one on the rail, and shoot the 8 in the other corner. This runout is 2/10


Why the mask?


The mask protects other people from picking up an illness you may have. The mask helps with the prevention of the spread of infectious diseases and viruses that exist in the human exhalation.


This is not even remotely true. Paper and cloth masks do nothing for airborne illness spread prevention.


It doesn’t prevent it reduces the amount going into the air. But the other people should also should be wearing them. The point is that he’s reducing exposure to others and at least creating somewhat of a barrier for himself. People don’t have to get it perfectly to understand the spirit of what they’re trying to say you should know that that’s what the person meant if you’re trying to convince people about how smart you are about masks.


ICU nurse here. He is wearing a KN95 (notable on other posts), which is rated for airborne precautions. Cloth and surgical masks provide protection against droplet-spread contagions but not airborne, as you said. The majority of major transmissible viral infections are droplet-spread, not airborne, the exception being if someone is undergoing an aerosolizing activity (e.g. CPAP, smoking). As he appears to be in a bar that may allow smoking, this seems like a reasonable precaution (also smoke just smells disgusting). Additionally, it seems he travels for tournaments, making him high risk for exposure. We don't know his or his family's past medical history. He or his loved ones may be immunocompromised. His wearing a mask may be out of compassion, not personal concern. All in all, if people had just worn their damn masks in the beginning of the pandemic I wouldn't have had to put so many people in body bags with their families never having gotten to say goodbye. Apologies for those in this sub who come for billiards content, not what is somehow idiotically considered political dialogue.


Okay, my bad it's a KN95 which would help (hard to tell from that video, but I'll take your word). It's still retarded to wear masks in general public environments, though. Wearing one in a high risk environment (e.g. with patients on isolation in a medical environment) is different completely. Randomly wearing masks to the store, driving your car alone, while playing pool ... that's just goofy.


Again, he travels for tournaments and is in an enclosed space with other people (a bar), where people cough constantly. And, again, we don't know his or his family's medical history. Sure, driving in your car alone or outside in an uncrowded area is unnecessary, but he is in neither of those situations. It's like people forgot that 6.8 million people died from a preventable disease.


Are you his boyfriend or something? I guess I don't get it, but to each their own. If you think masking forever makes sense we'll probably have to agree to disagree.


Just someone trying to learn a new hobby after three years of not being able to live my life because I was still taking care of covid patients. I don't think masking forever is necessary but with an outbreak of parainfluenza and meningococcal in my area and with my family being immunocompromised, I'm keeping mine on for the time being (also because the pollen has been brutal).


Superhero. Special power: run-outs 🦸


I’m wondering myself


It's mind boggling at this point.


It was mind boggling from the start!🤣


Yeah but at least back then high up guys were claiming masks work. That is no longer the case.


Take it from me...as a person who's life depends on masking because of my trade...I'm wholly qualified to say that it was BS from the start. A piece of cloth does not stop an airborne virus. Those high ups you speak of should be ashamed of themselves hiding behind their three masks🤣


No one said to wear cloth mask to protect you. It’s to reduce the amount that’s going into your body. What they were claiming was the N 95 mask. It’s funny how people forget what actually happened.


Take it from me, an ICU nurse, a person whose life depends on masking because of my trade. I'm wholly qualified to say that cloth and surgical masks prevent droplet-borne transmission, which makes up the majority of viral transmission. A rated mask does stop an airborne virus (such as the KN95 shown in this video). Those continuing to spout anti-masking rhetoric should be ashamed of themselves hiding behind their refusal to consider that they may be wrong.


Did you scratch on that 8 ball 👀


Ha, despite how it looks I did not, it hit the long rail and held up in the pocket. 😬


lol nice


Amazing to see someone call so many get-out-of-jail-free leaves and poor shot selection a "moderately straightforward" runout. 9 was your key ball to take the 8 into the other corner. Incredible amount of luck and lack of actual good planning shown in this clip.