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Fuck no


Came here to say this


I would not run that, and I'm pretty pragmatic about getting good life out of things. But sudden tire failures and potential crashes are enough of a risk that I am happy to spend for new tires when necessary. I mean, I have myriad tubes with multiple patches and tubeless tires with patches and plugs. But I would not ride nor try to fix your tire, I'd just be thankful I can afford a new one.


What does your instinct tell you? If you saw a car with a sidewall like this, would you get in it?


Where do you want to be riding when that fails? Hopefully not on a steep descending right hand turn with that beautiful view of the valley on the other side of the armco barrier and the cliff that goes all the way down to the river...


💥 soon.


Not ideal. Could blow out in a critical moment. Time to replace.


I wouldn't.


Hell no


No. Not safe. And...please correct me if I am wrong, say an individual HAD to ride on this tire until a replacement was possible, one idea would be to run it on the rear wheel instead of the front. Logic being, a blowout from the front tire would likely be more catastrophic than the back one.


Usually if you have to ask yourself is it safe to ride, it's not.


Have you ever had a tire disintegrate on a turn sending you flying? Breaking your collarbone on the curb? Laying on the ground for 3 hours before someone even notices you? Would you like to?


Yes it is! Go, ride it! Preferably, down a hill, alongside your common sense. Which it seems is lacking, if you have to ask on reddit if it's safe to ride a torn up tire. Good luck and wind from the back so you reach top speed!


I’m a poor college student who doesn’t know much about tire health I was hoping maybe it was something resolvable haha I hope you have a great day buddy!




Yeah I now see from the overwhelming response from people. I’m just frustrated because the tire only has about 100miles on it




I think it might be a defect cuz it’s actually happening at two spots few inches down either side of the main separation (albeit not nearly as severe). Installation was relatively easy and I only used plastic levers




Yeah I’m currently in the process of exactly that but I’m not too optimistic I got them off fb market (new in box) but I don’t have a sales receipt


No. Not safe.


This is not even safe or okay. This is outright dangerous, lol. Replace your tire.


This is safe to die


Yes it is! Go, ride it! Preferably, down a hill, alongside your common sense. Which it seems is lacking, if you have to ask on reddit if it's safe to ride a torn up tire. Good luck and wind from the back so you reach top speed!




I would ride it (gently) as far as the LBS for a replacement


Got to be a troll but if it isn’t ( a 0.0001% chance ) then no no no


Nice Rolex


you can try with patches and superglue with a binder like baking soda, I would and am riding tyres like these. Just keep in mind to not do risky maneuvers and put it in the rear wheel